color not working on tideborn

phryelyght Posts: 5 Arc User
edited March 2010 in Support Desk
when will the color for the faces of the tideborn characters be fixed? it's been over a month since the expansion came out and that is still not fixed. if you want to change the color of the bodies the faces won't adjust with it.
Post edited by phryelyght on


  • Nyuuh - Heavens Tear
    Nyuuh - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    time to answer guys.
    I know this is a know issue and you are working on, but there's so much issues you seems to work on.. and we do not have news.

    It's about time we'll ask "do you really work on issues?"

    okay, sorry, that was the words of a desesperate girl.
    I wrote like in every thread that were talking about the skin glitch, made mine as well, tried a lot of thing too, updating my drivers, directx, making the compability to windows 2000 (like for the black screen glitch of JD(even if didnt change a thing..)

    I still cannot get the reason why my computer would run a game like Oblivion, Sims 3, Fall Out 3, but will NOT run Perfect World correctly EVEN graphics to their lower states...

    This is a total deception, even more when I waited from the release of PW to, for no reason, someday, a blue skin will be available.
    Now that it is, it's only ONE class that can get it, and that class can even NOT work properly.

    I know that every &/*!"&" will answer "Your computer sucks change it" or wtv, but if you read that post, you probably read the point that my computer is pretty fine for running other games. PLUS I own that computer from even not still one year.

    Anyways, if you need to talk with someone or anyone that has that glitch, please join me, sure I speak french, but I have a common base into computer, not as much as a GM or wutever, but probably will be easier to ask me to go around my computer and help you figure out the matter.

    I apologize for every mistakes that I make, I translate everything by my own knowledge, and I'm really far from speaking english perfectly.

    And thank you for reading this.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It works fine on most video chipsets. Unfortunately, some ATI and Intel video chipsets seem to be the ones causing it.

    The devs know about it, but because it occurs on such few people (compared to the majority of players) on only certain hardware and driver configurations (out of thousands of variations), it is harder to research.

    We aren't deceiving anyone. I've been very upfront about there being some graphical calls that are being used in the game, which some video chipsets don't like well. I am not the devs though, so all I can do is help you to minimize it.b:surrender
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
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  • Nyuuh - Heavens Tear
    Nyuuh - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well I kinda understand, that's actually sad.
    Anyway, thanks to give me a clear answer about that graphical matter, it is really appreciate, nothing was clear or well answered.

    (Now that I have you around Darth Panda, would you mind go on JD forum? If you didn't already? ^^ tyvm)
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Running an Empire of Techy Sith Geek Pandas (TM) is tough sometimes b:chuckle

    Multi-tasking with my paws in everything b:beatenup
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Nyuuh - Heavens Tear
    Nyuuh - Heavens Tear Posts: 21 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Haha, you do well I think.
    Thank you very to taking a bit of your time answering all my questions, made my day.

    If I could hug you or make you a dinner, I would right now, haha.


  • RATT_FINK - Harshlands
    RATT_FINK - Harshlands Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    what about how my purple veno freind is only purple from certain camera angles and normal skin colors from others? but her face is always purple.
  • darthpanda16
    darthpanda16 Posts: 9,471 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Foxy bush tail Veno? You are talking about from YOUR perspective? Huh. There is a known one with that Veno from the player's perspective.

    Sounds like another issue difficult to narrow down as well.
    Do you need help learning about patching the game, installing it, changing antivirus/firewall settings, changing network settings, learn how to use a computer, keeping your PC maintained and more?
    Visit our BRAND NEW Knowledge Base & Support Website! - Tech Support Flowchart - Panda Caught on Camera
  • Meiko - Heavens Tear
    Meiko - Heavens Tear Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    well not to burst in on this topic but imo ALOT of tideborns are the basic skin color (not that it means they cant change the color) but they all don't post. I think more then half the TB's i see have that issue. The veno thing i can understand because veno does have other choices that can be colored, but for those of us who use the TB's and are restricted to the one color kind of sucks for us. As well as those who have the shading effect pointing from the Lobster and that new goose thing, is it not right to allow them to have a good visual experience. Not to mention on my other PC when ever ppl go around me with that lobster or goose i have to move away because I even managed to notice lagg from it (possibly do to some kind of Shading error , but not sure) anyone else notice that?
  • KiteX - Lost City
    KiteX - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    When i see the lobster it always has a random line flying into nothingness i believe that glitch is what has been causing the lag not the shading, as for the TB ive seen people with perfect human flesh over there TBs I dont know how they do it but it looked good from the one i saw. but what is really bad is if what darthpanda says is true we will have to pay money for a makeover scroll to change the way our TBs look some like myself like to make them look human but sadly i have to go with a pale emo look with them all it looks human but like a human who has never seen the sun i guess the same can be said for TBs though huh?
    Either way when they do fix it most people will have to buy the scroll to fix it the way they want, for rich people probably not a problem but most people who play this game are not rich if they were they would play World of W.arcraft.
  • Neema - Sanctuary
    Neema - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I don't know if it's the same for someone else but I found on my friend's pc that we have the TB skin color bug inverted. On my pc, I see my character with the right colors but sometimes after switching back from Best Performance I see other people's characters with the face of the right color and the body pale as death (XD) and that happens not only with the TB but with all races. The same happens to my sister, we play on different pcs but with the same connection. On my friend's pc, instead, she sees her character's face pale and the body with the right color. Not to mention that we all have problems to see preview of most new fashion clothes. My problem is not too big, but since I was the one who dragged my friend to play PWI I would like it if she could enjoy it at full ;)
    There's nothing that a cute scorpion sting can't fix ^^

    Neema - Venomancer
    Shiroe - Archer
    Shaina_Otori - Blademaster
    Lydan - Cleric
    Kiirisin - Wizard
    OpalBlade - Assassin
    Corallya - Psychic
  • Dream - Heavens Tear
    Dream - Heavens Tear Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I may have a answer to the skin problems with the tideborn witch with my research also accures with all the other races as well in certen parts of the game Skins are off players are fully grey back in the basic player skin. But it only happens in certen areas such as the tideborn area this happens because or the newly added back grounds they use there much more graphical an detailed witch is bab because there more ahead the other players detail an graphics soo in dark/night/foggy/any area that has to do with darking setting makes the skins change so no ones graphical settings are wrong the odd time yes some peoples are but with mostly ATI something will not gothrough it right something like that I have screen shotsto help the problem i have found many many many people have this issue i have gone to there house an they also have a ATI chipset have the same problem some cases more up to date AI soft wear will show things diffrently but are still the same problem more up to date chip sets show the face being right colour but the body will be off colour older chip sets will show grey an basic colour with monster NPC"s players them self butonly in newly added night time area an newly added nighttime effects i found. so it seems like ATI is not as up to date with the new grahpics they had add into the game i think navidea had diffrent chipset setting the ATI soo more oftenly they will be ok in somecase because they lack things ATI has so i suggest that you try to update your ATI as far as you can an see results most cases your ATI will update on its own so if nothing changes its mostly likely you have the newest update. So hopefuly the dev's look into this simple problem an set the graphic setting on there side in a up date loswer or update everything alse up to speed because having to diffrent things for example winged elfs have older graphical detail he tideborn have new graphical detail its most likely the games still set for the old detail making the tideborn look off because the grahpical detail the game is set for hasnt come to yet.
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    there is another graphical issue other than the TB faces, the fashion preview seems to make characters naked when you preview certain pieces. It has been that way since the TB expansion.
  • Elfiniah - Sanctuary
    Elfiniah - Sanctuary Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    The tideborn skin color issue is not very rare. I tried three different computers, a windows xp, a windows vista, and a windows 7, all three computers have the same problem with the tideborn skins not matching the faces. The body's skin color changes just fine but the face stays the same. I tried 3 different comps, 3 different operating systems, and three different ati graphics cards, I honestly do not think that it is a rare problem with only some of the graphics cards by ATI. If you want to get the specs for my computers and their graphics cards for research please tell me what information you need and where to send the information. Frankly I have been waiting for each patch to fix the issue, but since it hasnt been fixed I decided that instead of just complaining I might as well try to do something about it. If there is a way to send the developers needed info for their research please let us know so that we can help the process instead of just complain about it.
  • roflmfaooo
    roflmfaooo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2010
    I know this is off topic but just wanted to post here for people that have weapons/clothing disappearing at certain angles it's cause is down to refraction > close. Set to open and apply that should fix that. =)
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