Archer or Cleric

Posts: 23 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Archer
Which will cause me less regret at end-game; cleric or archer? Because I have a lvl 51 arch and lvl 23 cler. So which one is less of a pain. Being more of an archer, I decided to ask your opinions here.
Post edited by Incindere - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well End-Game is depending more pve or pvp wise b:surrender but the difrences betwen archer and cleric :

    Cleric : One of the most expensive classes in pw b:surrender
    Archer : Kinda cheap compared to cleric but sometimes the arrows get you depresed b:cry
    Cleric : Mainly support class , they do pack a punch in pvp but
    Archer : psychical DD class , pvp they are better than cleric.
    Clerics : Uses a hell lot of mp pots.
    Archer : Untill lvl 70 might have hp pots problems b:shedtear

    someone might add more
  • Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Archer : Untill lvl 70 might have hp pots problems
    i find this to be opposite.

    every freakin mob i fight now is a magic one, they tend to hit for 5-600 damage.... the instant i get mobbed, if i dont have a charm, im dead. especially those nasty fish in sea of isolation.

    on the other hand though, provide its far enough away, i can kill it before it touches me. archers hit hard as hell.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Posts: 1,417 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For fish party, I know an archer who bought some gear just for it that was stacked in water def to take very little damage. Saved them alot of money while farming, and usually the gear isn't expensive in AH. Can also get element shards rather cheap to toss on if there is a good buy.
    Fist are the worst at PvP AND PvE, if you disagree, as I said, take it to PM's or make your own guide. Go here if you want to debate about it. - Lyndura

    Get a High lvl Fist warrior use it, Restat to axes. GG - complexx

    :NOTE: These signatures are to forever immortalize, how stupid people can be.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Well, anyone else have any thoughts on this? I mean, in the end, a lvl say 80-100 archer against an cleric in the same reasonable lvl range.... Just what should I expect, even if the two of them fought in open pvp, other than "lolz cler ih arch stun arrow"
  • Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think it depends upon your play style as well...I've seen some awesome damage dealing clerics and some awesome support clerics, but only one or two that have been a perfect balance between the two.

    Clerics are always needed in squads, good clerics moreso. Archers are needed for certain squads, but not as coveted as clerics.
  • Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    But my problem is not with PVE or instances. The archers obvs will have their uses as DD. But high-to-end game pvp bothers me. All this QQing has me interested and I have a noobish Cleric ready to start if Archers are as gimped as everyone says they are, as in, "we need +8 on all just to breathe out of safe" And everyone seems to indicate a rather disturbing fact: the other classes tend not to have this kind of QQing about high and endgame pvp at all.b:surrender
  • Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    hmm the clincher here
    Archer in TT/Boss: go afk for 30 min and go watch tv or w/e
    Cleric in TT/boss: requires full focus on healing the tank

    I say I go with archer b:laugh
  • Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I think the OP has been reading all the high level archer QQ about how they suck end game. I have both classes and honestly enjoy my cleric much more, including pking on my cleric. Also a thought.. while it will slow you down a bit you could just raise both, with this bh system it really isnt so bad.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i find this to be opposite.

    every freakin mob i fight now is a magic one, they tend to hit for 5-600 damage.... the instant i get mobbed, if i dont have a charm, im dead. especially those nasty fish in sea of isolation.

    on the other hand though, provide its far enough away, i can kill it before it touches me. archers hit hard as hell.

    lol's tough in water cuz it's harder to run, but generally pots can carry you through a 2 fish gank; it's all about avoiding such situations as much as possible.

    What i do is sink to the very bottom and hit fish from there. Fish are not likely to spawn at the very bottom, so you're less likely to be mobbed by several at once. The problem is when you need to collect DQ. I used to just triple spark and clear the area then collect as fast as i can.

    An alternative is to fish with a squad. that way it's generally better xp and much safer as well.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Either way your gonna be a one shot to everyone. Have fun choosing how to die.
  • Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    in my experience cleric seems harder to pvp with, but its probably best in 1v1, but archer is better mass pvp.

    Cleric robe = Magic resistance n its easy to stack pdef with shards, You have your own buff so must of the time, you will have double pdef/mdef than most classes.

    Both classes are squishy but if you want to tank, get a wb.

    The boring part of been a cleric.. is that your a support class, Not DD. Must of your 1-99 Lving will be healing people n buffing. People will yell at you when you hit a mob n someone tick their charm.
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Posts: 1,097 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    The boring part of been a cleric.. is that your a support class, Not DD. Must of your 1-99 Lving will be healing people n buffing. Ungrateful people will yell at you when you hit a mob n someone tick their charm.

  • Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Which will cause me less regret at end-game; cleric or archer? Because I have a lvl 51 arch and lvl 23 cler. So which one is less of a pain. Being more of an archer, I decided to ask your opinions here.

    Neither one. Winged elves are gimped endgame compared to humans/untamed since the developers are morons.

    In a clerics case its not always as much of a problem since you mostly play support in pvp. But dont expect to kill anyone 1v1 unless you spend a fortune on gear. As archer you just suck period unless you cash shop like crazy, than you become average.
  • Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    but clerics can trash archers...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Posts: 349 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well as a high lvl archer be prepared to spend a fortune on pots if your going to PvP. they have 1 shield....and its the worst shield of any class. so all your defense comes from god pots and what not. i have an 88 archer that i dont play much because...well they suck. i really think they should give the archers another 10 meters or range. that would balance them almost perfectly.

    clerics on the other hand are actually pretty good PvPers IF you know what youre doing. i dont have one of my own so thats all im really gunna say about them.

    bottom line, i dont play my archer. i love my sin, but i thought a long time ago "i wish i would have started with a cleric". this was before sins existed. but now....ill always be a sin :)
  • Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Endgame Rapists= Mages
    roll one if you dare, but beware, if you stat LA you're stupid and need to die.
    BambooHugger-7x Arcane Barbarian- ImSoFail-Tarded
  • Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well, sometimes I wish I'd gone with a cleric. Why?

    Cause ppl WANT you in squads. Sure, archers have STA, but you will just about never be turned down a bh or HH squad if you're a cleric. (Unless clerics are just rare on Lost City compared to other servers).

    Even if I do bh at reset we usually end up spending 10 mins screaming for a cleric. And thats competing with the other 5 squads screaming for clerics.

    Sometimes I think a massive underground cleric association has decided to hold out on bh69+ squads until we start yelling "free wine 4 cleric!"b:chuckle

    BUT THE DOWNSIDE!!!! You have ALOT of responsibility as a cleric. And be prepared to get yelled at by stupid people who get themselves killed. And get blamed for stuff thats not your fault. And deal with tanks who rambo everything in sight and expect you to keep them alive lol.

    Edit:And worst of prepared to go to town when you die, while everybody else waits in cave for their rezz. And then you gotta run through the whole cave lol.
  • Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    well, sometimes I wish I'd gone with a cleric. Why?

    Cause ppl WANT you in squads. Sure, archers have STA, but you will just about never be turned down a bh or HH squad if you're a cleric. (Unless clerics are just rare on Lost City compared to other servers).

    Even if I do bh at reset we usually end up spending 10 mins screaming for a cleric. And thats competing with the other 5 squads screaming for clerics.

    Sometimes I think a massive underground cleric association has decided to hold out on bh69+ squads until we start yelling "free wine 4 cleric!"b:chuckle

    BUT THE DOWNSIDE!!!! You have ALOT of responsibility as a cleric. And be prepared to get yelled at by stupid people who get themselves killed. And get blamed for stuff thats not your fault. And deal with tanks who rambo everything in sight and expect you to keep them alive lol.

    Edit:And worst of prepared to go to town when you die, while everybody else waits in cave for their rezz. And then you gotta run through the whole cave lol.

    ^ that was jsut funny b:chuckle I thought of the same way b:cute but turned out to archer becase highter lvl b:sad
  • Posts: 386 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Right now, I'm finding my cleric (lv 56 atm) to be more fun at times than my archer. Its a lot more involved than playing my archer for the most part. My archer is still fun though, don't get me wrong, and I still play him just as much as my cleric. I guess maybe I just need a change of pace every so often.

    I do find it funny though, while playing my cleric I am always wanting to refresh Blazing Arrow, and on my archer I jump whenever someone in my squad gets below 75% of their HP. b:chuckle
    "People who quote themselves in their signatures are silly. I mean, they can just make up whatever **** they want, and since they said it in their siggie, its a quote." - Smobo
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I enjoy my cleric a lot more than my archer. But there's more stress and responsibility involved with playing cleric, especially if the tank or whomever or all of them at once are running around out of my healing range attacking everything in sight etc. b:shocked
    lol i think its funny when that happens b:chuckle maybe just me :P
    but I decided to start playing archer when I couldn't stay un-afk in BHs (ton of stuff happening irl) and during bosses on cleric. And an afk-ing cleric is bad for the squad, so yeah...

    Play cleric if you have the focus and time :P it's fun


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