rare pet killers D:

evilcherry Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Venomancer
i really can't realize why ppl come to spawning places and just kill pet?!?
And many times i saw elfs or bms/wizs coming on spawning place and just killing so noone can have it.
Or it's funny when high lvl come on spawning place of pet like lvl20 or 30 and atacks it...and it's already dead cuz one shot was enough to kill it b:sad

i just want to know why ppl do that??

Post edited by evilcherry on


  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Because they can.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Furfuf - Lost City
    Furfuf - Lost City Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Its been going on since the game has been around. They want you to buy the rare pets from them. So if they see some one trying to get the rare pet they will just kill it. They is very evil that way lol
    b:angryb:angryb:angryb:laughI feel better taking out my BEAR aggression. Lame joke i know but suck it.
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I understand this can be frustrating, especially for low level venos that wish to tame the pet for themselves, but there really isn't much that can't be done. Rare pets are meant as a reward for dilligence and patience, and unfortunately for many venos this may mean that obtaining their rare may require several days of work, if not weeks. My only advice is be patient.

    I know this doesn't help you much, but what you can do is either find help to tame it (it has always been the fastest and most effective method), continue camping the spawn until you get an oportunity, or grind enough coin to buy it. These methods may seem absurd or trying for you, but it really is the only way.

    I hope you get your rare soon and wish you good luck.
  • VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver
    VerenKaunis - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,099 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I understand this can be frustrating, especially for low level venos that wish to tame the pet for themselves, but there really isn't much that can't be done. Rare pets are meant as a reward for dilligence and patience, and unfortunately for many venos this may mean that obtaining their rare may require several days of work, if not weeks. My only advice is be patient.

    I know this doesn't help you much, but what you can do is either find help to tame it (it has always been the fastest and most effective method), continue camping the spawn until you get an oportunity, or grind enough coin to buy it. These methods may seem absurd or trying for you, but it really is the only way.

    I hope you get your rare soon and wish you good luck.

    The harder it is to tame, the more rewarding it is to finally stuff the little **** (literally, show me one mob that has a father) in an egg yourself.b:angry
    This alt has been brought to you by lkurei - Harshlands.
    I'm a guy. b:sad
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] lol
    'I think most of us f2p players stopped caring about buying gold once the ani packs came in, bent the gold market over a chair and did unspeakable things to it. >_>' Miugre - Heavens Tear
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chill girl, i tamed both of mine and still use them as my main pets. However i do respect venos that tame them to sell (as long as they're good sports, i personally don't approve of killing rares), and think the effort that goes into grinding enough coin to buy one is as worthy as taming it yourself.

    Taming rares was a nightmare for me, i vowed never to suffer that again...
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    While mat farming I saw a bunny run past me and I accidentally killed it with DoT when I was taming. b:cry
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • Faith_z - Sanctuary
    Faith_z - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I know someone on my friendslist that wanted to do it because he doesnt like the way some veno's are greedy. With that he means the selling them for high prices and getting every spawn for themself every day.

    I told him not to, and yes my alt is a low lvl veno and it is frustrating going to spawn spot after spawn spot to see the same high lvl veno with zillions of -channeling items get them all to sell them, while i want one for myself and one for a present, but thats the game, eventually i will get it.
    My caracters:
    Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
    HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
    Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic

    Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
    Saitadatude FTW :P
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I kill rare pet too, when I see a lot of -chan venos in place.
    And then, in HT we've tamers with -12chan rings. (O___O new record. Q_Q)
  • evilcherry
    evilcherry Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Leiian...i do know u kill rare pets...i saw u few days ago ><'

    and i know that i have to be patient, and i am, but i still don't see why killing pets, cuz i will try everyday and i won't give up so the ones that r killing it so they can get rid of other players r just waisting time :)

    hm, and im not gonna farm and grind for money so that i can buy one xD, i'll just try everday to tame :P

  • Aeremay - Harshlands
    Aeremay - Harshlands Posts: 28 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Pfft, I've had an encounter when 6 venos including me were at the Kowlin's spawning spot, as stupid as they were. They all had a Kowlin as a pet already, so they took it out. And then began to have a Kowlin duel, they the real thing showed up, I couldn't target it. Then this veno's pet kept on attacking since she forgot to halt it and it died.
  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    if you desperately want to catch a rare pet and are tired of all the super fast channeling or people who kill the pets. there is an awesome apothacary item that halves your casting time even with people who have up to -42% channeling you are good competition. also to all of you venomancers who pull out your hercs... y the hell do you fully buff a lvl80+ herc to do low damage to a lvl20-60 mob you intend to catch? its not fun watching the pet kill itself cause if hit a hercs self bramble.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary
    Ms_HopToIt - Sanctuary Posts: 914 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    if you desperately want to catch a rare pet and are tired of all the super fast channeling or people who kill the pets. there is an awesome apothacary item that halves your casting time even with people who have up to -42% channeling you are good competition. also to all of you venomancers who pull out your hercs... y the hell do you fully buff a lvl80+ herc to do low damage to a lvl20-60 mob you intend to catch? its not fun watching the pet kill itself cause if hit a hercs self bramble.

    Because to most venos its probably second nature or instinct to buff it as soon as its summoned. At least it is for me.
  • AinaMizuako - Sanctuary
    AinaMizuako - Sanctuary Posts: 1,041 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I kill rare pet too, when I see a lot of -chan venos in place.
    And then, in HT we've tamers with -12chan rings. (O___O new record. Q_Q)

    There's a veno on our server with -12% chan ring too. Makes me drool. b:surrender
    oh look, i'm inactive again.

    b> leviciti b:cry
  • LloydAsplund - Sanctuary
    LloydAsplund - Sanctuary Posts: 3,899 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Buffing the herc really doesnt make a difference. On a level 20 mob like the shaodu cub, the reflect does like what 50damage? It really doesnt matter if its a buffed herc or not. A non buffed DPS pet such as a scorpian would be even worse. I think you just used the "buffed herc" example because you do not have a big fat yellow rock yourself.
    I was early taught to work as well as play,
    My life has been one long, happy holiday;
    Full of work and full of play-
    I dropped the worry on the way-
    And God was good to me everyday.
  • Veronica_ - Heavens Tear
    Veronica_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First - Becase I do have a veno low lvl I don't kill pets *cought* once by excident b:shocked and the veno fr which I was helping to scare the venos killed meh b:sad *cought* but while waiting the spawns I have never incontered rare pet killers I assume they are evil ppl b:cute

    Oh and by the way

    I thought that if you kill a rare pet you get banned for a week....
  • evilcherry
    evilcherry Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    First -
    Oh and by the way

    I thought that if you kill a rare pet you get banned for a week....

    :O if that would be true, it would be awesome, and fair b:pleasedb:thanks
  • Veronica_ - Heavens Tear
    Veronica_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    evilcherry wrote: »
    :O if that would be true, it would be awesome, and fair b:pleasedb:thanks

    Still no idea weather that is true b:surrender a bm fr killed a bunny once and got banned for a week . I think he still kills bunnys...... I kill him b:cute
  • Marista - Lost City
    Marista - Lost City Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    No, there's no ban involved in killing a rare. Why would there be? They're monsters and nowhere in the game is there any special status put on them aside from the way they only spawn once per twelve hours. Is it bannable to kill a mini world boss because they only spawn once every 24?

    That said, I personally find people who kill to be bitter because of their own failures and inability to be patient enough to tame, or just people who want to be asses. At this point, at any spawn aside from kowlin, I just kill them first if they're someone who has killed it before, or if they're a whitename non veno waiting at the spawn, I will usually assume they're going to kill it or going to help one of the other tamers cheat--if it's a blue name that's doing it repeatedly on purpose, then I assume it's an alt and pull over one of those Lv 95 minibosses (at least at Shadou Cub) since, as far as I'm aware, it's not bannable if I happen to want to fight it there. It's not a safe zone and if they want to just kill monsters, there're plenty of other spots, so I don't think it could be construed as interfering with regular gameplay anymore than their killing the pet would be interfering with mine. It's a pretty rare occurrence anyway. Life's gotten a lot easier since I decided I'm going to stay red, and occasionally it gets a fun mini-PK war going. PvP server ftw.
    So, I heard HA veno is the way to go? :3
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    evilcherry wrote: »
    Leiian...i do know u kill rare pets...i saw u few days ago ><'

    and i know that i have to be patient, and i am, but i still don't see why killing pets, cuz i will try everyday and i won't give up so the ones that r killing it so they can get rid of other players r just waisting time :)

    hm, and im not gonna farm and grind for money so that i can buy one xD, i'll just try everday to tame :P


    ahah, u wont ever tame a rare pet without channelling gears.
    Atm I've found something better to do than go there to see the piggy dies.
    And then, I dislike when ppl call me "lamer", cuz I love to play in the best way I can.
    Sure, I'm not rich and I've no friends that give me a lot of good items.
    Cuz I dont think that who has -9 or -12 channelling ring has ever bought them. And then, I'm a man, not a little gal that has a lot of boys around her that give her all what she wanna.


    After all, I love when ppl speaks about me. This means that someone see me when I play *_*

    ps: tamers are rich before start to tame ;) so, if u really wanna tame a piggy, make a lot of coins :P
  • Marista - Lost City
    Marista - Lost City Posts: 294 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chan gear is nice, but it's hardly a necessity. I got my first kowlin with only the effectively useless -3% channel from my stash sword. Yes, it gives you an advantage to have it, but it's far from a necessity to tame rares, particularly if you're just getting one for yourself. You just need a little patience. If you think it's impossible, you're likely just a lazy veno who thinks getting rare pets should be easy. If it was meant to be easy, they would not be rare pets. And don't make stupidity sexist remarks. Some of us worked to get our channel gears--if you aren't willing to do that, then don't act so hurt about people who have them that you feel you need to be as petty as you are. Who says PvE servers are more civilized than PvP?
    So, I heard HA veno is the way to go? :3
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chan gear is nice, but it's hardly a necessity. I got my first kowlin with only the effectively useless -3% channel from my stash sword. Yes, it gives you an advantage to have it, but it's far from a necessity to tame rares, particularly if you're just getting one for yourself. You just need a little patience. If you think it's impossible, you're likely just a lazy veno who thinks getting rare pets should be easy. If it was meant to be easy, they would not be rare pets. And don't make stupidity sexist remarks. Some of us worked to get our channel gears--if you aren't willing to do that, then don't act so hurt about people who have them that you feel you need to be as petty as you are. Who says PvE servers are more civilized than PvP?

    Well, Idk how PvP servers work.
    I know that here on HT tamers never answer to ur questions, cuz "we're all enemies around rare pets".
    Time ago, when I tried to tame a piggy for me, cuz I dont wanna tame a sawfly lvl 8 and spend a lot of time to lvl up it, everytime I tried to speak with a tamer, for asking please if she could let me tame 1 just for me, noone answered to me.
    And then, on HT we've a lot of venos from lvl 60 to 80 that go in 3-3 (O_O) do nothing, and get gold mats. Well, if I dont make sexist remarks... :P
    Then, I dont wanna make sexist remarks, but here women are loved by men, as in RL.
    But in RL I dont care about "easy" gals, that seem falling in love with everyone just to have what they wanna. In game...I must care about them. Cuz they're rich doing nothing.

    I hope u can understand me.

    Anyway, maybe PvP servers are better, cuz ppl doesnt wanna make a lot of coins, and prefers kill others. Maybe, Idk, never been on a PvP.
  • evilcherry
    evilcherry Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    xD i thought about idea that few of players could arange that every time one of them can have rare pet...but lol b:laugh like that would ever happen :P

    and Leiian ur right about girls having boys all aroud them, well, at least some of them, and i know that cuz i met a lot of them. i had chances to ''use boys'' :P but now i just tell them in first place that i have bf and they all just stop talking lmao >< i hate it
    so i make money on my own, but i don't play much so i can't buy pet (even that's the easiest way, cuz on my lvl chances of taming rare pet is really LOW)

    hmm and about pvp servers...i started a new char on lost city just to see how is it...i'll need some tome to see what's the diference :P b:chuckle

  • HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear
    HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Sure, I'm not rich and I've no friends that give me a lot of good items.
    Cuz I dont think that who has -9 or -12 channelling ring has ever bought them. And then, I'm a man, not a little gal that has a lot of boys around her that give her all what she wanna.
    ps: tamers are rich before start to tame ;) so, if u really wanna tame a piggy, make a lot of coins :P

    I just love when ppl think they know everything better, or they know the truth about things...
    If you wanna know, I bought every -channeling gear from other players, even the -12% ring.
    They were far away from cheap, and I never got any free stuff from any1. I wasnt rich before I started to tame,and I never used real money on the game. I reached everything I wanted alone without any support...
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Because they can.

    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • XxStarshade - Sanctuary
    XxStarshade - Sanctuary Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    The only rare pet I've tamed before was the Snowhare... since I didn't need to wait for 12 hours. It's kinda sad that I never got to experience the... long wait and sudden thrill of catching the one rare pet dozens of other venos want, but I never have that much time on the game to even use for pet taming. >.< I usually just buy the pet.

    Good luck on yours!

    PS. Anyone selling a kowlin for under 1m? ;3
  • JonoShyemlye - Heavens Tear
    JonoShyemlye - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I have 3 rare pets on my veno.
    I caught the snow hare (no one around for those it seems XD)
    I bought a shadou and kowlin

    The problem as I see it is that lowel lvl venos dont have the same money resources as higher lvl venos (need to put money into skills after all, and the drops barely help pay for everything sometimes). So a good tank like shadou, while a great help if you can get one, is economically hard. And at 2 respawns a day, up against higher levels (the 70+ crowd), is damn near impossible to catch. Only once did I ever see higher levels actually give way for lower levels to catch the pet (i wish i remembered the names...i'd totally give them kudos here).

    Level 60+ have more money to allocate for a 1.5-2.5 million coin rare pet, so where i am now buying a rare is not as much problem.

    So inevitably (and referring to shadou mainly because this is the rare i think causes the most heartache) there are 3 types of venos that show up: a) the catshop high level there to sell the pet (which the lowers hate, but it is fair game to make money from rares), b) the taming high level who waited all that time to finally get one, and c) the low level who needs the pet to raise but short of the above mentioned charity will 99% of the time not get the pet.

    This environment is what leads to rare kills, so to me the real question is what would solve this. I see few possibilities, including:
    -decreasing spawn times (for example, make all rares 1 hr respawn like snow hare)
    -taming limit on rares (for example, must be lvl 20-40 for shadou, 60-80 for kowlin)
    -players collectively lowering rare pet prices (for example shadous at 1.5 mil would become 750k)

    The 2nd and 3rd options are highly unlikely and maybe even a bit stupid, but just throwing them out there. But the first one may be the only way to easily and significantly change things. And I wont discuss it here because it probably has 800 threads about it already.
    Remember....bros before venos
  • /NiKi - Lost City
    /NiKi - Lost City Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    i buy all my rare pets b:surrender
    ur right what u said about lower lvl venos not having much money,but alot of venos for example with shadou cub,didnt got it on lvl 20 lol
    they buy it on lvl 50-60+ then lvl it up in cube.
    also damn ur servers are expensive o.o
    Lost City:
    shadou 400k~
    kowlin 600k~
    puppy 300k~
    kitty 300k~
    piggy 350k~
    armored bear 600k~

    not sure of prices of all rare pets,but kowlin and shadou is accurate price and stable on our server.
  • HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear
    HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2010

    The problem as I see it is that lowel lvl venos dont have the same money resources as higher lvl venos (need to put money into skills after all, and the drops barely help pay for everything sometimes).

    Level 60+ have more money to allocate for a 1.5-2.5 million coin rare pet, so where i am now buying a rare is not as much problem.

    This environment is what leads to rare kills, so to me the real question is what would solve this. I see few possibilities, including:
    -decreasing spawn times (for example, make all rares 1 hr respawn like snow hare)
    -taming limit on rares (for example, must be lvl 20-40 for shadou, 60-80 for kowlin)
    -players collectively lowering rare pet prices (for example shadous at 1.5 mil would become 750k)

    Why would any1 want to reach high lvl when she can get every good stuff on low lvl?why is it so obvious that you can get rare pets when you barely reach lvl 20?I got my first shaodu cub on lvl 60+, and I was like:"finally"^^ if it would change for a 1 hr reaspawn it would be like: oh im bored lets get a few shaodu cubs...WTT shaodu cub for some bubblegum or so...Why is it good if everything in this game turns to worthless?Sure it would be good for the low lvl chars..a game without any challenge and cheap items.
    And its very strange that I see "many venos in fashion who cant afford the rare pets"...
    And I suggest that they turn the s.cub to lvl 80, problem would be solved too.
  • Faith_z - Sanctuary
    Faith_z - Sanctuary Posts: 203 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I agree with Jono somewhat, since i have been trying to tame my own rares, and with my own i mean, ment to use, not to sell. While i have been lucky on the frog and the cub once, its hard to compete with high lvl veno's with insane channeling, who tame the rare as soon as it spawns, i mean, i don,t even have time to target and hit tame, that fast.
    I have been thinking there should be a level cap, not extremely, but like if youre 40 lvls higher then the pet, you cant tame it. This will give the lower lvl veno's, who just cant afford or find (and beleive me i been looking for it) -channeling stuff a chance.

    Then again, I am stubburn enough to keep trying and get me the pet i want, without spending insane money to buy one. b:chuckle

    Oh and edit: there was a veno on sanctuary last week who tried to tame the froggy, too soon, so it failed, then she killed it. Note: this wasnt one of the high lvl tamers that are good in what they do, it was a lvl 20-30 that appearantly had the idea 'if i cant get it, neither will you' That did **** me off, i mean if everybody tries taming and another one gets it, sure, you were faster, grats, killing it when you didnt get it is childish behaviour.
    My caracters:
    Faith_z - 7x Cleric (main)
    HaveFaith_z - 5x Veno
    Ivory_Soul -3x Psychic

    Dont give me an attitude, I got one of my own!
    Saitadatude FTW :P
  • HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear
    HyperVioLet - Heavens Tear Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    It doesnt matter how high lvl you are.If there is a lvl 60+ veno with few channeling gear little venos wouldt have better chances either, cause some1 would be allways faster, then she would camp there too...Same story. Making a lvl cap wouldnt change anything. I mean if some1 has -20% channeling gear or -50% doesnt make a big difference for low lvl venos with no gears. It would only lead to more(but lower lvl ) farmer venos, little venos still wouldt have a chance, oh and high lvl venos can go to hell.

    Besides I met a lot of low lvl venos, who were far away from the innocent poor little veno image. I mean there was a lvl20+ veno(I never saw her before)then she came to the pet like she was a God or something, commanded me to leave or she would kill it...(wth?)

    Or the other type who couldnt catch it after a few days, then she called her whole faction to "teach me a lesson" (LOL) Or ittle venos who finally got the pet,then they came back again just to kill it, and they were very proud of themselves to take such heroic revenge...Not to mention little(second char venos with 80+ main char)who "cant afford anything".