Perfect World, Psychics, and you!
![Croceus - Heavens Tear](
Croceus - Heavens Tear
Posts: 22 Arc User
The psychic is an interesting class, combining elements from every other class into a sort of jack-of-all trades, master-of-none package. They can deal massive damage, rivaling that of a wizard. They can heal all those within a fifteen-meter radius with Life Bubble. They can DeBuff, Buff, and Crowd Control like no others.
But what does that mean for you? It means, you are a support class for any role in a party. As such, your an extremely valuable member. You can help out the Cleric, Damage, or Tank with your spells. But this also means you do not excel at any of these. You cannot replace a Cleric, Tank, or Veno. However, you can usually replace any other DD classes.
As for Solo-ing, you have amazing potential, and probably one of the fastest and cheapest leveling classes. Your skills are fast to cast, and deal large amounts of damage. You also get a knockback and healing skill early on. Couple that with crowd-control skills like slow,stun,immobilize and your self-buffs like Soul of Vengeance or Soul of Stunning and you can easily get out of a stick-situation as long as you remain calm!
I can not stress this enough. REMAIN CALM. If you aggro to many mobs, and you don't think you can take them, you have to decide IMMEDIATELY if your going to fight or flee. If you fight, try to kite the monster. Soulburn is an amazing skill for knocking one enemy out of commision. While you knockback the other. Also remember that your heal is 15 seconds. Assuming the average psychic battle lasts ten seconds, you can cast your bubble before a battle as a pre-emptive measure.
Stats? Oh man, the noobs bane. It can cost a pretty penny to reset your stats later on, and can mess up your whole survival rate, so think carefully.
Pure-Magic: This is the build that does an insane amount of damage, and is probably the preferred build for most Psychic users. Pure-Magic has the least amount of HP and Physical Defense, often dieing in three to four hits from a physical attack mob. But it also has the best magical defense, which most end-game monster uses.
The Pure-Magic build is also the best in Player vs. Player combat and Territory Wars.
STATS: 9 MAG 1 STR every TWO levels. (Your Strength should never exceed half your level +5) I do mine like this: Even levels: 4 MAG 1 STR Odd levels: 5 MAG
Dex-Build: This build relies on Light Armor to increase survivability. This increases your Physical Defense, while decreasing your Magical Defense. It also lowers your damage out-put yet increases your Critical Hit Rate.
Dex-Build: 3 MAG 1 DEX 1 STR every level
VIT-Build: I'm not too familiar with this build, but this involves putting points on Vitality to increase the characters maximum HP, without reducing the Mana pool and damage quite as much as the Dex-Build does.
Stats: 1 VIT 8 MAG 1 STR every two levels
The most successful character knows which skills he or she uses the most, and how to effectively upgrade them without completely killing off their spirit/coins. This is a list of skills and reccommendations on leveling them.
Aqua Impact: This skills is a staple of a good psychic. While doing less damage than Spirit Blast, it also has a good chance to slow the target. MAX THIS ASAP
Spirit Blast: This is a pure damage skill, and is great for chaining from Aqua Impact. Throw this into a repeated macro right after Impact and just watch as the enemy falls. MAX THIS ASAP
Black Voodoo: This skill is quite amazing at increasing the over-all damage out-put of Psychics and what really puts us on the level of the other classes. It increases the amount of damage both done and taken. As Psychics, we die so fast that the defense loss isn't always that noticeable. However the damage increase is. MAX THIS
White Voodoo: This skill is the opposite of Black Voodoo, decreasing the damage done and taken. While, in text it sounds good. The loss of damage is IMMENSE. The few defense levels this awards is not worth the loss, as you'll take that much more damage when you can't kill the foe your attacking. The damage loss gets even worse if you level this. YOUR CHOICE
-Thanks to multiple people I've been informed that this skill is actually quite life-saving when maxed. While some say to leave it in the middle (Level 5) I'll leave this skill up to the disgression of the user.
Soul of Vengeance: This skill is quite nice, returning a fraction of the caster's soulforce into damage each time the foe strikes with any attack. (Magic, or physical.) It also lasts fifteen minutes and persists through death. HOWEVER, this skill serves NO practical use when upgrading, only increasing the range and mana cost is not a priority. As such, until further notice. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1
Torrent: This skill does water damage to the target over-time. As a psychic, I've never found much use for DoTs, and as such this skill is still level one. However, some people like it, it just depends on your play style. I'd recommend only putting extra points in this however. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/PACE IT'S LEVELING
-I've been told that this does actually quite a bit of damage that is unaffected by the user's attack level. It should be maxed, but again it relies on your play style. I still reccomend pacing it. It also pulls less aggro by far.
Landslide: This skill deals a moderate amount of damage and knocks the opponent back x amount of meters. This is another must-have psychic skill, With a well-timed knockback, there should be no reason mobs will hit you more than once. It even does a moderate amount of damage and the knockback amount increases as it's leveled. MAX THIS SKILL
Bubble of Life: This skill heals all friendly (Party members) targets within fifteen meters over fifteen seconds. This skill is a very party-friendly skill, allowing the psychic to take some of the pressure off of a healer. It's healing is fairly good, however it has a thirty second cool-down which prevents it from out-performing a cleric. If you party a lot, I'd max this skill, however if you Solo more, i'd pace it so long as it heals you well. PACE THIS SKILL
Aqua Cannon: The psychic's first AoE skill, it deals damage and slows the target by a 80%. The only downside to this skill is that it's self-centered. So you have to be within 8 meters of the targets. It's a handy skill to fire off if your getting mobbed by multiple opponents and need to escape, but since it's slow chance or effect doesn't increase it's effective at level one. PACE
-Thanks to Fap for informing this that this skill is our second most powerful skill other than red-tide and should be maxed.
Sand Trap: This is your Earth DoT, it does more damage but that's about it. I'll say the same thing I said about Torrent. You can either leave it or max it depending on your preferences. LEAVE/PACE
-I've been told that this does actually quite a bit of damage that is unaffected by the user's attack level. It should be maxed, but again it relies on your play style. I still reccomend pacing it. It also pulls less aggro by far.
Diminished Vigor: This skill debuffs the target's healing prowess' decreasing the healing recieved from potions, skills, and increases the cooldown of charms.
This skill is really only useful for PvP. If your planning on PvP'ing often, it's worth throwing some points into it. Regardless, It's more of an end-game skill. Either leave it at one or max it later on. LEAVE AT 1/MAX EVENTUALLY
Soul Of Stunning: This is an extremely handy tool in the psychic's arsenal. For thirty seconds if the psychic is attack it will stun the opponent for 1 second + 1/5000 Soulforce. It's usefulness for gaining precious seconds on the enemy is only outlived by it's usefulness for casting stronger skills in PvP. However, like Soul of Vengeance, leveling this skill only increases it's range and mana cost. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1
Glacial Shards: One of four ranged AoE attacks. It does a moderate amount of ice damage and has a chance to immobilize the target. If you're planning on using a lot of AoE skills, or PvPing I'd reccommend maxing this skill eventually. The immobilize is invaluable for hitting the target's with other skills, and makes AoE grinding much easier. The only downside is that the chance is fairly low, and it doesn't always work on all targets, splitting up the group and reducing the effectiveness of further AoE skills. MAX THIS SKILL/PACE
Sandburst Blast: Your second of four AoE skills, it does slightly more damage than Glacial shards and has a chance to reduce the accuracy of the target. While the accuracy is more of a bonus, as monsters/players arn't really effected since your evasion rate is low. It more than makes up for that in damage, a great skill to combine after Glacial Shards in an AoE combo. Finish up with a Aqua Cannon to finish off any stragglers. PACE
Empowered Vigor: This is the opposite of Diminished Vigor. This skill increases the amount of healing the target receives by potions, skills, and decreases the charm cool-down. It's an extremely handy skill if the cleric is a slightly lower level and cannot quite keep the tank healed. The only downside is the duraiton is only 90 seconds. If you party a lot, and use this skill you can max it, otherwise pace. MAX/PACE
Soul of Silence: Easily the WORST of the 'soul' buffs. This skill creates an extremely minor chance to silence the target on hit. Unless you have UNGODLY amounts of soulforce, this skill is almost pointless. When leveled this skill also increases the duration of the effect, but it's low proc chance only makes it effective at higher levels. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/MAX AT HIGHER LEVELS
-Thanks to various reports that this skill is actually quite handy at higher levels, and for informing me that leveling does in fact increase the duration of the silence.
Disturb Soul: This is a great PvP skill for other casters. This decreases the channeling speed by quite a lot. Allowing you a great deal more attacks than the enemy. If you're planning on PvP'ing I'd recommend maxing this skill, otherwise leave it at level one. LEAVE AT LEVEL ONE/MAX
Soulburn: One of my favorite skills, it serves to punish those that don't know how a psychic works. Each time the target attacks they take damage equal to your soulforce. This is the bane of most classes, the only downside is it's extremely short duration. It also deals a great deal of damage to bosses, and I prefer it to standard spark. Leveling can be paced however, as it only increases the duration. PACE
Tide Spirit: This skill is like a second spark. It increases your damage done as well as your channeling speed later. However, spark increases your damage by more. I've not had much experience with this skill, however it almost seems like a waste, since the psychic's channeling speed is minimal. You can either leave it or pace it. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/PACE
Red Tide: Your third out of four AoE skills, this skill does more damage than it's earth counterpart. It also makes the target bleed for damage equal to your soulforce. I have not had much experience with this skill, but the damage seems worth it to max it. MAX THIS SKILL!
Earth Vector: Your final AoE skill, this skill contradicts other earth skills as it does LESS damage than it's water counterpart. However, it also STUNS all targets in the area with a fairly high percentage for a fairly long time. I've only just acquired this skill, but I see no reason not to max it when you have the chance. MAX THIS SKILL!
Psychic Will: I have not acquired this skill yet, but it seems like a great skill to use in a dire circumstance, whether for PvP or dungeons. This skill purges the target of all negative status effects and makes him/her immune to physical damage for a short time. Depending on the duration increase, I imagine you should pace it's leveling. PACE
Soul of Retaliation: I've heard great things about this skill. It not only reflects negative status effects, but absorbs and reflects a chunk of damage as well. However like Soul of Stunning this skill only works ONCE. However, it's worth it. This should be the only 'soul' buff worth maxing, as the damage absorbed and reflected increases. MAX THIS SKILL!
Aqua Spirit: A passive skill that increases the amount of damage done by water skills. This skill is a great boost to damage, and since it's passive it should be a no-brainer to max. MAX THIS SKILL
Earthen Spirit: The same as Aqua spirit, except for Earth skills. Obviously you should max it. MAX THIS SKILL
Tide Form: This skill increases the defense level and swim speed of psychics, and it's only usable in water. The downside to this skill is that all other skills are unusable in this form. If you really want to swim fast, max it. Otherwise, leave it. LEAVE AT LEVEL ONE!
I made this equation for soulforce a while back, and with the help of other's refined it. The equation for soulforce is like so:
Level*50 + Level^2 + (Celestone needed for +x) / 4
(I'm confused about the weapon/armor soulforce part, if someone could throw that my way I'd be much obliged)
This equation shows your approximate soulforce at any given level. It effects damge done by Vengeance, soulburn, Retaliation, and Red Tide's Bleed. It also increases Soul of Stun's duration, and soul of silence's proc chance.
Equipment for a psychic is not as important early on as it is for some classes. It also heavily depends on your luck. As a Tideborn race, Psychics receive a quest starting at 20, and continuing every ten levels thereafter, to kill the boss mob of a higher-level dungeon. This quest has one of two rewards. The far more common st of Mirage Stones. Or an extremely valuable mold.
Ideally, you get and make the mold every ten levels. This weapon will completely blow any other weapon out of the water. Usually within twenty levels. Should you not recieve the mold. Your choices are extremely limited. Tideborn are probably the rarest weapons to be found, and are not apparent in any quest rewards after the starting quests excluding Weapon Token. (As far as I know) Your best bet is to either buy a weapon from the auction house, or make your own using materials.
Luckily, if you DO get the mold, you can use it for a LONG time before it becomes obsolete. My level 20 mold weapon is probably still slightly stronger than the normal weapons of my level. (Okay, that's a bit of an over-exaggeration.)
Armor is different. Psychics share Arcane Armor with every other magic based class. It's also probably least important to upgrade for pure magic psychics. A psychic should only be hit a minimal number of times, or not at all. As such, you shouldn't need armor to protect you. Just massive amounts of damage and good playing skills. My Psychic literally ran around in his level thirty rank armor (Robe of Condemner) for thirty levels.
However, should you have spare cash, auction house is the way to go, and you can often find good deals. I found a level 60 *** +1 +50 HP pare of leggings for 50k.
At fifty, if you have the cash you can use your supply stash weapon. However, I wouldn't worry about it to much, as at sixty you get to get TT weapons, which a far better.
As stated, at sixty and above, you can acquire weapons from Twilight Temple. You'll need ten bones and five broken drums for your TT60 weapon. Unlike other classes, we have no choice in what path we take. There's only one TT weapon every ten levels.
But Croceus, what stats should look for one an item?
Well, that's easy Timmy. As a Psychic you want the most magic attack you can get. Sharding a weapon with Turquoise shards to get the most oomph. +MAG is also good, as it adds damage, MP, and Magic Defense as well. Also look out for -Chan% items. As a psychic, these have less effectiveness than other magic classes, as our channeling speed is miniscule to begin with. However, every little bit helps.
Next should be +VIT, or +HP. In this Perfect World, defense has diminishing returns. Meaning that if you cut damage by 10% at 100 defense, at 200 you may only cut it by 15% instead of 20%. HP also allows you to increase your resiliency against both types of attacks. A magical mob doesn't have to get past your physical defense. But they both have to knock your HP to zero. It's best to shard your armor with Citrines for HP, they're also cheaper than Garnets.
+HP/MP regen can also be handy if you like to sit down and wait for your points to come back up. However, with life bubble +HP regen is fairly obsolete. MP regen is handy, however, you'll be regening around 50 MP/S at higher levels. There are other, more worthy stats.
+DEX/+STR/+EVADE/+ACCURACY These are all pretty much useless to a psychic. The stat points might add a few points in defense, but no where near enough to make a difference. Evasion is uselss, as your base evasion will probably be so poor that you will never realy dodge an attack unless your extremely lucky. Magic never misses unless special circumstances cause the enemy to resist it. So Accuracy has absolutely no effect on a Psychic.
Weapon Path:
1-19: Quest weapons
20-30: FB19 Reward or Weapon Token Mold
30-50: Weapon Token Mold(s)/AH/made weapons
50-60: Weapon Token Mold/Supply Stash orb
60+:Weapon Token/Twilight Temple orb
Armor Path:
1-30: Quest/bought armor
30-xx: Rank armor (Robe of condemner)/AH/made armor
70+: TT armor?
(I don't really know anything about LA builds. So someone could help me out with that. ^_^)
'pretty-fying' the guide.
I'm still kinda new at guide writing. So please leave comments, I'll do my best to fix anything. If you have comments about skills please tell me, as everyone has a different playstyle and I'd like to get as much information into this guide as possible.
But what does that mean for you? It means, you are a support class for any role in a party. As such, your an extremely valuable member. You can help out the Cleric, Damage, or Tank with your spells. But this also means you do not excel at any of these. You cannot replace a Cleric, Tank, or Veno. However, you can usually replace any other DD classes.
As for Solo-ing, you have amazing potential, and probably one of the fastest and cheapest leveling classes. Your skills are fast to cast, and deal large amounts of damage. You also get a knockback and healing skill early on. Couple that with crowd-control skills like slow,stun,immobilize and your self-buffs like Soul of Vengeance or Soul of Stunning and you can easily get out of a stick-situation as long as you remain calm!
I can not stress this enough. REMAIN CALM. If you aggro to many mobs, and you don't think you can take them, you have to decide IMMEDIATELY if your going to fight or flee. If you fight, try to kite the monster. Soulburn is an amazing skill for knocking one enemy out of commision. While you knockback the other. Also remember that your heal is 15 seconds. Assuming the average psychic battle lasts ten seconds, you can cast your bubble before a battle as a pre-emptive measure.
Stats? Oh man, the noobs bane. It can cost a pretty penny to reset your stats later on, and can mess up your whole survival rate, so think carefully.
Pure-Magic: This is the build that does an insane amount of damage, and is probably the preferred build for most Psychic users. Pure-Magic has the least amount of HP and Physical Defense, often dieing in three to four hits from a physical attack mob. But it also has the best magical defense, which most end-game monster uses.
The Pure-Magic build is also the best in Player vs. Player combat and Territory Wars.
STATS: 9 MAG 1 STR every TWO levels. (Your Strength should never exceed half your level +5) I do mine like this: Even levels: 4 MAG 1 STR Odd levels: 5 MAG
Dex-Build: This build relies on Light Armor to increase survivability. This increases your Physical Defense, while decreasing your Magical Defense. It also lowers your damage out-put yet increases your Critical Hit Rate.
Dex-Build: 3 MAG 1 DEX 1 STR every level
VIT-Build: I'm not too familiar with this build, but this involves putting points on Vitality to increase the characters maximum HP, without reducing the Mana pool and damage quite as much as the Dex-Build does.
Stats: 1 VIT 8 MAG 1 STR every two levels
The most successful character knows which skills he or she uses the most, and how to effectively upgrade them without completely killing off their spirit/coins. This is a list of skills and reccommendations on leveling them.
Aqua Impact: This skills is a staple of a good psychic. While doing less damage than Spirit Blast, it also has a good chance to slow the target. MAX THIS ASAP
Spirit Blast: This is a pure damage skill, and is great for chaining from Aqua Impact. Throw this into a repeated macro right after Impact and just watch as the enemy falls. MAX THIS ASAP
Black Voodoo: This skill is quite amazing at increasing the over-all damage out-put of Psychics and what really puts us on the level of the other classes. It increases the amount of damage both done and taken. As Psychics, we die so fast that the defense loss isn't always that noticeable. However the damage increase is. MAX THIS
White Voodoo: This skill is the opposite of Black Voodoo, decreasing the damage done and taken. While, in text it sounds good. The loss of damage is IMMENSE. The few defense levels this awards is not worth the loss, as you'll take that much more damage when you can't kill the foe your attacking. The damage loss gets even worse if you level this. YOUR CHOICE
-Thanks to multiple people I've been informed that this skill is actually quite life-saving when maxed. While some say to leave it in the middle (Level 5) I'll leave this skill up to the disgression of the user.
Soul of Vengeance: This skill is quite nice, returning a fraction of the caster's soulforce into damage each time the foe strikes with any attack. (Magic, or physical.) It also lasts fifteen minutes and persists through death. HOWEVER, this skill serves NO practical use when upgrading, only increasing the range and mana cost is not a priority. As such, until further notice. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1
Torrent: This skill does water damage to the target over-time. As a psychic, I've never found much use for DoTs, and as such this skill is still level one. However, some people like it, it just depends on your play style. I'd recommend only putting extra points in this however. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/PACE IT'S LEVELING
-I've been told that this does actually quite a bit of damage that is unaffected by the user's attack level. It should be maxed, but again it relies on your play style. I still reccomend pacing it. It also pulls less aggro by far.
Landslide: This skill deals a moderate amount of damage and knocks the opponent back x amount of meters. This is another must-have psychic skill, With a well-timed knockback, there should be no reason mobs will hit you more than once. It even does a moderate amount of damage and the knockback amount increases as it's leveled. MAX THIS SKILL
Bubble of Life: This skill heals all friendly (Party members) targets within fifteen meters over fifteen seconds. This skill is a very party-friendly skill, allowing the psychic to take some of the pressure off of a healer. It's healing is fairly good, however it has a thirty second cool-down which prevents it from out-performing a cleric. If you party a lot, I'd max this skill, however if you Solo more, i'd pace it so long as it heals you well. PACE THIS SKILL
Aqua Cannon: The psychic's first AoE skill, it deals damage and slows the target by a 80%. The only downside to this skill is that it's self-centered. So you have to be within 8 meters of the targets. It's a handy skill to fire off if your getting mobbed by multiple opponents and need to escape, but since it's slow chance or effect doesn't increase it's effective at level one. PACE
-Thanks to Fap for informing this that this skill is our second most powerful skill other than red-tide and should be maxed.
Sand Trap: This is your Earth DoT, it does more damage but that's about it. I'll say the same thing I said about Torrent. You can either leave it or max it depending on your preferences. LEAVE/PACE
-I've been told that this does actually quite a bit of damage that is unaffected by the user's attack level. It should be maxed, but again it relies on your play style. I still reccomend pacing it. It also pulls less aggro by far.
Diminished Vigor: This skill debuffs the target's healing prowess' decreasing the healing recieved from potions, skills, and increases the cooldown of charms.
This skill is really only useful for PvP. If your planning on PvP'ing often, it's worth throwing some points into it. Regardless, It's more of an end-game skill. Either leave it at one or max it later on. LEAVE AT 1/MAX EVENTUALLY
Soul Of Stunning: This is an extremely handy tool in the psychic's arsenal. For thirty seconds if the psychic is attack it will stun the opponent for 1 second + 1/5000 Soulforce. It's usefulness for gaining precious seconds on the enemy is only outlived by it's usefulness for casting stronger skills in PvP. However, like Soul of Vengeance, leveling this skill only increases it's range and mana cost. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1
Glacial Shards: One of four ranged AoE attacks. It does a moderate amount of ice damage and has a chance to immobilize the target. If you're planning on using a lot of AoE skills, or PvPing I'd reccommend maxing this skill eventually. The immobilize is invaluable for hitting the target's with other skills, and makes AoE grinding much easier. The only downside is that the chance is fairly low, and it doesn't always work on all targets, splitting up the group and reducing the effectiveness of further AoE skills. MAX THIS SKILL/PACE
Sandburst Blast: Your second of four AoE skills, it does slightly more damage than Glacial shards and has a chance to reduce the accuracy of the target. While the accuracy is more of a bonus, as monsters/players arn't really effected since your evasion rate is low. It more than makes up for that in damage, a great skill to combine after Glacial Shards in an AoE combo. Finish up with a Aqua Cannon to finish off any stragglers. PACE
Empowered Vigor: This is the opposite of Diminished Vigor. This skill increases the amount of healing the target receives by potions, skills, and decreases the charm cool-down. It's an extremely handy skill if the cleric is a slightly lower level and cannot quite keep the tank healed. The only downside is the duraiton is only 90 seconds. If you party a lot, and use this skill you can max it, otherwise pace. MAX/PACE
Soul of Silence: Easily the WORST of the 'soul' buffs. This skill creates an extremely minor chance to silence the target on hit. Unless you have UNGODLY amounts of soulforce, this skill is almost pointless. When leveled this skill also increases the duration of the effect, but it's low proc chance only makes it effective at higher levels. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/MAX AT HIGHER LEVELS
-Thanks to various reports that this skill is actually quite handy at higher levels, and for informing me that leveling does in fact increase the duration of the silence.
Disturb Soul: This is a great PvP skill for other casters. This decreases the channeling speed by quite a lot. Allowing you a great deal more attacks than the enemy. If you're planning on PvP'ing I'd recommend maxing this skill, otherwise leave it at level one. LEAVE AT LEVEL ONE/MAX
Soulburn: One of my favorite skills, it serves to punish those that don't know how a psychic works. Each time the target attacks they take damage equal to your soulforce. This is the bane of most classes, the only downside is it's extremely short duration. It also deals a great deal of damage to bosses, and I prefer it to standard spark. Leveling can be paced however, as it only increases the duration. PACE
Tide Spirit: This skill is like a second spark. It increases your damage done as well as your channeling speed later. However, spark increases your damage by more. I've not had much experience with this skill, however it almost seems like a waste, since the psychic's channeling speed is minimal. You can either leave it or pace it. LEAVE AT LEVEL 1/PACE
Red Tide: Your third out of four AoE skills, this skill does more damage than it's earth counterpart. It also makes the target bleed for damage equal to your soulforce. I have not had much experience with this skill, but the damage seems worth it to max it. MAX THIS SKILL!
Earth Vector: Your final AoE skill, this skill contradicts other earth skills as it does LESS damage than it's water counterpart. However, it also STUNS all targets in the area with a fairly high percentage for a fairly long time. I've only just acquired this skill, but I see no reason not to max it when you have the chance. MAX THIS SKILL!
Psychic Will: I have not acquired this skill yet, but it seems like a great skill to use in a dire circumstance, whether for PvP or dungeons. This skill purges the target of all negative status effects and makes him/her immune to physical damage for a short time. Depending on the duration increase, I imagine you should pace it's leveling. PACE
-Thanks to Doujin for notifying me that this skill does NOT in fact work on targets, but only on ourself. Essentially reducing it's effectiveness. However it still seems like a good skill.
Soul of Retaliation: I've heard great things about this skill. It not only reflects negative status effects, but absorbs and reflects a chunk of damage as well. However like Soul of Stunning this skill only works ONCE. However, it's worth it. This should be the only 'soul' buff worth maxing, as the damage absorbed and reflected increases. MAX THIS SKILL!
Aqua Spirit: A passive skill that increases the amount of damage done by water skills. This skill is a great boost to damage, and since it's passive it should be a no-brainer to max. MAX THIS SKILL
Earthen Spirit: The same as Aqua spirit, except for Earth skills. Obviously you should max it. MAX THIS SKILL
Tide Form: This skill increases the defense level and swim speed of psychics, and it's only usable in water. The downside to this skill is that all other skills are unusable in this form. If you really want to swim fast, max it. Otherwise, leave it. LEAVE AT LEVEL ONE!
I made this equation for soulforce a while back, and with the help of other's refined it. The equation for soulforce is like so:
Level*50 + Level^2 + (Celestone needed for +x) / 4
(I'm confused about the weapon/armor soulforce part, if someone could throw that my way I'd be much obliged)
This equation shows your approximate soulforce at any given level. It effects damge done by Vengeance, soulburn, Retaliation, and Red Tide's Bleed. It also increases Soul of Stun's duration, and soul of silence's proc chance.
Equipment for a psychic is not as important early on as it is for some classes. It also heavily depends on your luck. As a Tideborn race, Psychics receive a quest starting at 20, and continuing every ten levels thereafter, to kill the boss mob of a higher-level dungeon. This quest has one of two rewards. The far more common st of Mirage Stones. Or an extremely valuable mold.
Ideally, you get and make the mold every ten levels. This weapon will completely blow any other weapon out of the water. Usually within twenty levels. Should you not recieve the mold. Your choices are extremely limited. Tideborn are probably the rarest weapons to be found, and are not apparent in any quest rewards after the starting quests excluding Weapon Token. (As far as I know) Your best bet is to either buy a weapon from the auction house, or make your own using materials.
Luckily, if you DO get the mold, you can use it for a LONG time before it becomes obsolete. My level 20 mold weapon is probably still slightly stronger than the normal weapons of my level. (Okay, that's a bit of an over-exaggeration.)
Armor is different. Psychics share Arcane Armor with every other magic based class. It's also probably least important to upgrade for pure magic psychics. A psychic should only be hit a minimal number of times, or not at all. As such, you shouldn't need armor to protect you. Just massive amounts of damage and good playing skills. My Psychic literally ran around in his level thirty rank armor (Robe of Condemner) for thirty levels.
However, should you have spare cash, auction house is the way to go, and you can often find good deals. I found a level 60 *** +1 +50 HP pare of leggings for 50k.
At fifty, if you have the cash you can use your supply stash weapon. However, I wouldn't worry about it to much, as at sixty you get to get TT weapons, which a far better.
As stated, at sixty and above, you can acquire weapons from Twilight Temple. You'll need ten bones and five broken drums for your TT60 weapon. Unlike other classes, we have no choice in what path we take. There's only one TT weapon every ten levels.
But Croceus, what stats should look for one an item?
Well, that's easy Timmy. As a Psychic you want the most magic attack you can get. Sharding a weapon with Turquoise shards to get the most oomph. +MAG is also good, as it adds damage, MP, and Magic Defense as well. Also look out for -Chan% items. As a psychic, these have less effectiveness than other magic classes, as our channeling speed is miniscule to begin with. However, every little bit helps.
Next should be +VIT, or +HP. In this Perfect World, defense has diminishing returns. Meaning that if you cut damage by 10% at 100 defense, at 200 you may only cut it by 15% instead of 20%. HP also allows you to increase your resiliency against both types of attacks. A magical mob doesn't have to get past your physical defense. But they both have to knock your HP to zero. It's best to shard your armor with Citrines for HP, they're also cheaper than Garnets.
+HP/MP regen can also be handy if you like to sit down and wait for your points to come back up. However, with life bubble +HP regen is fairly obsolete. MP regen is handy, however, you'll be regening around 50 MP/S at higher levels. There are other, more worthy stats.
+DEX/+STR/+EVADE/+ACCURACY These are all pretty much useless to a psychic. The stat points might add a few points in defense, but no where near enough to make a difference. Evasion is uselss, as your base evasion will probably be so poor that you will never realy dodge an attack unless your extremely lucky. Magic never misses unless special circumstances cause the enemy to resist it. So Accuracy has absolutely no effect on a Psychic.
Weapon Path:
1-19: Quest weapons
20-30: FB19 Reward or Weapon Token Mold
30-50: Weapon Token Mold(s)/AH/made weapons
50-60: Weapon Token Mold/Supply Stash orb
60+:Weapon Token/Twilight Temple orb
Armor Path:
1-30: Quest/bought armor
30-xx: Rank armor (Robe of condemner)/AH/made armor
70+: TT armor?
(I don't really know anything about LA builds. So someone could help me out with that. ^_^)
'pretty-fying' the guide.
I'm still kinda new at guide writing. So please leave comments, I'll do my best to fix anything. If you have comments about skills please tell me, as everyone has a different playstyle and I'd like to get as much information into this guide as possible.
Post edited by Croceus - Heavens Tear on
Wow, what an amazing and complete guide for someone to discover the Psychic ^^ I wish I found it when I began my character !
I can't wait for what will follow
My small contribution:
You forgot Empowered Vigor ^_^
Psychic Will says it works on a 'target' but only works on ourselves[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Doujin - Sanctuary wrote: »Wow, what an amazing and complete guide for someone to discover the Psychic ^^ I wish I found it when I began my character !
I can't wait for what will follow
My small contribution:
You forgot Empowered Vigor ^_^
Psychic Will says it works on a 'target' but only works on ourselves
THanks for that, it's been fixed. ^_^
I can't seem to go into advanced mode when editing the post. -.- It keeps saying that the URL is to large? /sigh0 -
Well done on putting this together, however it might be worth mentioning that Torrent and Sand Trap (along with Soulburn) seem to generate only small amounts of hate from mobs and as such are great skills to start a boss fight off with.
When I fight any boss I lead with Soulburn and then Torrent/Sand Trap (both of mine are lv10 now) and I rarely have trouble with stealing aggro from the tank. As they don't attract as much attention I find that they're ideal during longer fights to help control damage and prevent aggro stealing.
I wouldn't use them if the fight was going to last for less than the period of damage though, so for ordinary mobs I agree that their use is very limited.
EDIT: I forgot to mention that if you hover your cursor over your Soulforce stat on the character page you can see the effects of your various "soul" skills (not that helpful I guess, but it gives you an idea of what you're capable of).
EDIT 2: Ooooops and also Soulburn is great for those magic resistant mobs.0 -
Phew...some things are doubtful.
Debuff? Only ourselves. Buff? No usefull buffs for others except empowered vigor, and this only on one person every 90 seconds.
Cheap class...well, mana pots aren't for free.
Soulburn isn't useful for knocking an enemy out while fighting another. Long cast and only takes effect if the enemy hit's u. both enemies will be death faster if u use aoe skills or nuke them 1on1 instead of wasting time/spark for soulburn.
Soul of Retalation effect on lvl 9 is the same as on lvl 10.
Soul of Silence increases the duration of the effect every lvl (maxed: 3 seconds) and it is useful, cuz on higher lvls u will have a chance of 7%+ (guess 10% at about lvl 99-100) of casting silence on others.
White voodo is a skill u better max, cuz it can save ur **** in many situations. Using it is only a dmg loss, some may say it's for controlling aggro - but what is the point in using more skills (higher mana amount used) with low dmg instead of less skills with higher dmg?
All AoEs should be maxed out for FC/RB/PQ. Not a must have but u don't want to deal low dmg as a DD, do u?
+ Aquad Cannon is ur 2nd strongest AoE after Red Tide - and it doesn't need chi. So it has a great use in PvP against close range enemies.
Oh, and:
there are the same things mentioned but some old thoughts in it too (like using ur spam skills for pvp)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VIT-Build: I'm too familiar with this build, but this involves putting points on Vitality to increase the characters maximum HP, without reducing the Mana pool and damage quite as much as the Dex-Build does.
Stats: 1 VIT 9 MAG every two levels
What Fap say it's true, however, soul of silence is another skill you can list as usefull buff for other.
White Voodoo is a skill that need to be max, true the damage reduction is annoying but that's the main reason you have 2 rather strong DoTs.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Croceus - Heavens Tear wrote: »
I can not stress this enough. REMAIN CALM. If you aggro to many mobs, and you don't think you can take them, you have to decide IMMEDIATELY if your going to fight or flee. If you fight, try to kite the monster. Soulburn is an amazing skill for knocking one enemy out of commision. While you knockback the other. Also remember that your heal is 15 seconds. Assuming the average psychic battle lasts ten seconds, you can cast your bubble before a battle as a pre-emptive measure.
Love this thread! I snipped this portion because my wife who is new to the game started with a psychic and wow .... as a barb (playing with her in an instance) I was yelling "Stop! Quit Running! Use your bubble and let me get the aggro back!"
And also, don't forget, if you're not in a dungeon, you can FLY to escape.(landslide and fly!)
Not only that, but for cripes sake, do NOT use black voodoo in a dungeon if you have a tank there. You'll steal aggro. Go white and relax.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I can't fly, my wings is broken QQ[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
FapFapFap - Raging Tide wrote: »Phew...some things are doubtful.
Debuff? Only ourselves. Buff? No usefull buffs for others except empowered vigor, and this only on one person every 90 seconds.
Cheap class...well, mana pots aren't for free.
Soulburn isn't useful for knocking an enemy out while fighting another. Long cast and only takes effect if the enemy hit's u. both enemies will be death faster if u use aoe skills or nuke them 1on1 instead of wasting time/spark for soulburn.
Soul of Retalation effect on lvl 9 is the same as on lvl 10.
Soul of Silence increases the duration of the effect every lvl (maxed: 3 seconds) and it is useful, cuz on higher lvls u will have a chance of 7%+ (guess 10% at about lvl 99-100) of casting silence on others.
White voodo is a skill u better max, cuz it can save ur **** in many situations. Using it is only a dmg loss, some may say it's for controlling aggro - but what is the point in using more skills (higher mana amount used) with low dmg instead of less skills with higher dmg?
All AoEs should be maxed out for FC/RB/PQ. Not a must have but u don't want to deal low dmg as a DD, do u?
+ Aquad Cannon is ur 2nd strongest AoE after Red Tide - and it doesn't need chi. So it has a great use in PvP against close range enemies.
Oh, and:
there are the same things mentioned but some old thoughts in it too (like using ur spam skills for pvp)
I still don't see the merit in Silence, but I'll add it to the guide and do further research on the buff in-game. I suppose since they took off the shared cool-down with Stun it's not harmful when it's casted.
I'll update the guide with further information after I get home today. Thanks for the help ^_^Hypnos - Raging Tide wrote: »Where is STR? you need 1 STR every 2 level to wear AA
What Fap say it's true, however, soul of silence is another skill you can list as usefull buff for other.
White Voodoo is a skill that need to be max, true the damage reduction is annoying but that's the main reason you have 2 rather strong DoTs.Kotasha - Dreamweaver wrote: »Love this thread! I snipped this portion because my wife who is new to the game started with a psychic and wow .... as a barb (playing with her in an instance) I was yelling "Stop! Quit Running! Use your bubble and let me get the aggro back!"
And also, don't forget, if you're not in a dungeon, you can FLY to escape.(landslide and fly!)
Not only that, but for cripes sake, do NOT use black voodoo in a dungeon if you have a tank there. You'll steal aggro. Go white and relax.
Flying is ineffective 90% of the time. The time required to actually get into the air and begin flying is worse than any spell a psychic can cast. The only time I'd use this method is when the area is extremely dense and their hostile. I prefer simple running, or in an even better scenario. A Genie with Holypath with get you out of danger in the blink of an eye.
Thank you, however I disagree. I use black voodoo all the time. The only exception is, I can control aggro. The only time I allow myself to aggro is when I'm sure of my ability to decimate the mob before it reaches me. While I get yelled at for this every time I do it. I rarely die when I do it, and it makes the dungeon much faster. In fact, sometimes in BHs I'll tell the BM that i'm gonna pull a lot of aggro, and ask him to stun if it starts moving. That way, I can decimate the enemy even easier. This is EXTREMELY effective with a good party, and I've done entire BHs without gimping any damage output at all. Just be sure you can kill it before it gets to you, or after a hit or two, or else your going to
Also remember that bubble is difficult to cast when a psychic is under-pressure. Due to it's moderate cast-time and the psychic's extreme squishiness. Unless your whited, I don't recommend using life-bubble with aggro. The time it takes for the first hit of healing to get off will usually see you dead depending on what mobs are aggro'd. But it's slightly circumstantial.0 -
lol at hypnos post.
And NO! going white voodoo in instances is stupid, else you could just sit and watch would have the same effect.
Just learn how not to steal aggro by spacing your attack and/or spamming DoT between your attacks. You ll still deal big damages this way and won t get aggro (except if your tank is a fail one b:lipcurl )
And for Soul of Retaliation (SoR) i doubt that the effect is the same at lvl 9 and 10 there are some typo at the trainer and/or on the description of this skill.
As previously said don t let white voodoo at 1, if you d like to be able to still deal dmg just leave it at 5 else just max it.
Both DoT torrent / sand trap are quite good and deal big dmg imo should be maxed asap.
Loves soul of silences too max it, it s very helpfull in the higer lvl.0 -
a trick to fly escape is double jump away from mob then click fly, you will get away easily :P
Soul of silence only worth lvling pass 80 when you have around 7% chance, before that, just keep it at lvl1.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
I agree with most of this guide. I have a high vit build personally as I am gearing more towards pve than pvp.
White Vodoo needs to be maxed imo as it is really useful for magic tanking and if you accidently steal aggro it can be cast quickly enough to save you.
Having that said I am also trying to max the two DOTs as they are not affected by white vodoo and still do full damage. You can cast these all day long in fb/bh and never steal aggro (unless you have an epic fail tank). I typically ALWAYS have black vodoo on. Its easy enough to space attacks out to not steal aggro and if the mob is less than halfway down it usually doesn't matter if I steal it cause he will be dead before he gets to me.
My AOEs are sadly underleveled and I'm working on correcting this but i really don't use them that much other than sandburst for debuff. They just steal aggro too easily and I don't often fight multiple mobs.
I don't think any of the soul skills are worth maxing early and I plan on saving these for end game. The benefits of leveling them are not worth the cost when I have more important skills.
Pretty decent guide for new psychics though.
Pretty decent guide for new psychics though.
Yup! The guide is not bad at all but you may do some edits while leveling, Croceus.
Things get changed and skills that you didn't need at beginning become useful in tactics and surviving as a whole. I run trough my own experiment of things and I still claim that its the person's style that matters, as long as its not lame.
We still need some fixes and additions till the ultimate guides can be written.0 -
I also agree about white voodoo being maxed.
Saved me on many occasions, casting white voodoo then life bubble turns the tabled on an otherwise hopeless situation. I like to use it too control my damage then switch to black voodoo towards the end.0 -
Fixes have been made. If you spot anymore corrects please point it out to me. ^_^ Thanks for the help
This is helping me learn a lot more about my own psy as well. I'm going to have to take another look at those skills I dismissed. (like the DoTs)0 -
I have a correction for you that needs fixing: This Thread should be Stickey'd!
Good stuff man.
With respect to the DoT's, both of mine are at max level. I use them all the time, they are good to cast if you have aggro problems in your party. And when you stack them on each other with soulburn on an increased life mob, or when you get a bunch on you at once, things die fast. I would argue that those two skills along with soulburn, which chain casting aqua impact and spirit blast, makes for the highest dps the psychic can dish out.0 -
Information about DoTs is up. I still recommend pacing them however, but that's my play style, and as I've tried to re-iterate as much as possible that it's all up to your style.
I've also added a section about Equipment. It's kinda meh on specific armors and weapons, as tideborns don't have as many choices as other classes. As I said, I used the level 30 Rank armor for the longest time.... Any help would be appreciated on that front.
EDIT: I just did some regionals, and I've eaten my words. the DoTs were extremely effective there, and mana-effective. I could simply go around and DoT every mob that I could find that was already aggro'd. It did massive damage and I really didn't have to pot at all. By the time I finished my rounds, the first mob was about ready to be DoT'd again.0 -
Very nice guide overall. Tbh it seems a little superfluous to me because beastboy's guide covers a lot of the same material, but second opinions never hurt.
My perspective on a few points:
I wouldn't necessarily say we're jacks of all trades, or masters of none. We really only barely fall into a supportive role, we're still DDers first and foremost. Probably our best supportive aspect is our Bubble of Life, which can heal a good amount to an entire squad; but as stated before, takes a while to cool-off.
But that leads to another point: Among the spell-casters, we're walking DPS factories; and we can overtake Wizards in this regard. Wizards will always own the damage-per-hit category (and let's face it, their AoE's are epic), but we have a DPS edge because 90% of our damage spells channel in the 0.5-1 second range. This also makes us harder to interrupt mid-casting, because that "uh-oh he's channeling" window is very small with us. Our DPS potential shines best when we go pure, and that's a key reason why so many of us choose that path.
White Voodoo is a must max. Whether or not you max it right away is on you. But you really should max it eventually, and I personally see no reason to not have it maxed by the time you're 6x. Because its not hard to get a few levels into your DoTs at that point, and it really can save your fishy behind.
Ahh, Aqua Cannon... Terrible skill at low levels, but freaking awesome towards the higher levels. Personally I waited till 7x to bother taking it past lv1. (Mainly cause it can max at 74, and its damage is great at max). One correction to your guide on this part, Aqua Cannon is technically our 3rd strongest skill, because maxed Sand Trap is just a bit stronger. But yeah, it is our 2nd strongest direct-damage skill. b:chuckle I just wish they'd extend the range to about 10 meters, so I can use it from the same distance as Landslide, but that's another story.0 -
nice guide0
Well done man! the most useful bit of information i've come across on PWI forums yet hah!
And just in good time, just hitting level 18 and hadn't found mold, and starting to worry with current weapons I had being too weak. A good ole point in the right direction, was well needed.
Keep it up man!
Nyx0 -
There are a few inaccurate things. Wrong ones even.
First off, you seem to talk about Psychics like they are a PvE class. I'm telling you right now, if you want to PvE as a Psychic, you might aswell reroll, because it's just horrid. I mean, yeah sure you will three shot most quest mobs at any level, but when it comes to instances, nobody will want you. PvE nowadays is only about Sins, BMs and APS (i.e NV and what not). As far as I'm concerned, the only PvE thing I can handle is solo frost, and it's painful.
Now about the skills, I gotta say you are very wrong about some of them.
Soul of Silence is NOT the worst buff ever, it's actually a million times better than Soul of Vengeance. For Sages anyway. Huge lifesaver in PvP, often makes a big, big difference. EVERYBODY who isn't a Psychic hates that buff, and for good reasons. Of course it relies on you having a high Soulforce, but then again most people who roll a Psychic to a high level aren't really the type who will let them walk around with bad gears, so..
White Voodoo is at least twice as useful as Black Voodoo. I used to PvP a whole lot, and I spent most of my time in White Voodoo, setting up situations that allow me to switch to Black Voodoo and kill my opponent quickly (i.e I disable my opponent while in White Voodoo and then switch to Black for the duration of the stun/seal and then switch to White if he is still alive or if he's about to damage me quite a lot). It's very situational, and you shouldn't spend more time in Black Voodoo than in White Voodoo, because White Voodoo allows you to make mistakes/take hits and get away with it, while Black Voodoo doesn't.
You are right about the DoTs tho, they depend on one's taste. I personally still have them at level 1. They're probably really good against charmed Barbs and perhaps Clerics or Wizards, but I never really bothered to include them into my playstyle personally.
Red Tide should NOT BE MAXED. AT ANY COST. Don't even bother getting it to level 2. This skill is a huge waste of money and spirit, for it costs two sparks to cast, and a Psychic has about three (MUCH) better ways to spend his sparks in. Aka Psychic Will, Earth Vector or Soulburn (eventhough I'm personally not a fan of Soulburn). I still laugh at the Psychics on my server who got Red Tide to level 11. Ignore the good damage, Psychics can deal huge amounts of it without Red Tide.
Psychic Will should be maxed. It is by far the most awesome skill Psychics have, it is what Distance Shrink is to a Wizard : absolutely awesome.
Otherwise your guide is decent. The mistakes you made pretty much come from your lack of experience in PvP, which is clearly what Psychics are designed for. I'm sorry to say you got that wrong too, PvE isn't what you will be looking forward to as a Psychic.
Edit : Oh and Psychics are ABSOLUTELY not a support class. If anything Mystics are. Psychics are just an elaborated DD class which somewhat relies on taking damage and making your opponent pay for dealing said damage. It's a very interesting class to play, as it actually requires to think a little when you PvP (as opposed to Sins *cough cough*). Sadly there aren't a lot of Psychics players out there, for it does require pretty decent gears to at least take off in PvP and make it worthwhile.Risingson - 7x Psychic
Indalecio - 3x Cleric0 -
Pro necro. b:bye[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
So I post on my Barb.
[On possibly-permanent hiatus]0 -
It's pretty hilarious when people reply seriously to posts made over a year ago and mention things that didn't even exist when the original post was made in their argument, but I really don't understand why or how people necro threads .-.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
VoItaire - Harshlands wrote: »It's pretty hilarious when people reply seriously to posts made over a year ago and mention things that didn't even exist when the original post was made in their argument, but I really don't understand why or how people necro threads .-.
I was thinking the same thing about the mystic comment. >w>
And they probably found the thread using the useless search function. The one thing it's good for is necro-bait.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
So I post on my Barb.
[On possibly-permanent hiatus]0 -
Derressh - Dreamweaver wrote: »I was thinking the same thing about the mystic comment. >w>
And they probably found the thread using the useless search function. The one thing it's good for is necro-bait.
I still don't understand why someone would respond to a post without checking the date xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Kotasha - Dreamweaver wrote: »Love this thread! I snipped this portion because my wife who is new to the game started with a psychic and wow .... as a barb (playing with her in an instance) I was yelling "Stop! Quit Running! Use your bubble and let me get the aggro back!"
And also, don't forget, if you're not in a dungeon, you can FLY to escape.(landslide and fly!)
Not only that, but for cripes sake, do NOT use black voodoo in a dungeon if you have a tank there. You'll steal aggro. Go white and relax.
Yeah.. no your wrong about that my dude. Sorry... For starters many mobs you can't push... If your talking real early they may not even be able to fly(but that's not what your wrong about) The dungeon and white voodoo only thing is wrong..
ADVICE TO NEW COMERS! Our two spammable skills take about 1-2 seconds to dish out. so just leave an extra 1-2 seconds in between there and you shouldn't steal aggression unless the barb doesn't know how to hold aggression. Even better instead of waiting, do a skill like torrent or sand trap every so often, and you can't steal aggression from the tank using a Dot. So the word "Relax" IF your relaxed you won't spaz out and spam the skills uncontrollably b:pleased
no hard feelings my dude, but like many others, I just had to say it b:chuckle"In case you can't do the math, as you stand there alone and consider fighting me, you'll be facing an army of over 30,000 hollows!" - Aaroniero Arruruerie, Novena Espada
VoItaire - Harshlands wrote: »I still don't understand why someone would respond to a post without checking the date xDRangergod - Raging Tide wrote: »Yeah.. no your wrong about that my dude. Sorry... For starters many mobs you can't push... If your talking real early they may not even be able to fly(but that's not what your wrong about) The dungeon and white voodoo only thing is wrong..
ADVICE TO NEW COMERS! Our two spammable skills take about 1-2 seconds to dish out. so just leave an extra 1-2 seconds in between there and you shouldn't steal aggression unless the barb doesn't know how to hold aggression. Even better instead of waiting, do a skill like torrent or sand trap every so often, and you can't steal aggression from the tank using a Dot. So the word "Relax" IF your relaxed you won't spaz out and spam the skills uncontrollably b:pleased
no hard feelings my dude, but like many others, I just had to say it b:chuckle
Can we get this necro closed sometime soon?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I main a 97 Psy named /\bra. The forums don't like his name.
So I post on my Barb.
[On possibly-permanent hiatus]0 -
Derressh - Dreamweaver wrote: »-facepalm-
Can we get this necro closed sometime soon?
necro necro necro necro necro necro necro necro necro
Don't the gms/mods search necro on the forums? xD[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
VoItaire gtfo >:O0
Hexi, gtfo posting on alts.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
VoItaire - Harshlands wrote: »Hexi, gtfo posting on alts.
AAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDD wrong!!!!!!!!! my main ( i gave up my dreams of that damn tt99 whell that r8 sphere thob:dirty) pssst. not in pwi atm download issues xD so meh
damn it wrong account >.>The three L's Love, Life and Light! Love those who love you back unconditionally. Live life the way you envision. And light a path that others would want to follow.
I've done two of them...don't try to guess xpb:kissb:cute0
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