grinding for money 20-60 guide

Posts: 190 Arc User
edited April 2011 in Dungeons & Tactics
As written for my faction members of the faction Minions

LINKS this is a very basic guide to making money from the forums, intended for low levels and beginners to pwi. this is a detailed guide to farming mats and a guide to the construction skills. this is a great guide to using your coin from grinding as an investment to make more gold by playing the gold market (buying and reselling gold from the auction house without paying real life money) its a good guide and ive done this a few times myself

Ok now for my grinding to make money guide originally written for lvls 20-60 but has been expanded to encumpass lvl60+ as well


You don't just wanna grind on anything... You want to do what I like to call selective grinding. also known as farming for drops.
You pick the mobs that for your level have a good drop rate of expensive drops and sell in catshop or on auction house.
Any prices listed are the prices I use on sanctuary server as of 31jan10


To help compensate for costs of grinding ie. potion costs mostly.
Some generic apothecary items:
Life Powder (nectar and golden herb made with lvl1 apothecary usable after level 10) +50hp per second regeneration rate
Focus Powder (crane herb and salvia root made with lvl2 apothecary usable after lvl30) +50mp per second regeneration rate
Flourish Orb (fleece-flower root and tuckahoe made with lvl3 apothecary usable after lvl45) +50hp and +50mp per second regeneration rate
Genie skill:
Second Wind (heals 800+hp 2% per strength at lvl0, a lvl10 genie is capable of starting to learn this skill) can help make grinding easier without potion costs.
*strength indicated is the genies strength score

For Venomancer using metabolic boost, natures grace, and soul transfusion make potions almost unneeded.

For Archers level the skills take aim, winged shell, knockback to 10. (take aim, normal attack, knockback, winged shell, then normal attacks till dead) i take 80-200 dmg per kill, (wich means my shield does not break, and regenerates most of the mana i just used)
For those of you who are worried about chi for winged shell take aim generated 15 chi combined with your normal attacks and knocback you should generate plenty of chi to use winged shell on each mob.
*archer info courtesy of zonden (forum post 35) with changes and additions, thankyou

When you grind you want dont want to be charmed, its easier to keep yourself alive with alternate skills and items if you dont have to worry about your half hp or 75%mp mark.
Also while grinding if you have buffs, use them. You want to have your buffs active at all times, and if possible find a cleric who is willing to buff you, maybe a friend, or just some random cleric in town before you head out to fight. Having buffs makes everything so much easier.

*note: most of these lvl groupings are based on my experiences with the veno so for non-venomancer class players id recommend being within a level or 2 of the mob for example if the mob listed is a lvl58 mob you should be lvl56+. this will make the mobs easier to kill. fighting mobs much higher may seem usefull till you realize you used a collection of potions fighting them.
*note: any mob with a "^" placed after its name indicates it has a special drop (a dragon quest item or a construction material that sells for more than normal in catshop)
*note: these mobs were picked from 1. personal experience, and 2. drop rate %. it is after all just a percentage so you may have points where you get very few drops, and other points where you get a lot of drops so just because you dont get rich in a few days dont let it get you down. ive had to work on grinding with my chars for months to get to the point where i had an effective system.

midnight jackaleopardites (a lvl26 fire mob located north of archosaur in areas around 528 735) has a nice drop rate for dull claws (19.6%) and rough fur (11%)
snakevalley bloodwolf (a lvl27 mob located north of orchid temple) has nice drop rate for dull claws (23.4%) and rough fur (11.3%)

antelope pups (a lvl30 water mob located around silver spring) has nice drop rate for hay (22.7%)
devilroot dryads (a lvl31 wood mob located north and east of heavens tear) has nice drop rate for elemental fragments (51.9%)
Torgirn Warriors/Sentries/Braves (lvl30/31/32 earth mob located around silver springs and heavens tear) also has nice drop rate for elemental fragments (56.4%/51.9%/46.5%)

tiger striped aranieds (a lvl33 wood mob located around hidden orchid) has a nice drop rate for purified oil (16.6%)
Abandonfeme Araneid (a lvl45 wood mob located around hidden orchid) has a nice drop rate for purified oil (16.9%)
antimide soldier (a lvl35 wood mob located around hidden orchid) has a nice drop rate for purified oil (16.9%)

lofty pterosaur (a lvl40 metal mob with a nice concentration of them just north of angelers village) has a nice drop rate for fruit (12.4%)

wildstar wolf (a lvl42 fire mob located north of swiftwind) good drops for leather (7.5%)
mastiff of the great divide (a lvl43 metal mob located north of swiftwind) good drops for leather (7.6%)
great twinheaded canus (a lvl44 mob located north east of sumor camp) good drops for leather (7.7%)

tauroc valorians (a lvl48 water mob located in dragon wilderness around town of arrivals)
tauroc leaders (a lvl49 metal mob located in dragon wilderness around town of arrivals)
tauroc sharpshooters (a lvl49 fire mob located in dragon wilderness around town of arrivals) with ranged mobs players who fight in melee should probably avoid grinding on long term as they tend to run from you making you run through other mobs that go agro, making it dificult to grind on. (hharder to kill = higher cost = less profit)
the tauroc's listed above dont have a special drop that sells for alot of coin but have a fairly nice drop rate for other dragon quest items.
evolved vipions (a lvl50 wood mob with concentrations around low level towns ie. bamboo village near plume, broken bridge village near lost, hidden heroes village near etherblade) has a firly nice drop rate for fruit (15.4%) and has a nice drop rate for dragon quest items (pendant of galacia - 50.6% chance)

titanial bondmaid
(a lvl58 metal mob located east of tusk town) has a nice drop rate for elemental escence (44.6%)
aurum bondswoman (a lvl59 metal mob located east of tusk town) has a nice drop rate for elemental escence (50.7%)
gilded princess (a lvl60 metal mob located east of tusk town) has a nice drop rate for elemental escence (64.39)
*note: the areas around the titanial bondmaid, aurum bondswoman, and gilded princess have a nice concentration of construction materials that are used for making wines and can be sold in catshop for a nice ammount, feel free to collect any materials you find in this area and sell them for extra cash.
foxwing supreme (a lvl60 fire mob located in the air north and east of tusk town, also in other locations but this is where there is a nice concentration) though it doesnt have a valued drop it has a fairly nice drop rate for other dragon quest items (flexible sinew - 60.5%)
foliagen spirit (a lvl61 mob located in carious positions near dreaming clowd )(532 322, 540 383, 552 311, 564 361) has a nice drop rate for elemental escence (57.8%)
tauroc enthousiasts (a lvl61 mob with a nice concentration east of tusk town)doesnt have a special drop but has a really nice drop rate for other dragon quest items (mystical mask - 54.9%)

carrion vultures (a lvl72 flying wood mob with a small group of them located north of sanctuary) has a decent drop rate for fungus (9.8%)
most of the flying mobs located in the air above the swamp have a nice drop rate for dragon quest items

aurum spectre (a lvl 74 metal mob located in areas around sanctuary, village of naught, and forrest ruins east of village of the lost)has a nice drop rate for dragon quest items
huggy hare (a lvl75 mob located in areas around sanctuary, and the village of naught) has a nice drop rate for dragon quest items
dragom maid (a lvl76 water mob located in the Endless Sea around 675, 648)has a nice drop rate for fungus (10%)

assuming you have completed the crono whele quest line going to old heavens tear and grinding on the ground based mobs there offers a wonderfull ammount of drops and lots of coin drops.

i will add more mobs as i am informed of them or as i level higher and figure out what i grind on


a problem you'll run into is that you will level very fast with the additions of the bounty hunter/treasure hunter, crazy stone, world quest at lvl70+, public quest.
so before u even encounter the problem prepare for it.
at bout lvl20 or so id go and take some your celestone fragments, celestones of heaven/earth/human and get mirage celestones.
i'd get at least 3 genies made so that you can dump your experience into them. Just stick with 3 or 4 for now, its a good solid number of genies. as u grind dump all your experience into them, and level them as u go.
when u get to bout lvl40 or so and all your genies are level 40 as well at same level as u. switch them all to trade mode. and go get 3 new genies. once the 3 old genies switch to trade mode after 1 week convert them to experience cubes and sell for additional money, sell for bout 1.5coin=1xp based on the value of the experience cube. and start leveling the new genies and keep the new genies at your level. also by doing this u will have a very large amount of spirit saved up allowing you to get more skills.

at the time this was written... i am lvl57 with the following genies: 6x lvl57 genies, 2x lvl51 genies, and a lvl43 genie. and i've sold 5 lvl40 genie experience cubes.


below are approximate prices for most the items listed above. auction house prices are for selling the drops 10 at a time

item.......................//--\\ cat-shop value...//--\\ AH starting bid...//==\\ AH buy it now
dull claws................//--\\ 5-6k ea.............//--\\ 45k for 10.........//--\\ 70k for 10
hay........................//--\\ 7-10k ea...........//--\\ 65k for 10..........//--\\ 110k for 10
elemental fragments..//--\\ 5-6k ea.............//--\\ 45k for 10.........//--\\ 70k for 10
fruit.......................//--\\ 8-11k ea...........//--\\ 75k for 10..........//--\\ 120k for 10
elemental essence....//--\\ 6-8k ea.............//--\\ 55k for 10..........//--\\ 100k for 10
fungus....................//--\\ 9-13k ea...........//--\\ 85k for 10..........//--\\ 140k for 10
for the material drops listed, leather, rough fur, purified oil, etc. prices vary based on when you look... so you'll have to look around archosaur for a good price.

will be updated as i slowly level so please post good spots for various higher levels you've found so i can get stuff useful to them. thank-you. XD
if you like my guide please leave a comment ^^

id like to give thanks to the following players for their contributions either in game or here on the forums...
Deviling - Harshlands, DragonDeadMe - Sanctuary, Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear, Mayfly - Dreamweaver, AllThat - Sanctuary, XxVampxX - Sanctuary, CaliVeno - Sanctuary, deutchcleric - Sanctuary, jimmygavazza - Sanctuary, LOVELYYESY - Sanctuary, DragonEmpres - Sanctuary, jupitar - Sanctuary, Oceanforce/Oceanevil - Sanctuary, tankftw - Sanctuary, TamTamTam - Sanctuary, BlackOcirus - Sanctuary, HunteressKit - Sanctuary, Ventrise - Sanctuary, Dadasarus/ClawedBalls - Sanctuary, and many other ppl from my random polls on world chat and friends.

edited: 21jan10 for spelling and grammar
edited: 24jan10 additional information and updated mob names, locations, levels
edited: 26jan10 more mobs
edited: 28jan10 more mobs based on comments and players in game. expanding into higher lvls
edited: 29jan10 revision
edited: 30jan10 corrections and added mobs
edited: 31jan10 updated sale values, added mob info, made corrections
edited: 01feb10 added mobs, added special thanks
edited: 03feb10 revision
edited: 14feb10 major revision, added info/mobs/section
edited: 20feb10 revision
edited: 05mar10 added more mob info
edited: 21apr10 updated links
lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
was fun while it lasted
Post edited by Maiira - Sanctuary on


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  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    please post any suggestions or any ideas u got. if u know something that is good to grind on at what lvls... what they drop and approx values would me helpful. thank you.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Posts: 552 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    will be updated if possible as i lvl up... which is going very veyr slowly XD

    Yet you say you're getting exp to fast and you just dump everything into your genies?

    Nice spelling btw.

    EDIT (1/31/10)
    I saw that the guide was updated, and it looks pretty good. It looks pretty good. You managed to fix spelling and grammar, and most of it looks true (so you can ignore my original comment). One note about your "3 kinds of players", you can level fast and still end up rich, with or without spending real life money.
    Note: No thats not me... I stole that from the interwebs b:chuckle

    I like to think of myself as a dog, I can be cute and cuddly but sniff people's butts and get away with it ><>

    Warlock recruiting lvl 70+ on the Dreamweaver Server.
    PM an officer for an invite.

  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Good job Maiira. I would have loved to have this guide while i was still at those lvl.
    *sigh* b:cry I probably could have an herc by now.

    Can't wait for your 60-90 grinding guide!

    b:laugh Somehow i need to get rich too.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is the most usefull and best discribed guide on grinding i have ever read. After i read it i had a desire to start leveling a Veno lol...
    Well done Maiira!b:victory
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Might be a good... no... a GREAT idea to keep 10 of each celestone always and forever in your bank until level 89 as you must have 10 earth 10 human and 10 heaven to complete your Sage/ Demon Cultivation b:thanks
  • Posts: 17 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    in case you were wondering how the level 44 archer knew that :P thats meh alt xD b:cool b:victory b:mischievous
  • Posts: 3,395 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    in case you were wondering how the level 44 archer knew that :P thats meh alt xD

    You're still not lvl 89 b:chuckle

    And yea, I should stop buying mirages when i still have massive stacks of cellstones in my bank lol. Just bought 10 while I could have made some 20 from the celstones alone b:laugh

    So back on topic, why do I keep being poorb:cry
    9 out of 10 voices in my head say I'm not crazy... the 10th is singing the music of tetris
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    When i try to grind on mobs which are 1 level above me, i lose like about 200 HP with each mob i kill. Now i don't know how effective will be my grinding by using pots but i defintely know i will be losing a lot of money if i use pots.

    So what do you recommmend ? Meditate or use pots or get a genie skill that can heal you ?

    BTW i am a BM
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    for venos its alot easier cause we dont have potion costs and we have minimal repair costs. for other classes try and be a lvl or 2 over the mobs. ull get less xp true... but ull lvl a little slower that way. and ull stull get semi-decent drops... as for healing there is a great basic healing skill... second wind which at lvl10 heals 800hp +2% per str point. usable every 60 sec. only needs 1 wood, 1 earth, 1 water. so its gainable at an early lvl.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    yay hopefully i wont be so poor nao lol
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sounds good to me. I'll try it out.
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    for venos its alot easier cause we dont have potion costs and we have minimal repair costs. for other classes try and be a lvl or 2 over the mobs. ull get less xp true... but ull lvl a little slower that way. and ull stull get semi-decent drops... as for healing there is a great basic healing skill... second wind which at lvl10 heals 800hp +2% per str point. usable every 60 sec. only needs 1 wood, 1 earth, 1 water. so its gainable at an early lvl.

    That's a great skill. Thanks !
  • Posts: 306 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    clerics love aoe grind on petalis,not sure how good is drop rate of dq items tho..
    i use to grind on vampiric nightstalkers around lvl 60+ in those venoms b:dirty
    but pk zone atleast in lost city
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i think this guide is really good for the beginners or vetrens who forget alot.
    i suggest keeping it on page one so everyone dosnt have to search.b:victoryb:chuckle
  • Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    make it a stickyb:thanks
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This really works out !!! I already made "quite some money" myself.

    However i got one suggestion to make - There is another mob called Snakevalley Bloodwolf, lvl 27 north of orchid temple (north of archsaur). These things have a better drop rate of dull claws while maintaing the same drop rate of furs as Midnight jakaleopardite. I suggest you could try grinding there too. Moreover that spots has a lot of herbs growing so it's good for those who want to level their apothecary skill too.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    ty, i loved the bit about pterosaurs, been grinding them since lvl 34. wiz can destroy them with fire lol.

    Veni, vedi, vici.
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    maiira you have really done a good job on this im going to use it on my Veno and its just the right level to use it. is it ok if i PM you in game to ask for hints at all? b:laugh but GOOOOD JOB! and yes you should definatly hurry and get your 60-90 guide up lmao nice!
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Wow this guide is getting better and better!!!
    I love it. Money come to me NOW.
  • Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Love the coloring you added. Way more easier to read now. b:victory
  • Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Awesome guide Maiira!!!

    since my alts are 50ish i am flat broke b:cry
    but trying out ur guide it actually works very well b:victory
    If you dont think those mobs drop builds up eventually.
    i grinded for only a bit and made 100k in no time out of dqs on spectrums and hares. i wish i would grind whole day...would be rich b:laugh

    anyways nice guide, b:thanks
  • Posts: 2,161 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    For those people worried about their hp/mp while grinding... you DON'T need to spend a lot on pots! Life Powder and Focus Powder are amazing for this. LP increases your hp recovery to 50 per sec, and FP increases mp recovery to 50 as well. There's also another that you can create that does both of these (which would save you herb farming) but I don't remember the name offhand. Even if your hp/mp is still down a considerable chunk after killing a few mobs, a few seconds of meditation will pick it back up.
    Evict is a sexy chalupa. <3
    retired, etc
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    the item your thinking about is the flourish orb, a lvl3 apothecary item that recovers 50mp and 50hp per second for 10 minutes. requires fleece-flower root and tuckahoe to make and can be used lvl45+
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    For element essences, I'd suggest the level 61 foliagen spirits on the road north from Dreaming Cloud. The drop rate is only slightly worse than gilded princesses and better than titanial bondsmaids or aurum bondswomen, and since they aren't quest mobs, there's a lot less competition for them than for the other three mobs I just mentioned.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    i will not have internet access for a few days for updating this page but please if you have any comments or like the guide or if you have any additions you think i should make please post them and when i regain my internet connection i will post my next update
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have a question.
    I have a venomancer lvl 43, and i noticed that i can kill moves lvl 50-60. I tried to grind on dry island (lvl 55 mobs) but i earn less coins than grinding, for example, at lofty pteorsaur. I want to know why please.
  • Posts: 1,332 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I have a question.
    I have a venomancer lvl 43, and i noticed that i can kill moves lvl 50-60. I tried to grind on dry island (lvl 55 mobs) but i earn less coins than grinding, for example, at lofty pteorsaur. I want to know why please.

    If you mean less coins per mob, dunno. If you mean less money over time, that should be obvious. It takes a great deal longer per kill to kill mobs higher level than you, than it does to kill things the same or lower level. Thus fewer kills in a given time, thus less money.
  • Posts: 190 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    its cause if you kill mobs that are a lot a lot higher level than you are you get a reduced drop rate. its perfect worlds response to keep people groups of lvl40's from teaming up on lvl60+ mobs for example to get rich from drops. best drops come from mobs within 5 levels of your own character level. the closer to your level the mobs are the better chance of drops. also its not always coin drops. i used to grind on some mobs with less than half the coin drops of nearby mobs, but they dropped a lot more items and when you only get 200 coin from a mob but the drops sell for 3000 coin then all i say is drops ftw. and certain drops are good to grind for and are provided in my list cause they sell for alot in catshop and auction house.
    lvl101 LA/AA demon veno ftw, 15251 hp buffed, 13508 buffed pdef in human. able to use tt100 fists at 5 aps w/ genie. all from 2 years of work... WASTED
    was fun while it lasted
  • Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    A small addition to the great guide.

    Mob Name : Abandonfeme Araneid , Antimide Soldier
    Lvl: 35
    Found around area (585 560 , Hidden orchid Village)

    These have better drop rate of purified oil than tiger striped araneid and one can start grinding on them after hitting 33-34 (after having grinded on Tiger Striped Araneid). The best part about this mob is that it is so close to town that you won't have to worry about PK and selling and buying pots and stuff. Its a safe zone (for atleast half of the area ).

    All the mobs that spawn at the co-ordinates mentioned are non aggro (yea!). Grind peacefully.
  • Posts: 289 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    As written for my faction members of the faction Minions

    LINKS this is a very basic guide to making money from the forums, intended for low levels and beginners to pwi. this is a detailed guide to farming mats and a guide to the construction skills.

    Ok now for my grinding to make money guide from lvl20 to lvl60

    You don't just wanna grind on anything... You want to do what I like to call selective grinding. also known as farming for drops.
    You pick the mobs that for your level have a good drop rate of expensive drops and sell in catshop or on auction house.
    Any prices listed are the prices I use on sanctuary server as of 31jan10

    with the increased drop rate coming or february 2010 twilight temple runs will no longer be a viable way to make money. however grinding for drops will become very profitable as you will get massive number of dq drops, mat drops, coin drops etc.

    The level groupings are based on the venomancer class, for classes other than venomancer u might want to be a lvl or 2 over the mobs being targeted since u will need to heal if u fight mobs higher lvl than you. To help compensate u can collect a few basic herbs and make life powder ( nectar and golden herb made with lvl1 apothecary usable after level 10) focus powder (crane herb and salvia root made with lvl2 apothecary usable after lvl30) and flourish orb (fleece-flower root and tuckahoe made with lvl3 apothecary usable after lvl45) and the genie skill second wind (800+ 2% per strength at lvl0, lvl1skill at lvl10 genie) can help make grinding easier without potion costs. for venomancer using metabolic boost, natures grace, and soul transfusion make potions almost unneeded.

    from lvl20-30 grind on midnight jackaleopardites, they can be found north of archosaur (areas around 528 735) and are a mid 20's mob they have a good drop rate for dull claws and rough fur.
    from lvl25-35 grind on antelope pups for hay, and the Devilroot Dryad's and Torgirn Warriors/Sentries/Braves around silver pool (areas around 451 532), low 30's mobs that drop elemental fragments. "also as noted by Deviling - Harshlands in post 17" there is also a lvl27 mob named snakevalley bloodwolf north of orchid temple with similar drops but slightly higher drop rate.
    from lvl30-40 grind on the tiger striped aranieds east of aromatic river by hidden orchid, they have a good drop rate for purified oil.
    from lvl35-45 grind on the Lofty Pterosaur (green colored dragon mobs), they are a lvl40 mob... there is a good concentration of them just north of anglers village. they have a good drop rate for fruit.
    from lvl40-50 for these levels good mobs to grind on are the wolf mobs located in the swiftwind/sumor/broken plain areas. Wildstar Wolf a lvl 42 fire mob, Mastiff of the Great Divide a lvl 43 metal mob, and Great Twinheaded Canus a lvl 44 no element mob all have a high drop rate for leather.
    from lvl45-55 start on the level 5x vipions. Evolved Vipion (lvl50) located by low level towns (bamboo village near plume, broken bridge village near lost, hidden heroes village near etherblade)
    from lvl50-60 by tusk town fight the female swordsman mobs (Titanial Bondmaid lvl58 mob, Aurum Bondswoman lvl59 mob, Gilded Princess lvl60 mob), they have a good drop rate for elemental essence, and since it is a quest item... for a quest they give u too early, elemental escences are valuable. while grinding around tusk town be sure to collect any crafting materials you may come across as they are one of the high selling materials. another location for lvl50-60 is the mobs on dawns cry isle, they drop lots of dq items and at lvl58 in 45min collected 120k in drops and coin not counting 10 compound oils.
    from lvl55-65 foxwing supreme though they don't have a specific drop that sells for lots of coin has a high drop rate of dragon quest items for those of you who like flying mobs. also another mob usefull for grinding on for elemental escence is foliagen spirits a level 61 mob north of dreaming cloud which is somewhat easier to grind on due to not being used as a mob for quests.
    from lvl65-75 carrion vultures a lvl72 a flying mob over the swamps have an awesome drop rate for fungus.
    from lvl70-80 there are 3 good mobs to grind on at these levels... the first is aurum spectre's lvl 74 mob near village of naught South east of archosaur, they have a wonderfull drop rate for dq items. next is lvl75 mob huggy hares around the same area as aurum spectres also have a really good drop rate for dq items to be sold to npc's. then for those of you who like to fight water mobs we have... dragon maids, a lvl 76 water mob located in the Endless Sea around 675, 648. the dragonmaids have a wonderfull drop rate for fungus as well.
    for lvl80+ assuming you have completed the crono whele quest line going to old heavens tear and grinding on the ground based mobs there offers a wonderfull ammount of drops and lots of coin drops.

    a problem you'll run into is OMG I'm leveling too fast.
    so before u even encounter the problem ill tell ya how to level slow... shhhhh don't tell my secret i dont want any1 to hear GENIES!!!
    at bout lvl20 or so id go and take all your celestone fragments, celestones of heaven/earth/human and get mirage celestones.
    i'd get bout 4 or 5 genies preferred and dump all your experience into them. Just stick with 5 for now, its a good solid number of genies. as u grind dump all your experience into them, and level them as u go.
    when u get to bout lvl40 or so and all your genies are level 40 as well at same level as u. switch them all to trade mode. and go get 5 new genies. once the 5 old genies switch to trade mode after 1 week convert them to experience cubes and sell for added moneys, sell for bout 1coin=1xp based on the value of the experience cube. and start leveling the new genies and keep the new genies at your level. also by doing this u will have a very large amount of spirit saved up allowing you to get more skills.

    at the time this was written... i am lvl57 with the following genies: 6x lvl57 genies, 2x lvl51 genies, and a lvl43 genie. and i've sold 5 lvl40 genie experience cubes.

    below are approximate prices for most the items listed above. auction house prices are for selling the drops 10 at a time
    item.......................//--\\ cat-shop value...//--\\ AH starting bid...//==\\ AH buy it now
    dull claws................//--\\ 5-6k ea.............//--\\ 45k for 10.........//--\\ 70k for 10
    hay........................//--\\ 7-10k ea...........//--\\ 65k for 10..........//--\\ 110k for 10
    elemental fragments..//--\\ 5-6k ea.............//--\\ 45k for 10.........//--\\ 70k for 10
    fruit.......................//--\\ 8-11k ea...........//--\\ 75k for 10..........//--\\ 120k for 10
    elemental essence....//--\\ 6-8k ea.............//--\\ 55k for 10..........//--\\ 100k for 10
    fungus....................//--\\ 9-13k ea...........//--\\ 85k for 10..........//--\\ 140k for 10
    for the material drops listed, leather, rough fur, purified oil, etc. prices vary based on when you look... so you'll have to look around archosaur for a good price.

    will be updated as i slowly level so please post good spots for various higher levels you've found so i can get stuff useful to them. thank-you. XD
    if you like my guide please leave a comment ^^

    there are 3 kinds of players.
    those who level fast and end up broke.
    those who level slow and make it rich.
    those who spend endless amounts of real life money on a free to play game.

    id like to give thanks to the following players for their contributions either in game or here on the forums...
    Deviling - Harshlands, DragonDeadMe - Sanctuary, Dyskrasia - Heavens Tear, Mayfly - Dreamweaver, AllThat - Sanctuary, XxVampxX - Sanctuary, CaliVeno - Sanctuary, deutchcleric - Sanctuary, jimmygavazza - Sanctuary, LOVELYYESY - Sanctuary, DragonEmpres - Sanctuary, jupitar - Sanctuary, Oceanforce/Oceanevil - Sanctuary, tankftw - Sanctuary, TamTamTam - Sanctuary, BlackOcirus - Sanctuary, HunteressKit - Sanctuary, Ventrise - Sanctuary, Dadasarus/ClawedBalls - Sanctuary, and many other ppl from my random polls on world chat and friends.

    edited: 21jan10 for spelling and grammar
    edited: 24jan10 additional information and updated mob names, locations, levels
    edited: 26jan10 more mobs
    edited: 28jan10 more mobs based on comments and players in game. expanding into higher lvls
    edited: 29jan10 revision
    edited: 30jan10 corrections and added mobs
    edited: 31jan10 updated sale values, added mob info, made corrections
    edited: 01feb10 added mobs, added special thanks
    edited: 03feb10 revision

    this guide is a piece of ****

    here is a better guide

    get some crappy casual/part time job

    work for 5 hours per week

    charge zen equivalent to your IRL earnings from recently acquired job

    sell gold on AH

    30-35 mil per week!

    remember playing the game is a complete waste of time

    above statement remains a fact unless someone can think of a way to make 30-35 mil per week by playing the game


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