Potting in duels acceptable no?



  • FruityMelons - Heavens Tear
    FruityMelons - Heavens Tear Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    This just got funny. Respect from PvP'ers? That's a joke, yes?

    Considering that every time I have been in a position where I can be PK'd, I am usually smashed again and again by higher level chars.

    You can literally watch them cower at the edges of safe zones and wait for you to go out and then see their little green dot follow you out and one hit you. Going back and trying again is no different.

    On another scenario, just last night my girlfriend was playing a lower level toon of hers and spotted a level 30ish assassin in PvP mode. She commented to me and I looked over and indeed the sin was in PvP... AND he was doing nothing more than questing. Killing mobs and so forth.

    Out of the blue a much higher toon who I assume was just passing over the area swooped down and 1 hit the lower level toon. No clerics nearby so he went to town and in a few minutes he was back.. Within a minute or so of returning the higher level again came down out of the sky again and killed him. This is just one example of many displays I have witnessed like this.

    So I can say this from personal experience and from watching others. If you are placed into a PvP situation and you are not 90+ you will lose all respect for PvP'ers. So being respected by the PvP players is not only unrealistic but laughable as a goal. There is no respect in what I've seen in PvP.

    To be on topic...as for potting. Pot away. It appears that people don't care if you pot/heal/stun or whatever when they win. When they lose they gotta put on their diaper and be a baby about it. I can imagine many instances where someone wins in a duel when the other pots... this may happen time and time again... and nothing would be said about it... then one day the loser prevails and becomes the winner...potting of course.. and the loser then QQ's about how the other potted.

    If you fight me... and I need to pot to stay alive you can rest assured that I will. If you are going to QQ about me potting... then don't fight me. There's a rule you can rest assured will be followed.
  • Choze - Dreamweaver
    Choze - Dreamweaver Posts: 101 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok, so apparently both of you failed to read the OP before responding to my post.... This is asking about using pots during a DUEL. Not about being pk'd or PvP in genereal. That is a completly different story.

    As for what I meant about wasting money/items. I play to advance my character. A duel can gain you no exp, no rep, no coins, no items. If you are PK enabled, or play a PvP server, then using what you can to stay alive is part of the game. If you are using items when duelling, it's pretty much a waste. At least IMO b:chuckle
  • truekossy
    truekossy Posts: 7,021 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    First of all, PvE server. If you go white on one of those it's generally expeted that you know exactly what you're getting into and you are considered an open target for anyone else in PK mode. This is actually worse there than on PvP servers.

    Secondly, not all PvPers are like that. There have been several times where I have been going through some of the heavier PK areas on lower leveled chars and instead of being attacked, was greeted kindly, buffed, thanked for assistance i may have provided that character early on, etc. Heck, there have been times where I've been attacked by those much higher level than me and after holding my own against them for a bit (and thus, earning respect from those in PK nearby!!), have been rescued by others. Heck, there have been times where I didn't even have to fight back to be rescued by someone else simply because they find fighting those who are too low of a level to stand a chance when unprovoked as cowardly/disrespectful/etc.

    Now that's not to see that a majority of what you'll hear about and possibly see will be like you described... but saying it's an absolute would be a blatant lie and completely misleading.

    As for the topic at hand, I don't waste my pots or genie stamina in duels. I'll either beat my opponent without them or I won't. Doesn't matter since duels are nothing but a way to pass time. Now if I DO feel like wasting my pots/apo/genie to fight someone else... that's what walking outside the safe zone is for.
  • SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear
    SolomonSmash - Heavens Tear Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    There is only one rule in any fight: Try to win.
  • Waterfal - Sanctuary
    Waterfal - Sanctuary Posts: 2,723 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    When I duel with friends we usually make the deal no potting/genie skills.
    to see who is stronger with just using skills/strategies.

    after that we sometimes also do a duel with genie skills and pots :P nobody cares b:bye

    when dueling people that aren't friends > I don't care, there are no rules unless stated before.
    Thanks Silvychar for the awesome sig :3

    waterfal - lvl 90 demon ferrari veno
    Hazumi_chan - lvl 9x sage seeker
  • Ryiah - Heavens Tear
    Ryiah - Heavens Tear Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    But... the arena is still broken... isn't it?
    This is probably going to **** off the mods and admins, but I'm getting really ticked off at PWI again so I don't care...

    They're not broken. They never were broken. The reason you can't enter is the devs simply don't have them running. If you've ever hosted a private server (I've run it before off my gaming rig to experiment) you'd know that its as simple as not calling "gs [arena name I can't remember off the top of my head]". Otherwise the arenas are functioning just fine.
  • Nieka - Harshlands
    Nieka - Harshlands Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    when you start a duel its best to arrange any rules before hand. usually when i duel i say no genie and no pots because then its more accurate on whos actually stronger and not who has a better genie or stocked up on apoc items.

    and why are you trying to pvp at lvl 50+ come find me later on harshlands lol jk

    zulu forever b:victory
  • Kotasha - Dreamweaver
    Kotasha - Dreamweaver Posts: 102 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Since I mainly play in a PvE server, I don't think pots or heals should be used in a duel. If someone wants to duel me, I might oblige, and I play it without pots or heals. I want to see how I fare against someone that is hopefully on my same level to see if my mad skillz are good against someone.

    Now if agreed before hand that anything goes, I will fight with everything in my power, including genie and pots. But normally it's an unexpected fight and I merely risk ticking my charm.
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Ok, so apparently both of you failed to read the OP before responding to my post.... This is asking about using pots during a DUEL. Not about being pk'd or PvP in genereal. That is a completly different story.

    As for what I meant about wasting money/items. I play to advance my character. A duel can gain you no exp, no rep, no coins, no items. If you are PK enabled, or play a PvP server, then using what you can to stay alive is part of the game. If you are using items when duelling, it's pretty much a waste. At least IMO b:chuckle

    OP talked about using pots in duels. You talked about respect from PVPers. PVPers =/= people who duel. There's a difference. PVPers don't give half an **** about what you do. Maybe duellers do, but not PVPers.
  • Adagio - Lost City
    Adagio - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The way almost 98% of all my duels have been is: MP pots are fine, genie is fine. Apoth, hp, and event pots are not fine.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Personally I don't think any pots should be used in a duel, genies are ok if agreed upon beforehand. If you've used all your mp and you still haven't killed me, then you probably deserve to lose. b:surrender

    Besides, I never buy hp pots, I only use the ones I've got from mob drops, so I'm not going to waste my pots on you in a duel.b:bye

    On a side note, I remember when a barb in my faction dueled another barb. The opponent was popping hp and mp pots/ apoth galore (dmg reduc and everything) and DENIED using it afterwards, like we can't see it XD.

    Then when our barb beat him doing the same thing in the rematch(that match took 10 minutes x.x), the opponent QQ'd about our barb using pots.

    ...Some people just don't make sense....b:surrender
  • didi
    didi Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Was wondering. what if genies and all the pot were introduced from the very beginning. What would the poll look like now.