Factions and the "under level" player

Sanurae - Sanctuary
Sanurae - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Twilight Temple (West)
Greetings all. My time in PWI has been short. Less than a week, in fact. I do not usually post on forums, but an active reader of them, as I find it the best way to gather information about whatever I am reading. This being said in the hope that the thoughts that follow would answer some questions I have as well as help those that may follow.

As I have stated, I have not been on PWI for very long, but in my four or five days here, I have managed to get a cleric and a venomancer to level 15. Granted not a huge deal, but there is a learning curve involved here. In my journeys, I have been approached to duel, to join squads, to marry [and they did not even ask blood type :) ] and even offers to join factions without so much as a "hello, how are you?". It isn't problematic. You have to remember when dealing with a MMORPG, you get all types. It is what makes the world go around.
What brings me to the forums is more along the lines of quality, not quantity. After getting many invites to factions, I started looking into them [you guessed it, reading the forums], pondering what purpose they serve, how could I help a faction and how could a faction help me. First, I must state [if you haven't figured it out yet], I am older, mature, been around a few games.... a few years. :) I am not really interested in faction hoping and go back to the previous statement, it is about quality, not quantity. So I put feelers out. Asked questions of a few people, I even put an application into a particular guild [yes, just one] and all information that came back to me was "you are not worthy".


The general idea behind any guild that has crossed my radar so far is, it is all about your level. If you are not at least a certain level, then you are not worth investing time in.

My thought... and call me strange... but would you not want to find people that fit into your group socially, of the same mind, working towards the same goals, but also a place to establish friendships, help each other level and work towards those higher levels?

From what I have seen so far, it is about the end game, not the journey.

*shrugs* Maybe this is a rant, maybe it is just a peeve. But I am an intelligent woman, witty, ambitious. I speak proper English, treat people with respect, willing to help others as well as find answers on my own. Not asking for a hand out, just looking for a group of my peers. But I lack one thing... at least a level eighty character. Does that make me unworthy of investment in time?

Frankly, to all the Factions that require you to be a certain level, I completely understand you have goals that need people at those levels. That you have limited space for those people, so this is not a bashing for what you need, but realize that your self-imposed limitations could keep you from the quality I know you seek. At least in my own case, I remember those who were kind to me, as well as those that would not give me the time of day because I could not serve their purpose now.

So in closing [finally, I am a chatter], I ask of you more experienced players to leave your input. Am I wrong? Have my experiences been a very small view of the reality of Factions? Or am I pretty dead on? What are your thoughts?

Thanks for your time. Bring on the opinions.
I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
Post edited by Sanurae - Sanctuary on


  • Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973
    Asterelle - Sanctuary_1381265973 Posts: 7,881 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A faction is often interested in the group based pve and pvp content.

    If most of the faction is in the 80s working on farming materials needed for gear in the 90s then the faction benefits from more who need the same things. With everyone around the same level it is easier to form groups. If you are very under leveled you can't help out and there is no one in the guild who needs the quests you need.

    Basically you can't pull your own weight and that is something lots of guilds expect

    Ohh and guilds that send invites without asking are lousy.
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  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Hi, I am Nastassiya. Welcome to Perfect World! I am sorry that you have been having bad luck finding a proper family and group of friends to share a home with.

    I would like to introduce you to Pantheons! They are a wonder faction that will accept any level into their home. As long as you are a nice person, which you appear to be, they will welcome you with open arms. They do a lot of grouping together and skype chat!

    Their leader is MistressEcho (alt: KarmasEcho and kaylinsEcho). You can contact the officers, Naliaa (alt: _Seeker_) and Seranaea for an invite. Also PM me in game and I'll find you another officer too! I can't think of any of their names atm.

    But I am pretty sure you would enjoy being at home there. They are a good bunch :)
  • Ryamika - Sanctuary
    Ryamika - Sanctuary Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Aster hit it pretty much dead on. When you reach the higher levels, the last thing you'll want to do is go back and kill the quest bosses again.

    Also, not every faction has a level requirement. The ones that do tend to be TW based and the level requirements are justifiable and expected. As discriminatory as it sounds, a level 20 does very little in helping a TW faction acquire land... regardless of the quality of their personal character. A roster space would be better served by an equally upstanding player who is level 80.
  • Strife_son - Sanctuary
    Strife_son - Sanctuary Posts: 1,217 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I remember reading the application that you submitted onto the Legendary website a couple days ago. While it was easily one of the most thorough applications I have read in a long time, it still doesn't make up for the fact that at your current level the degree of reciprocity that you could offer any "high level requirement, tw faction" is fairly low.

    I would even argue that if you were to be let into any of the factions that excluded you based upon level, that your own level progression would be hampered. Factions like the others have said, help facilitate accomplishing common goals. Level 80, 90, and 100 Bounty hunter squads are easier to find in factions consisting of people in this level range. Getting quest help also falls along that same line. By joining a faction with people your own level, you are much more likely to progress in leveling than you would be joining a faction with players much farther progressed than your own.

    As unfair and biased as it may seem to you, the real world is seldom any different. Clubs and special organizations are also stratified like this. Stratification can be both good and bad. In the game I would reason that it isn't horrible because working with people who have common goals. results in.
  • Telarith - Sanctuary
    Telarith - Sanctuary Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Also, many of the current guilds were formed in the beginning of the server, and set up around ideals like you mentioned. Even asking around, you will see that many of them still carry the reputations they started with, and continue to hold today. As such, even though they have level requirements, they still will get the types of people that mesh with their faction's culture. It is why they review applications, call a vote from those who know of them, and put them under a probationary period to see how they work out. It's not a simple, "you are XX level, so auto-invite" type deal.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • ForeverLove - Harshlands
    ForeverLove - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    just go solo until you fit lvl req
    solo ftw b:victory

    tw guilds will never change
    you always need higher class players to win than lower class
    thats the current system and doubt it will change

    good luck with the marriage offer
    think of it this way.....
    most people never get asked to marry
  • Sanurae - Sanctuary
    Sanurae - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I thank everyone for their feedback so far. Indeed, very wise words and I do understand, as previously stated, the need for level appropriate people to fill the limited spots available in a faction to achieve said goal. I am most certainly not knocking the system or those that use the system. I knew going into submitting the one app I did, the chance was slim to none. I am a realist.

    You stated, being you read my application, in your own words, "While it was easily one of the most thorough applications I have read in a long time..." That is great and disturbing all at the same time, but if it was worth remembering, worth noting, in the same mind, is it worth actually contacting the person, saying "hey, thank you for the interest, appreciate your outlook, think you might make a great addition but... or insert whatever you fancy, instead a a web generated dismissal with no respect for the time or interest the person had.

    I think that was my peeve at the time I wrote all this. I keep getting people that throw invites at me without even so much as a hello and when I do investigate factions, choose one that I felt stood out from the crowd, wrote and application even though I knew it was highly unlikely, to get basically the same response, because no one took the time to even speak to me personally. I just shake my head... I guess I am old school. I thank people for their time, because we are all busy, we have things to do, but just that one moment, the one kindness can make a difference.

    So I guess it was a rant. My apologies.

    Bottom line... I clearly understand the need and want for properly leveled individuals. That is established. I understand there are always going to be people who lack in social skills to know that proper behavior means "thank you" or saying hello before asking something of someone.

    *shrugs* We all make our choices.

    Again thank you all for your input, kind words and just taking the time to share. Thank you Forever, I think soloing is good, I enjoy it. I wasn't looking for a faction to help me run things (though someone having your back on occasion is good), I was looking for a home to invest my energy into.
    I find the marriage concept amusing. I have yet to understand a purpose to it besides an addition quest line that I think I read somewhere. Call me strange.
    Strife, I wasn't going to mention Faction names, but you did it for me. I found Legendary to be a very interesting faction. If you remember, I said I had a feeling. Basically my application was to introduce myself and put me on their radar. If it was impressionable, I just wished you or someone would have taken a moment to say something, anything to show that it wasn't wasteful. Thank you for taking the time to post.

    To everyone, good luck in your journey.
    I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You are very hard for me to get a hold of in game :p
  • Sanurae - Sanctuary
    Sanurae - Sanctuary Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    You are very hard for me to get a hold of in game :p

    I have been running on my Veno, Katidrae.
    I'll be more enthusiastic about encouraging thinking outside the box when there's evidence of any thinking going on inside it.
  • Velsin - Sanctuary
    Velsin - Sanctuary Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I want to post some comments here. However I'm pretty sure my Faction leaders would punch me in the face for misrepresentation. They get touchy over my sense of humor some times.

    In short, I appreciate the grammatical accuracy of your post. I try to make things easy to read and mentally sanitary as well. If you're looking for a group of people to hang out with, send me a message in game, via mail. I'm not in your level range obviously, but people whom can structure a sentence with punctuation more often than once a paragraph keep my interest.
  • Aleckane - Sanctuary
    Aleckane - Sanctuary Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Everybody needs help at some point. Everybody has to start off somewhere. There isn't one person in this entire game that can say they soloed their way to wherever they are right now, unless it's to like, level 19. The game basically forces you to make friends and find help, but some of these kids fall victim to what I call the "Power High." The stronger they get, the more arrogant they become. Alot of high levels don't want to go back and do all that old stuff again, and others are all "I ain't doing them noob quests again"

    I try to help everybody. As long as I have the means to do so, (just about) whoever asks me for help I help, and if I cannot do it I will find someone who can do it in my place. Usually I get called upon to kill bosses or Tank Fbs. We're not ALL bad, there's always someone out there who will lend you a hand.

    I'm usually found in Etherblade. If i'm not busy or AFK i'll always help out (just about) everyone. As long as the request isn't too ridiculous, and the person asking has at least a speck of common sense.

    "You ain't gotta like me. You just mad cause I tell it how it is, and you tell it how it might be." -Alec Kane-
  • Fransica - Sanctuary
    Fransica - Sanctuary Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Agree that soloing as much as you can is fun but as you obtain higher levels you will need help. When you come to that stage Section1 my faction has no level requirements and we don't mind redoing the lower level quests to help since most of us have alts.
    Dang didn't want to shamelessly recruit but oh well did it feel free to pm me in game or post on my recruiting page in guild banter if you so desire and yes both your characters are more then welcomed
  • Trayous - Sanctuary
    Trayous - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Another problem factions get are people join at low lvls play the game for a while then dissapear without a word leaving there character in the faction taking up valuable space.

    There are alot of factions that will take low lvl players but once they get high lvl they tend to lose them to the factions that rejected them early on.

    All sounds unfair but its survival of the fitest :) .
  • Damewort - Sanctuary
    Damewort - Sanctuary Posts: 573 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Many guilds puts level requirements because of few reasons:
    1. Most of members are around that range. Would you like to join a guild where most of players are above your level range? If faction is about playing together, then in this case other guild members would play with you only to help you with boss/bh/fb. Would it be fun for you? I used to be a guild officer and some of members left cause there was nobody to play with in that level range.

    2. To ensure quality. Many people drop their characters at their 30s, because it gets harder to level from quests and Bounty Hunt isn't available yet. If it is alternative character, then many gets bored from them after 20s and 30s. So if you still want to play after getting into 30s, then you actually might stay around longer and won't be just a name in list

    3. Just for looks. Some guilds have level requirement just to show that they don't take in anyone who has showed interest. If you show an interest to join and they see that you are active and improve fast, then they still accept members below level requirement. Just don't expect that guild with lvl50 requirement will take in lvl25... Usually they let in 5 levels lower players or even lower ones if you are promising.

    4. TW guilds. These guilds has the highest level requirements, because they need high level and strong players to fight in territory wars. They mostly can't afford to take in a low level which wont be able to get too involved into guild matters too soon.

    Good luck at finding a guild you would enjoy and would fit in. Even if you can't find it, then don't worry too much. At your level soloing isn't too bad :) The only thing you might lack is advice and explanation about things, but you got forum for that. Need a boss to be killed and have nobody to help, then poke some of people from " Beloved Bashing Bosses (Need Help?)" topic.
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I already snagged her into Pantheons. She fits in very well with their family. =)
  • svaarog
    svaarog Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Here's my good for nothing rant on the subject.. if anyone interested that's it.

    Just as people are, all factions are different and it all depends on what you want and what they want from a game. I am so very happy to say I am in my faction since my day 1 lvl 1 (currently lvl82 on main - playing since October) and am delighted to stay here for the time being (loves for Kyndreds <3) - I might have been lucky that two of my real life friends, who dragged me into the madness of PWI were in the faction already.

    What I want from the game? It is fun! My ambition in world of pwi does not exist, I want to have fun and my faction is fun but that's the thing, what they also want from the game is fun and socializing in a way so we got along great together.

    Now, in the meantime I have created an alt for exploring, with purpose I joined any guild that would ask first; wanted check out what else is out there and I've been in several; Dear Gods all the faction existing out there - from the ones asking their members for coins and gold for the 'faction expenses', ones with leaders and officers suffering from all kind mental issues taking it out on their members, once asking you to get 7lvls per week or pay the penalty for not doing so in coins or molds (yes, easy on lvl20, try it on 60 - I already have one full time job) - short it - many factions I find rather disturbing and.. well.. ****

    Just when I wanted to give up and put the alt in the main fac I got an invite from a barb in the BH squad, was like, sure, one last try and founded this wonderful faction (Loves for the DamphyrS <3), got similar environment as in the main one plus occasional TWs (which is awesome cause, I don't give a **** about power, but TWs are fun!! :D), now I just wish I would damn manage to wake up for one!!!

    So, patience and persistence, take from the game what you want; fools, ego-maniacs, bogus stuff, just the obstacles, you do not depend on anyone and don't play based on someone else standards but on your own, that's the key word imo. Sure, you can't smack some boss and the dude won't help you, someone else will, that's crappy excuse to say you depend on other people in this game as I read a lot on this forum.

    Have fun you all, now off to see if I can freaking connect on the game already on my free Sunday!!!
