Fist BM Questions

mistahp Posts: 8 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Blademaster
ok, so i decided to make a new char and make it a fist bm... i got the build down, but my question is what weapon am i gonna use? i mean i look in the AH and i mostly just see lvl 60 legendary+
it's no problem buying it, but thing is what am i gonna use dats decent before then?
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  • Grospoliner - Heavens Tear
    Grospoliner - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    lets see...I personally used the best fist/claw available to me at that point and at each x0 lvl from 30 on I had the most current set of Legendary fists or claws available...currently using Dark Flash +2 with flawless garnet. I'm debating on buying TT80 fists or waiting for Gorenox Vanity TT85 since buying both would cost me a pretty penny.

    FYI you can find the molds for all claw/fists in AH if you search hard enough and none of them are expensive except the lvl 30 ones...(at least on HT)
  • Ehmi - Heavens Tear
    Ehmi - Heavens Tear Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Use lvl30 mold Sting of Thorns until you find a decent fist/claw that is stronger in AH then use the 60mold Annihilator of souls
  • Ranfa - Dreamweaver
    Ranfa - Dreamweaver Posts: 382 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I used blacksmith fists (manufactured by me) until AoS. Fists/Claw molds are rather rare and I didn't have the resources to afford them. b:sad
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Either shop AH for a good pair, or make some to use. My method was to make 5 per set, and then jump 10 levels up to the next set. Ended up with a nice set of throat slitters with multiple phys atk adds that did great damage until I swapped to AoS at 60.

    Look for 2 or more phys atk adds, or a lucky -int add. Also, check wrist armor for any -int add in HA or LA section, used a pair pre-60 until I used DQ bracers for -.1 interval. Very helpful in grinding when mobs are spread out.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • mistahp
    mistahp Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    ok about the lvl 30 mold, i heard it's like expensive compared 2 the AoH which doesn't make sense... why is the lvl 30 mold more expensive than a lvl 60 mold lol?b:puzzled
    Either shop AH for a good pair, or make some to use. My method was to make 5 per set, and then jump 10 levels up to the next set. Ended up with a nice set of throat slitters with multiple phys atk adds that did great damage until I swapped to AoS at 60.

    Look for 2 or more phys atk adds, or a lucky -int add. Also, check wrist armor for any -int add in HA or LA section, used a pair pre-60 until I used DQ bracers for -.1 interval. Very helpful in grinding when mobs are spread out.

    so ur telling me to make fists? so i make 5 fists then what? sorry kinda got confused...
  • Grospoliner - Heavens Tear
    Grospoliner - Heavens Tear Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    the lvl 30 is more expensive because its more rare. Supply and demand. If you want it and the only person on the server with one is me you'll pay more for it than if there were 150 in the AH.
  • Maragon - Dreamweaver
    Maragon - Dreamweaver Posts: 645 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    the level 30 mold is a qingzi drop... the tightwad..... anyway thats why its expensive but it has definitely gone down in price since BH and it is nice to have...I have a set on my fist bm

    theres another set at 40 (fist of arch devil) but i dont think it is actually available (maybe just from the weapon token in the new player pack? according to the database.)

    for lvl 50 is Lotus Malevolence. Its a dragon Quest mold which will take 10 silver orders and 50 copper. Not sure what that adds up to but its in the millions. Its also one of those useless uber-rare mob drops at .0009%. In other words, not gonna happen.

    level 60 is AoS, really cheap not really even expensive enough to think about not buying.

    So yea NPC gear (crafted or bought in AH not just white gear) from when u choose to not use the lvl 30s untill 60. Like i said I have the lvl 30s on my fist bm refines +2 with a garnet shard (whatever the highest u can put in is) and I also just made myself a sound chaser +1 with a beaut garnet which is also pretty cheap (got my mold for 100k i think) and I have more dps with that. I still tank for bh with the lvl 30s though because I can single spark within a second or 2 after my last single sparks wears off and keep my dps higher that way. besides that they cast reflect on you which is nice when theres no veno.
  • kshwizz
    kshwizz Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    yea I just happen to have a bit of coin... so i went ahead and made the Lotus Malevolence. rather useful i must say. i refined it +1 and added a flawless garnet shard, thinking to just refiine it more and use it over the lvl 60 cuz i like it alot. and it looks cool. costs a pretty penny though, if you are like me and get determined to get something no matter what then go for it. but if not, id say just try to make some of the blacksmith weapons until u get a good one and stick with those every lvl that it changes until u get to 60 and just use the annihilator of souls. or try to refine the hell out of the lvl 30 sting of thorns. and use that.