Wizard VS Veno

ryomashi Posts: 0 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Venomancer
Hi, i kind of new to the game, and i want to hear your opinions about the performance of veno and wizard when we talk about making damage. Is the veno far worse? Or it can replace a wizard in a party when well geared?
Post edited by ryomashi on


  • Maiira - Sanctuary
    Maiira - Sanctuary Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    if well geared with a good pet venos dont need to replace anyone. even with genies able to pull alot of squads continue to prefer a veno for pulling, and a venos ability to tank with pets save the actual tank from having massive repair costs. venos can also perform fairly decent damage dealing combined with a dd pet.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • MystiMonk - Sanctuary
    MystiMonk - Sanctuary Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I hate to say it but wizards can out damage a Veno.
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear
    _Leiian_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    A veno cant replace a wiz in a party.
    But noone can replace a veno :)

    Veno can be a tank (with a good pet), a dd (if mag made), a lurer (try to make a 20/20/20 in wraithgate without a veno - or try to do a 20/20/20 when u're a veno...about 1 hour just luring. -.-'' - My Herc Bubbly started to hate me. -). Not a good dd as wiz. But veno have also pet, that make dmg and hold aggro. So, veno have just to repair his weap. A wiz not pure mag, without a lot of mag atk, must survive to pys mobs, too.
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    venomancer is more of a solo class, but is nice to debuff opponents in parties.
    wizard is one of the top damage dealers in the game, if youre looking for huge numbers, play wizard, if you want to support/cast go venomancer.
  • Vixre - Harshlands
    Vixre - Harshlands Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    After 60s-70s or so, wizards will consistently out damage us. Sure we can hit hard with ironwood/lucky, but they have longer cool downs, so wizards will out damage our venemous scarab by far.

    The only exception that comes to mind is during Twilight Temple, where it seems that everyone suffers a damage reduction, with the exception of our pets.
  • Sadpuma - Heavens Tear
    Sadpuma - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If we are talking about Veno vs Wizz for instances, veno beats Wizzie hands down. A veno can and will replace wizzies.

    The combonation of pet attacks (which arent nerfed on bosses), veno attacks and amp will definately contribute to more dmg than a wizzie can do, period. (keep in mind that amp increases by 20% at lvl10 for ALL party members)

    Now in PvP situations, it depends on who you are fighting/whats your goal. If you are fighting BM's/Barbs and archers then I would without a doubt take a Wizzie as my right hand man instead of a another veno. ..
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The combonation of pet attacks (which arent nerfed on bosses), veno attacks and amp will definately contribute to more dmg than a wizzie can do, period. (keep in mind that amp increases by 20% at lvl10 for ALL party members)
    i lol'd

    ive seen a number of sage wizards steal aggro on ? bosses in 3-x :P. thats a very open ended statement, a veno will never ever ever ever touch a wizard. that doesnt diminish the fact theyre nice to have though.
  • Sirrobert - Dreamweaver
    Sirrobert - Dreamweaver Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Freaking forum cut me off

    Veno's always seem to forget that there are other bosses than ?bosses in PWI
    A veno might out DPS a not yet end game wiz on ?bosses, but outside these bosses, NEVER

    Veno's have a different job. Look good, amp, lure b:thanks
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    its not even them doing the damage, the pet is :\, that doesnt mean the venomancer outdamages. also, with end game gear, a wizard, bm, and archer can easily out damage even phoenixes on world bosses, it isnt that hard.
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Depends on gear level and build. I'm demon LA and have stolen agro from similarly equiped barbs and wizards alike through multiple crits, not even counting my pet damage.

    In a long fight a similarly equiped wiz will probably outdamage me, but in the short run its anyone's game.. all that matters for me.

    As for party effectiveness, wizard is just a DD, which is nice but incomparable to usefulness of a veno in a squad.
  • Solandri - Heavens Tear
    Solandri - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,843 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ive seen a number of sage wizards steal aggro on ? bosses in 3-x :P. thats a very open ended statement, a veno will never ever ever ever touch a wizard. that doesnt diminish the fact theyre nice to have though.
    I dunno. A wiz stealing aggro just means they're outdamaging the pet. Sadpuma was speaking of the total of pet damage + veno damage + Amp*party damage (including wiz).
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yea most likely a lvl 100 wiz can outdamage every other class for short time.

    but when you are fighting a boss, amplify and myriad rainbow (for any 100% reduction of pdef/mdef) or demon ironwood for zero defence (when it happend to land) plus genies skills like tagling mire and extreme poison... its better in the long run. i've seend my pet doing like 16k damage on bosses in 3-1 (and herc has quite a good attack speed) and over 10k reflect damage on other bosses in 2-3 (of course those bosses were debuffed).
  • Sadpuma - Heavens Tear
    Sadpuma - Heavens Tear Posts: 286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i lol'd

    ive seen a number of sage wizards steal aggro on ? bosses in 3-x :P. thats a very open ended statement, a veno will never ever ever ever touch a wizard. that doesnt diminish the fact theyre nice to have though.

    I really hate to burst your bubble, but just the combonation of herc and a veno on a boss will out dmg a wizzie. Sure they can steal aggro bc they have higher peak dmg (hell they are the hardest hitting magic class ), But i can garauntee that a squad full of 6 venos can kill a boss faster than a squad full of 6 wizzies...

    If you notice not once in my statement did i talk about aggro... Yeah, they can take aggro and the majority of wizzies who do that and dont have the proper gear on die. Now what use is a wizzie who can hit hard, take aggro from barb and then dies... None...
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yep me think it be better to take like 5 venos and 1 cleric for TT runs due to the no damage reduction on pets.
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    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
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  • Vixre - Harshlands
    Vixre - Harshlands Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    too lazy to multi-quote the posts... just want to point out that having a veno with amp isn't saying that venos themselves can out DD wizards, amp helps the squad as a whole, having 2 venos with amp Lv10 and keep the boss amped for the entire duration of the kill, making the whole process faster.
  • Azura - Lost City
    Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ryomashi wrote: »
    Hi, i kind of new to the game, and i want to hear your opinions about the performance of veno and wizard when we talk about making damage. Is the veno far worse? Or it can replace a wizard in a party when well geared?

    Ok, I see 2 questions here: One is about damage comparation, and the other is if a wizard with great gear can replace a veno in a party.

    About damage: The wizards do the best damage per hit. They can one shot people. Venos have good damage per second. They can kill people too, but very rarely one shot them.

    Can wizard replace veno in a party? What kind of party? If you thought about instance party, then no. Like many have said a veno can replace a wizard, but a wizard cannot replace a veno. This doesn't mean wizards have no special place in intances though. There is something called gv, is an intance where you must kill a lot of mobs quickly and wizards are a must have because they deal a lot of damage.

    So which one you should roll? It depends on your playstile. I chose venomancer cause on the offcial web I saw the class descriptions. Venomancers said: best solo class, and since I don't like to depend on people for doing every little thing on my life, I chose this one.
  • SeaStorm - Heavens Tear
    SeaStorm - Heavens Tear Posts: 315 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A veno cant replace a wiz in a party.
    But noone can replace a veno :)

    Veno can be a tank (with a good pet), a dd (if mag made), a lurer (try to make a 20/20/20 in wraithgate without a veno - or try to do a 20/20/20 when u're a veno...about 1 hour just luring. -.-'' - My Herc Bubbly started to hate me. -). Not a good dd as wiz. But veno have also pet, that make dmg and hold aggro. So, veno have just to repair his weap. A wiz not pure mag, without a lot of mag atk, must survive to pys mobs, too.

    LOL...sorry had to laugh at the FB69 tri 20 comment. If you're a slightly off center (crazy/mental) you take one lvl 98+ BM, one lvl 93 + veno, and one 90 + cleric (plus the lvl 67+ person) and play round up and AOE. Only pulling for a few over loaded magic mob sections...tri 20 takes less than 1 hr with 4 person squad, uh...well two doing tanking and DD, one BB/heal, and one staying out of the way so they don't die.

    yeah...this Veno is a bit off center that way, but it's ok so's the BM...the clerics na they're still sane...but just put up with the two insane ones...

    Regarding 3-? TT runs...I've never had anyone pull off my herc in 3-1 tanking period. 3-2/3-3 have a few random aggro bosses in there so it's expected that aggro will change between all DD/Tank party members.

    Note regarding amp...lvl 10 amp = 20% damage increase, and sage amp = 30% damage increase FTW b:victory
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Talking pure damage numbers:

    At medium/low levels (say, 35-55) a veno will typically actually have a better damage average than the wizard - though the wizard will do higher 'spikes'. That's not even counting the veno's pet.

    At higher levels - pretty much after level 70 the veno stops getting ANY more damage output until they hit 89 (where they do get boosts, though not huge ones). So the wizard overtakes them.

    Where the veno IS useful is that they are adding 10% of the whole squads damage (with amplify damage, +20% half the time) another chunk of the physical damage is boosted through the pdef reduction of ironwood, a pet can be using howl to boost the magic damage...

    Debuffs are a veno's strong point. They're just really hard to work out how much they are contributing - since the numbers go to other people.

    Ok, can a veno REPLACE a wizard?

    At some things. If you intend to zhenn - then no. Veno's do get a few AOE spells, but nothing to compare with dragons breath.
    Another thing we cannot do is provide second-tier healing (except of the pet)
    And finally, if you've got a monster which does huge damage (or stuns or seals. Sassen frassen rassen...) and it needs to die RIGHT NOW - a wizard can spike to kill it far better than a veno can.

    Likewise, of course, there are things a wizard can't do. They can't tank physical monsters, they can't apply bramble, they can't give people sparks - and they can't, usually, just say right out of the gate "40% of that bosses hitpoints belong to me."
  • kenlee
    kenlee Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Note regarding amp...lvl 10 amp = 20% damage increase, and sage amp = 30% damage increase FTW b:victory
    not like demon amplify isnt good, last 26 seconds and reuse 30 seconds... almost spamable
  • JanusZeal - Heavens Tear
    JanusZeal - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,852 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    While venos can hit extremely hard endgame, they will not outdamage a decently statted/geared wizard. Nothing wrong with this though. The role of venos is not just simply damage dealing, which is a good thing as it forces a veno into multi-tasking and can help create a talented player.
  • Foxymage - Harshlands
    Foxymage - Harshlands Posts: 373 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    barbs and wizards are the best end-game classes.
    -i was in the million dolla meetins he was cheatin. all up in the church, he was sneakin with the deacon. cats away while the mice will play lol smiley face have a nicer day. cuz pop pop po it goes my rubber band so stop stop stop sniffin that contraband. cuz you was penny pinchin my accounts laced attenion! about face.

    ~nicki minaj~
  • Quanyin - Heavens Tear
    Quanyin - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    barbs and wizards are the best end-game classes.
    I dunno, some of these end-game HA veno's are pretty damn tough.

    Venos are if you like to solo things. Wizard is if you like not being able to do anything on your own (Other than normal questing).
  • axt57
    axt57 Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    barbs and wizards are the best end-game classes.

    What utter nonsense; everyone knows cashshopper is the best end-game class.
  • Endrnz - Dreamweaver
    Endrnz - Dreamweaver Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    ryomashi wrote: »
    Hi, i kind of new to the game, and i want to hear your opinions about the performance of veno and wizard when we talk about making damage. Is the veno far worse? Or it can replace a wizard in a party when well geared?


    -High Damage
    -Wanted in squads as DD
    -Super awesome end-game (80/90+)

    -Glass Cannon (Can be pro/con but more of con) - this means they hit hard but get hit just as hard or even harder
    -MP Demanding/lots and LOTS of pot usage (gets expensive after a while)

    My wizzard is at 42 and I love to play him but sometimes the squishyness is somewhat frustrating. He does use a lot of pots, but with the grinding I can cover the cost...just really low profit.


    -Best solo player in game (you can argue this if you want but I just mean in terms of bossing, and killing super strong monsters (elites))
    -Very low maintenence (pet takes damage, and none to very little MP/HP pot usage...they get MP/HP healing skills, you may say these are not sustainable but to me I find they are at level 45)
    -Able to be successful as a HA (heavy armour), LA (light armour), and arcane armour veno.

    -There are many venomancers, so finding a squad maybe be tough as a squad only needs 1 veno
    -Herc/Nix = SUPER expensive...although they are not needed, having one would sure give you an edge

    My veno is only 45, and its super easy to solo the quests and minibosses and such. One would say playing a veno is like playing the game on easy mode...nothing wrong with that people play games to relax sometimes not always for a chalenge lol.

    Which I like better?

    Hmm, tough choice but I guess it depends on mood. If I am tired and just wana relax I'll go on veno...but if I am all hyped and wana see BIG number on my screen I will go on wizz.

    Hmm, also as far as your DD ability of veno vs. wizzy goes...well I do not think veno under any circumstance can out damage a wizz, but with Nix I think venos are formidable DDs, especially with the dcrease Def skill of veno I think they + Nix or any high DPS pet (scorpion etc.) can be good if not great DDs.
    Hope this helps :)