Anyone have any tips on how to heal?

Ramoose - Dreamweaver
Ramoose - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Cleric
I always get nervous when i am the only cleric and i sometimes over heal and take aggro at times :(
and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.
Post edited by Ramoose - Dreamweaver on


  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If you're taking aggro, it means that you healed whoever the mob was attacking before he/she established aggro on the mob. So either A: Tell said person to use more AoEs or B: Don't heal until you're confident he/she has aggro/will catch aggro.

    9x Demon Cleric
  • Mkto - Heavens Tear
    Mkto - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I always get nervous when i am the only cleric and i sometimes over heal and take aggro at times :(
    and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice.

    First thing and easies to do is try to manage your heals, try not to over heal, maybe you are getting heal aggro from loss mobs that the tank haven't attack yet.

    Try to heal the tank at least 2 times before he jumps into the mobs or mob, and wait for him for take aggro over all mobs before healing again.

    In case you take aggro heal (wich i think is what you are doing) you can use plume shell as soon as you see mobs running into you, then apply couple of IronHearts on you, then jump back to heal your tank.

    If the mobs that came after you are close range attackers you can use plume shell and use 1 IronHearth on you, then start running in circles around your tank or your party untill they take the mob away from you. *In case you are an experienced cleric you can just run around in circles and keep heaing your tank, but i will always recomend to heal your self, u can get kill at anytime if you are not prepare.

    If the mobs are long range physical attackers is better to use plume shell and do 3-5 ironhearts on you untill they take the mob away from you, like a mention earlier.

    If the mob is magical attacker just use ironheart on yourself, you will be ok until they take the mob away.

    Other thing u can do is launch once an a while Chromatic Healing Beam, the aoe healing, so ur teammates got heal too while they take mob away from you.

    and for last, in case you are taking agro heal and is a boss coming for you, better way is try to run away far from it but no so far from the tank, and use ur pots to heal yourself while tank get aggro again.

    *1 of the most common mistakes people do is that they run away so far from the squad, that the team end up following you and the mob it self, and as result you will get dead and maybe your team too.

    Try to always stay closer to your team, manage your healings, and keep your team alive. If none of this things help you, then you will have to become a better player and learn a better way to survive all by your self.
  • Nikamerece - Lost City
    Nikamerece - Lost City Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    First, the only way to not get aggro is to make sure that whomever you are healing, or someone else has aggro before you heal. It's easier for you to rez them than for you to die and have to come back into the instance or back to where you were.

    My healing strategies depend on where I am.

    FB/BH where the tank is taking epic damage:

    Wellspring > IH > Wellspring > Rejuvenation > repeat


    IH > Wellspring > Repeat or
    IH > IH > repeat or
    Wellspring > Rejuvenation

    It all depends on what is happening with who you are healing. Wellspring is good for quick healing. IH is good for healing that doesn't require too much constant large doses of healing, as it heals over time. This is great for bosses. Rejuvenation is nice for when being hit for a lot in a short amount of time. Right now mine is at level 2 and it heals for 750 + 26% of my base magic and does another 750 Heal Over Time.

    As you play more, you'll find that different heals apply to different situations. I must say though, I never use Pureheart unless it's to remind myself that it's there.

    And best of all --- don't be nervous about being the only cleric, especially if you've run the instance before or are familiar with the situation.

    Confidence is everything! b:victory
    Cleric Power! b:chuckle Clericism movement anyone? =D

    "We are not your slaves,
    We are not your babysitters,
    We are not your personal med-pack,
    We are Clerics, god dammit,
    And if your death means the survival of the squad as a whole,
    Well...I'll see you in hell..."
    -Sralyn [Dreamweaver]
  • Glerig - Heavens Tear
    Glerig - Heavens Tear Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well they gave good tips i wanna add just one more about taking aggro when the tank doesnt agrro every mob around... let him die b:angry

    joking but seriously, i dont start the healings till every mob get aggroed, a lot of times i let ppl die lol but when i feel like being nice i use plume shell and then start to heal, just in case a mob hit me and then i can yell at the stupid tank who didnt aggroed mobs b:laugh
  • Rumble - Harshlands
    Rumble - Harshlands Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    +1 for the poster above me. Let them die. If you haven't laid a heal on them and they don't aggro all the mobs then you won't get aggro when he's dead. So long as you're still alive that's all that matters since you can rez without wasting everyone's time and porting out. Then before you rez them you can explain the importantce of aggro-ing all mobs.

    It is usually in fb51 that I see a change in player prowess. As you go down the first few halls there is a group of mobs with one range mob around the corner. An inexperienced tank will run up to the center of the mobs, AoE and assume he has aggro on the ranged mob and that is all. Since it is around the corner the cleric can't see the graphics to know if that mob was aggro'd so what happens. Well if it is an experienced tank he will notice this right away and attack that ranged mob to get aggro. If it is an experienced cleric he will wait until he sees the tank do so before healing. Maybe even yell "Aggro ALL mobs" as you wait.

    If you do heal the tank then you have to count on the experience level of the others in your squad and hope they see you pulled heal aggro and instead of just dd-ing they peel off to take aggro form you. The best thing you can do if you get aggro is as they say above. Stand your ground and try and heal yourself. Hopefully someone in your squad will be paying attention, but if not run TO THEM not away from them. If you run away from them they can't get to the mob to pull him off. Also when and if they finally do you will be far away from the tank who is no doubt getting lower on health and guess what? If he dies, because you were healing him you could be next in line for that entire groups aggro.

    Everyone assumes a cleric's number one job is to keep the tank alive. WRONG! A cleric's number one job is to keep himself/herself alive. Then the tank.

    Lastly to clarify a misuse of terms. You can't over heal someone. If you are only healing someone and they have aggro on all mobs you will not over power their aggro and steal a mob off them. I recommend for bosses to spam IH and IH only. IH will stack and therefore actually deal much more healing power then a wellspring will. Wellspring has it's uses, but really just for a quick boost outside of combat. Chromatic healing also has it's uses if your party gets hit by a boss AoE. But the tank should always be IH with only a few exceptions in certain TTs and FC runs.

  • Ramoose - Dreamweaver
    Ramoose - Dreamweaver Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Well they gave good tips i wanna add just one more about taking aggro when the tank doesnt agrro every mob around... let him die b:angry

    joking but seriously, i dont start the healings till every mob get aggroed, a lot of times i let ppl die lol but when i feel like being nice i use plume shell and then start to heal, just in case a mob hit me and then i can yell at the stupid tank who didnt aggroed mobs b:laugh

    Well that is something i am naturally good at! b:victory
  • ChainedDust - Heavens Tear
    ChainedDust - Heavens Tear Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rejuvenation cancels out IB's stack last time I heard....

    IB>IB>IB>its pretty simple....purify when needed....
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Rejuvenation cancels out IB's stack last time I heard....

    IB>IB>IB>its pretty simple....purify when needed....

    its been proven that stream doesnt cancel IH recently btw.

    there really is no guide on how to heal... It all depends on the circumstance/stupidity of the squad.

    the main thing to do is "PAY ATTENTION" watch what people are doing, don't heal someone that isnt hitting all the mobs that are hitting him. If you heal too soon(before attacked by someone else), mobs will come after you.
  • Scleric - Sanctuary
    Scleric - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    healing is very simple b:laugh
    all you need to do is spam ironheart and purify when you can b:victory
    and always remember if the tanker is annoying he gets no heals b:cool
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1) pay attention
    a) look if all mobs are aggroed. (some heals are quite powerful and pull mobs like a magnet). if you think they arent - wait. most tanks will survive few hits, most squads wont survive only cleric dead, at least not for long.
    b) if you see debuff icons puri that person. tank has priority here...
    c) if someone other than designated tank drops in hp then:
    - boss has aoe attack or a mob exploded after dieing. aoe heal squad if you have time
    - its a veno and swapped mp and hp (very stressing for a cleric btw) may throw her nice wellspring if you have time
    - its a bm with zerk axes and just got that zerk. hes ok, throw him nice ih if you have time. also: its a barb that used arma. hes ok. throw him stream if you have time
    - its someone who stole aggro. if original tank can take aggro back in time heal them. if he cant - either focus heals on them to be new 'main' tank or let them die unless you want to tank that next (sound cruel but aggro will then go to first tank, if you heal it will go to you)
    2) PAY ATTENTION!!!!
    3) heals - here your arsenal are:
    - bop - useful for chi building, i dont use ot for anything else really
    - ih - your main 'spamming' skill, good for all occassions
    - wellspring - weak but fast, uses to top off hp or heal not-tanking-atm arcanes
    - aoe heal - kind of self explanatory ^.^
    - stream - very nice powerful heal, both instant and over time, but 1 sec longer cast than wellspring. stacks with itself and with ih. useful mostly for high hp players
    - bb - cool for aoe bossess, multiple mobs, nasties that you really need that 50% dmg reduction. also: expensive charm wise and useless for things that interrupt.
    5) and also try to pay attention too...
  • mngirl
    mngirl Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1) pay attention
    Yes!! This is #1 rule for clerics, I've been in so many situations either as 1 of 2 clerics or when I'm on my veno or barb, and the other cleric isn't paying attention or goes afk.
    c) if someone other than designated tank drops in hp then:
    - boss has aoe attack or a mob exploded after dieing. aoe heal squad if you have time
    - its a veno and swapped mp and hp (very stressing for a cleric btw) may throw her nice wellspring if you have time
    - its a bm with zerk axes and just got that zerk. hes ok, throw him nice ih if you have time. also: its a barb that used arma. hes ok. throw him stream if you have time
    - its someone who stole aggro.

    The suggestions for all these scenarios are good, but in these situations these other people in the squad should also be prepared with pots in case you aren't able to heal them - but if their hp drops and they don't use pots, just do your best. It's a pet peeve of mine for bm's using zerk weps when they're not tanking, they really need to be prepared with pots to take the stress off the cleric. I've been in situations with one particular bm from my guild taking massive damage from her zerk wep and I asked her not to use that weapon when she isn't the tank, and she kept using them in squad after squad - her hubby insisted that she'd use pots and not to worry about her, although I would still heal her if/when I could but it was annoying because she wouldn't ever use a different wep. In one squad I think she did die from the damage she was causing to herself combined with aoe damage and I just let her ..... I was playing both my barb and my cleric and had too much to worry about. So, when the boss was dead I res'd her.

    Oh, and one thing I didn't see mentioned above - don't bother leveling purehearted heal once you have wellspring and ironheart, purehearted is a decent heal but too slow to cast. I've been kept quite busy as a cleric because many people won't use clerics who use purehearted, they've died too many times from clerics who use it.
  • LTraveller - Dreamweaver
    LTraveller - Dreamweaver Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Don't heal the tank in the beginning of a fight with mobs. It's not like they're going to kill him in 2 seconds. Instead, as soon as tank FRs a mob, cyclone / plume shot. If the tank aggroed all mobs, cast a couple IHes on him and continue DDing: if he's focusing on one mob, cyclone / plume shot / wield thunder, if he's cycling between several -- razor feathers. If the tank didn't aggro all mobs, don't heal him yet; instead, try to kill what he's hitting ASAP. If the tank didn't aggro and his health is dangerously low, use stream of rejuvenation. Now the mob's running towards you; seal him and continue DDing on tank's target. If the seal wears off... what, no one grabbed the mob yet? If he's melee / archer type, plume shell; seems that this squad isn't particularly good, you'll have to kill the mob by yourself.
    LTraveller, lv85 veno
    NamiOto, lv80 full support cleric
    RoamingAdmin, 7X fist/axe BM
    Ion_Cannon, 6X full mag wizard

    (full support: healing + fire support)
  • Rumble - Harshlands
    Rumble - Harshlands Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lol this person asked for some healing tip so we all fire of Healing 101 and you've jumped to Healing 401. If you know your tank and have squadded with them and the group before then follow this method. Of if you are all well over the mobs level like say you're level 88 or 89 doing a bh69 run.

    However if you are not well higher then the mobs, or more importantly the tank isn't and you've never run with them before I suggest an alternative if you want to lend fire support. Wait until the tank has aggro on all mobs, toss out a few IH to make sure they are stable. If you know what they can take for damage then only a few are needed. If you are not sure yet how they will hold up then on the first group test it out without switching to attack. Then you'll know for teh next group. Once you know then stack those IH as you need and click Assist Attack, fire off a few hits, back to IH the tank, attack, heal, etc. If you can't stop spamming IH and have the tanks health hold up for about 4-5 seconds without dropping then don't switch off to DD. By the time you realize his health is dropping too fast you will have a hard time catching up. If you have the lvl 79 Guardian skill you can toss it on him to help catch up.

    I guess this all falls under pay attention lol. I prefer to see what the tank can take while paying close attention before I switch to DD. By starting off as DD then you may get a nasty surprise.
  • YuYuu - Dreamweaver
    YuYuu - Dreamweaver Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    well, first of all:

    When u r doing a boss, stack a few IH on the tank (about 3~5)

    and than, wait a few seconds before start healing again. First heal as much as u can, as far as u do this, heal slowly...

    Also make sure that the tank is wearing the DOminance Blessing in FB/BH >.<
    (Stupid non-blessing-wearing barb --') press alt and right click him, select view info or something like that and check his/her ekips (there are female barbs :o)

    That +10 atk/def lv is awesome to keep aggro ;x
  • tukiyem
    tukiyem Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    1. make sure all party members are within your BB area
    2. open BB
    3. go sleep
    4. when u back to the game, ur character is already dead becoz all party members PK'ed u.

    lol JK. Aya__'s suggestion is the best i think.b:victory
  • Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear
    Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Okay... yea, what they said, but thats all pretty uhm..yeah. First thing you have to do is work with a barb, and a BM closely. Ask them to show you what their aggro skills look like. You can see them do it. When you see those skills go off, you heal.
    Very simple. Barbs will growl and push their head back and forth. BMs have a few. Don't heal before they do that, or you die. Waiting? Why wait, just look for that skill. If you do take heal aggro, which even the best of us do, throw plume shell RIGHT away. You will survive one hit, and heal aggro wont keep if they hit it, even once, usually.

    BB is a huge aggro drawer. You can pull everything in a huge radiace. Thats why I use it only when everything has been hit.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • Deceptistar - Sanctuary
    Deceptistar - Sanctuary Posts: 10,454 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    FB/BH where the tank is taking epic damage:

    Wellspring > IH > Wellspring > Rejuvenation > repeat
    holy **** thats dangerous, >.> when my tank is taking 'epic' dmg its time to go full on IH and nothing else, unless your heals are just weak as.
    ★"New weekly quests! "Discover the bug in the patch""-Nihillae★"My father would beat me if he found out I was QQing over a virtual pony."-Neurosis★"You're amongst the biggest blobs of fail I've ever seen in my life."-Ninnuam★"A statistic said 3% people of the world get enjoyment primarily from making people upset, and you are trying to discriminate them"-ilystah★["How To Tank Rebirth Order Delta (86+)"-Stickygreen Barb (1)restat. you want full magic, Arcane armour build (2)when mobs come /faceroll on your keyboard and you will one shot all the mobs (3)rinse and repeat]★"I've been spammed with 3 poops for 2 hours."-ColdSteele★"If someone fights learning, I don't bother with them outside of amusement factor."-Telarith★"This thread is a joke right? Please say yes."-eatwithspoons★ "This is why you don't post your opinions on the internet, most of the replies you get will be from people who missed a hug or two sometime in their youth."-Alacol★"Sexy! A post with a Binomial Distribution."-Asterelle★"It's about time PW starts to separate out the noob Sins from the rest."-salvati0n★"Shoo troll >:O"-TheDan
  • Decus - Dreamweaver
    Decus - Dreamweaver Posts: 5,033 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If only you could purify stupidity. Then there'd be no fail squads...b:chuckle

    Also, I agree with Deceptistar, full on IH is what's needed when the tank takes epic damage. Save the wellsprings for other squad mates that are not the tank and were just AOE'd or something.
    Proving that not only archers do math since 2009. b:victory
    Current math challenge:
    "Any skills that can be used to kill you will interrupt BB when successful." -truekossy | "...Sage archers are kind of like Mac owners. They are proud of the weirdest and most unnecessary things." -Aesthor | "We ALL know Jesus doesn't play PWI. He may have suffered a lot for humanity, but he'd NEVER punish himself this way." -Abstractive | "I approve of bananas." -SashaGray
  • Nasume - Lost City
    Nasume - Lost City Posts: 145 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    one: set afk macro
    two: pop mp regen
    three: pewpew
    holy **** thats dangerous, >.> when my tank is taking 'epic' dmg its time to go full on IH and nothing else, unless your heals are just weak as.
    that tank fails.
    tukiyem wrote: »
    1. make sure all party members are within your BB area
    2. open BB
    3. go sleep
    4. when u back to the game, ur character is already dead becoz all party members PK'ed u.

    lol JK. Aya__'s suggestion is the best i think.b:victory
    i did that once but not on purpose, i fell asleep. as i woke up(2 hours later) i found myself lying dead, and surprisingly they havent finish that hh, and they didnt want me to burn my mp hiero so they killed me -.-''', happened like 7 months ago
  • Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear
    Scarlettlady - Heavens Tear Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    holy **** thats dangerous, >.> when my tank is taking 'epic' dmg its time to go full on IH and nothing else, unless your heals are just weak as.

    I dont agree here. If my tank it taking epic damage, Im talking like TT3-2's and such, or a single healer on a BM on Wurlord, its 2-3 IH, then a stream, then 2-3 IHs. The IHs hold the HP while the stream heals a huge amount, and if your demon like me, it also increases their P def, so they take less damage while the IHs work their magic.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You want to stay at the backlines at all times don't bother running up front to attack as you have enough dds.This will prevent you from aggroing and ask others to take out mobs ahead.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • MsTeriMeds - Archosaur
    MsTeriMeds - Archosaur Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    This is my first attempt at building a cleric and I had no idea what a pain in the **** it is until now. Its really fun but people are sooo rude, that sometimes I wanna let them die just for the hell of it. Is that normal? b:chuckle
    Thank you for this thread!
  • Zoomia - Heavens Tear
    Zoomia - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can always let the tank die, but it usually leads to a worse off situation. If you want to keep the tank alive, and are worried about aggro from other mobs, the best advice I can give is to IH a few times before the tank goes in. Make sure the last IH hits before the tank is close enough to aggro, or you will get all the aggro. This should keep tank near full for 10 second at least, so he can aggro everything. If the tank doesn't get aggro, throw a stream of rejuv on him at around 60% of his hp, then be ready to IH yourself 2-3 times if mobs come at you. Continue focus healing yourself until the mobs are off you. Only heal others if it's a dire need and you feel you can survive the second of not healing yourself.

    If this is a constant problem with a specific tank, ask a DD to tank the extra mobs and focus heals on them. Blader is of great use here from their aoe's and phys defense.
  • Healing_Hand - Dreamweaver
    Healing_Hand - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    probably the best way u can prepare yourself for random squads that u cant trust to hold agro, is to learn wich skills are aoe's and how they look, such as a barbs Roar, thats easy to recognize (swords striking downwards at mobs)

    once u see an aoe such as these u should have no problem with geting agro unless a seperate mob comes along and is not intercepted.Also a clerics 79 skill "wings of protection" is very usefull when the tank is slow on hitting all the mobs, it doesn't get any agro like healing would so its fine to use on them if they haven't hit everythung and will give u a few secs b4 u have to start healing.

  • kaerys
    kaerys Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When the squad attempts to take on mobs, try to stay in the center of the action (unless there's aoe), in case you need to do a squad heal. If something goes wrong and you're far far away, and more than a few squad members are dying, there's a chance they'll die before you can be in range for everyone.

    no idea about what my IGN might be lol...
    i'll put it on my sig once CB/OB Is out ^^
  • Trayous - Sanctuary
    Trayous - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Keep tank alive .. keep yourself alive .. everyone else is expendable.

    Watch how other clerics doit and never never be afraid to ask other clerics for advise no matter what lvl you may always learn something new .

    Do what you did here come to the forums and read all posts that give advise , not that you have to take the advise or agree with it but it never hearts to read it all the same.

    Most importantly dont squad me when im tired if you want to live b:laugh
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Most importantly dont squad me when im tired if you want to live b:laugh

    I wouldn't mind.

    I would suggest to always keep lvling up you IH when ever you can.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Trayous - Sanctuary
    Trayous - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I would suggest to always keep lvling up you IH when ever you can.

    Most Definately . I kept mine maxed at every skill lvl .

    Pury as soon as it became available also though that was lvl'd up as and when sp and coin would allow .

    Plumeshot maxed asap also.

    Trust me when im tired im bad and i mean bad b:laugh

    But i will hold my hand up and admit when i know its my fault .
  • Healdou - Harshlands
    Healdou - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If its a squad boss and there is a tank just spamm on him with ironheart whenever you can,
    and like Scleric said- and always remember if the tanker is annoying he gets no heals
  • Ariiyah - Sanctuary
    Ariiyah - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Many many good suggestions posted for healing strategies, and I pretty much agree with all of them.

    I used to be a cleric with a tank mentality, thus I died many many times in my earlier levels. One big thing I can say about being the only cleric in a squad: always keep yourself alive. I am a support cleric, through and through, it is what I like to do. However, that being said, it has caused me to die too many times, needlessly. Don't focus too much on healing everyone else that you neglect yourself, or think you will get saved. Like it has been said before, it is far easier to rez someone else instead of yourself, lol. When you are getting attacked, run to your tank or dd, sometimes they don't notice you are getting hit.

    And a big one, don't be afraid to direct your squad. A lot of newer players think the cleric is only a healer that stands in the back of the squad and doesn't know anything but healing. I learned this about lvl 40, yes i lacked confidence too, that I knew what to do, and I knew what was getting ppl killed. Remember, you are the healer and rezzer, they really need you. So letting them know what your game plan is, or what to do when they are in trouble to help them stay alive is a good thing. Take control to some respect to keep yourself from dieing. Self preservation is key as a good cleric.

    Now, if you are in a great squad, you really can just focus on healing. But, at my lvl now, with all the high lvl noobs due to lvling with tons of bh's, it is getting harder and harder to find players who know how to play well in their class. I have been playing much longer than my lvl eludes to, lol. I lvl in spurts, don't judge! haha

    And yes, read up on the skills. You don't need all of them right away. Figure out how you want to play, and start with the skills that you need most. I didn't even duel until recently, so I stayed away from the pvp skills. I always have more spirit than money, lol, there is a lot clerics can spend on skills. I have heard some debating about upgrading skills that benefit others last, but I think that is a mistake, imo. As a cleric, if you have good lvl squad skills you will be more useful. I was always getting asked to join much higher lvl squads because my skills and my healing capabilities were above normal. (10-15 lvls higher on average)

    So take what gems, if any from my post. Or pm me in Sanctuary, I am always willing and able to help :)