Qingzi failed b/c of me?

Posts: 8 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Cleric
I just turned level 40, and the first thing i did was find a bh29 squad (which took less than a minute) aside from usual random squad problems everything went fine until Qingzi...
As a pure mag cleric with ironheart maxed for my level (6 or 7), why can't i keep up w/ heals on Qingzi? I.e.- he damaged the barb (lvl 46 i think) too fast for me to keep the barb alive. (spamming ironheart as fast as i could)
Do i need to level up my heal skills before trying this BH again? What gears/shards will increase my heals?
thx in advance
Post edited by Weiste - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I just turned level 40, and the first thing i did was find a bh29 squad (which took less than a minute) aside from usual random squad problems everything went fine until Qingzi...
    As a pure mag cleric with ironheart maxed for my level (6 or 7), why can't i keep up w/ heals on Qingzi? I.e.- he damaged the barb (lvl 46 i think) too fast for me to keep the barb alive. (spamming ironheart as fast as i could)
    Do i need to level up my heal skills before trying this BH again? What gears/shards will increase my heals?
    thx in advance

    Do you use wellspring surge? (that purple beam healing skill b:surrender i think that's the name) Iron Heart is heal over time, so if the tank is taking too much damage already, it might not save him fast enough. Try wellspring surge then stack iron heart, and then add wellspring as you see neccessary.
  • Posts: 1,801 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    something seems wrong m8

    i remember i almost did my fb29 with 3x lvl barb and we failed coz heals sucked all my mana :0 (spaming ih + pots)

    and i didnt know about apo then b:cry
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  • Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Do you use wellspring surge? (that purple beam healing skill b:surrender i think that's the name) Iron Heart is heal over time, so if the tank is taking too much damage already, it might not save him fast enough. Try wellspring surge then stack iron heart, and then add wellspring as you see neccessary.

    Hi kash b:chuckle

    I'd agree with this, if you're having trouble try using Wellspring if his HP gets too low. Or you could try to part with two clerics to make sure there are no problems.
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
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  • Posts: 274 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I would propose that the barb might have just sucked =\
  • Posts: 3,723 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I would propose that the barb might have just sucked =\

    I'm inclined to think this. There's no other reason I can think of your heals wouldn't be sufficient if you were really spamming.
    Thanks for the sig Ophida :3
  • Posts: 1,490 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Eh, did you check the barb gears? For all you know he could have lv1 gear b:laugh
  • Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    my lvl 41 barb tank him with one cleric with no problem...but my barb has really good gear and wep so it was easy for me my plus all my gear has 3 cintrine socket in so i have alot of hp so it was no problem....b:thanks
  • Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Im inclined to believe the issue may have fallen with the barb. I've had this happen before. Try again tomorrow, if you have problems keeping the tank alive the issue is you. But at level 40 a decent barb shouldn't be getting hit that hard by him.

    This is of course assuming you didn't put all your points into vit, str, and dex.b:shocked
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
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  • Posts: 47 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Dosnt mater how high HP u have if IH cant keep up.^^
    To Lazy to make 1. b:infuriated
  • Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Dosnt mater how high HP u have if IH cant keep up.^^

    Not talking about his HP. HP means little if your barb has level 15 gear on. Or has no real defense against the boss/mob. IH should be able to keep up if maxed to your level on a boss 10 levels below you.

    I would say 3-4 IH and a stream, but you dont get stream until 49. Stream also heals over time, so you have constant heals hitting your tank. But 3-4 IHs and 1 wellspring should work until then.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    IH of lvl 40 not so good since it's main power comes from XX% of magic attack. It's sufficient enough to keep lvl 60 and above but 40ies(either Barb or BM ) not likely unless they as mentioned before properly equipped. b:bye
  • Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It's not your fault. I suppose the Barbarian wasn't built specifically for tanking.
  • Posts: 53 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    If everything everyone else said didn't work then try spamming 2-3 Ironheart's before the barb even attacks.
    If you attack some random monster, then all of its friends will come over to attack you back. And if a Cleric throws a heal at you, all of those friends will then hate the cleric more than you, and so will rush over to kill the Cleric. Who will hate you forever.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I tried putting 2 IH on the barb right before he attacked. I waited 5 seconds (at his request so he had time to get aggro) then started back w/ IH. every time though i just couldn't keep him healed. i can upgrade IH at 41, then i'll try the BH again.
  • Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Not talking about his HP. HP means little if your barb has level 15 gear on. Or has no real defense against the boss/mob. IH should be able to keep up if maxed to your level on a boss 10 levels below you.

    I would say 3-4 IH and a stream, but you dont get stream until 49. Stream also heals over time, so you have constant heals hitting your tank. But 3-4 IHs and 1 wellspring should work until then.

    I don't remember where but it was here in forum that there was a debate concerning Stream and IH. Supposedly Stream cancels the IH stack
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Hi kash b:chuckle

    I'd agree with this, if you're having trouble try using Wellspring if his HP gets too low. Or you could try to part with two clerics to make sure there are no problems.

    Hello Aadipantsb:pleased
  • Posts: 276 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, as has been said before it's probably the tank, unless you barely put anything into mag.. And for the love of surviving, don't ever expect IH and Stream of rejuvenation to stack.
    Few people make mistakes with fire after being once burned, of people who regard water lightly many have been drowned - Yamamoto Tsunetomo
  • Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    What kind of weapon and rings did you have equipped? And did barb remember the blessing? And also did you buff with maxed buffs for your level and was there a bm in the squad with aura? Quingzi hits damn hard, something like the attack stats of a level 100 mob and missing a few factors can make a huge difference. Usually handy to have a back-up cleric or a wiz on support heal.
  • Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Make sure the barb get into Qingzi's melee range ASAP, the barb will die in few hits by Qingzi's earth attack.
  • Posts: 287 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'd be inclined to think it's the barb's problem, not yours. Considering I tanked bh29 with my BM all thru my 40s, the barb should be able to.

    ::venos kick tail::

    Sheeeba: 8x Venomancer, Hate2Love
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    "You don't know me, son, so let me explain this to you once. If I ever kill you, you'll be awake, you'll be facing me, and you'll be armed."
  • Posts: 140 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I don't thnk it's your fault. It very well would be the barbs fault. But you can try using Spark Erupt and IH. Spark Erupt stregthens magic skills for a limited time.
    "If God gives you lemons, then get a new God"-Powerthirst
  • Posts: 38 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Eh, I joined a qinzi BH for my fb and I healed just fine the tank. I'm a vit/mag mix cleric, so it was certainly not your fault.
  • Posts: 304 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I don't remember where but it was here in forum that there was a debate concerning Stream and IH. Supposedly Stream cancels the IH stack

    They dont have to stack. Stream is a strong heal that gives a lot of HP back, then slowly adds more, so your IH is working while your stream is channeling. then back to IH. Its like a steroid heal.

    So your 2-3 IHs are still healing, while your stream is channeling, then start IH again as soon as you are done. Its used often on Wurlord, who can hit the barb hard with every few hits. Fills their HP and keeps healing while you get your IHs going again.
    Where my Tao at, from the front to back.
    ScarlettLady - 101 - BACK IN ACTION
    Scalett - 78 - Mystic to the Gawds
  • Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well i dont know bout u, once i was tanking Quignzi and feel asleep, 20 mins later I wake up and find him beating me up, i do one more macro and doze off, only to wake up 5 mins later when the lvl 30 psychic with me has taken charge and is trying to get rid of Quignzi.

    Oh btw both the times my brother whu was the Psychic had to come to my room and wake me up (hit me on the head :(( ).

    But yeah u can also try one wellspring and 1 IH combo on certain cases it works well.
  • Posts: 31 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    another way is to stack heal on barb before the battle...if his hp dropping to fast for heals then i would imagine that his stats are not quite up to standards...i can heal at my lvl in tt 90 just fine but communication is the key to healing...i always tell ppl before the boss that they see there health low dont rely on me plz if neccasary use your potions...for low lvl clerics at least before lvl 59 it is wise to stack before fight and spark when possible and ironheart 2 times or so and the wellspring surge..
  • Posts: 4,286 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I tanked Qingzi on my barb of coarse a veno was with us and I had no problem.I lvled up my skills and had the right gear on.How as the barb tanking him in tigerform or normal.It sounds to em you did everything you could.what was the rest of the squad made up of?
    Looking for a decent casual understanding Faction.
  • Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    While the barb's death may or may not be the OP's fault, but i think it's still important to learn to be a good cleric. There are bosses that hits really hard, and the tank will take massive damage, are you going to try to keep him alive or QQ about how much he sucks?

    i've had my share of squading with good and bad clerics, and the difference is significant. it is really sad, when non cleric players (that is including ppl who don't have high lvl cleric alts) start to give VALID instructions as to what the cleric should be doing.
  • Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The squad was (the levels might be one or two off): 53 wiz, 46 barb, 45 sin and 49 psychic.
    The barb was in tiger form, but i think i still had a lvl 31 wand - could the lowbie weap have been the problem? Especially if IH is based on m atk?
  • Posts: 288 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The weap might have been the problem, but at that level I imagine the difference would be too minimal to matter. Btw, if you have a level 53 wizzie in squad, let him tank Qingzi. Guaranteed it'd be much faster and safer since wizzies have those nice shields that cut damage down.

    Retired - Radiance
  • Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    There's a simple explanation for this occurrence. The barb was clearly a full magic build with no equipment wielding broken weapons.


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