New Bow molds

HellishBow - Heavens Tear
HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
edited March 2010 in General Discussion
I was wondering why is there so few bow molds. I feel we should have a more, yes they're crossbow molds and slingshot molds, but I prefer the plain bow. And I'm pretty sure some other people do as well.

Yes I know this thread belongs in the suggestions area, honestly how many people actually go there.
Post edited by HellishBow - Heavens Tear on


  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can use the Penetrator soon. It only costs 3m or something on HT, 8 months ago.
  • MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver
    MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Id like to see more TT bows than xbows. The xbows look like im carrying a BFG b:chuckle
    "Here, with the Strana Mechty wolf, we see what may be the epitome of a warrior, cunning matched with instinct and stealth, joined with a final, terrifying attack. For this mighty creature, I name you. You are Clan Wolf." -Nicholas Kerensky
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You can use the Penetrator soon. It only costs 3m or something on HT, 8 months ago.

    Yeah I tried to buy one and the joker wanted 9m for it says that's the price to get the DQs for it
  • MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver
    MinervaWolf - Dreamweaver Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Pft, i farmed my DQs to get my Penny. Took awhile but it was worth it.
    "Here, with the Strana Mechty wolf, we see what may be the epitome of a warrior, cunning matched with instinct and stealth, joined with a final, terrifying attack. For this mighty creature, I name you. You are Clan Wolf." -Nicholas Kerensky
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Use the Bow of the Moon Goddess, then find a nice 3-star bow before TT60. If you are concerned with the aesthetic appeal of utilizing a bow, then keep using bows. You do not *have* to go mold.

    If you want it to be shiny, 3-star glows, and you can put 2 Flawless Garnets in there so it sparkles red. Of course, your Blazing Arrow already glows red, so extra glow is not really necessary.
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Pft, i farmed my DQs to get my Penny. Took awhile but it was worth it.

    Need DQ51 right?
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Use the Bow of the Moon Goddess, then find a nice 3-star bow before TT60. If you are concerned with the aesthetic appeal of utilizing a bow, then keep using bows. You do not *have* to go mold.

    If you want it to be shiny, 3-star glows, and you can put 2 Flawless Garnets in there so it sparkles red. Of course, your Blazing Arrow already glows red, so extra glow is not really necessary.

    You have missed the point of the thread.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    You have missed the point of the thread.

    Um, no, they haven't.

    You never say why you like bows to begin with, only that you prefer them to x-bows and slings. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to conclude you want more bow molds so you can have pretty bows, because nowhere do you state why you prefer a bow to any other archer weapon.

    Nobody missed the point of your thread. You just fail at explaining yourself properly.
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Um, no, they haven't.

    You never say why you like bows to begin with, only that you prefer them to x-bows and slings. Therefore, it is perfectly reasonable to conclude you want more bow molds so you can have pretty bows, because nowhere do you state why you prefer a bow to any other archer weapon.

    Nobody missed the point of your thread. You just fail at explaining yourself properly.

    I plainly like bows better. Not because of the glow, but because I like a bow better than a xbow or slingshot. I was going of what I like better. Apparel means **** to me. And it's better to ask not assume.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I plainly like bows better. Not because of the glow, but because I like a bow better than a xbow or slingshot. I was going of what I like better. Apparel means **** to me. And it's better to ask not assume.

    In that case, you idiot, follow the advice you were given. Bow of the Moon Goddess → good 3* bow until(and maybe during) TT60 → TT70 Unicorn → TT80 gold or just wait and buy an FC bow.

    There you go. No need for new bow molds and you can still use plenty of bows.

    What was your issue again?

    You also still fail at explaining yourself. "I like bows better! But not for that reason."
    Maybe if you told people the reason, dumbass, we'd know better how to reply to your thread. Why do you like them better? Their damage level is a nice middle ground in compariosn to x-bows and slingshots? Seriously. Before you complain about how people respond to your post, make sure you actually explain yourself properly in the first place.
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I plainly like bows better. Not because of the glow, but because I like a bow better than a xbow or slingshot. I was going of what I like better. Apparel means **** to me. And it's better to ask not assume.

    If you just like bows, why does it have to be mold?
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    In that case, you idiot, follow the advice you were given. Bow of the Moon Goddess → good 3* bow until(and maybe during) TT60 → TT70 Unicorn → TT80 gold or just wait and buy an FC bow.

    There you go. No need for new bow molds and you can still use plenty of bows.

    What was your issue again?

    You also still fail at explaining yourself. "I like bows better! But not for that reason."
    Maybe if you told people the reason, dumbass, we'd know better how to reply to your thread. Why do you like them better? Their damage level is a nice middle ground in compariosn to x-bows and slingshots? Seriously. Before you complain about how people respond to your post, make sure you actually explain yourself properly in the first place.

    Yes I can do that, but here's your assumption again, I was not complaining. I was just wanting to see how many agreed about having more plain bow molds that are more accessible than doing DQs to get them. It was assumed I cared for apparel. I simply said the point of the thread was missed. How in god's green earth is that complaining to a reply that was made?

    Further more, your attempts of degrading me fall short do to the fact that you must really need to do something that immature to feel better about yourself. I have said enough to you and this is the last post you shall receive from me to you. Good day to you.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Yes I can do that, but here's your assumption again, I was not complaining. I was just wanting to see how many agreed about having more plain bow molds that are more accessible than doing DQs to get them. It was assumed I cared for apparel. I simply said the point of the thread was missed. How in god's green earth is that complaining to a reply that was made?

    Further more, your attempts of degrading me fall short do to the fact that you must really need to do something that immature to feel better about yourself. I have said enough to you and this is the last post you shall receive from me to you. Good day to you.

    Why would we archers give a damn about how many bow molds we have if we have plenty of bows? In fact, never mind the fact we already have plenty of bows, why would we give a damn when, if you could be bothered to look, you could find 3*s better than those molds?

    Your thread was poorly thought out if all you wanted to do was complain that we should have more bow molds. You then respond to posts telling them they missed the point of your beyond pointless thread as if they were the people doing something wrong. When in fact, this comes down the fact you cannot explain yourself at all nor formulate any valid argument to make people want to agree with you.

    That is your issue here. You complain about something you have no argument to provide alongside with it, which means nobody here agrees with you. When people offer you viable suggestions as to what you should be doing rather than whining there's not enough bow molds for your liking and your's alone, you say that they somehow missed the point of this thread.

    Your argument (oh wait, there isn't one! You can't even properly retort to my posts pointing out how failed this thread if because of your own "I can't explain" issues) is invalid because you provide no opinion other than your own and most certainly no facts as to why we apparently need more bow molds. Your poor retorts then trying to blame everybody else when they tell you why we don't need more bow molds are proof of your idiocy.

    Oh, and by the way dear, I feel just fine about myself. I'm not attempting to degrade you at all, I am pointing out your blatant stupidity and your even more obvious failure at trying to reason why we should have more bow mold in the first place. (Which is why nobody agrees with you, by the way. You have no real reason besides "I want them, so we should have them".) You then try and use big words to respond to my posts to try and make yourself look not-so-stupid.
    The only person trying to feel better about themselves here is you.

    "QQ moar bow molds plz"
    "No. Here's what you can do if you want to use bows: -insert strategy here-"
    "U missed the point of this thread ttly"
    "No, you just didn't provide any reason or argument as to why we should have more bow molds. My post wasn't off the point of the thread at all."
    "-use of big words here to try and recover from the obvious failure-"
    Speaking of which, it's "due" and not "do". If you're going to use words to make yourself sound smarter than you actually are, use the right ones.
  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I understand your frustration with weapons.

    I also prefer using a bow over a cross bow / slingshot for aesthetic reasons yet the game has other plans for you.

    While you start off with a bow the first good weapon you get is the fb19 xbow which you can keep until you're like 30. From there you can use bows again until you hit 60 at which point you start along the TT weapon path with a TT60 xbow.

    TT weapons are dominated by xbows from TT60 xbow all the way to the TT100 xbow. In total there are I think.. 18 TT xbows, 5 TT bows, and only 2 TT slingshots.

    What's a bow lover to do?
    Fortunately all is not lost! The end game archer weapons are dominated by bows!

    The best frost weapon is a bow, the best lunar weapon is a bow, the rank weapon is a bow, and even the warsoul weapon is a bow.

    I think bow will be a popular nirvana choice as well.
    Refining Simulator - (don't use IE)
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  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    If you just like bows, why does it have to be mold?

    A decent bow is getting harder to come by. I'm in Ah all the time looking for a decent one decently priced. All I see is crappy ones that people want 300k to 500k and no they aren't the ones for step 2 in making Blacksmith.
  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The Bow of the Goddess should last you until lvl 52. So, for the next 6 levels, you can stalk the AH until you see a good lvl 52 bow.
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could u explain why u want more bow molds.If u dont tell us,we have to assume.But here you are,telling us not to assume.Then just bloody tell us the reason.But nooooo,you dont wanna tell us.It cant be that hard.
    Unless u show me or any1 how many bow molds there are out of the all the molds there are,ur argument stands false.
    Even if u did show me that there are pathetically few bow molds,there are even lesser slingshot molds.And dont argue saying it's my preference and not yours.If you're allowed to say ur preference then why cant I.

  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I understand your frustration with weapons.

    I also prefer using a bow over a cross bow / slingshot for aesthetic reasons yet the game has other plans for you.

    While you start off with a bow the first good weapon you get is the fb19 xbow which you can keep until you're like 30. From there you can use bows again until you hit 60 at which point you start along the TT weapon path with a TT60 xbow.

    TT weapons are dominated by xbows from TT60 xbow all the way to the TT100 xbow. In total there are I think.. 18 TT xbows, 5 TT bows, and only 2 TT slingshots.

    What's a bow lover to do?
    Fortunately all is not lost! The end game archer weapons are dominated by bows!

    The best frost weapon is a bow, the best lunar weapon is a bow, the rank weapon is a bow, and even the warsoul weapon is a bow.

    I think bow will be a popular nirvana choice as well.

    I did notice that. I used the moonlight bow until 42. I currently use a 1* bow that is decent that a friend made. It came out with +5dex and +65HP. I used my barb to get 2 beat garnets and put in. So it works until I find a better one down the road. I was never fan of xbows in any game. Bow is my preference. The FB19xbow got me killed since it's slower. With a bow I rarely ever get touch.
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Could u explain why u want more bow molds.If u dont tell us,we have to assume.But here you are,telling us not to assume.Then just bloody tell us the reason.But nooooo,you dont wanna tell us.It cant be that hard.
    Unless u show me or any1 how many bow molds there are out of the all the molds there are,ur argument stands false.
    Even if u did show me that there are pathetically few bow molds,there are even lesser slingshot molds.And dont argue saying it's my preference and not yours.If you're allowed to say ur preference then why cant I.


    I just like bow overall. If you wish to state your preference please go right ahead.
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    A decent bow is getting harder to come by. I'm in Ah all the time looking for a decent one decently priced. All I see is crappy ones that people want 300k to 500k and no they aren't the ones for step 2 in making Blacksmith.

    Hmm,if u check AH enough and cat shops,u'll find cheap stuff.In fact,i have never spent more than 500k on a weapon.I bought a tt70 bow n wind and the clouds for 350k each.They have +3 refines and flawless garnets.Its pretty cheap in my opinion even if u dont agree
    Yes I can do that, but here's your assumption again, I was not complaining. I was just wanting to see how many agreed about having more plain bow molds that are more accessible than doing DQs to get them. It was assumed I cared for apparel. I simply said the point of the thread was missed. How in god's green earth is that complaining to a reply that was made?

    Further more, your attempts of degrading me fall short do to the fact that you must really need to do something that immature to feel better about yourself. I have said enough to you and this is the last post you shall receive from me to you. Good day to you.

    We have to assume since u dint give a reason.
    I plainly like bows better. Not because of the glow, but because I like a bow better than a xbow or slingshot. I was going of what I like better. Apparel means **** to me. And it's better to ask not assume.

    I plainly like chocolate ice cream better,not because it's brown but beacuse I like chocolate ice cream better than strawberry ice cream or vanilla ice cream
    Nice reasoning.Maybe my example will make it clearer to u what **** u have just spewed out of that hole in ur face that u call a mouth
  • KageYingZi - Heavens Tear
    KageYingZi - Heavens Tear Posts: 823 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just like bow overall. If you wish to state your preference please go right ahead.

    Your pathetic excuse of a brain cant understand what im saying?Let me shorten it for you:
    Just give the reason and elaborate what is like it overall.Overall in terms of what.Dmg?Looks?The way u hold it?The design?
    I was wondering why is there so few bow molds. I feel we should have a more, yes they're crossbow molds and slingshot molds, but I prefer the plain bow. And I'm pretty sure some other people do as well.

    Yes I know this thread belongs in the suggestions area, honestly how many people actually go there.

    Molds for Ranged Weapons:10
    Bow Molds:4
    Xbow Molds:4
    Slingshot Molds:2

  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I just simply wont answer those that simply are invoking a troll. I have my preferences you have yours end of story. My preference is I just like bows over xbows or slingshots. Why, I don't have to state.
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I've never seen people so dense before. He is simply stating he likes bows over xbows and slingshots. Why he likes them is his own reason. Blowing it out of proportions isn't really necessary. Like he said, you have your preferences he has his. So chill with the insults, that just makes you look ridiculous not him.
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • Delia - Harshlands
    Delia - Harshlands Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't know why everybody's skipping over the obvious, but.... the level 50 supply stash weapon is a bow, and an awesome one at that. and bow of the moon goddess does pretty well before that. Sure, the 5 gold sucks, but that's still less than 3 mil for any gold price these days.

    (Yes I used to have an archer...)
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't know why everybody's skipping over the obvious, but.... the level 50 supply stash weapon is a bow, and an awesome one at that. and bow of the moon goddess does pretty well before that. Sure, the 5 gold sucks, but that's still less than 3 mil for any gold price these days.

    (Yes I used to have an archer...)

    I don't have the extra funds to spend for the game. Or I would get the Lv. 50 stash bow.
  • Delia - Harshlands
    Delia - Harshlands Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I don't have the extra funds to spend for the game. Or I would get the Lv. 50 stash bow.

    No arguing with that, of course, and I'm all for not spending real life money. But that bow costs less than mold bows at that level would... (only about 1.5 mil in coin). It's one thing to say we need more bows, and another to say we need cheaper bows. Though I agree the PWI economy sucks. Any mold bow they introduced would likely cost more than General Summer's.

    (P.S. You do realize you can trade coin for gold and vice versa (at the auctioneer)? Gold seems to be at a relative low right now too, only 270,000 coin for 1 gold or so on Raging Tide)
  • BarbHammer - Heavens Tear
    BarbHammer - Heavens Tear Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    No arguing with that, of course, and I'm all for not spending real life money. But that bow costs less than mold bows at that level would... (only about 1.5 mil in coin). It's one thing to say we need more bows, and another to say we need cheaper bows. Though I agree the PWI economy sucks. Any mold bow they introduced would likely cost more than General Summer's.

    (P.S. You do realize you can trade coin for gold and vice versa (at the auctioneer)? Gold seems to be at a relative low right now too, only 270,000 coin for 1 gold or so on Raging Tide)

    I wish it was that cheap. cheapest her is 341k
    I do as the Romans do, I wash my hands of thee.
  • HellishBow - Heavens Tear
    HellishBow - Heavens Tear Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wish it was that cheap. cheapest her is 341k

    What he said...
  • Delia - Harshlands
    Delia - Harshlands Posts: 227 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I wish it was that cheap. cheapest her is 341k

    I'm honestly surprised it's as low as it is. Oh well it'll be 500k soon enough, as soon as they release more packs. Why we keep torturing ourselves with gold prices here I don't know...

    That still "only" puts it at 1.7 mil, which is a lot, but not more than other molds in that range go for... But if you can't afford molds you don't have to use them either. I would have loved a wheel of fate, but I couldn't buy it either, so I don't have one.
  • Laurrella - Dreamweaver
    Laurrella - Dreamweaver Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I would like to see more high end bow designs as well. Slingshots are ok and some have really great stats compared to other projectile weapons but they just don't have the same powerful look that a big fancy bow does.
    Laurrixa - 64 Sin