Why I Left Infamy For QQme

Nuala - Raging Tide
Nuala - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Tideswell (East)
Before I begin I must express my thanks to what is currently the best faction on the RT server, that is, Infamy. Even more specifically I must thank Andronikos, Pareathe, ManInTights, NightRage, Esuna, and Sunkist, who from level 75-95, have been in the majority of my Gammas and FC's. That I chose to leave Infamy is in no way a reflection on the factions integrity, I did not leave over personal squabbles or drama.

I left simply because upon reaching level 98 I have for the most part stopped playing. My exp has stayed at 10% for almost a week, I have not done dailies for 4-5 days in a row, and while I'm on, all I ever do is sit on the roof at OT and wait for white names. In short I no longer felt Infamy offered me any more excitement to play the game. Its hard to even look foreward to TW because it's so monotonous. As I continue, note that I am in no way bashing Infamy, although later the tone of this post will change.

If I had simply left it at this I think many people would be content. So far these are cogent and recognizable facts, however my chosen alternative to Infamy (QQme) seems to afford absolutely no understanding.

I know this because today I came online to alot of bashing. It seems that one is allowed to leave Infamy as long as they don't join QQme.

My reasons for joining QQme are simple. They are without question the most interesting faction on the RT server simply because their goals are based on the trait of 'resistance'. This trait a few months ago had earned them some blacklisting, as it was without any conceptual aim. That is, QQme seemed to resist for the sake of resisting. But now their goal is clear and its possibility near (or nearing).

QQme at this moment is the only faction that can resist the Red Wave that is Infamy. I suspect that within 1 to 2 weeks the level gap will close, at which point it will come down to gear and TW tactics. Both of which I admit QQme will have to work on, but so will Infamy.

I play PWI to escape and relax, we all play for different reasons, but one reason is common to all, and that is we all want to enjoy oursevles. Quite simply, I did not enjoy the game during my last weeks with Infamy, and really, must I provide detailed answers to justify my decision? I think not. How we, how you, interact with a digital world is entirely up to you.
Post edited by Nuala - Raging Tide on


  • DragonPyre - Raging Tide
    DragonPyre - Raging Tide Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Cool story, bro.
  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was there[ at OT when it happened. b:cool

    at first I didn't think QQme stood any real chance against Infamy. Although recently (most notably with the fall of a few factions such as Resolve and Insight) they've gained a few high levels.

    Now I just gotta remember to set up my tele shop before TWs
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide
    MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe it's because I'm not a "srs-bizz PKer" and am instead a "blue-named carebear", but it's my opinion that the mentality of a lot of QQme only push me further to Infamy's side on this issue. I just find the lot of them unbearably annoying and I'd rather have the "red beast" swallow this server whole than consider accepting the alternative.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Maybe it's because I'm not a "srs-bizz PKer" and am instead a "blue-named carebear", but it's my opinion that the mentality of a lot of QQme only push me further to Infamy's side on this issue. I just find the lot of them unbearably annoying and I'd rather have the "red beast" swallow this server whole than consider accepting the alternative.

    Idk whenever i try to trade with someone and they are an **** i start assuming they are from infamy, and then when i see them in game that is usually the case b:chuckle.

    I love my friends in QQme and don't think you'd find nicer guys to play with anywhere. I'm sure people in other factions are nice too but you just know who you play with. We definitely have some characters and character on vent. If i recorded everything i'd have some pretty epic things recorded.
  • MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide
    MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Idk whenever i try to trade with someone and they are an **** i start assuming they are from infamy, and then when i see them in game that is usually the case b:chuckle.
    The only experience I've had with Infamy members was when I needed Jewel and one of their clerics offered to help the team I had (since my healing/purify were too low to keep up for a one-cleric squad). Did the job, gave us some pointers, and was a good experience. QQme however, all i know about them is from their WCs and the quality of those are just about self-explanatory.
    I love my friends in QQme and don't think you'd find nicer guys to play with anywhere. I'm sure people in other factions are nice too but you just know who you play with. We definitely have some characters and character on vent. If i recorded everything i'd have some pretty epic things recorded.

    Well I'm sure they are, but then again I feel the exact same way about my guild and we could spend forever discussing it.
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Idk whenever i try to trade with someone and they are an **** i start assuming they are from infamy, and then when i see them in game that is usually the case b:chuckle.

    I love my friends in QQme and don't think you'd find nicer guys to play with anywhere. I'm sure people in other factions are nice too but you just know who you play with. We definitely have some characters and character on vent. If i recorded everything i'd have some pretty epic things recorded.

    Shut up Man and get on my horse, look at my horse my horse is amazing
    The only experience I've had with Infamy members was when I needed Jewel and one of their clerics offered to help the team I had (since my healing/purify were too low to keep up for a one-cleric squad). Did the job, gave us some pointers, and was a good experience. QQme however, all i know about them is from their WCs and the quality of those are just about self-explanatory.

    Oh, so all ppl from ur faction have to be simple minded and judge ppl by their appearance on the world wide chat of a game (srs bsns n stuff!!!).
  • Arcrueid - Raging Tide
    Arcrueid - Raging Tide Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was there[ at OT when it happened. b:cool

    So was I. We were in the same squad with Nuala. We were PKing some red names - I only attacked red names and those who attacked me while you and Nuala just killed anyone who stepped out of safezone. Then, I am assuming here, a QQme called for backup. We died a few times, but for the most part was outside of safezone and others in.

    Then more QQmes came in and greatly outnumbered/rolled us. The usual callouts/drama/**** ensued. I went to go buy a charm. Gold prices were to expensive. Just grabbed a few jiaozis instead and get buffed up by random people in Arch.

    Came back, AFKd a bit while reading about that night's maintenance updates (dragon orbs, oh my!). During that time Nuala and some other person was having ego PK fights I think (judging from chat text). See Nuala ask Man if QQme needed venos. I assume some PMs went back and forth. Nuala left faction and said "hey look Rawrgh, I'm in the same faction as you". I went back on the forums to see if they were going to have any new content updates. Turned out not to have any.

    Came back in game, see Nuala outside safezone camping outside with the rest of the QQmes, this time with a QQme tag on. One more target of the many for me. Some trashtalking about Infamy, which I ignore. Chi up and drop down from above, killing a few before dying. Hard to PK wearing 7x arcane gear (as I was during the time) and without charm against a (full?) barb+cleric buffed squad. Played around a bit more then gave up against the odds - would rather save my jiaozis.

    My personal view of Infamy? Organized group of carebears. My personal view of QQme? Group of randoms in need of an original faction name.

    Conqueror > Infamy > Kingdom (Infamy vs Crimson? Debatable)
    RageQuit > QQme > "QQme"

    Thats my cool story b:shutup

  • MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide
    MeetTheMedic - Raging Tide Posts: 214 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Oh, so all ppl from ur faction have to be simple minded and judge ppl by their appearance on the world wide chat of a game (srs bsns n stuff!!!).

    One: it's my personal opinion. Never did I mention anything about my factionmates' opinions. Two: my judgement was made solely by the image your faction projects publicly.
  • Asher - Raging Tide
    Asher - Raging Tide Posts: 584 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So was I. We were in the same squad with Nuala. We were PKing some red names - I only attacked red names and those who attacked me while you and Nuala just killed anyone who stepped out of safezone. Then, I am assuming here, a QQme called for backup. We died a few times, but for the most part was outside of safezone and others in.

    Then more QQmes came in and greatly outnumbered/rolled us. The usual callouts/drama/**** ensued. I went to go buy a charm. Gold prices were to expensive. Just grabbed a few jiaozis instead and get buffed up by random people in Arch.

    Came back, AFKd a bit while reading about that night's maintenance updates (dragon orbs, oh my!). During that time Nuala and some other person was having ego PK fights I think (judging from chat text). See Nuala ask Man if QQme needed venos. I assume some PMs went back and forth. Nuala left faction and said "hey look Rawrgh, I'm in the same faction as you". I went back on the forums to see if they were going to have any new content updates. Turned out not to have any.

    Came back in game, see Nuala outside safezone camping outside with the rest of the QQmes, this time with a QQme tag on. One more target of the many for me. Some trashtalking about Infamy, which I ignore. Chi up and drop down from above, killing a few before dying. Hard to PK wearing 7x arcane gear (as I was during the time) and without charm against a (full?) barb+cleric buffed squad. Played around a bit more then gave up against the odds - would rather save my jiaozis.

    My personal view of Infamy? Organized group of carebears. My personal view of QQme? Group of randoms in need of an original faction name.

    Conqueror > Infamy > Kingdom (Infamy vs Crimson? Debatable)
    RageQuit > QQme > "QQme"

    Thats my cool story b:shutup


    Didn't make sense.
    Asher, cuz every1 can see he's shaved - classy women.
    Wow, Devently had to vote Asher, Hes one sexy **** Woman. <3
    Haha, easily Asher.. no contest.
  • Man - Raging Tide
    Man - Raging Tide Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So was I. We were in the same squad with Nuala. We were PKing some red names - I only attacked red names and those who attacked me while you and Nuala just killed anyone who stepped out of safezone. Then, I am assuming here, a QQme called for backup. We died a few times, but for the most part was outside of safezone and others in.

    Then more QQmes came in and greatly outnumbered/rolled us. The usual callouts/drama/**** ensued. I went to go buy a charm. Gold prices were to expensive. Just grabbed a few jiaozis instead and get buffed up by random people in Arch.

    Came back, AFKd a bit while reading about that night's maintenance updates (dragon orbs, oh my!). During that time Nuala and some other person was having ego PK fights I think (judging from chat text). See Nuala ask Man if QQme needed venos. I assume some PMs went back and forth. Nuala left faction and said "hey look Rawrgh, I'm in the same faction as you". I went back on the forums to see if they were going to have any new content updates. Turned out not to have any.

    Came back in game, see Nuala outside safezone camping outside with the rest of the QQmes, this time with a QQme tag on. One more target of the many for me. Some trashtalking about Infamy, which I ignore. Chi up and drop down from above, killing a few before dying. Hard to PK wearing 7x arcane gear (as I was during the time) and without charm against a (full?) barb+cleric buffed squad. Played around a bit more then gave up against the odds - would rather save my jiaozis.

    My personal view of Infamy? Organized group of carebears. My personal view of QQme? Group of randoms in need of an original faction name.

    Conqueror > Infamy > Kingdom (Infamy vs Crimson? Debatable)
    RageQuit > QQme > "QQme"

    Thats my cool story b:shutup


    One of the tests of how good a faction is, is how it handles adversity. You can't put infamy in a category with Kingdom lol. 3 months of not failing as much as other factions is not much of an accomplishment. Individuals really don't owe much to factions, yet it is the individuals in a faction that makes them great. The best leader/officers in the world need good people around them for a faction to flourish. Come back in a year and rate factions its much too early.
  • ToyTank - Raging Tide
    ToyTank - Raging Tide Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    So was I. We were in the same squad with Nuala. We were PKing some red names - I only attacked red names and those who attacked me while you and Nuala just killed anyone who stepped out of safezone. Then, I am assuming here, a QQme called for backup. We died a few times, but for the most part was outside of safezone and others in.

    Then more QQmes came in and greatly outnumbered/rolled us. The usual callouts/drama/**** ensued. I went to go buy a charm. Gold prices were to expensive. Just grabbed a few jiaozis instead and get buffed up by random people in Arch.

    Came back, AFKd a bit while reading about that night's maintenance updates (dragon orbs, oh my!). During that time Nuala and some other person was having ego PK fights I think (judging from chat text). See Nuala ask Man if QQme needed venos. I assume some PMs went back and forth. Nuala left faction and said "hey look Rawrgh, I'm in the same faction as you". I went back on the forums to see if they were going to have any new content updates. Turned out not to have any.

    Came back in game, see Nuala outside safezone camping outside with the rest of the QQmes, this time with a QQme tag on. One more target of the many for me. Some trashtalking about Infamy, which I ignore. Chi up and drop down from above, killing a few before dying. Hard to PK wearing 7x arcane gear (as I was during the time) and without charm against a (full?) barb+cleric buffed squad. Played around a bit more then gave up against the odds - would rather save my jiaozis.

    My personal view of Infamy? Organized group of carebears. My personal view of QQme? Group of randoms in need of an original faction name.

    Conqueror > Infamy > Kingdom (Infamy vs Crimson? Debatable)
    RageQuit > QQme > "QQme"

    Thats my cool story b:shutup


    b:shocked Arent you the HA veno that rolled my **** twice?
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • Diesel - Raging Tide
    Diesel - Raging Tide Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lawl nuala all i gotta say is have fun overr there. i gues ill have to kill you at OT naio b:cry weve been together since empire man, going to be diff to have you as a rival should be interesting b:pleased
  • Azula - Raging Tide
    Azula - Raging Tide Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    As I don'T care...Arc b:dirty the PKK on your sig^-^
    I'd join u but I suck at PVP T_T
    And I hate SL cause I looove shopping xD
    Born as a Sin,
    living a life full of death.
    The crimson liquid colored the snow,
    the eyes full of agony, you don't wanna know. ~Azula, Assasin, Infamy

  • Rawrgh - Raging Tide
    Rawrgh - Raging Tide Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The one that started it all.
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Myrtle - Raging Tide
    Myrtle - Raging Tide Posts: 821 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    wierd reason..b:embarrass...

    Nuala ugh nothing to say about him/her..
    Each time the sun goes down,
    I remember that somewhere near,
    It's spreding its first morning sunshines.
  • Inabikari - Raging Tide
    Inabikari - Raging Tide Posts: 147 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A closed level gap means nothing if tactics are overrun. XP
    RIP Resolve. You guys still owe me TW pay. XD

    Varden- <3 you all!
  • Nuala - Raging Tide
    Nuala - Raging Tide Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I'm glad everyone on the server is enjoying this. LOL
  • FapFapFap - Raging Tide
    FapFapFap - Raging Tide Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It's getting bigger than backstreet boys...
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It's official.

    "Why I left X (for Y)" is now a Raging Tides Forum Meme"


    ^ Stamp Of Approval

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...