Best PvP class

BirdmanZ - Sanctuary
BirdmanZ - Sanctuary Posts: 6 Arc User
edited March 2010 in General Discussion
Im looking for the best PvP class and advice. Good at 1v1 and usefull in TW would be nice.
Post edited by BirdmanZ - Sanctuary on


  • AngryMom - Dreamweaver
    AngryMom - Dreamweaver Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barbs take 5 people to kill them and wizards can kill 5 people at once. Take your pick :P I personally love being a BladeMaster :D

    (stares at the screen for a few seconds and starts banging his head on the desk)

    This must be the will of the Mods!

    "I am a Blademaster
    I fight For the squad, though I am not needed in the squad
    I die for the squad, so no one else does
    I defend myself, while others are occupied
    I am the heart of combat
    I live to die so you dont have to

    Please Dont thank me, I do not need it" BIaze_
  • Skybelle - Sanctuary
    Skybelle - Sanctuary Posts: 595 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heavy Armor Fist Cleric. b:surrender
    my C H A R A C T E R S ; feel free to message me in game.
    Skybelle (cleric; currently on break) | Psybelle (psychic; rarely on) | Cocobelle (veno; current main)
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    none of them... depends what you do with the character. It does not take 5 people to kill anything.... just depends on their armor refines... if you hit them with a non-refined weapon not equal to their gear then of course one person will have trouble with them.

    But the game gives you more control over what your character can resist than most other MMOs I've played. So therefore any class can be the best class... just depends on how you want to play... and what you want to sacrifice in order to kill certain classes consistently..
  • MistaBwanden - Sanctuary
    MistaBwanden - Sanctuary Posts: 2,803 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    What's a priest?
  • Ascii - Harshlands
    Ascii - Harshlands Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heavy Armor Fist Cleric. b:surrender b:shockedb:shockedb:shocked
  • Boozer - Lost City
    Boozer - Lost City Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barb and wizard endgame. Demon fist BM is rather beast to, same for a high lvl well geared veno that knows how to chains stun and kite.

    Humans and Untamed are all relatively balanced but elfs in general (archers + clerics) have the least "benefits" and the biggest weaknesses in pvp compared to the others.

    Even if clerics have heals, shield and sleep/seals to stay alive they lack strong attack spells to out-DD someones charm and archers are just gimped in general, the class is created under the assumption that evasion makes a difference in pvp - which we all know is bs. Developers kinda **** up on that one so archers gets 1-3 shoot by everyone 90+ unless they spend thousands of $$$ on gear.

    No clue about the tideborns, they don't even have triple spark and demon/sage skills yet so at the moment they kinda suck endgame. I guess it will change tho once they get patched.
  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Heavy Armor Fist Cleric. b:surrender

    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(
  • Ascii - Harshlands
    Ascii - Harshlands Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Barb and wizard endgame. Demon fist BM is rather beast to, same for a high lvl well geared veno that knows how to chains stun and kite.

    Humans and Untamed are all relatively balanced but elfs in general (archers + clerics) have the least "benefits" and the biggest weaknesses in pvp compared to the others.

    Even if clerics have heals, shield and sleep/seals to stay alive they lack strong attack spells to out-DD someones charm and archers are just gimped in general, the class is created under the assumption that evasion makes a difference in pvp - which we all know is bs. Developers kinda **** up on that one so archers gets 1-3 shoot by everyone 90+ unless they spend thousands of $$$ on gear.

    No clue about the tideborns, they don't even have triple spark and demon/sage skills yet so at the moment they kinda suck endgame. I guess it will change tho once they get patched.


    You were Saying?
  • Divine_Death - Dreamweaver
    Divine_Death - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,491 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Lulz, garnet shards in leggings.
    Damn, Ascii, you hit like a wiz lol.

    "Closing this for excess letter Q's" - hawk
  • Must - Lost City
    Must - Lost City Posts: 555 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Lulz, garnet shards in leggings.
    Damn, Ascii, you hit like a wiz lol.

    We dont know wt is the lvl or gears of the ppl he is hitting and that makes a huuuuugeee diference .....

    Btw he has a nice hp too i guess i wont neeed zerk or crtical to one shoot him with armaggedon, and if not its 2 3 shoots with another skills...

    And seeing is hp he doesnt have a good refine gear for a lvl 100 cleric, so i guess his wep is not good also so i bet hes hitting lower players with tempest,,,,,
  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No cash shoper option ?
    Anyway all depend to the player, who know ? We might see uber player actually coming from non pvp oriented class. b:chuckle
    (like on some other game)
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Gromskull - Harshlands
    Gromskull - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Have you ever been hit by a barb with lvl 11 arma (perdition). I haven't :)))))))) But saw a friend doing it. And let me tell you, 1 shoting a bm is not a big problem :P
  • VlLKASS - Sanctuary
    VlLKASS - Sanctuary Posts: 1,396 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Have you ever been hit by a barb with lvl 11 arma (perdition). I haven't :)))))))) But saw a friend doing it. And let me tell you, 1 shoting a bm is not a big problem :P

    Must have been one fail a debuffed-unbuffed-npcgear-unprepared BM & a very high hp/mp demon barb that crit with+12zercs <_<

    I'd consider my gear sort of decent... I tried lvl 11 arma on bms <_< ehhh b:surrender Wasn't anywhere near a 1 shot...
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You were Saying?

    Tempest is great on lowbies. Yes, you in particular would really know. You rage-quit/got booted from QQme cause everyone ganked you for killing lowbies and giving the guild an even worse name than it could have. lol Harsh memories, eh?
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Kyourimaru - Lost City
    Kyourimaru - Lost City Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Realistically all classes are good in certain situations, and rely directly upon their user.
    PVP wise, veno with nix is a problem for most people xD but usually it just depends on charms/who atks first, and ofc how much they cashop. TW wise all classes play their part to.
  • Alliptica - Raging Tide
    Alliptica - Raging Tide Posts: 1,545 Arc User
    edited March 2010


    now playing megaten and...Forsaken World ;)
  • Starchief - Sanctuary
    Starchief - Sanctuary Posts: 606 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    BMS FTW >:O we pwnz0r all..... cept sneaky archers >.<
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    BMS FTW >:O we pwnz0r all..... cept sneaky archers >.<

    Really? I'm far more worried about mages than I am archers. Nothing more painful than a well geared 10x mage, IMO.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    You were Saying?

    Any caster that's pure magic build will hit hard if they debuff + triple spark + ulti and specially if its on a lower lvl barb with terrible magic defense or if they crit.

    Sadly you cant rely on 1 triple spark ulti in pvp against players same lvl and similar gear 1v1. And with your low hp you will get **** on, or have to run sz, after you used your ulti and the target just avoided it popping absolute domain.

    In case of clerics, they really only have 2 skills that does decent dmg in pvp, thunder wield and tempest - the last one needs 2 sparks. Cyclone and plume shoot is kinda lulz. To make them somewhat more balanced against barbs, fist Bms ,wizards and even venos endgame they should get 1 more offensive skill imo. I guess you can disagree since many consider clerics a support class mainly.
  • Ascii - Harshlands
    Ascii - Harshlands Posts: 450 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Tempest is great on lowbies. Yes, you in particular would really know. You rage-quit/got booted from QQme cause everyone ganked you for killing lowbies and giving the guild an even worse name than it could have. lol Harsh memories, eh?

    Ajade : 9x blademaster, cleric buffed: took 20.3k damage
    Lyken_ 94+ Barb, buffed took 29k damage
    UberSkillz: 92 FULLY BUFFED bm, was using magic marrow: took 17k damage

    i have a TT90 weapon at level 100 becouse i havent had the time to farm, imagine what i would of hit if i had my TT99 gold weapon or Nivana weapon even.

    level 101 super cashshopper Fist bm TT100 Warsoul fists, tt99 gears, buffed, magic marrow. One hit.

    for all thoes people saying them hits were on lowbes with no gears on ect, just ask yourself, why would they even try to fight without stuf on? K Thanks Bye.
  • Nasume - Lost City
    Nasume - Lost City Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    best cleric
    notice there are free points use for whatever idc

  • Lycanthar - Sanctuary
    Lycanthar - Sanctuary Posts: 389 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Re: Ascii xtreme pwnage

    1. Demon Wield Thunder.
    2. Frenzy.
    3. Extreme Poison.
    4. Nuke.
    5. GG.

    Nice work bud. b:victory
    ==Sanctuary's Last Demon Barbarian== ... (lol strife)

    Off through the new day's mist, I run
    Out from the new day's mist, I have come
    We shift, pulsing with the earth
    Company we keep, roaming the land while you sleep...
  • Collapse - Harshlands
    Collapse - Harshlands Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    'Sins are really Over powered for killing single targets. They can spark in stealth (Completely broken imo), Increase rage and then pew pew any robe class in 3 seconds. They aint too abd at killing HA too. As for usefullness in TW, eh thats debatable. So far sins seem useless becuz anytime any1 sees them on their robes, they get 2 shot.
    Currently playing : |||| Waiting for:
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  • Collapse - Harshlands
    Collapse - Harshlands Posts: 467 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Re: Ascii xtreme pwnage

    1. Demon Wield Thunder.
    2. Frenzy.
    3. Extreme Poison.
    4. Nuke.
    5. GG.

    Nice work bud. b:victory

    Actually its more like:

    1) Sleep
    2) mdef debuff
    3) Taunt a little (hes so pro ya know)
    4) Cast Tempest (With extreme poison and frenzy of course)
    5) omg im so pro even-tho-this-never-works-in-grp-pvp-cuz-im-a-3-shot

    *Soz for doulbe double had too*
    Currently playing : |||| Waiting for:
    Allods |||||| G.W.2
    Bloodline Champions
  • Sinalee - Dreamweaver
    Sinalee - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    more or less a question of tactic behind what gear and which skills u use. Timing is also important.

    Find the play style that suits u best in PvE could be a start. Personally i prefere Veno =P