Comments needed on my Suggested Assasin PvP skills

wolfyyy Posts: 0 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Assassin
I'm a Sin, lv 70ish, and I've come to conclude that there two types of attack skill build for a sin. ( PvP Perspective )

Defense wise ( Basic buffs that should be activated before an engagement ):-

Lv 10 Focused Mind : I choose to max this over Tidal protection because the ability to actually douge an attack/spell seems far more appealing to me than to negate a negative buff off you.

Lv 1 Deaden Nerves : A level 1 for this skill will do since at max level, you don't get additional health regained.

Lv 1 Bloodpaint : Similarly to Deaden Nerves, you don't an increment to the percentage of HP drained if you level it.

Lv 10 Wolf Emblem : +30% additional Rage damage.

Genie Skills :-

Tangling Mire : -17% reduction in physical defense, a small percentage of movement speed debuff over 8 seconds.

Second Wind : This skill probably has the best growth capabilites. Every 1 Genie strength increases the base heal by 2%. At 40 Strength, that is like 80%. A level 4 second wind has a base heal of 590 HP. 590HP + 80% of 590 is about close to 1k heal more or less. The casting time is instant as well, so its definately a must learn skill.

Holy Path : Makes you move at maximum speed for 4.2 seconds at Level 4. A very useful ability for escaping and chasing down of fleeing opponents.

Dancing Leaf : 2% additional Crit Rate over 45 seconds.

Normal Attack DPS built ( In order of casting of abilities ) :-

LV 1 Mazing Step : To avoid being stunned while you execute this combo.

Lv 10 Puncture Wounds : 5.2k damage over 9 second. Sounds pretty good isn't it?

Lv 10 Power Dash : +40% crit rate at max level. Top that up with an average of 30-35% base crit rate on your sin at lv 80-90ish and you get 70%-75% Crit rate for 8 seconds.

Normal Attack : Just melee all the way on your opponent for the next 8 seconds.

After 8 second ends,

Lv 1 Rising Dragon : Inc. your chi by 150 after using the previous 2 spark skill.

Lv 10 HeadHunt : Insane Damage, nice stun time. Use this as a finisher if your opponent has a little bti of HP remaining. Make use of the remaining stun time to execute a slipstream or rib strike. You should be able to kill him.

Expect super critical rates coupled with a sin's natural fast attack rate to bring down your target in no time during the crucial 8 seconds of your Power Dash effect. Tangling Mire should be stacked during this period of time to enhance the effect. After executing the whole process that I suggested above, it'd probably be 20 seconds. Survive for another 10 seconds ( with Deaden Nerves and charm ) and you probably would be able to execute another round of it.

Skill Based Attack built ( In order of casting of abilities ) :-
Lv 10 Chill of the Dephts : +30 Attack level at max level. Since you're relying on skills, the reduction of attack speed wouldn't a problem at all. In short, all your skill gains an additional 30% in damage without a disadvantage.

Lv 10 HeadHunt : Insane Damage, nice stun time.

Lv 10 Rib Strike : Debuff him while you have the chance.

Lv 10 Throat Cut : 4 Seconds of silence. Gives you an opportunity to render your target useless for an extended time.

Lv 1 Rising Dragon : Just for the chi bonus.

Lv 10 Slipstream : Rib's cooldown probably wouldn't be over so an alternate ability would be slipstream.

I wouldn't recommend Punctured Wounds here because it doesn't maximize the capabilities to Chill of the Dephts to the fullest. In fact, it can be pretty much of a burden. Takign into account of its casting time, you're dealing way lesser damage than you're suppose to do in this built. Survive for another 10 seconds ( with Deaden Nerves and charm ) and you probably would be able to execute another round of it.

Realistically speaking, its almost impossible to max both 2 sparks skills at our current levels. However, someone might be able to improvise on it. For instance, consider maxing Inner harmony to get an instant 2 sparks. Then add on Power Dash just before headhunt in the order listed above. So it'll be Chill -> ower Dash -> Inner harmony -> Headhunt -> and so on, to maximise the potential of it.
Post edited by wolfyyy on


  • Azzazin - Dreamweaver
    Azzazin - Dreamweaver Posts: 502 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have been pking since I was level ~60 no my non-oracled 'sin. Most of what you have theorized seems correct. Currently I use the non-skill method of pking, since I don't have the $ to lvl all of my skills to the point where skills are still highest dmg.

    You have forgotten about tackling slash. This is crucial; any arcane you sneak up on is going to try to run as soon as you hit them.

    My favorite combo goes something like this:

    1) spot target
    2) non-combat stealth
    3) get close; buff with wolf emblem, focused mind, deaden nerves, & blood paint.
    4) Deep sting; lvl 10 is 95% chance to sleep. You take a very small risk that it doesn't work.
    5) DO THIS PART FAST. You have 5 seconds to:
    -double spark
    -inner harmony (get 155-200 chi [depending on lvl you have it at])
    -maze steps (10s no stun/movement immunity)
    -genie: tangling mire + extreme poison on same genie is a killer; execute both @ once for a winning combo
    6)tackling slash; prevent running
    7)normal attacks
    8)... if opponent is almost dead, use rising dragon (100% accuracy) & hope for a crit to finish things off.

    IF THIS FAILS, get the hell into forced stealth, & prepare to try again, but wait for your buffs to be ready if you think the opponent is tough (if they survived the first barrage, they qualify as tough). Great thing is, having used rising dragon & tackling slash, you already have 2 sparks again.

    Now, regarding power strike... what you have thought about seems quite good. In fact, crits hit harder than double sparked normal attacks with wolf emblem in. However, since I can't afford to max all of these 2-spark skills yet, for now, I shall continue using variations on the method described above.

    What else... oh yeah. Leave barbs alone. Any barb in pk above lvl 77, will pretty easily kill you, unless your gear is insanely refined & sharded. Doesn't matter if they 1/3 the dmg you do (they do more than that with their debuffs), they have more than 3x your hp. Duels... maybe. Pk? No.


    Setting of the twilight moon; a late evening rendezvous from atop the
    city's lonely heights. With the dawn the city below springs into bustling
    activity, and I don my morning apparel. From on high, I watch the world.
  • YupYup - Sanctuary
    YupYup - Sanctuary Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Correct me if i am wrong, but
    Lv 10 Power Dash : +40% crit rate at max level. Top that up with an average of 30-35% base crit rate on your sin at lv 80-90ish and you get 70%-75% Crit rate for 8 seconds.

    Aint power dash +40% RAGE DAMAGE ?
  • Somebody - Raging Tide
    Somebody - Raging Tide Posts: 112 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Correct me if i am wrong, but

    Aint power dash +40% RAGE DAMAGE ?

    the skill description is wrong, it says rage damage but the effect will give rage % extra
  • Swaze - Sanctuary
    Swaze - Sanctuary Posts: 142 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    the skill description is wrong, it says rage damage but the effect will give rage % extra

    is this really true?? it's hard to believe and just as hard to proove...unless it changes in your char window
    1st sage assassin in sanctuary. That's right, I jumped in with my eyes half closed. b:cute
  • WarsouI - Sanctuary
    WarsouI - Sanctuary Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    its really true, critted about 10 times in a row with it on
  • Death_Tide - Heavens Tear
    Death_Tide - Heavens Tear Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yes it does work as an increased crit!

    You can even see the little Increased Crit Icon when you use it too. (So basically don't use Leaf Dance in the process)
  • TurismoX - Lost City
    TurismoX - Lost City Posts: 109 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    More like just don't put Leaf Dance on your Genie.

    Useless with Power Dash, might aswell use that space for a more useful Genie move.