Most memorable boss fail moments?

Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver
Posts: 432 Arc User
What are some of the most interesting moments you've had when fighting a boss, BH or otherwise? Good, bad, silly encounters? I just thought this was something worth talking about, in spite of all the QQ going on elsewhere.
Last night I'd hoped to knock out Calcid and Trioc in less than thirty minutes because we had one high level BM, a low-ish level cleric, a sin who needed the weapon token another psy (who had to leave) and a cleric around my level. Well, the lower level cleric seemed scared to step forward and ironheart spam us when we needed it, and so the other psy kept dying every twenty minutes. The higher level cleric saved us all, basically. The real problems started when our high level BM decided to try aggroing everything all at once, leaving the cleric to heal. This worked okay at first, but not when we reached trioc.
There's four or five of those red-dressed, HP sucking, wailing blue women guarding Trioc, of course. So when we've cleared up to that point, we're all hanging in the back rebuffing and replenishing mana (by this point it was just me, the two clerics, and the low level sin that needed weapon token) and the BM is just standing there. All of a sudden he charges in and aggros all five of the women AND hercule - I was in tide form meditating (and texting, lol) when I saw Trioc behind me shooting at one of the clerics. Of course, the BM could only kill one bloodsucking lady at a time. So while the rest of us were running around wtf-ing and trying to get away, both clerics died, the sin died, and the BM managed to take out the women eventually. But by then I didn't have time to wait for everyone to get ressed and come back. Not fun.
Now...your turn, I guess. Best or worst moments, you pick.
Last night I'd hoped to knock out Calcid and Trioc in less than thirty minutes because we had one high level BM, a low-ish level cleric, a sin who needed the weapon token another psy (who had to leave) and a cleric around my level. Well, the lower level cleric seemed scared to step forward and ironheart spam us when we needed it, and so the other psy kept dying every twenty minutes. The higher level cleric saved us all, basically. The real problems started when our high level BM decided to try aggroing everything all at once, leaving the cleric to heal. This worked okay at first, but not when we reached trioc.
There's four or five of those red-dressed, HP sucking, wailing blue women guarding Trioc, of course. So when we've cleared up to that point, we're all hanging in the back rebuffing and replenishing mana (by this point it was just me, the two clerics, and the low level sin that needed weapon token) and the BM is just standing there. All of a sudden he charges in and aggros all five of the women AND hercule - I was in tide form meditating (and texting, lol) when I saw Trioc behind me shooting at one of the clerics. Of course, the BM could only kill one bloodsucking lady at a time. So while the rest of us were running around wtf-ing and trying to get away, both clerics died, the sin died, and the BM managed to take out the women eventually. But by then I didn't have time to wait for everyone to get ressed and come back. Not fun.
Now...your turn, I guess. Best or worst moments, you pick.
Post edited by Ilwyn_ - Dreamweaver on
Best- BH 29 with a 42 barb and 45 wiz (I was 48ish). Barb was better tank than some 8xs I've seen.
Worst- BH 29 with 2 BMs- lv 56 and 48, 43 veno as well. I was 45-46 and stole aggro from the 56 bm, ended up tanking Qingzi and burning 84k off my charms.Full power to the Vagiroscope!0 -
my friend keeps mentioning how her 101 cleric friend died on farren sarenti.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.0 -
Twas me, a 9x barb, a 7x wiz(?) and cleric and a 9x BM.
We start killing it, then a veno from a KoS guild appears out of nowhere and pulls Dismal just to annoy us. BM pks KoS.
So we are now killing 2 bosses at the same time. IH, purify, IH, purify, (that group healing skill i dont remember the name), purify etc.
That veno calls reinforcemnts O_O. Her guildies start entering 1 by 1.
Me Healz Tank
2nd cleric heals Team
Wiz(?) walks around scared or something
BM holypath between Dismal and Pkrs entering the room.
Twas fun tho
oh.. we did it btw.
Edit: I just realized now it was a boss fail thread O_O. My bad
Ill share a story then.
Archer (he was 6x at this time) goes with me and squad to FB19
Archer uses holy path to gather mobs.
Archer thinks hes god.
Archer doesnt wait for cleric. archer pulls every single mob in the dungeon till he reaches the boss.
Archer stops at Boss.
Notice: that rest of the squad was still halfway.
Archer attempts to AoE the surrounding mobs.
And Boss.
At the same time.
And Fails.
Me and rest of squad arrive.
Archer asks me here i was: "How about healing hu? Nub"
Me blames genies nerfing patch.
Bring AoE Holy path back!!!
Ty my lav for the Sig ^_^0 -
Just yesterday a BH 69
While fighting pole, our cleric seemed to be abit laggy as she was slow on purify. Tank died, pole went after me, I holy path away around the pond with pole throwing a debuf at me, charm tick but I survived. He being faster, slowly caught up with me, I blink for more distance, holy path again and eventually cleric ressed barb and barb intercepts, we continue (got a total of 2 debufs thrown at me, both instand charm ticks).
Going normal again, but barb's hp dropping scary low a few times again. When pole is about to die, he eventually kills the barb again, one shots me with his debuf, and than dies himself the hit after. b:cry9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
FC Run
yeah even though assassins have that 2nd life skill and i should be able to tank it like a pro and show him up!!!!
His punch is super cause he LIES its more then one punch.. fail0 -
I was helping with a BH51 one time and everything went well until Wyvern. I was tanking the whole instance by the way, and given my level I shouldn't have a hard time (and I don't think I would as long as I'm purified). Well...cleric starts BB. Everything all fine and stuff, I'm being cursed, but BB helped a smidge there. Suddenly, wyvern kills cleric THROUGH BB (yes, cleric was that squishy). What happens when BB goes down and tank is cursed? Yes, I died. And so does the veno in squad. b:surrender We never got to kill him.
Or even more recently, on a frost run. The sole cleric more DD than healing. Tank dies three times on the super whirling slash dude. He leaves squad after third death, leaving Esco to tank. Now at the hands boss (we got a second archer at this time). We're doing our thing, and well...hands kill 3/6 in squad. Cleric barely lives. Remember when I said that she DD'd more than healed? Well, she didn't even heal herself and boss aoe kills her. 4/6 dead. Me and Esco live; thanks to the HP buff that ended up going bye-bye within 2 mins of that. Thank goodness for (demon, lol I had to throw that in) Morning Dew+Sutra. We kill the boss, but 4 people didn't get the exp from it.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Of course I want to make you giggle, but this is serious. b:chuckle
Other Characters:
Ivy_>Psychic>Level 92>Sage>Active
Serenata>Venomancer>Level 44>Inactive until further notice
Avocet>Cleric>Level 25>same as above
Descorian>Blademaster>Level 5> The love child of Destini and Escorian...but I hardly play her...b:surrender
PS: Caffeine Detox sucks!0 -
Yesterday i was solo'ing suzerix for my girl and got him down to 1.5k hp so i thought id have some fun and melee him to death. Thing was he took my hp away miles faster than i took his, i died with him having 500hp left. Was not fun flying back to solo him again while my girl was like 'wtf o.O' b:surrender.Executor Of Reunited ~ Level 3 ~ Level 85+ ~ No Drama, No Pressure Faction.
Hunter_PT - Cleric 9X, (Active/Main)
PoisonedTip - Veno 7x (Retired)
Skeln - Barbarian 4X (Rarely-Active)
Hunter_The - BM 1X (Rarely-Active)0 -
Rabid_Cleric - Harshlands wrote: »
Archer (he was 6x at this time) goes with me and squad to FB19
Archer uses holy path to gather mobs.
Archer thinks hes god.
Archer doesnt wait for cleric. archer pulls every single mob in the dungeon till he reaches the boss.
Archer stops at Boss.
Notice: that rest of the squad was still halfway.
Archer attempts to AoE the surrounding mobs.
And Boss.
At the same time.
And Fails.
Me and rest of squad arrive.
Archer asks me here i was: "How about healing hu? Nub"
Me blames genies nerfing patch.
Bring AoE Holy path back!!!
LOL, that's such a funny epic fail xD0 -
my fav by far has been bh farren, i was one of the clerics and we had tank bm and wizzy. did the normal stay away from aoe blah blah. no one listened. 1st wizzy goes down, the other cleric tries to rez while i keep heals on tank and bm, she went down. i rez cleric, keeping the bm and tank alive, she gets up then aoe bam down again, i think i did that with her 3 or 4 times, all while yelling WAIT TILL I SAY GO. at some point the tank thinks its a good idea to try and move the boss closer to them, god knows why, either way he didnt tell me and bam hes gone. do bm is tanking now. for the next 5 mins i spend the entire time rezing and watching them fall right back down cause they got up just before the aoe hits. eventually i manage to get them to listen to me they run out of aoe and me and bm finish it off XD
And mostly i tend to kill my herc tanking in tt, once on 2-3 i think he died i jumped rezzed herc and sent him from the floor to try and save my dying barb, the boss actually aggroed herc from the bottom of the pit and was fighting it for a little while XD before i found out i wasnt high enough to solo it lol.
other times soloing with my barb hubby normally in 3-1 or last event was 2-3 on soulripper, i put herc away by accident cause i have him on a hotkey.0 -
WaffleChan - Sanctuary wrote: »my friend keeps mentioning how her 101 cleric friend died on farren sarenti.
my memorable fail was my 5x (I don't remember exactly) veno getting triple aoe'd by jewels first shot I took 2nd was over double my MAX hpI'm a guy, not a woman, that is all
"When you're on Team Bring it, every morning your feet hit the floor, the good lord says "good morning" and the devil says 'Oh **** they're up' " - Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson
Are you on Team Bring it?0 -
We didn't get to the boss.
Lol this is frost when it was hard.0 -
The worst for me would be 2 days ago when I went to do zimo. Everyone kept dieing when we got there and we ended up bringin him to the middle of the cave. So we all ended up runing around that circle trying to attack him. It was so funny but we kept dieing because half of us would be on one side and the other half would be on the other. I got a good laugh out of it thoughb:laughThanks for the siggy Dorset
Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh
-Currently residing in the real world-0 -
BloodFire - Harshlands wrote: »
We didn't get to the boss.
Lol this is frost when it was hard.
All those mobs were just standing there? Scary b:shocked9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris0 -
Hmmm.. I won't say it was our worst.. but deff our most fun
I'm the Leader of a guild called Rubies.. and we often go into places were we shouldn't... We love to play around in the TT... soooooo One day we went to do TT 1-2.. now.. to mention.. We had
Barb 6xish
Veno 6xish
Veno 7xish
Cleric 6xish.... <--- me
Welllllll... Everything was going great we got to the first boss we were havein a blast.. only one death getting there... and that death was the Veno 6xish
Pulled a mob.. Tank tried to grab agro.. and Uh oh.. out of chi.. Lol Venos running it was a blast.. we are all laughing, then We got the First little Boss.. can't remember his name.. But... Poof.. down with no problem.. Next boss... Perfectly... headin to third boss.. Oh boy.. we should have stopped there..
Veno 7xish crashed... Veno 6xish.. had to go afk... So we stood around the TT for an hour laughing and talkin, Veno lvl 6xish comes back... veno 7xish.. no show.. (Internet crashed) Soooo.. just to look around.. we seen the third boss.. *giggles* Bad idea.. One hit the tank.. then the veno.. then the cleric.. Poof.. party wipe.. Ok... cleric go to town.. and.. rezz.. rebuff.. and DO IT AGAIN!!!!!!!! Oh.. we tried about 3 times.. b:chuckle
Said... okay.. thats not gona work.. ran through the rest of the TT lookin around killin small bosses.. till the door boss.. Killed him Np.. found something we never seen before.. Big gold rollin balls.. Tank being a kitty.. stood in the path of one.. and DOWN he goes... We spend an hour tryin to get past them again laughin so hard. I die to the LAST golden ball.. so they Veno and barb run into boss.. kill themselves and we all go to town.. It was a blast.. Death.. new place.. and some little loot b:pleased[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I'm NOT a perfect girl... My hair doesn't always stay in place, I spill a lot of things and I'm pretty clumsy, but when I stop and take a step back and think, I remember how amazing my life is, and that... Maybe I like being Imperfect.0 -
If I had stayed in the group I was in for todays BH it would of been the worst I was inb:laughThanks for the siggy Dorset
Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh
-Currently residing in the real world-0 -
BloodFire - Harshlands wrote: »
We didn't get to the boss.
Lol this is frost when it was hard.
FF with Leviathan...
Those were great times^^[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Ty my lav for the Sig ^_^0 -
Me at the time a low 70's barb
My old faction mates were all 80+
Single cleric that was fixated with AoE and frequently forgot he was a healer
We all laughed so hard ,had to turn down VC
Lot's o' FUN!Internet connection -$50.00 a month
Free MMO -Free
Building self esteem through fantasy roleplaying-Priceless0 -
High 8x party fighting Polearm for BH69 with a level 90+ barbarian tanking. The whole time, aggro is bouncing around from person to person and we can't figure out what's going on. "Did they change Polearm? Did he get random aggro?" At various points we had an archer, a wizard, a cleric, and each of two venomancers tanking Polearm briefly until he switched. After we finished, the barbarian realized he had forgotten to re-equip his axes after building chi on the pillars. b:laugh
The thing that I think we all remember most is that nobody died. We actually managed to pull it off. Pro cleric!0 -
hehe well for me it was like a bit messy bh we were in squad with a lvl 8x barb , veno 8x cleric 89, my friend cleric 83, another barb 8x and me cleric 81 so we were at bh 69 pol and veno went to lure pol , my friend 83 cleric she put me on follow and was afk for a bit ,anyways then pol comes barb starts tanking cleric 89 says i should just chro heal and IH sometimes when needed and he gonna pure so yea it seemed to go well till barb's hp went down quiet low i was getting a bit worried so kept an eye then suddenly seconde time his hp went down so fast and other cleric didn't pure in time so what happends ? ^^" barb dies-veno dies- cleric dies cause he took agrro =/ i was healing other cleric so when he died pol came after me ^^" *poof* dead my friend that was on follow she was still alive lucky but afk... the other barb agro's pol and starts running around that lake we were like keep pol busy till other cleric comes back and what the barb do... he comes with pol from other side of lake passes by my friend and she's dead .. b:sad thats 1 of the 100 messy bh's b:surrender[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
The greatest danger for most of us
is not that our aim is too high
and we miss it
but that it's too low and
we reach it.
-Michelangelo0 -
I remember getting the TB quest where you need to kill General Feng. We had a 8x BM tanking, but no cleric. After finding one, I checked his equips. He was 7x but wearing some 4x stuff. I was like "oh god, this won't end nicely". The cleric started using Blessing of the Purehearted. I lolled so hard, but after I remembering that the tank is from our faction, I wasn't too happy. Nobody died tho, but it was close.100% F2P player. Started PW: March 2007, Quit PW: March 2011. "Pure axe" 8k HP multipath BM, last one of my kind.0 -
FB39, pre-BH, low 70s axe BM and cleric from faction, high 50s/low 60s cleric (me), another cleric, a veno, and a barb tabber. BM keeps racing ahead, skipping roamers, which would sometimes end up aggroing the 7x cleric, who would run away and I was the one getting the mob off her tail. So anyways, we get to Hercule's room. BM races for the boss before anybody's ready (in fact, the other lowbie cleric and I were locked in a fight with a mana drainer and a life stealer he'd skipped) and dies. I cuss his stupidity, rez him and start working on killing the girls while the veno is tanking Hercule, he promptly pulls aggro and dies again. After he's rezzed again, he ragequits squad (before boss is dead) and faction.
FB39 again, much more recently, high 40s/low 50s barb (me), low 70s veno, a cleric, an archer, and I forget the rest of the squad makeup. At Farren, the veno pulls the boss (and his AOE and the harpies that follow him) on top of the rest of the party. Veno and archer (who either was late arriving or managed a hasty retreat to the room entrance) survived, at least for a while, with the veno's charm ticking as she tries to keep her magmite alive. Evenually the rock dies and she starts racing around the room, which ultimately results in her and the archer's death. Surprisingly, she wanted to pull Calcid too. "I pull the bosses in all my current BHs."
BH69, me (low 70s cleric), an 80s cleric, 2 80s BMs (axe and fist I think) and a couple of wizards as best as I can remember. On Polearm (currently) tanking BM would get cursed and die, aggro switch to the other who would usually survive until we rezzed and healed the other one. One time both were down at the same time, aggro went to one of the wizards, and all survivors save me ran for the pool while I rezzed the BMs. The rest of the fight was conducted on the pool shore, with a few more BM deaths and me on the opposite side of Polearm from the other squishies (all in the pool.)
Unwined Linus run yesterday for faction 71 barb (Wraith's Ploy/Chrono Quest string), a couple of BMs and a psychic (all 70-71) with me as 79 veno as high level in the squad. We start out with my pet tanking as we try to find a cleric (I don't have a herc, but my pets can handle one mob at a time as long as it isn't sac assault) - I was trying to get a 79 friend to come, but we got a 70-71 cleric before he was free. Along the way one of the BMs had to drop out. So after a few deaths here and there we get to the room with Linus and Brigand, I'm clearing down the center and pull a fungal beast which gets chased into one of the groups on the side. Cleric gets heal aggro and gets one-shot by a general, barb goes down, psychic goes down, BM and I try to race for the exit. BM succumbs to poison partway there, but between summer sprint, charm ticks, chugging pots, the increased phys resist of fox form, and sending my pet to attack my tails to delay them, I end up by the entrance with only one fungal beast in tow just about the time the cleric got back in. We kill it, a 74 barb gets added to squad, and the rest went fairly smoothly (and I managed to remember to dig the pillar for the oceanic orb, which I'd forgotten to do on my FB the previous day.)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic -
My most memorable boss fail moment was when doing a BH 51 with a cleric, a psychic, a blademaster, an archer, and two venos. We were all 6x, and I was playing the slightly higher level veno (I think it was me 64, the other veno 62). Anyways, you can see the problem: no tank.
We searched around for a while for a tank, and the blademaster was the best we could find, so he became the last addition to the squad. We'd already started clearing using the two pets as tanks, and had considered 2-on-1 heal pet tanking until he came in, but he assured us that he could tank.
Well, we get through Farren easily enough, and the BM seemed to tank that OK, but we were beginning to notice he was a bit "squirrelly". I don't remember exactly what he did, but we just noticed that he sometimes failed to follow directions or did things that were a bit dangerous, but we survived OK.
When we got to Rankar things didn't go quite as well. The psychic waited for the BM to get aggro, and didn't seem too aggressive, but still somehow stole aggro and died. The cleric resurrected her in time though, and the rest went fine, so that was OK.
Then, heading towards the gatekeeper for Wyvern I barely managed to say, "Be careful here" before we were awash in a mass of aggro. The squishy psychic went down pretty quickly, but due to some quick thinking by the cleric and the two venos using our pets to take aggro off of the other players, nobody else died. Afterwards nobody was quite sure what went wrong there, but now we were getting a bit nervous.
So, when we finally get to Wyvern we're like, "OK, we need to plan this out carefully. The BM should turn around Wyvern. You know how to do that, right BM? OK, then the cleric should throw on some IH's before he begins. And then... WTF!?!?" Now, we had been planning this, and the BM had circled around, I had supposed to get into position, but then he starts attacking Wyvern all by himself!!!
Needless to say, we were all stunned and wondering what the heck he was doing. He then died before anyone could do anything. Right. Next. To. Wyvern. b:shocked
So, now we need to revive our tank so he doesn't immediately get killed again. I go into uber-planning mode. The plan is: everyone gets in a corner away from Wyvern, cleric does a rez on BM, I get a few IHs then lure Wyvern away, BM revives, I die, Wyvern goes back in place, I get a rez, then we try again.
What actually happens is: once I start to lure Wyvern away the cleric keeps hitting me with IHs, I tell her to stop so she doesn't get aggro, then the BM gets up, races after me (without even being fully healed yet), everyone gives up on plan and tries to pitch in, squad wipes. b:infuriated
After that we were all pretty pissed at the BM, especially the psychic, who had now died three times. It was pretty awful.0 -
my last bh39, i was lvl 59 ready to get this over with and reach 60.
Went to the center of arch, asked for a squad and was immediately invited to a squad consisting of a (don't remember the lvls) veno, bm, cleric. After about an hour we couldn't find a tank or any other takers for that matter. I volunteered myself as a tank (it was just farren). Every member began ranting about how we absolutely NEED a high lvl to walk us through it. I told them we would be fine if we all played right, which they all agreed too.
On our way i noticed the veno was attacking every single mob we came across even the ones who could be avoided. I told her to stop and she said she was bored or some nonsense, it wasn't a big deal because she had her pet, the cleric doing fine, the bm was fine and i was tanking fine. We finally get to farren, i ask the veno to lure the mobs surrounding him one at a time. Well this is where is all went down hill, this veno didn't know how to lure b:shocked
She sent her pet and just had it come back to her luring all three mobs with farren behind spewing aoe everywhere. I told the cleric to run while we hold them off ( i always tell the cleric to run when things get messy because if anybody were to survive then i figure it should be the cleric even if we still have a fighting chance) she does while me and the other bm try and agro the mobs and lure them away. We grabbed farren while the veno was running around being ***** by the other three mobs. Ofc me and the other bm died while somehow the veno was still alive dispite being hit reapeditely by the three mobs (eithrt charmed or her pet took a while to die). Thats fine the cleric is over by the entrance of the room safe, we just need the veno to die and for the mobs to reset. Farren headed her way and what does she do?
She runs to the cleric demanding heals..b:cry
i look at the map seeing 1 green dot running away from another with 4 tan dots following close behind.
They both died.0 -
With my venomancer doing a BH69 while fighting Noxtouch Culler we got multi-aggro'd and everyone but me and a/the cleric got killed (I think my herc did as well....I can't really remember). I took aggro and gave the boss plus a few mobs a run around the dungeon and back giving the squad enough time to revive and heal. Fortunately my high vit + speed + charm + fox form + holy path ensured my survivability. I was well thanked. b:cool
Yesterday with my psychic we did BH29 without a good dedicated we ended up being a multi-tank squad as Qingzi kept switching aggro. Even I took quite a pelting but with the psychic's pwnsome skills and my charm survivability wasn't a problem. b:victory
Another one on the same day same character we had someone with a FB tab but became a pain and even kept attacking the elite mobs (while we were waiting for another member to get back after dying and returning to town) and dying straight away. He exclaimed and cursed at how hopelessly strong the mobs were as our cleric kept reviving and healing him on the same spot. In the end he kamikaze'd them and everyone gave up on him. Booted. Long after on another BH run he was seen hopelessly hanging around the temple. b:chuckle[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Gamma run, we get through boss number 6, and the barb dings. Now, this is fine, if he didn't proceed to say (in the middle of a wave), "oh look, i dinged!
thnx for the gamma guys." And he promptly leaves squad. We all die. Then he says sry, and we go again, this time we make it to final boss. But then he says he has to go, in the middle of the final boss, and leaves tanks boss and we barely manage to kill it. can't remember if we got exp or not, been awhile since i gammaed even tho im 86 lol.
"No matter how dark the world is,
light shall exist somewhere,
even if only a small sliver,
a light found among darkness,
shines all the brighter." -unknown0 -
Solo fail moment: On my sin, i stole aggro on BH59 bosses and died... when the boss has 10K HP left (this happened like 3 times to me...) thus not getting the boss for BH .-.
Doing a fb59, i'm level 9x on my archer at the time... the guy who found the tabber afks on odofis while the rest of us moved onto Quanji.. instead of waiting i decide to lure Quanji to the afk guy. So holy pathing and using elven alacrity to keep my distance from Quanji so she doesn't hit me (as i die in 3-4 hits) and using pots to keep me healed. The cleric keeps saying don't get too far ahead so that i'm not too far from her. I say i'm fine.. lol
I reach the guy, i attempt to hold of Quanji. The cleric catches up and throws Ih on me... next hit i died before IH could heal me fast enough b:surrenderNavarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^0 -
Only really fail moment when I was a lvl 70ish cleric doing a friend's FB69. I'd only done one before and he invited a much higher level cleric to come - who insisted time and time again that the 'Only way to tank Pole' was to have the two clerics trade off on BB when it got interupted. I gave way to what I thought was experience on their part and died time, time, and time again.
After the 3rd time I got up the courage to ask if we could just do it the normal way . . .[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Thanks for the sig Ophida0 -
Once, I had joined an awesome PUG squad for Wyvern. We ran through the instance so smoothly, I was very happy, for once (I hated PUGs and Wyvern, so I wasn't initially excited to do this bh).
We got to Wyvern. I pulled the two mobs, we killed them, and we got ready. Barb went up to grab aggro, and the battle began.
I d/c'd.
For 4 hours.
Needless to say, the boss was long dead when I finally got back on. I was too growl-y by that time to find a new squad, haha, so bh never got done that day. XD In fact, I think that was probably one of the last times I ever did my own Wyvern bh.Katzyn, level 101 Demon Veno
Kylenea, level 99 Demon Cleric
ForestSonata, level 6x Mystic
Proud wifeh of Yudai
~Courtesy of the amazing Forsakenx~0 -
When I tried tanking farng on this character at lvl 30 >.> 3 hit's and I was gone.b:surrender0
On my cleric soloing my BH59 (for kicks) and getting rolled in the tower room of FB29 half an hour after.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
9x Demon Cleric0
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- 2K The Crafting Nook
- 4.9K Guild Banter
- 6.6K The Trading Post
- 28K Class Discussion
- 1.9K Arigora Colosseum
- 78 TW & Cross Server Battles
- 337 Nation Wars
- 8.2K Off-Topic Discussion
- 3.7K The Fanatics Forum
- 207 Screenshots and Videos
- 22.8K Support Desk