PWI should host pwcalc (so they become heros)

Azura - Lost City
Azura - Lost City Posts: 2,281 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Suggestion Box
Hi there GMs. I just wanted to pass some suggestion that would surely enrich the official PWI page, and probably make you interwebz-heros.

There was a character calculator ( which many in the community considered to be the best out there. You could make a character there and add any gear to see what stats you would end up. You could even add gear with random stats unlike any other calculator out there. Many considered pwcalc the best by miles, and it was very accurate. However, this calculator has been down now for many days(Q_Q). Some people have been saying that this is due that the guy or team who made it, don't have a place where to host it anymore.

Someone else in the forums said you pwe should host this calculator on the official web site. We have now a wikipedia, now imagine having an awesome calculator.

So why you must host it? I guess just to give your gamers and customers and service I guess.
Post edited by Azura - Lost City on


  • Esque - Lost City
    Esque - Lost City Posts: 97 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i second this notion.
    Allnighte - knn read pwdatabase laio, rank6 weap needs all of the badges la.
    rank8 laio just la needs laio rep la

    Naevo - o wait dis be pw-my-en? ding dong la
  • Saymor - Dreamweaver
    Saymor - Dreamweaver Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yes, I totally agree with this.

    It was awesome, and very helpful. b:dirty
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Me are in agreement with this suggestion.
    even though me don't use pwcalc much
    but me suspect me will use it a bit more in the future.
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree, especially if you made sure everything was accurate to the game.
  • Chobsi - Heavens Tear
    Chobsi - Heavens Tear Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Please b:thanks
    "Chobsi the only thing your good at is making your character look good, otherwise your fail"
    "Did that 95 BM just kill himself to your Herc? Mmm..Yep"
    "Oh that thing I thought was a statue, it 1 shot me, switch to your cleric please"
    "So that Hercules guy from the disney movie really aged well.."
    ~Chobsi b:cute
  • Feyoin - Sanctuary
    Feyoin - Sanctuary Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Please x large number b:thanks
  • PequetteV - Lost City
    PequetteV - Lost City Posts: 1,202 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    why not since asiaworld have it
    genesis (r.i.p.) ===> conqueror (r.i.p.) ===> zen (r.i.p.) ===> iam (r.i.p.) ===> guardianz (r.i.p.) ===> spectral ===> essence
    starting to be a nice guild hoppers b:surrender

    go on my website it contains lots useful informations about PWI

  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Completely agree, awesome idea.

    It would be something players would definitely thank and respect PWI for a lot. b:victory
  • Saitada - Sanctuary
    Saitada - Sanctuary Posts: 3,220 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree. Barring PWI taking it up, I would be happy to host a version of it on one of my domains I use for odd ball stuff.
