100 vit?!



  • Handmaiden - Dreamweaver
    Handmaiden - Dreamweaver Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Think about it, if the barb is tanking, and you aren't on a boss that aoes or is like Belial, there's no reason you should be taking damage, unless something goes wrong and the barb dies.
    If that happens though, normally you just high-tail outta there.
    And no, I did NOT mean go naked, I was just trying to make a better point that pdef isn't as important as HP on a cleric. What happens if all your shards are pdef, and you STILL get one shot by a boss with a physical aoe, because your HP sucks. Then what will you do?

    And btw, I probably misunderstood PinkSuccubuS; did you add tons of extra str just to equip a nice HP helm, or was it one you could already wear because of the str you had for your equips?

    And yes Nieka, I realize that. But most barbs don't die unless they do something stupid, or just make a bad mistake. I understand the concept of passive aggro.
    Relent - 8x HA Veno
    Handmaiden - 9x Cleric
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The barb wouldnt die if you put all that wasted STR into MAG for your heals.

  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I was just trying to make a better point that pdef isn't as important as HP on a cleric. What happens if all your shards are pdef, and you STILL get one shot by a boss with a physical aoe, because your HP sucks. Then what will you do?

    You are wrong imo sorry and I even had the same thinking that you did until I finally restated and resharded at level 100 (although I wish I had done sooner now). Level up some more and when you get to 3-3 then we would like to hear what you have to say. More HP got me killed more then when I had higher Pdef then HP. With more Pdef I can tank pretty much anything including HH bosses in squad mode such as CoreDash. Without the Pdef, some would be a charm tick and pot fest. With the Pdef, I can normal heal and not worry. My goal is to survive for myself and the squad. That is what clerics do b:cute

    Oh and there are still bosses that no matter what your HP is = will still one shot you...Top Boss in 3-3 anyone b:shutup

    However, by end game, anyone can have a "perfect" of HP and Pdef through refining and Pdef sharding. I finally broke the even mark: See Here (3 more pieces to refine and going back to full int and will maintain my balance b:victory)
  • Xoria - Sanctuary
    Xoria - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I know that you need vit/hp/def to survive being support in PvP/tw/bosses/instance, so would 100 vit be enough to stay alive?

    That statement is false, actually, in PvE terms. I wasn't sure if I would survive Warsong, Forgotten Frostcity, of Lunar Glade when I restat back to pure magic (30 vit tops), but I did just fine. When I had 120ish VIT, it just made it so I used less Elite Magic/Physical defense charms. For PvP, then yes, I would highly suggest the high VIT.
    Handmaiden wrote:
    I was just trying to make a better point that pdef isn't as important as HP on a cleric. What happens if all your shards are pdef, and you STILL get one shot by a boss with a physical aoe, because your HP sucks. Then what will you do?

    *Re- directs to my top statement.* Keep in mind that HP shards will only add so much. If an AoE does 3k and you only added 1k in HP, all those HP shards were just made useless. HP is good if you plan to accumulate a LOT of it (3k+ on top of a cleric's natural growth.. meaning around 5k/ 6k HP UNBUFFED). Physical defense gems will keep protecting you with every hit. It's what you know what to do against what that will keep you alive. Lol, that's why my signature at the bottoms says "Fail garnet gem cleric." The extra physical defense saved my butt I don't recall how many times, in TW. All those clerics with HP shards were just easy pickings for me against Plume Shot and Demon Wield Thunder/ Cyclone on Plume Shell. They'd target me and I just ate them.

    NOTE: I do realize I am the very odd- ball cleric b:victory
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  • AlanWake - Harshlands
    AlanWake - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    Think about it, if the barb is tanking, and you aren't on a boss that aoes or is like Belial, there's no reason you should be taking damage, unless something goes wrong and the barb dies.
    If that happens though, normally you just high-tail outta there.
    And no, I did NOT mean go naked, I was just trying to make a better point that pdef isn't as important as HP on a cleric. What happens if all your shards are pdef, and you STILL get one shot by a boss with a physical aoe, because your HP sucks. Then what will you do?

    And btw, I probably misunderstood PinkSuccubuS; did you add tons of extra str just to equip a nice HP helm, or was it one you could already wear because of the str you had for your equips?

    And yes Nieka, I realize that. But most barbs don't die unless they do something stupid, or just make a bad mistake. I understand the concept of passive aggro.

    just wait tell fc b:pleased
  • Thinkalot - Dreamweaver
    Thinkalot - Dreamweaver Posts: 133 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Our Fac leader always says he can't stress enuf the importance of having good gear. Which imo is so true.

    That being said, i used to have a 50 vit cleric till lvl 75, then i switched to full mag with only 3vit (yes, a reset can get you down to 3 base vit). I didn't regret it for one second.

    The moment i see my cleric doing a serious amount of dmg and taking same lvl archers out easily, i know why i switched.

    The only disadvantage i see is that you need to get better gear, meaning having immac citrines or garnets in your gear, and willing to refine it as well.

    I see clerics running round in BH/FB 69 getting about 70 to even 80% off their hp by the boss' Aoe...., oc, when you look at their gear, it's no wonder....

    If you are willing to go into a specific build like the FULL mag (and i mean only max 5 base vit), then you need to prepare for some heavy investing in decent gear. Just your average run-of-the-mill npc **** won't cut it.
  • AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear
    AngelOfLies - Heavens Tear Posts: 217 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    tbh my vit is capped at 44, its like 58 with gear. but some clerics at lvl 90+ use reset scrolls to take their vit to 3, and then shard and refine their gear. a well refined and sharded cleric can have the same amount of hp as 50 base vit cleric
    Avatars: Name-Class-Lvl-Server-Guild-Activeness

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  • Xoria - Sanctuary
    Xoria - Sanctuary Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I see clerics running round in BH/FB 69 getting about 70 to even 80% off their hp by the boss' Aoe...., oc, when you look at their gear, it's no wonder....

    There is a time when clerics should know where to stand so they don't get hit or take the least amount of damage (like with Rankar).
    [In a distorted place and time][The knife that stabbed me in the back grants me wings]
    [I keep looking to the sky][In order to flee from the memories]
    [The world that expands inside of your arms is][///the last secret garden///]
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    [The things that we once embraced]
  • EthikaII - Heavens Tear
    EthikaII - Heavens Tear Posts: 664 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    if you want alot of vit and still want to be able to use gear-
    3 vit 1 str 6 mag By lvl 80: 44 str, 125 vit, 241 Mag
    if you want some vit and can play with some points-
    2 vit 1 str 7 mag By Lv 80: 44 str, 85 vit, 281 Mag
    If you want a big heal and not a posible constant death 1 str, 9 mag, cap vit at 50

    My self i don't do pure, I like Vit by 90 ill have 140 vit
    1str 3 vit 6 mag
    Naked: http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=989dc0d974654144
    1 str 2 vit 7 mag
    Naked: http://pwcalc.ru/pwi/?char=0cea5e541e9c5a15
    almost 70, around what lvl will i need to get that 100vit and 2k pdef?
    depending on which build your doing, Say 3 vit 1 str 6 mag? you should have 37 str 101 vit and 197 Mag by lvl 65. if your doing the 2 vit 1 str 7 Mag you would hit 100 vit maybe at 101,102...at 90 if followed it would be 95 vit at 90 with 49 str nand 316 Mag. @k pDef depends souly on your gear. :)
    Retired Sage.
    Moving to alts till they fix GBA boss ;(