Old Names - Bring them BACK so we can use them

Sandaili - Dreamweaver
Sandaili - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Suggestion Box
I didn't realize that deleting characters meant you would never be able to name your character that name ever again. Why is this the case? I made a character and didn't like the class, then I delete it and now I can't use that name. Ever. Again.


It can't be that hard to go through and delete these names after so long. Make it a month. Two months. I don't care. But never? It seems too long. If I am wrong, please tell me when. I read it on the forum that names are never released after use. It just seems that if you have an account you barely level, jeez...someone should release it for you.
Post edited by Sandaili - Dreamweaver on


  • MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear
    MoonUsagi - Heavens Tear Posts: 4,377 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    o.o what ?
    For me after deleting one of my char, i can use the name again.
    b:shocked Thats weird isn't we now already able to use name from deleted char again ?
    Hm i read it somewhere on forum x.x . . forget where, saying that we can use deleted char name now.
    Maybe you were unlucky, someone could be using that name after you delete the char.
    Sorry i speak engrish b:chuckle
    Nickname doesn't have anything to do with sailor but related to a folklore
    Use search, it was your best friends to avoid many suffering in internet...
  • Azus - Heavens Tear
    Azus - Heavens Tear Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I created a wizard called SinNovus a few months ago, then deleted him to use the name for my Psychic. It worked for me :S

    Maybe you were incredibly unlucky and the name was taken by someone else in the small time-frame between it being flushed from the server and you attempting to use it again?

    It wouldn't be the first time it has happened to someone.

    EDIT: should have read all of MoonUsagi's post, she mentioned the same thing. Sorry >.>

    "While it is good to have an end to journey toward, it is the journey that matters the most in the end"
  • Sandaili - Dreamweaver
    Sandaili - Dreamweaver Posts: 119 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Interesting - ty so much for letting me know this is not the case. I am much happier now, although yes - it would seem someone did use the name in the few minutes it took to customize a new character :/

  • Khalfani - Harshlands
    Khalfani - Harshlands Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Unless you didn't wait for your character to fully delete. You have to wait 7 days for your character to delete fully since clicking the 'delete' button.