FB, DQ,BH- All confusing to me

teazz Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
I've been reading the forums and I'm confused over these terms and they’re meaning, where and how to get them, rewards and the advantages/disadvantages of doing them. This is what I've been able to figure out and please feel free to correct me where I am wrong.

FB- stands for dungeon quests. Referred to as “Call to Duty”.
1) Where to get the quest—take your dungeon quest items to West Archosaur and someone (unknown to me) will trade it in for “wine” item for entry to a dungeon
2) Reward- great for experience
3) Advantage/Disadvantage of doing quest
... a. very poor financial reward and drops are poor.
... b. If these are done too extensively one could have a cash problem in the game.
... c. Great for reputation (also called spiritual cultivation or spirit-- I think). But one-man armies are equally good (or better) for reputation and xp. I’m not aware of any other way to get reputation other than normal quests so if anyone can clue me in on this it would be appreciated.
d. Drops should go to the Tabber. I’m not sure what or who the Tabber is though. I’m guessing it is the person who organized the quest and used his dungeon quest items to get the wine (which I’m also clueless about). My best guess is the wine is used to enter the quest?

DQ- stands for dragon quest. Another term is Challenge Quest
1) Where to get the quest-- I think these are quests that show up at an NPC and become available at certain levels (the first one I think is at lvl 19 and called Beastkind)
2) Rewards- great for drops which can be sold for cash to shops or other players
3) Advantage/Disadvantage of doing quest
... a. they can take hours to complete
... b. experience – not sure about this but I get the impression xp is not great. Not sure why.
... c. Some players feel they are too bothersome as Dragon Quests are not required to level nor do they open up any other quest lines. Ignoring them will not affect character development.
BH- no idea what this stands for
1) Where to get the quest—unknown
2) Reward- great for experience
3) Advantage/Disadvantage of doing the quest—unknown

1) From what I’ve read I’ve come to the conclusion there is no incentive to do FB’s as 1-man armies will yield the same or better reputation & xp rewards. Similarly DQ’s take so much time that grinding will yield as much cash. I have come to no conclusion about BH’s as I haven’t read all that much about them.
2) Any dungeon is best done 5-10 levels higher with a couple friends. Too many in a group divides the rewards.
Post edited by teazz on


  • Amorzka - Harshlands
    Amorzka - Harshlands Posts: 56 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It might be better for you to run the dungeons at your level with higher level helpers. Just think about the benefits of having the higher class weapons for those five or ten levels as apposed to leveling without it.
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fb dont wine it until fb69
    dq if u dont want aynthing from dragonquest npc just sell your dq items at npc for money
    bh do it daily and u will level really fast
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • Kiryn - Raging Tide
    Kiryn - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    sorry for the double post. Editor is being silly. :/
  • Kiryn - Raging Tide
    Kiryn - Raging Tide Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    teazz wrote: »
    FB- stands for dungeon quests. Referred to as “Call to Duty”.
    1) Where to get the quest—take your dungeon quest items to West Archosaur and someone (unknown to me) will trade it in for “wine” item for entry to a dungeon

    d. Drops should go to the Tabber. I’m not sure what or who the Tabber is though. I’m guessing it is the person who organized the quest and used his dungeon quest items to get the wine (which I’m also clueless about). My best guess is the wine is used to enter the quest?

    Not entirely clear on it, as I haven't done it myself, but....

    Wine and Tabs are two different things.
    Tab is a thing you get from the NPC who gives you the Call to Duty quest. Using it inside the dungeon activates.... something? Better rewards?
    Wine is an item you trade crafting mats for to an NPC in Archosaur. Giving it to an NPC in the dungeon clears out most of the trash mobs, letting you get to the bosses faster.
  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    FB or Call to Duty Quest
    This is usually received when youre nearing the end of a 10 lvl interval starting at lvl19. You get FB or Call to Duty quests at 29, 39, 51 (this is an odd one), 59, 69, 79, 89 and 99 (higher levels can correct me about the 89 and 99 if incorrect).

    The quest usually requires you to take a team into a dungeon and kill the bosses in there. Also for each boss you would receive a tablet/tab which when used would give the entire squad exp,spirit (based on their lvls) and rep.

    In addition, most of the higher cultivation quests require you to kill bosses inside the dungeons. Hence people usually club the Call to Duty quest along with the cultivation quest which would make sense. In essence you can look at Call to Duty quests as a requirement to further your cultivation and learn new skills.

    From a rep point of view, Call to Duty quests are fun and give you easy rep compared to one man armies. The difference is that you can always go on lower level FB/Call to duty runs for people and get easy rep. However one man armies would change as your level increases making you fight mobs at your level. Also you can choose to enter the FB instances and try getting darkness stamps and perhaps even molds which would be more rewarding than doing One man armies. In the end though, combining both one man armies and FB runs is a good way to build up rep.

    Dragon Quest (DQ)
    I have never personally done them till now and will be starting once I hit 80. This is a repeatable quest (meaning you can do them multiple times) requiring you to collect specific drops and provide them to various npcs. This can be time consuming but the orders that you get for completing these quests can be exchanged for special molds which are otherwise unacquirable. In addition to the orders, you also get considerable amount of exp and spirit.

    Not a very important quest to do but if you require one of those special molds, it might be a good idea to do them. The only other option would be to purchase the mold or orders for getting the mold from another person which would be way more expensive.

    Bounty Hunter (BH)
    This is a large exp and spirit providing quest. The quests start at lvl40 and can be done once a day. This usually requires the player to kill a particular boss in specific Call to Duty dungeon in exchange for a large amount of exp and spirit.

    Although this would speed up your levelling, be warned that you do not get any coin rewards for this and you usually end up spending money on potions/ammo/repairs/teleportation/etc. Therefore relying only on this for levelling up would seriously leave you depleted of funds for equipments and skills.

    I would suggest taking breaks to grind for some of the money you lose while doing the bounty hunter quests.

    In short,
    FB -> Dungeon run for meagre exp, spirit and rep.
    DQ -> Repeatable quest for considerable amount of exp and spirit and acquiring orders which can be exchanged for special equipment/items which are otherwise unattainable.
    BH -> Daily quest that gives you large amount of exp and spirit