Are Infamy Really That Great ???

Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Tideswell (East)
Personaly I dont think so.. ok i agree QQme holding Infamy Pinned down in the safe zone isnt much of an achivement As far as winning anything Nightrage mentioned its all about tw and the ten mill they get each week well way i see it is the longer we keep u helpless pined down in safe zone the better thats worth twice as much as 10 mill ive seen nightrage at OT and what happens ? his squishy **** gets rolled ! We dont see nightrage at OT any more what a Sad Day,
Infamy has ALLLL the 9x barbs who if i mention are from empire ?? lol wait a min nightrage didnt u say QQme leached Empires members ? Looked at ur guild list much ! 80% of them are empire,
Infamy claim to be the best and all the rest of the rubbish they talk yet they struggle to handle our So called Phail Guild in pvp ? Now im sorry but if QQme was Top of the game We'd pwn at ALLLLLL aspects of the game lol pvp pve etc,
When ppl finaly grow some balls and stop joining infamy cuz its a free meal ticket the better ! Fact of the matter is if infamy are so strong and powerful Why is it that EVERY guild on the server helps U fight us ??,
come on last 2 days perfect example ! get the call in guild chat Pvp At west gate we attend Who do we end up fighting ?? Infamy & rage Day Be4 we got to OT who we fight Infamy & insight,
funny thing about this situation is Apprently Insight hate infamy ?? And so dose rage ? I can Promise u for a full blown fact U will never see a QQme member Fighting along side infamy So All these other guilds who apprently hate infamy Step up Stop being cowerds,
U claim to hate infamy but u fight along side them Hmmmm ?? u sure u guys hate infamy cuz to me ur guilds look scared of them ?
now i understand ppl have friends in other guilds and QQme are Most hated on the server We embrass that fact I have Personaly rolled ALOT of my close friends who are in other guilds for the simple reason our guilds dont get along So i kill u, If U were playing call of duty or another pvp sorta game And ur friend was on the other team would u run up to him with Ur Gun out and NOT Shoot ??? I Love my guild I will defend my guild till I have no str left in my fingers !if ur friends are in other guilds and Stop being ur friend cuz of pvp against them, then ask ur self is that really a Friend ???!
we Stick to our guns we roll infamy insight Rage Nightmare and whoever else wants to come to the dance But u guys need to think about who ur helpin! by helping infamy fight QQme 1 ur making ur guild look bad Cuz ur leaders talk about over throwing infamy And in the same breathe there guildies are helping infamy
I could carry this on for ages giving u example on how infamy suck Just to finish up as i said be4 U will never see ANYONE from QQme Helping Infamy We do PvE stuff with Infamy thats not the issue Lol as far as PvP gose Who can touch QQme On this server??? the only way Infamy Rolls QQme At OT is Join up with other guilds Or wait till QQme is Sleeping ! when we barely have 20 members online lol

Sooooooooooooooooooooo Is Infamy Really that Great
Post edited by nimpo on


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  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited February 2010

  • Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Well if people need to team up pvp so a fight is interesting and fair then that is welcome. Yes people complain they get rolled in pvp like Godly who is a good guy came out and flew to a group of QQme and the dogs of war were released on his **** and he lost a misty. He didn't come to pvp but so it goes. I think PvP people naturally try to gravitate to even the battle thats why there are so many battles of Rage Insight Infamy all vs QQme. QQme is PvE players vs everyone. Ofc you have to seperate fun pvp outside of OT from serious faction business.
  • Posts: 379 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nimpo when have you EVER rolled rage?
    but thats beside the point. nimpo does raise a valid arguement. why do people only QQ about infamy instead of doing something about it? if you hate it so much why join it? they may have the strongest whoracled barbs and such. but if the rest of the server was to work together to stop them that would EASILY happen. infamy cant defend all of their land at once. and i guarantee you once they start losing land all of the huge cash shoppers (read:entire guild) would all disperse into new nimpo, take a chill pill and work on making QQme stronger as a whole, i know fuzzy is doing it in varden, and Okra and myself are doing it in rage. maybe we can prevent a Kylin/Kingdom situation like on HL, or worse yet a Conqueror scenario.

    tl;dr: dont just talk nimpo, do.
  • Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can't beleive I read all of that.

    Ok....where to begin.

    When ppl finaly grow some balls and stop joining infamy cuz its a free meal ticket the better !

    Now what do you mean here by "free meal ticket"? When I was on Lost City I used to hear people saying that people would only join Conqueror because of the salary. I'm pretty sure that the average Infamy salary is less than what I can make doing 2 HH runs, and less than what the average cash shopper could get by selling what they charge daily.
    Pvp At west gate we attend Who do we end up fighting ?? Infamy & rage

    Is that really even an issue for you? Rage attacking QQme? Now, I mean no offense to any of Rage's members here, they seem to be working hard and I'm sure one day they will be a force to be reckoned with. But as it currently stands there are maybe 2 people in Rage who can make a difference in PvP. The rest are people like AIDS who get 2 shot in PvP and then say "Lol you fail, you missed me with slam."

    People on this server IMO view others too much by their guild. People will see others and automatically make assumptions based on what guild they're in. Now it's fun to get caught up in Guild vs. Guild PvP, but a guild is just a tag above your head that doesn't represent the person at all.

    Oh, and Nimpo, I think you should let Man handle the QQme representation on the forums. If nothing else, simply because he uses paragraphs and correct spelling/grammar. (mostly)

    Although there is one thing I think should be mentioned he said.
    We have grown from our first TW week with 13 people and picked up some awesome members like TheDude, and St. Peter that represent us on the field of battle well.

    I might be thinking of the wrong people here, but isn't TheDude some assassin that's been 5x for the past like, month? And isn't SaintPeter the 7x barb that uses 2x gear?
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited February 2010
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you put 1/2 as much effort into your faction as you do flaming and crying on WC and in forums. You would have the top 200 players on the server in QQme. As for the free meal ticket, I'm going to mail next weeks TW pay to Nimpo in the form of arrows. I'll see if I can get others in Infamy to do the same... or maybe we can mail it 1 coin at a time.

    Kali, how could you diss wall like that, you can't compare him to nimpo >.<
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper. - T. S. Eliot
  • Posts: 6,790 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    If you put 1/2 as much effort into your faction as you do flaming and crying on WC and in forums. You would have the top 200 players on the server in QQme. As for the free meal ticket, I'm going to mail next weeks TW pay to Nimpo in the form of arrows. I'll see if I can get others in Infamy to do the same... or maybe we can mail it 1 coin at a time.

    Kali, how could you diss wall like that, you can't compare him to nimpo >.<
    Buy sadness cards
    Mail to Nimpo
    "My understanding of women only goes as far as the pleasure. When it comes to the pain, I'm like any other bloke - I don't want to know."
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Come on Moto, it fits. b:laugh
  • Posts: 250 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Anyone know how many arrows you can mail at once?
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    This is the way the world ends
    Not with a bang but a whimper. - T. S. Eliot
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Dear Nimpo,

    I must admit our understanding of the English language is far superior, and to be the PK gods that you are, you certainly have not made a move for us in TW. In fact, you chose the furthest corner away from us to start your faction and have been running away ever since. To be honest I would love to TW against you guys very soon, but something is telling me it would be wrong to make a child have a coronary after pitching a rage fit about how nobody helped him beat us. If you wish to make an argument, at least learn how to type it. LOL GeTmAdMuCh?
  • Posts: 770 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    In response to Nimpo, when it comes to pk, Fuzzy will squad with anyone on the battlefield who is on the lesser side of the equation regardless of faction.... which VERY SADLY is usually just Fuzzy all by himself.

    There no question that QQme brings more people to the pk fight seemingly everyday. Which is why me end up burning charm committing suicide on a regular basis against em. There is very slowly getting to be more people Fuzzy squad with for pk on a "regular" basis to fight you, but it has nothing to do with being in favour of one guild or another. It is only to do with the smaller group on the field.

    As me have said on a regular basis in the forums, the idea of joining the bigger team (be it for TW or just daily pk) isn't Fuzzy's style. There is more enjoyment to be had from fighting on the smaller team and slaying the giant. In pk that be QQme, in TW that be Infamy. Fuzzy has yet to have the personal pleasure of fighting Infamy in TW, but that day will come. Me fight QQme almost daily on the pk field and it only because they always bring the bigger force.

    There might be less flaming and crying and QQ'ing on WC and/or forums if more people could take a page from Fuzzy. Teamwork is not a disgustingly difficult concept to understand... and pk and tw are different beast's all together. A helping hand here or there to simply have some enjoyment in all aspects of the game, be it pve, pk, or tw will keep the server interesting and entertaining for a long time to come...

    .....or, we can continue to fan the flames of hate, build bigger walls amongst those actually interested in the long term health of the server and QQ to each others deaf ears on a regular basis as everyone seems to do today.
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Lol. A serious rant about open PK on a PvE server.

    • Press Perfect World International on your desktop.
    • Let the patcher load up, press start Game.
    • Go to the server selection.
    • Click any server with (PvP) behind it.
    • ???
    • Profit!

    There is no hidden honour or whatever in open PK. So you can spawn adds like Loge, Anneliesse and other cute 7x-es to help you stun and gank people who are severely outnumbered and then claim you're good at PK. Yeah, that makes you an awesome PKer and that makes Infamy very weak.

    As I've said before, put your money where your mouth is. We rolled you hard in tournament Nimpo, 3 shots (during NPC healing period) and you were sent back to South Archosaur so you could resume your OT trolling. In TW you're the leader, so come on over and attack Insight then come attack us. If you and you and your faction are truly that skilled as you say, then numbers won't matter, right?

    You should spend less money on the game and buy some of those Dora the Explorer DVDs to polish up your English.

    PS: I think the allies people chose aren't really influenced by the sheer size of the faction, but how much of an idiot you are on WC Nimpo. You call everyone out to come roll you and your faction at OT and now you cry that they do? QQyou indeed.

    @Fuzzy, above post +10 server health.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Nimpo I actually think QQme could be an important part of the force that might cause Infamy some trouble. Would you please put someone else as leader? Consider it.
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I might be thinking of the wrong people here, but isn't TheDude some assassin that's been 5x for the past like, month? And isn't SaintPeter the 7x barb that uses 2x gear?
    Hi, I want to introduce someone to u: Mr. a-bit-of-sarcasm-as-a-symbol-for-not-taking-it-too-serious. Pleased to meet u.
    If you put 1/2 as much effort into your faction as you do flaming and crying on WC and in forums. You would have the top 200 players on the server in QQme.

    I don't think that u have a clue about what Nimpo does for QQme to be a stable faction in the future, cuz u only see some WC flames (is there anything serious to read on WC?) and this thread here (Never seen another thread of Nimpo in this forums, but nvm it doesn't matter, refer to it if u feel like it) and not his actions within the faction, being the nr.1 helpful member and at the same time one of the leading ppl listening to every1 who has something on his mind regarding the faction. And 200 top players of the server...don't make me laugh even if it wasn't serious, it isn't the actual lvl which makes u a top player.
    Well, maybe Nimpo doesn't care that much about correct grammar and spelling, but since every1 here was able to understand the OP, it's not like he has to watch some dora the explorer. Even though it is rly fun to watch at breakfast, maybe my english improved cuz of it D:
    To me this shows only that some here are avoiding the OP using some flames about something that obviously doesn't matter. But nvm again, this will result in a troll thread again (did I mention that I like troll threads? no? I like troll threads <3).
    Uuuuhm, personally I don't care who vs who u PK, if it's 6 QQme vs 10 Infamy and we're w8ing for half an hour (no safety lock doesn't lie >: ) for them to come out then it gets really boring. Either we get rolled and come back within 2 minutes and forcing u back to sz, or we don't get rolled and u stay in sz again. The result is the same, we gotta w8 and w8 and when some of us start thinking "waste of time...bye" , leave and only a few remain, they get rolled and some specific ppl start talking big about how easy QQme is to own. I just dislike ppl who need that kind of sticking the epenors together to get the longest and start bragging about it. I don't care if u gather more than twice as much ppl as us and roll us, it's just annoying to see ppl thinking they are kinda pwning when they don't even have the guts (seems like only fuzzy got some b:dirty ) to come at someone if it's equal in number or if they are outnumbered.
    Normally I don't like talking about stuff like that but I kinda felt like mentioning it.
    PK is just PK and that means u kill and get killed. If I see a group of pkers outside sz and I know that I get rolled easily with my unbuffed squishieness, I run into them and say thanks for saving my costs to archo teleport.
    Dunno why ppl got a problem with getting killed, it's not like takin a knife and shorten ur epenor to 20 inches...

    Well, I don't think Nimpos point was about being better than infamy or whatsoever, he is just pissed cuz a partly self-proclaimed number 1 faction isn't showing more than a random faction when it comes to pk.
    But again, Idc - don't see it as a flame from me, it's just what I think his post was about.
    Some1 mentioned TW here, and I really would appreciate it even if we may lose at the current state (Also depends on wheter we're attacking or defending how the chances to win are) cuz it will be the most exciting one (Insight is 2nd one) I could imagine atm.

    Too little trolling in my post b:surrender
    That's so depressing...*cut,cut,cut*

    Oh w8, just mentionend a new post, that's my chance!
    u235 wrote: »
    Nimpo I actually think QQme could be an important part of the force that might cause Infamy some trouble. Would you please put someone else as leader? Consider it.
    u235 I actually think QQme has more important goals than causing someone trouble. Would you please put on ur ingame name so I can hug u, or are you afraid of **** love (or me touching ur soft spot <3) and even not able to hide urself behind that pseudonym u created for the sole purpose of giving ur ig-self a name from which u can't refer to who u are?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    LOL LOL LOL! Androm my english may be poor I may spell BADLY ! Fact of the matter is the truth hurts Weather u agree with me or Not u know as well as i do NOOONE on the mapp can Beat infamy in TW so why would we wanna fight u right now ?? come on now please as for running away from u guys HAHAHAHA whatever u say Androm u talk all mature and politicaly Correct but wasnt u crying over a 14 year old girl turning u down for marriage INGAME ?? ROFL !! no wounder u was demoted from director I hear U raged about it ppl from ur guild were telling me the things ! As For QQme out numbers ppl ROFL ! second we all left empire our 13 man GUILD lol took land and rolled everyone Our lil Pvp Squad me Asher man Toytank Tophole and afew more We Rolled Empire (what was left of them) infamy nightmare everyone! We have Never Out numberd noone we have always been the small guys !! ALWAYS!!! And No Androm I dont get mad Or emo over a game Or shed a tear when A girl Who hasnt hit pubety says no she dont wanna marry me Ingame! As for the Rage thats just to get more ppl to attend when infamy joins up with all the other smaller guilds to Take us out,
    U can talk and "spell" all ur big words u want but U know aswell as i do Im right lol We are the underdogs Wild card on the server And u dont like it ! U'd like us to attack insight right there ur next biggest threat ofc u want us to attack them make ur life easyer! We will fight Insight when we need too D/W about that untill that time insight is ur Problem not ours, as i said be4 name 1 guild on this server that can Hold infamy in TW ?!?!? Cuz there isnt one Were building up or members we taking land bit by bit doing our own thing As for Infamy and ur money I dont give a shiit about what u get paid As i said be4 rolling u guys keeping u Pinned down in safe zone is more then ANY money is worth to me I agree PK & TW are 2 totaly diffrent thing ?? but answer me this in TW what do u have to do ?? Cuz asfar as im aware it involes PVP ?! U guys Would steam roll us in a 80 vs 80 TW why u tryin to play like were on ur lvl ! U guys have suck'd up every high lvl on the server Then talk all high and mighty ! YES it is a free meal ticket and im not complaining about u guys getting TW pay who gives a fk about pay ! I'll charge and dubble all ur wages? fact of the matter is ppl see u guys have the most land HIGHEST lvls And want to join cuz there 2 pussi to fight u, QQme Never intended to be a serious faction it was a Mess around to keep Friends together Which we've done ! ppl seen us PWNING infamy when we were out numberd and wanted to be apart of that 2 *shrugs* (can u blame them 1 Little QQme Squad taking out 3 guilds all at once At OT) I remember 12-15 infamy members took OT from QQme rolled our 5 man squad we had there! But as some of u will remember ! What happend! We come bk And our 5 man team rolled allllllll 15 of u fail **** infamy ! once again not an achivment we can say look at what we got But as for memorys Fk no u'll never live that down ! Let me put it too u like this ! Aslong as we annoy infamy keep u guys running to the safe zone QQme Will be at the Top of its game ! Were here to Fight and annoy the big dogs unlucky for infamy thats you if everyone had tounged bum with insight it would be the same for them U guys claim to be the best Have the most land all the highest players We gonna annoy u till the end of the server !
    Say what u like about me I dont care Im no leader I never wanted to be an officer! But shiit happend i stepped up to the mark And were Doing alright We keeping infamy Red names to a min ive never seen so many Blue name infamy ! As for PK on a PvE server I already said on HL ima be involed or make a RPK faction on a pvE server Would be funny ! and guess what i have And its amuseing a hell ! I set u clowns up daily press ur buttens and u all react to it ! lol Ive never had so much fun On perfect world ! Ive never called ANYONE out to OT maybe once or twice I get into Arguements on WC and there like I'll roll u 1 on 1 im like sure hey Im always game for pvp ! lol ask Androm what happend when he 1 on 1 me Ask godly ask ANYONE whoz 1 on 1 with me I may not win the fight ! but it cost u ALOT more then it cost me! lol in conclusion Keep on hating dora is spanish But good try ! Keep on trolling Enjoying the feedback please try harder tho oh AnD GrAmAR And SpellinG DoNt Bother mE RanDom Caps For the Win

    See U at OT better Out number us as Normal ! Oh and QQme Has Rolled Rage every time we've fort Lol ! unless Ur talking about when u fort the Dude and some other lvl 6x-7x lol When im there Rage hasnt won a single battle But ye Rage Aint my concern I get on with alot of rage ppl we pvp them for fun lol Infamy Get rolled cuz thats Our JOB !!!

    We Dont care if you QQ
    So ya best Re-roll or Play Another game
    @ QQme Weeeere Alllllll Insane!
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Rage Nimpo has spoken <3

    Even though he likes to rage on purpose he is a leader and not a follower, that's what a lot of u were cryin about what's missing on this server. Give props now instead of flames against him b:chuckle
  • Posts: 830 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nimpo wrote: »

    Lol. "Underdogs" is just used as an excuse when you lose and as extra bragging rights when you win. Pick one, you're either good PvPers or underdogs, you can't be both.

    As for the rest of the unreadable garbage you posted, you and others have all said this a million times before. Get some new material please.
    Gotta love the cash shop idiots.
  • Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I can only repeat myself: b:chuckle
  • Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Yes this just happened.

    But Nimpo is an unlikely leader, leadership was thrust on him and he is doing well. He has always said from the start he was not one to be a good leader, or personally did not want officer or anything like that. I think maybe that what makes him so lovable. Joan of arc was also an unlikely leader. So was Braveheart, if they left him and his woman alone then Scottland would probably be part of the UK right now.

    Everyone in QQme has a say, and if we vote to attack Insight this week? Then that is what is going to happen.

    Last but not least i thought my part about St. Peter and The Dude keeping all the power factions in SafeZone totally demoralizing and comedy gold. You would not believe how many people have pm'd me rage and astonishment about St. Peters "Full Vit" build.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    u235 wrote: »
    Nimpo I actually think QQme could be an important part of the force that might cause Infamy some trouble. Would you please put someone else as leader? Consider it.

    ^^^^^^^^^ I never wanted to be leader At QQme, We intended to have NO officers, A small lead team with access to the leader account, the lead team we had became inactive ! I stepped up to the mark took leader tag, As for me LEADING nope I dont lead nothing QQme Runs QQme Our TW attacks are voted on the forums, where the guild votes is where we attack, in QQme Everyones opin counts! noone dictates to noone ! I just happen to have a leader tag ATM, Im not the leader of QQme But Ty for the Suport b:cute
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Too much text b:surrender
    Note: I never seen an Infamy in PvP
  • Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nimpo wrote: »
    ^^^^^^^^^ I never wanted to be leader At QQme, We intended to have NO officers, A small lead team with access to the leader account, the lead team we had became inactive ! I stepped up to the mark took leader tag, As for me LEADING nope I dont lead nothing QQme Runs QQme Our TW attacks are voted on the forums, where the guild votes is where we attack, in QQme Everyones opin counts! noone dictates to noone ! I just happen to have a leader tag ATM, Im not the leader of QQme But Ty for the Suport b:cute

    Oh. Nevermind about the "important part" thing. This can't possibly work in the long term. You do at least name officers to be in charge of command and control in TWs don't you? Or is it just a huge PK fest like you guys would certainly love?
  • Posts: 1,410 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For leader of QQme we all went into the same cube room and had a massive charmless PvP Free for all Royal. Nimpo was the last man standing so we made him king.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    u235 wrote: »
    Oh. Nevermind about the "important part" thing. This can't possibly work in the long term. You do at least name officers to be in charge of command and control in TWs don't you? Or is it just a huge PK fest like you guys would certainly love?

    Atm I do It all TW squads pay attendance Etc we are gathering our lead Team bk and once we do i'll be passing the leader Tag to and Alt Everyone will be responsable for there own things Untill then I wear the tag Do what needs to be done lol *shrugs*
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    nimpo wrote: »
    come on now please as for running away from u guys HAHAHAHA whatever u say Androm u talk all mature and politicaly Correct but wasnt u crying over a 14 year old girl turning u down for marriage INGAME ?? ROFL !! no wounder u was demoted from director I hear U raged about it ppl from ur guild were telling me the things !

    b:angry THATS IT!!!!! At first I was pitying you for writing this thing, but after reading that part your making ME mad! b:infuriated He was NOT crying over me, after all its an IN-GAME thing, not a REAL LIFE thing which you clearly can NOT tell apart!!!

    He wasn't demoted, he resigned by himself because he knew he wasn't going to be active much; get your facts straight. Rofl, people tell you things? Fat chance, keep up your facts straight while it lasts, you'll slip up somewhere in your lies.

    Have to say he's the best in-game dad ever, and Pareathe is the best in-game mommy b:cute

    b:angry NOW OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!!! (<-- just saw the preview for Alice)
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 397 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol Hope what happened lvl33 phy-HL
    Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.
  • Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    lol Hope what happened lvl33 phy-HL

    Wait what? o.o Huh I'm confused...... The only characters I leveled up 30+ is BeingHope - Harshlands and BeingHope - Raging Tide.

    I have no clue what your talking about b:surrender Oh and I'm level 65 Harshlands, 66 Raging Tide xD I'm fail, I know right? LOL
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    u235 wrote: »
    Oh. Nevermind about the "important part" thing. This can't possibly work in the long term. You do at least name officers to be in charge of command and control in TWs don't you? Or is it just a huge PK fest like you guys would certainly love?

    Officers? Wuts dat? Some ppl only got a Marshal/Executor besides their name cuz it makes them look cool.
    I didn't know that only officers are allowed to be in charge of command at TWs QQ
    Now we will never be able to form efficient squads with a squadleader who commands us around. Hell noo u just ruined our meaning of existence.
  • Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Closed for trolling/flaming.
This discussion has been closed.