Confirm Payment Link Loads Blank Page

Mersima - Sanctuary
Mersima - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Cash Shop Huddle
Hi all

I received an email from billing asking me to confirm my payment, once I've done so a page loads from Perfect saying "wait" then it just loads a page saying "Page Cannot Be Found", the browser I'm using is Firefox. I've tried refreshing several times, and also tried within Internet Explorer, but still have the same problem. If anyone has any suggestions or solutions to the issue, it would be much appreciated. Thank you :)

I've checked with Paypal and their information tells me that the transaction has gone through ok, is completed, so have no problems there!
Post edited by Mersima - Sanctuary on


  • charmblssm
    charmblssm Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Same thing happening to me.. and the money has been debited from my account already, as well. We are supposed to wait 24 hours... hope this was resolved for you.