Help me find a new look! D:

BeingHope - Raging Tide
BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
edited January 2010 in The Fanatics Forum
Hey guys!

Well as the title says, I'm stuck! I want to change my character since I'm getting bored of having the same look forever... >.< So I made some presets on another character but then I got stuck... I don't know which one I want o.O

So I figured I could make a poll and see the feedback from people! b:laugh And so if you see this and don't mind, please look over the pics and vote! :D

Oh and the reason I wrote the thread on this character instead of my other from Harshlands is because I felt it would be better suited posting on this one since its from Raging Tide and my character I'm stuck with is in Raging Tide...

And to the GMs/Mods, if I posted this in the wrong section, sorry! I was stuck between this one and the Off-Topic Discussion.

Here are the pics!

Current Character:
Lol :P Thats my character rofl, second picture, the guy is not me if you get confused rofl xD

Preset 1:
Rofl I was trying to look different than my character xD I'm kind of so-so with the make-up though... >.<
-Head Shot:
-Full Shot:

Preset 2:
Well I tried to be really different so umm yeah... >___>
-Head Shot:
-Full Shot:

Preset 3:
I re-made my entire character from scratch and changed up the coloring... So it isn't exactly alike but yeah...
-Head Shot:
-Full Shot:

So umm yeah those are the three I made... >.< If you liked a character but don't like the colorings, please tell me what colorings you think would look best :3

Thank you b:thanks
Hiatus from April 2011
Post edited by BeingHope - Raging Tide on


  • Kephras - Heavens Tear
    Kephras - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,472 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I like the second one best, but I notice one thing they all have in common is dark eyeshadow. I dunno why having black rings around the eyes is popular, but to me it just looks... bad. Like "not enough sleep" or "zombie" bad. I'd suggest switching to the more faded eyeshadow type and using it for accent, not outline. And just perhaps, darkening the eye-color a shade or two.

    Just my thoughts. Not bad overall. :)
  • Charisma - Raging Tide
    Charisma - Raging Tide Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I like number two as well...and like Kephras said, try playing around with the eyeliner a bit, maybe. :o
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] b:cute
    Lieal - 95 Venomancer - Dreamweaver - Retired
    Charisma - 86 Cleric - Raging Tide - Retired
  • XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear
    XXKimikoXx - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,569 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I love the second one it looks the best.
    Thanks for the siggy Dorset
    Once upon a time I had a dirty little secret but then I took it to the dry cleanersb:laugh

    -Currently residing in the real world-
  • Felizia - Lost City
    Felizia - Lost City Posts: 487 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i like preset 3 ,__, <3
  • BeingHope - Raging Tide
    BeingHope - Raging Tide Posts: 1,869 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    b:cute Thanks for all the comments guys! <3

    Time to see what the over-all win is at the end of next week xD

    And here are my comments to some of you all:

    @Kephras- Oops all dark eye shadow... I made all of these when I was pretty tired and worn out from the day, plus I was sick without knowing it xD Lol I'll think about that :D

    @Charisma- Oooh okay! :O What color do you think would look pretty?

    @XXKimikoXx and Felizia- >.< Thank you! b:cute
    Hiatus from April 2011
  • Karos - Raging Tide
    Karos - Raging Tide Posts: 44 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think you should stick with the original, i've seen you around, and you're pretty cute :3
  • Daedr - Heavens Tear
    Daedr - Heavens Tear Posts: 103 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Number 2 looks the best.
    If ya wanna keep the eyeshadow, try a bit darker skin color.
    ~Enliven Executor~
    In Game Names:
    Daedr - Cleric
    KittyD - Venomancer

    Whisp if ya wanna have a talk :D
  • BeingHope - Harshlands
    BeingHope - Harshlands Posts: 5,013 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think you should stick with the original, i've seen you around, and you're pretty cute :3

    b:chuckle Lol I'm thinking on it. If I did change and didn't like it in the end, I still have it backed up to switch back anytime :3 (I'm always carrying at least one make-over scroll xD)
    Number 2 looks the best.
    If ya wanna keep the eyeshadow, try a bit darker skin color.

    O.o Oooh a darker skin color? I never thought about that! b:thanks Thanks for the advice

    Edit: Omg wrong character again xD.....
    I forgot!!! Thanks forsaken for the signature b:cute
    b:chuckle I love huge catshops LOL b:laugh
  • Mooxie - Lost City
    Mooxie - Lost City Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think you should keep to the original , it looks best! Hands down. (: