wizard genie skills

/Slash - Lost City
/Slash - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
edited February 2010 in Arigora Colosseum
alright sooo disregard PvE in this post, my wiz is LA with a set of good arcanes too so i can take enough hits there that PvP is my only real concern. my wiz just hit 70 and my genie is an Infliction (which i originally got for Second Wind; i know a lot of people prefer Tree of Protection but wizzes aren't known for massive base HP counts to begin with so i figured the insta-heal might be more useful).

the genie just got to lv 50 and has 39/50 lucky points, which is pretty awesome IMO, so now i'm getting serious about setting it up to do well. currently i have (these can be changed and i know at this point they seem a little random...):

STR: 55
DEX: 27
VIT: 16
MAG: 18

5 wood
2 earth
3 water
1 metal
0 fire

Second Wind (Lv9; heals me for about 1600 or so)
Extreme Poison (Lv8; lasts 7 seconds based on genie stats, soon to be 8 sec)
Cauterize (Lv9; something like 70-80% chance to cure Bleed, for Venos)
Fortify (Lv6; lasts 3 seconds, soon to be 4 sec when genie hits 30 dex)

i know there is a 5th skill available at 51+ Luck pts but focusing for now on just 4 skills... any suggestions? i know Holy Path is quite useful (even for a wiz with distance shrink nearly maxed...) but the skill i wish i had the Affinity for is Badge of Courage, which breaks stuns, instead of Fortify (which prevents stuns). the major problem with Fortify is that intelligent players will delay their stunning attacks if they know you're going to use Fortify; Badge of Courage can always get you out, but my affinity is in all the wrong places (need a bunch of Metal and Fire for it).

i haven't used Cauterize once yet, ofc i haven't fought a lot of venos. i use Second Wind a lot (it's awesome). Extreme Poison, sometimes, though half the time i forget to use it.

as for my own playstyle, as i said i'm LA so i can take quite a few hits regardless of who i'm fighting -- even with the current semi crappy genie setup i've beaten even-level archers fairly consistently. with full buffs i get something like 75% resist to phys res, or with arcane set i get elemental resistances pretty close to that.

the big downside is that a lot of the skills i'm looking at, hinge on DEX as the main stat, not to mention i want to put some more pts into VIT and MAG eventually. however doing all of that could water down my Second Wind, which at 55 STR pts is pretty awesome. i'm open to all sorts of suggestions, i know that altogether i'll probably get 10 skills recommended to me and several recommendations to switch to a different type of genie, etc, but please try to keep my playstyle in mind if that helps narrow down your advice.

i do not intend to be the average AA wiz who shouts "lol i just 1-hit <some Lv10x>" in world chat and then a few seconds later someone shouts "lol i just 1-hit <me>". glass cannons only win when they hit first; on the other hand my damage is still pretty high and i'd prefer to have some staying power instead of being a 1-trick pony. i know i should probably have Holy Path, and i'd like to rearrange Affinity to get Badge of Courge, but what skills / Affinities should i drop? i know i can drop 1 Wood to get rid of Fortify for BoC, but... yeah.

well, world quest done, time to stop ranting and let the advice come pouring in. thanks in advance. finally, yes i intend to stay LA through Lv90+ when i get there, no debates about LA vs AA please, i've seen the results for myself. this is just about genies. thanks :)
Post edited by /Slash - Lost City on


  • /Slash - Lost City
    /Slash - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    no one? gotta be someone with PvP genie skill advice for a wiz.
  • PandaXpresss - Harshlands
    PandaXpresss - Harshlands Posts: 84 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Lot of wizards like holy path to move faster when distance shrink is on cool down, you have extreme poison which is great single target, but many also use frenzy (could always use both) for when you aoe groups. Those are 3 fairly stable moves.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    all me have so far be a RB genie. (holy path, cauterize, second wind, *would like absolute domain....but genie a bit too low level and me never bothered to up it enough since it got the job done*)

    me am working on a PvP genie but decided to do more research first.

    mayhaps if me come up with a nice working one. (me has anti assassin in mind.)
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
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    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
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    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • /Slash - Lost City
    /Slash - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    cool. my experience with LA wiz so far seems to be that whatever can't stun me is going to have an incredibly hard time killing me. i'm really leaning toward Badge of Courge... just seems so much better than Fortify IMO. Holy Path is excellent and i should have it, no doubt. i should also have at least one survivability skill (Second Wind or Tree of Protection come to mind), and the 4th spot can be... Cauterize, Extreme Poison, Frenzy, ..one of those. 5th spot i will worry about when i get there, probably Absolute Domain since everyone swears by it.

    Badge of Courge : 4 metal, 3 fire, DEX based
    Holy Path : 2 metal, 2 wood, 2 earth, sort of DEX based (who gets 100 pts?)
    Second Wind : 1 wood, 1 earth, 1 water, STR based
    Tree of Prot: 4 water, 3 wood, mostly STR based (DEX stat would benefit me less on a wiz IMO)
    Cauterize : 1 water, both based
    Extreme Poison : 4 wood, DEX based

    available: 11 affinity, 89 stat points

    think i'm going to go 4 metal, 3 fire, 2 wood, 1 earth, 1 water, and at the next 5 levels add one to earth (for Holy Path). then i'll have Badge of Courge, Holy Path, Second Wind, and ... probably Cauterize. not only is that easier Affinity-wise, but it also makes the genie a defensive player. if i were Arcane, using Frenzy and/or Extreme Poison to go around 1-hitting players might make more sense (assuming i don't get 1-hit first which Arcanes usually do)... as a light armor wiz i'd rather err on the side of defense.

    as for stats, i'm not sure, i'll play around with it. additional tips are welcome, thanks.
  • Elementx - Lost City
    Elementx - Lost City Posts: 78 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Err sorry to res this topic.

    Just got back form a long hiatus of about 4 months and I was just wondering how did you end up with your genie built...they didn't have genies when i quit and it's overwhelming to read all this. Trying to find a cookie cutter for LA right now until I play around a bit myself with these...trying not use too much cash shop reseting it.
    "If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut."b:shutup
  • Maruja - Heavens Tear
    Maruja - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    I was enjoying your input on genie skills and thought i would tell you a little about my various genie setups. I have various genies for different situations. One is for Rebirth/mob & boss pulling and territory war, one is for PvE grinding and TT boss killing, and i have others with skills such as earth quake and lighting chaser for interupting bosse like Belial, but recently have widdled it down to 2 main genies for most uses. Since i am an arcane build my RB and TW genie is focussed on defense, mobility and chi, While my TT/grinding genie is purely for damage and chi. I asked myself what the wizard class is lacking most of all before making these genies. Those things where; physical resistance, ability to gain chi quickly, and speed. To help with these weaknesses there are 6 essential skills that a wizard should have access to on one or more genies. These skills may or may not fit on one genie at least until you have a lvl 100 gold genie.

    1. Chi Siphon
    2. Expel
    3. Absolute Domain
    4. Holy Path
    5. Extreme Poison (because everyone should have it its the best amp hands down)
    6. Tree of Protection

    Many people use the skill cloud eruption for chi because its a cheaper skill affinity wise, However, Because of Chi Siphons 15 meter range it is invaluable in DDing bosses and nuking/stuning large groups of mobs. It keeps u out of deadly close range AoE and lets you blast 3 sparked sutras combos followed closely by nukes and also 2 - 3 nukes in a row. Its also invaluable in TW becuase it severly cuts down on spark pot usage and disables barbs from using any chi related ability for roughly 30 secs. Also, you can suck chi out of the bind post on your way into battle for a free 1.5 - 2 sparks b:pleased! If you are going sage for the chi, think again! just get this skill and choose your culti for the right reasons.

    Expel and absolute domain are also essential wizard skills to reduce damage, avoid stuns or get yourself out of a sticky 5 on 1 squishy style situation. Although a word of warning, after the previous 2 patches i have yet to get expel to work in TW although it may be a targeting issue i was having i will test it more this weekend. Regardless, it is an essential skill if u ever plan on doing RB.

    Holy Path i dare to say may be one of the best genie skills period! it is with out a doubt the most widely used. Without holy path it is difficult to escape bms and archers. And lets face it, BH would be a TOTAL drag with out it!!! Wizards need holy path to keep up with the action.

    If you have noticed i have not mentioned skills like cauterize or lawbreaker or any other chance-based skill. I think it is very important to have skills that you can rely on, and those are to dicey for me. I try to deal with venos/nixes in a different way. One thing that i found extremely useful in PvP against the Nix is the skill nullify poison. this skill will not protect you from the nix but you will be completely immune to the veno's magic while you go full force on its pet with will of pheonix, FoW, and anything you can do to kill it without taking damage. Nixes die much easier than venos if you act fast enough. Once the nix is dead the veno is reletively harmless to a skilled wizard. I realize this is a different approach than most PvP wizards use but with a little practice it has been very effective. Last TW i was in i sent more than a few venos scurrying back over the hills, wich is a great feeling especially when you are at a similar level and experience.

    As i mentioned above it is difficult to fit all the skills you like on one genie. this is due to 2 problems: Lucky Points and Affinity. The following are genie setups to show you how i compensate for the lack of affinity in the current games level limit.

    1. Gold Zeal - Level 100 - 72/100 lucky points

    Uses: Territory War, TT, RB

    Affinity: Water 7, Earth 7, Metal 5, Wood 2

    Skills: Earth Flame, Chi Siphon, Expel, Absolute Domain, Holy Path, Earth Strand (immobilization), (final skill undetermined yet - possibly ToP)

    2. Purple Discipline - Level 89 - 57/80 lucky points

    Uses: TW, TT, Grinding

    Affinity: Water 7, Earth 7, Wood 4

    Skills: Chi Siphon, Tree of Protection, Extreme Poison, Nullify Poison, Oxygen Bubble.

    Both Genies are very useful to me. Ideally i would like to have Holy path on both, but i cant until i get the Discipline to level 95 and receive 2 more points. The Zeal is now my primary genie, and the Disciple i take out when i need to deal with venos/ poison mobs, water mobs, or just want to do as much damage as possible with out holding back. although this genie doesnt have as much damage control on it, ToP helps make it versatile. I will probly add nullify poison to my zeal if i EVER hit 105! or i could restat it and take out absolute domain, exchanging some metal affinity for wood and add X-poison, nullify poison and ToP.
  • Myriad_ - Lost City
    Myriad_ - Lost City Posts: 117 Arc User
    edited February 2010

    Many people use the skill cloud eruption for chi because its a cheaper skill affinity wise, However, Because of Chi Siphons 15 meter range it is invaluable in DDing bosses and nuking/stuning large groups of mobs. It keeps u out of deadly close range AoE and lets you blast 3 sparked sutras combos followed closely by nukes and also 2 - 3 nukes in a row. Its also invaluable in TW becuase it severly cuts down on spark pot usage and disables barbs from using any chi related ability for roughly 30 secs. Also, you can suck chi out of the bind post on your way into battle for a free 1.5 - 2 sparks b:pleased! If you are going sage for the chi, think again! just get this skill and choose your culti for the right reasons.

    How many chi gives chi siphon at max lvl and how much energy does it cost? Cause this skill looks awsome
  • Maruja - Heavens Tear
    Maruja - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited February 2010
    Chi siphon at max level gives 2 sparks, however, i keep mine at level 6. At level 6 it takes 150 energy, and gives roughly a spark and a half. The Genies i put it on have 50 magic, 50 dex and 50vit. This gives it just enough energy for the skill, a 2 point per sec regen rate and 25 extra chi drained (1 chi per 2 points of dex). as you level the genie ad more dex and get more chi. so every 75 secs you get a nice load of chi.