Perfect world's direction...

Dhboy - Dreamweaver
Dhboy - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
edited February 2010 in General Discussion
Since a mod closed my last topic thinking it was similar to another i shall discuss this topic differently.

Lately the developers have been focusing on different regions of perfect world. The forums and cash-shop buyers.

My question to the public is; are you afraid that Perfect world is focusing too much on specific things and not enough on the main content of the game, rumors of various players leaving the game and others being seriously disappointed in the current updates have not changed the Perfect world Team's goal or ethics at this point in time.

When is enough for yourself?


Death smiles at us all.
All a man can do is smile back.
Post edited by Dhboy - Dreamweaver on


  • FruityMelons - Heavens Tear
    FruityMelons - Heavens Tear Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My opinion.

    Just because we get to play for free doesn't mean PWI isn't a business. They make decisions and modifications based on their business model and making a profit. Even if we pay to play that doesn't mean we get input into their business model unless invited...and even then that doesn't mean we will be listened to.

    PWI is what it is and will change what it feels is in it's best interest while keeping enough players interested and entertained that they better their business and profit. We have a choice, continue or discontinue and in the end, nothing more.

    I've watched things morph on PWI and some I agree with and some I don't... But I take the good with the bad... and I'm enjoying finding good entertainment for FREE...choosing to pay when I make that choice and nothing more.
  • Dhboy - Dreamweaver
    Dhboy - Dreamweaver Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    My opinion.

    Just because we get to play for free doesn't mean PWI isn't a business. They make decisions and modifications based on their business model and making a profit. Even if we pay to play that doesn't mean we get input into their business model unless invited...and even then that doesn't mean we will be listened to.

    PWI is what it is and will change what it feels is in it's best interest while keeping enough players interested and entertained that they better their business and profit. We have a choice, continue or discontinue and in the end, nothing more.

    I've watched things morph on PWI and some I agree with and some I don't... But I take the good with the bad... and I'm enjoying finding good entertainment for FREE...choosing to pay when I make that choice and nothing more.

    Opinion granted and understood.

    Every Rose has its Thorn though. Sure this business is a F2P business but the people who spend the most amount of money are the people who are satisfied enough in the game to allow them to spend their money.. Without their trust or loyalty this game would plunder.

    Only a fool of a company would be ignorant enough to ignore their players needs.. subsequently this game is not as free as it seems. The percentage of players actually cash shop, whether it be a firework of a high level mount. Many people place their trust in the game to provide them with good updates and good content.

    THIS is not the case as of late though and people i know have been getting fed up, the signs are clear and PWI know this yet have not acknowledged anything. There are still weekly updates to the cash shop and pointless fashion items added.. Granted they produce a small revenue for PWI, but nothing compared to what could be gained for securing the loyalty of long term members.

    Death smiles at us all.
    All a man can do is smile back.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    look at it this way, frankie is FINALLY implementing events for us free players, and the sales are getting moderately less in severity on how they affect gold prices. theyre finally seeking user feed back in how the direction the flagship is taking, we can just consider this a transitional phase.

    consider it like a new dynasty in the history of a nation, you can have more than one golden age. who knows, maybe we'll get there soon.

    they have hinted at new content coming around the bend and you have to admit, 3 major updates in less than a year is hot progress in the terms of these fancy MMOs. personally, i think people on these forums are just too god damn whiny to actually consider the fact, theres nothing seriously wrong about the game.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Biafra - Heavens Tear
    Biafra - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    personally, i think people on these forums are just too god damn whiny to actually consider the fact, theres nothing seriously wrong about the game.

    I agree, and even when they get what they want they complain after words, I dont understand it but its always been that way.

    "For on its wing was dark alloy
    And as it fluttered--fell
    An essence--powerful to destroy
    A soul that knew it well."

    Edgar Allen Poe "The Happiest Day"
  • MANray_ - Sanctuary
    MANray_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,311 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I myself we'll be the first to admit that the direction PW has taken of late does include what i would in plain terms call mistakes. It hasn't all been bad however and we may yet they will focus more in retention of the player base than in attracting new customers. Many of the changes we have seen seem to point in the direction of raising the leveling cap and while i don't entirely trust all things will be to my liking when this comes to happen, it may bring a renewed sense of challenge and balance with it.

    Here's hoping...
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    some of things they do i dont like but im gonna play this game tell either it gets shut down or there is no one else to play with but heres hoping they better the game cus imo this is the best free to play game there is ive been searching & i cnt seem to find a better one out there all it needs to do is to not make it so difficult for the free to play players & not to easy for the people who are paying other wise im fine with the gameb:victory
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle