Just Need Some Clarification



  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Ah, I was awaiting a troll.
    Come down off your soap-box, please. I can't read your mind, hence I can only respond to what you wrote, and what you wrote lacked key information. To quote your own words:
    There was never an agreement in the beginning, if you failed to read.
    I read your first post beginning to end and there was no mention of when/if an agreement was made. I also read your second post beginning to end, and your edit on your second post is ambiguous about what happened.

    You stated that you "[were] under the impression" that you were doing one thing, when in fact the squad was doing something else. That didn't tell me if there was an agreement or not, because I wasn't there, all it told me was that you didn't know if there was one. My response was based on the possibility that you may have broken an agreement you had not been aware of for whatever reason.

    OK, but that was then, this is now. Now you tell me that there definitely was no agreement. Well then, if that's the situation, then what's the big deal? Your whole party went in with no agreement, then lo-and-behold a disagreement erupts.

    There's a very simple and effective solution to avoid this problem: agree beforehand. However, appealing to shifting communal customs after-the-fact is also fine, provided you enjoy the drama involved. And hey, you got a good story to tell about the greedy little guy who booted you over a Lucky Pack, so it's a win for drama-generation.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • FanFon - Dreamweaver
    FanFon - Dreamweaver Posts: 233 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    For me, a tabbed run is all about the tabber.

    P.S. You accuse the tabber of being "greedy", but couldn't the same be said of you for being so stingy about a few measly drops?

    For me, a tabbed run is all about the tabber. No its not.

    P.S. You accuse the tabber of being "greedy", but couldn't the same be said of you for being so stingy about a few measly drops?
    How about you wine a fb59 and give all the drops to the tabber and not yourself?
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Come down off your soap-box, please. I can't read your mind, hence I can only respond to what you wrote, and what you wrote lacked key information. To quote your own words:

    I read your first post beginning to end and there was no mention of when/if an agreement was made. I also read your second post beginning to end, and your edit on your second post is ambiguous about what happened.

    You stated that you "[were] under the impression" that you were doing one thing, when in fact the squad was doing something else. That didn't tell me if there was an agreement or not, because I wasn't there, all it told me was that you didn't know if there was one. My response was based on the possibility that you may have broken an agreement you had not been aware of for whatever reason.

    OK, but that was then, this is now. Now you tell me that there definitely was no agreement. Well then, if that's the situation, then what's the big deal? Your whole party went in with no agreement, then lo-and-behold a disagreement erupts.

    There's a very simple and effective solution to avoid this problem: agree beforehand. However, appealing to shifting communal customs after-the-fact is also fine, provided you enjoy the drama involved. And hey, you got a good story to tell about the greedy little guy who booted you over a Lucky Pack, so it's a win for drama-generation.

    To clarify for you: I apologize if you weren't clear on the story, that is my ambiguity to try and prevent the said squad from becoming known in case any or so was reading the topic. And for calling you a troll, I'm just used to expecting attacks on the forums.

    As for the agreeing before-hand: Before hand, it was a BH that was supplied wine by one cleric. It became an FB after the tabber tabbed at the first boss, which laid a surprise for everyone in the squad, not just myself. There isn't a chance to agree beforehand if someone suddenly goes: "Oh, well I'll turn this into my FB as well, so just give me all of the drops, kay?"

    My question was how did PWI deal with the distribution of FBs/BHs drops? What was the custom/standard practice nowadays since the gaming generation has changed, that way I could adapt to it and start performing as well.

    This wasn't a thread based off of drama, so don't think that. It was a legitimate question with a story as example for a "What-Would-You-Do". Hence, why I asked for clarification.

    Though I agree with what has been said in here. That small amount of exp[What is it, 20k?] isn't worth the 400k+ wine costs nor the possible millions worth on a mold. However, if it has been established that such things go to tabber, then that is how it will be, and anything else would be immoral. But, as tabber, the attitude that comes with it for some of these players needs to change.
  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have. One demanded every single DQ drop throughout the unwined FB39, the other through FB19. I left the 39 (as did other people as well), the 19 we explained that most FB runs will give at most all boss 3*/mold drops, sometimes the gear as well. TBH I just drop everything from boss that may be of some value, and I think I've had one person PMing me because I forgot one white equip.

    Just to randomly point out, Xan dear

    39 is always unwined. Whether it was wined or not therefore, had nothing to do with who got drops. Although admittedly yes, every single DQ item is excessive, but once again:

    Tabbers gets drops


    Tabber gets molds and 3*s but everything else is random

    In tabbed (and wined depending on the dungeon) FB runs, you agree that the tabber will get the drops. This doesn't mean you can then be picky and complain about what drops the tabber actually wants - you had already agreed that if they say they want a drop they get it. You can call them out on being picky, yes, you can leave if you feel they are being bossy, yes, but you cannot accuse them of doing anything wrong by asking for those drops.

    You get to keep the random drops by the good graces of the tabber, because typically they're smart enough to know where the value lies in drops and therefore they won't care for anything else. But if a tabber has wined and tabbed asks you to drop even simple gear from a boss, you can either ragequit and call them greedy or you can drop it because you accept the fact that "drops" covers anything a boss will drop.
  • Sangodoc - Dreamweaver
    Sangodoc - Dreamweaver Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For me, a tabbed run is all about the tabber. No its not.
    Yes, it is. It may not be for you, but it certainly is for me, which is what I was talking about.

    Please don't presume to tell me what I feel tabbed runs are about.

    Also, just saying "No it'tisn't" isn't an argument, its just a contradiction. Please see the appropriate Monty Python sketch for the rest of what I have to say about that.
    P.S. You accuse the tabber of being "greedy", but couldn't the same be said of you for being so stingy about a few measly drops?
    How about you wine a fb59 and give all the drops to the tabber and not yourself?
    I wouldn't wine it because I prefer to do it unwined (I'm not lazy and the Darkness Stamps there are nice b:pleased). But if the tabber asked me politely and I could do it, I'd give 'em the dang coins too. But that's just me.
    Not calling the tabber greedy, I am saying has the level of greed increased to the point to where even the DQ drops on FBs are taken into account?
    LOL. And by saying that you're calling the tabber greedy. You can't accuse someone of being an example of an "increasing the level of greed" without also accusing them of being greedy. It's like saying, "I'm not calling him an idiot, I'm just using him as an example of how the levels of idiocy are rising." You can't do the latter, without doing the former.
    To where the person who is in control of the FB will create chaos over something as miniscule as Explosive Shots?
    Honestly, I think of it as "tabber gets drops", that is, all drops, not just the ones you happen to deem as good enough. Why? Because not all people draw the same line at what is "good enough" and what isn't. Making it all drops makes it simple. Also, see below.
    And I wasn't being stingy at all, if you didn't read, once again.
    Please, drop the "if you didn't read" insults. You're whining about someone wanting what they perceived to be their Lucky Pack and now about Explosive Shots too. If that isn't being stingy, I don't know what is. Whether you actually had it or not has nothing to do with the fact that you wouldn't want to give it up even if you did have it.
    For me, a tabbed run is all about the tabber.
    And I have to disagree with that statement. Does a tabber have the right to completely disregard the safety of the squad? Does the tabber become God in a situation where...[snipped]
    I don't know what statement you're talking about, because I certainly didn't mean anything you're arguing against in that statement, or any other one I've made.

    I just mean, the tabber's FB run is an important event for them. It's often the first time they see the dungeon, they're going up against tougher bosses, and they're often now starting to get better drops. FBs also usually come around the same time they just got a bunch of new skills and are low on cash. Thus, this run is one where they need extra protection and training, and it's also a good opportunity for them to do a bit of "fundraising".

    You will note that this point has nothing about elevating them to "gods" or whatever other rubbish you strangely attributed to what I said. I'm simply saying I think that there are good reasons why tabbed FB runs are special, and why they should be about the tabber, instead of yourself or a cause for whining because they'd like to get a potentially valuable drop (and yes, I've found Lucky Packs in FBs to be more commonly the type that include pots, pills, and gems than average.) But again, this is just my opinion in the matter, and I admit it is not the case 100% of the time, but I choose to treat it that way to make it fair.
    When you enter an FB, you agree to do the best with your character to help this person kill a boss. So they get the right to treat you like **** because they have the tabs? I don't think so.
    I don't think so either. That's why I didn't argue for that. To quote you, "if you didn't read", please reread what I wrote, and you will see that you're just making a straw man argument.

    Look, maybe the tabber was strapped for cash, or was taught to expect all drops, or maybe he had even been ripped off before in an earlier FB run (I know I was on my first two). You don't know because you didn't ask. You just ran to the forum to whine about it behind his back.

    Next time, instead of flying off the handle as you did to the tabber and I, perhaps you could first try seeing if what is upsetting you is simply because you are looking at things in a different way than how they were intended.
  • WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary
    WarrenWolfy - Sanctuary Posts: 1,686 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    However, if it has been established that such things go to tabber, then that is how it will be, and anything else would be immoral.
    Hmm... I can't see that it would be immoral, if by "it has been established such things go to tabber" you are referring merely to common customs. The world is filled with immoral customs that ought to be challenged, not capitulated to.

    From the full description of the situation you just described it's clear the tabber was acting in a particularly offensive form of immoral behaviour. Namely, he was attempting to twist a code of ethics completely against itself in order to harm others and benefit himself. By appealing to custom, he thus tries to make those who he is attempting to take advantage of feel guilty, and thus they might feel compelled to consent to something they would not have consented to if they had been asked openly and honestly.

    My response would have been simply to drop squad and leave.

    As for in-game customs in general, I admit I have little-to-no patience for them. I have a custom of paying tabbers 20k for FB19, 30k for FB29, 40k for FB39, etc..., but that's just me. If I were to start getting upset at others for not following my custom, then I'd just be a self-righteous nitwit.

    And that's my problem with customs: half the time people aren't even aware of them, but even if they are there's still a ton of people who don't want to consent to them, but due to peer pressure they are often guilt-tripped into obeying them anyway. The tyranny of community opinion becomes a self-righteous nitwit.
    PWI Merchanting Guides: warrenwolfy.wordpress.com
  • Smobo - Heavens Tear
    Smobo - Heavens Tear Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I find if I run an fb for someone, they're typical of the level where the drops could be of use to them. The way I see it, is if I give the drops to the tabber of the FB, and everyone gives me the drops when I tab my fbs, then its fair.

    ((And yes, I have wined a fb59 that wasn't mine and gave up the drops))
    "People who quote themselves in their signatures are silly. I mean, they can just make up whatever **** they want, and since they said it in their siggie, its a quote." - Smobo
  • Chaotica_ - Heavens Tear
    Chaotica_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 63 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The standard my squad usually goes by: (unless specified)

    Tabbers get:
    3*/Molds goes to tabber
    all others, random

    Wined w/ Fee
    Drops Random

    Wined w/ No Fee
    3*/Molds goes to winer
    all others, random

    Amen to that.

    I was lucky enough to have ran a BH a few nights back with someone who bought the wine, didn't ask for a fee, and let everyone have every drop they got.
    I don't expect everyone to be like this, but I have to agree with what most people have said - Tabs don't make you God. I've obviously had FB's run for me and I've never demanded a single drop, people just acted by how we normally act, 3*/molds to tabber, that is although I didn't see any need for it.
    With the case of 59 and above, where wine is essential to the completion of the run, if the tabber did not wine I see no reason for them to have the drops, other than the blood. You've had an excellent squad of experienced players do a run for you, and one of them spent so-and-so money to make the run faster and safer. This should be stated upon forming a FB squad, and if the tabber doesn't want to go by that, he can look for a new squad who will do it the way he wants it to. Is all. Simple as that :)
  • Aya__ - Heavens Tear
    Aya__ - Heavens Tear Posts: 336 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Always ran FB's as 3*/molds to tabber, other drops DQ etc left to random.

    This is based on tabber also supplying the wine.

    TBH if tabber wants ALL the drops they should state that BEFORE the FB. Then if people dont like it they can leave.

    Edit: My understanding of it has always been:

    Tabs > Gets you a squad to help (since the whole purpose of tabs are an incentive for others to help for xp and rep)

    Wine > Gets you the drops
    ^ this
    never tried to take ALL drops when i wined and/or tabbed runs, when ppl still put them on the floor for me or tried to trade them to me i responded with 'i want only 3* and molds please take these' (some stubborn ppl didnt listen anyway @.@) and even this wasn't set in stone either because i sometimes offered 3* for tank to cover repair bill.
    and i do know ppl wining instances, not taking pay and not wanting any drops besides random so like opposite end of scale than OP's squad
    when giving up every single dq and potion and whatever was demanded from me 'because i wined' i complied but it seemed strange and frankly left bad impression... though on low lvl runs i help with ill drop these for the tabber too without being asked, i wont use anyway while tabber can.
  • Trueazaril - Lost City
    Trueazaril - Lost City Posts: 179 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Always ran FB's as 3*/molds to tabber, other drops DQ etc left to random.

    This is based on tabber also supplying the wine.

    TBH if tabber wants ALL the drops they should state that BEFORE the FB. Then if people dont like it they can leave.

    Edit: My understanding of it has always been:

    Tabs > Gets you a squad to help (since the whole purpose of tabs are an incentive for others to help for xp and rep)

    Wine > Gets you the drops

    yep yep totally agree
  • Malei - Sanctuary
    Malei - Sanctuary Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    @ Sangodoc: [Sorry, didn't feel like quoting]

    I didn't come onto forums whining nor sneaking behind said tabber's back. Once I was kicked, I promptly asked him to tell me the issue that earned me that kick. when he explained the Lucky Pack, I told him the situation of me not knowing that he wanted every single item, and from the Lucky Pack, I recieved the mana pots needed to replenish mana that I desperately needed on my alt. I also told him that if he wanted the pack, I would've easily given it to him, and pointed out the fact that because he failed to clarify the need for all items, he missed out on a free wined FB that he needed by kicking everyone from squad.

    My question was already answered. The practice for FBs seemed to have changed only from Tabber gets valuable drops to winer. That was the original purpose for this thread, not to whine or moan about anything. I simply wanted to see what other players did in those cases in order to learn what was the custom now.

    Got it? Good. Thread is done.


    I meant that it would be immoral for a player to agree to giving the drops to tabber, and then taking them and leaving. Seriously, I've seen way too many World Chats over someone taking a mold from an FB/BH and running out of squad with it.

    But as for the \real world being involved, Perfect World =/= Real world to me. As stated before, thread is done, my question was answered. Thanks for the clarification, to those that did, yanno, gave me an answer ^^

    Happy Gaming <3
  • bigbaddog68
    bigbaddog68 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    In my 39 FB i was with a squad that dont even allow me to take lucky packs, if they bdont get to me by chance. And in my 59 squad there was a greedy guy who get the only mold that drop in that FB. I wasnt p[aying for the wine, somebody for my faction did, but she didnt get the mold. I was the tabber, i get some **** 3 stars i cant use and cant sell... maybe to NPC's, but i didnt kick anybody. Cause those poeple, at least, help me finish a quest:)

    Maybe I'm the greatest noob, but i dont think that u have to put so much price on drops, off course, not if there are some rules. When we started my 59, the rule was @molds and *** stars to the tabber". And if someone is to greedy to respect the rule, what can u do?
    Especially when the quest ends? U warn your friends not to associate with that person and that is it.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Ouch... necro b:surrender
  • Typhyse - Sanctuary
    Typhyse - Sanctuary Posts: 3,469 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    All 3*s go to tabber, unless they don't want them. The rest is up for grabs.
    Demon_Troll: "takes on the appearance of an innocent archer but turns into a mindless idiot once you hear him speak"
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Now, in FBs, is it still the norm to give the tabber all three stars and molds, you know, for supplying their tabs?

    It's guild policy in many of the bigger guilds (but not the one that owns the map in HT). Personally it should be made clear before the person teleports or starts traveling to the FB what the demands of the tabber are.
    What do you do, PW players, when you are faced with a member that believes that you should give every single item to them, including the damn Lucky Packs?

    I've left the squad many times when I felt the tabber was being greedy and not up front.
    Or, even better, say this person didn't even supply the wine for this FB? [Wine is still used in FBs, omg.] But you gave up your mats, your money, your time for them and they still demand the Iron Shots?

    I've had to teach a massive amount of people (and many still in denial) that fb59 unwined doesn't take ~4 hours even when I was in my 60s. Excluding boss battles, I could probably have cleared it solo in under an hour at Lv.74. To me it doesn't matter on 39-59 (I don't do 19-29), only matters a little on 69 (mostly cause they pull a 20x3 on us), do like wine on 79, but 89 and 99 I'm fine w/o. This is of course we get to keep drops other than books, 3*, molds. Apocolypse pages I consider the replacement for Darkness Stamps in 89 and they fall from non bosses so they're mine if I get them. I'm already thanking the tabber with the 3*/ mold/ book (which should be arranged prior to rather than assumed).
    Have players become so greedy that the moment you don't supply to their demand, you are kicked? Have the player's pighead nature reached an all time high?

    I often set the pace so I'm rarely kicked. If I leave, they're usually stuck going much slower and sometimes ask me to come back (if I'm tp'd out of the instance by that time: cya!). Again, they should have clarified their demands from the start. So many people waste the character space allowed in WC's.

    If someone is too lazy or ignorant to state their demands upfront before you pay for TP, or waste time on travel: I think they deserve to lose. After all, they have tabs which is a negotiable factor. How many people needing a stacked BH wouldn't pony up for wines as well as give drops to a tabber? Assuming things out of laziness is the problem.
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Tweakz you do realize you're responding to a post in February right? o_O
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited August 2010
    Tweakz you do realize you're responding to a post in February right? o_O

    I'm drunk, let me stumble, let me puke, then laugh at me. b:victory
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
This discussion has been closed.