Saying Hello and a couple questions!

gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
Just downloaded this yesterday and am giving it a try (on Dreamweaver at the moment), and so far I am really impressed! For a F2P MMO, it is fantastic!

That said, I am completely new to PW, and a bit lost! So, any advice folks have for a new player? I've read the guides I could find, which did help some. I do have some specific questions at least, as well.

What are good servers to play one? I prefer PvE to PvP (I suck at PvP, to be honest, even if it is a lot of fun), and would like a decent population, as well as the possibility of finding active, friendly guilds (or factions, if that is the same thing?). A server that has roleplayers would be a plus (I prefer running with folks who at least name their characters something other than a bunch of random letters :) ).

What are good starting classes (or a class)? When I played WoW, I found that druid and priest were my favorites, almost always as healer. But from that experience I also know that healer types might not be the easiest thing to start out with! Any suggestions as to good newbie classes? And if so, what makes it particularly newbie friendly?

Money...bane of all classes! So far I have been puttering about with an archer and a venomancer. Neither past level 10 (wimpy, I know), but I've only been online a few hours. But one thing I have noticed is that you can run out of cash fast! Any tips on holding onto what you have? Is crafting worthwhile? Or better to sell all the stuff you pick up? I did notice on my archer at least, that I run out of inventory space pretty quick! I assume it is expandable at some point? Or is that cash shop only?

Speaking of, love the idea of the fashion tab. That is awesome. One question though, is that available to everyone? Or to even use the fashion tab do you need to buy something from the cash shop? Or is the cash shop item only if you are getting the extra fashion storage space? While I am not a huge clothes horse in game, I do love the idea of having a character who looks good while running about in whatever armor they have.

Other than that, no more questions I can think of at the moment! I'm sure I'll come up with more as I go. LOADS of game terms I see in chat that make no sense to me. I see what looks like world chat all the time (it is in yellow), usually folks advertising for groups (I assume), selling things, or just shouting to one another. More local chat I have not seen as much, but I assume it goes on (or folks talk in guild a lot?).

Anyways, looking forward to learning a new MMO (half the fun, to me), and hopefully having a bunch of fun with it!
Post edited by gerrick222 on


  • Daedr - Heavens Tear
    Daedr - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Hi there and welcome to PWI.

    Dreamweaver should be just as good server for you as the others. (Since it is PvE server)

    Healer class in here is powerfull :p (cleric)
    It has good attack skills and heals. So if you want to be a healer then its good for ya.
    Venomancer is good with the pet so if ya want something easy then its venomancer.

    Some stuff you can sell items ya can sell to npc and some ya might want to save.
    Can sell for example most of the eguips that ya get as drops. (look if there is anything good for ya.) And you might want to save the crafting materials and foods (hay, meat and fruit).
    Also ya need 5 of each lvl20 dragon quest items to expand our safe (Quest from banker. Dont remember if ya have got those yet but ya will soon). After expanding safe ya can sell them to npc (or try to sell to other players, personally I have just npced them).
    Also lvl31 dragon quest items are needed for expanding safe. Those I have saved and try to sell them to people from time to time.

    Fashion tab: You just need to buy some fashion from other players or from the cash shop.
    Them are rather expencive so you might not wanna buy them till you are high lvl (Unless ya wanna do some serious grinding as low lvl).

    Feel free to PM me on forums if ya got any other questions :)
    Ill try to answer them as good as I can :D
    ~Enliven Executor~
    In Game Names:
    Daedr - Cleric
    KittyD - Venomancer

    Whisp if ya wanna have a talk :D
  • Oz - Lost City
    Oz - Lost City Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    gerrick222 wrote: »
    What are good starting classes (or a class)? When I played WoW, I found that druid and priest were my favorites, almost always as healer. But from that experience I also know that healer types might not be the easiest thing to start out with! Any suggestions as to good newbie classes? And if so, what makes it particularly newbie friendly?

    If you like healers, you wont get around the Cleric class. Its the only real healer class in this game. You are still able to do all quests and everything you want, since their attack spells are pretty good as well. (Kind of like rest + blance druid if you want ^^)
    Only downside maybe: Clerics have a somewhat high mana consumption, so you will live on the mana-pot diet a lot, not exactly cheap..

    If you prefer an "easy" class and still like the magic classes, Venomancer might be a nice choice for you. Venos are kind of the "cheapest" class in game, their pet tanks everything and certain skills (a bit later in lvls) make them close to completely independent on mana consumption, repairs etc...
    With your pet, you can mostly solo everything, even a bunch of elite mobs and bosses the other classes cant do without help.
    Money...bane of all classes! So far I have been puttering about with an archer and a venomancer. Neither past level 10 (wimpy, I know), but I've only been online a few hours. But one thing I have noticed is that you can run out of cash fast! Any tips on holding onto what you have? Is crafting worthwhile? Or better to sell all the stuff you pick up? I did notice on my archer at least, that I run out of inventory space pretty quick! I assume it is expandable at some point? Or is that cash shop only?

    As already said: Veno = cheapcheap...
    The best way to make some money to learn skills n stuff at low lvl is to pick up everything you see. Crafting materials you should use for crafting, the skills are all useful later. The best stuff you can get is from mobs at around lv15+. The items are called "DQ" (Dragon Quest) items, they can be used for a repeatable quest, but they sell really high. Those are a really nice source of income at ANY lvl. (My lv75 veno lives off those).

    Inventory space: You can get a quest from any banker that increases your bank space by 1 bar, later another quest for another bar. Everything beyond that is cash shop.
    Speaking of, love the idea of the fashion tab. That is awesome. One question though, is that available to everyone? Or to even use the fashion tab do you need to buy something from the cash shop? Or is the cash shop item only if you are getting the extra fashion storage space? While I am not a huge clothes horse in game, I do love the idea of having a character who looks good while running about in whatever armor they have.

    You might want to check out the Auction House (look for Auctioneer NPCs in every city). People sell their old fashion, or fashion in colours they dont like, sometimes for really cheap, so you might be able to grab a deal there...
  • gerrick222
    gerrick222 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    Thanks for the answers so far! Makes me a bit less leery about trying out a cleric as a newbie :)

    Though the mana potions cost could be a prohibitive factor!

    From the sound of the replies so far, no one server is more populated or accessible than any other? That is a plus, if so, to me at least. I suppose once I "settle down" and start leveling a character or two in earnest (as opposed to just testing things out), I'll need to start looking into guilds/factions as well!

    Glad to see friendly replies so far, that have not been anti-newbie, unlike some other MMOs I've tried in the past! :)
  • Jarahe - Heavens Tear
    Jarahe - Heavens Tear Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I am also quite new to the game, and I thank you very much as I had the same questions. I read everything I could to understand the game.

    I do have one question (so far) that I haven't seen answered yet. Jarahe is a cleric level 5 ATM and she is questing etc. I do not know the command to have her look around? I have been clicking ahead in order to see what is behind me for quests, npcs and killing monsters, then running in circles to see *all around her*.

    I have played with the camera mode (a little long in the tooth and really does not allow me to look *down below* and keep it there. She runs forward and sideways and I can't see around buildings etc? I have been using the map compass also, which is a great tool; but it is not solving my problem.

    I want to be able to *see*...
    1. what is in front of her
    2. to be able to play from *above*
    3. what is behind her

    Thanks in advance for your help
  • Mentaz - Sanctuary
    Mentaz - Sanctuary Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I want to be able to *see*...
    1. what is in front of her
    2. to be able to play from *above*
    3. what is behind her

    Default camera control is hold right-mouse and drag, so you can use that to move the camera up (giving you that view from above). You may also want to use the scroll wheel to zoom out a bit (to see what's in front and behind).

    Another option you might be interested is to go under game options and select the 'A,D keys' option. That will make those keys turn the camera (instead of moving your character sideways).