
Eragon - Harshlands
Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Assassin
Kay, so. My sin just hit level 70 and im wondering, because ive seen some sin's use the unicorn hh70 bow in pvp very effectivley, Ive saw that its cheap, but I also do not like to part with my moneez quickly. Is it worth it?
Post edited by Eragon - Harshlands on


  • Solartide - Sanctuary
    Solartide - Sanctuary Posts: 39 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Motifake? Whos ever heard of a motifake?
  • Eragon - Harshlands
    Eragon - Harshlands Posts: 465 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Fine killer, be a **** like that b:laugh it was just a questionb:surrender
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kay, so. My sin just hit level 70 and im wondering, because ive seen some sin's use the unicorn hh70 bow in pvp very effectivley, Ive saw that its cheap, but I also do not like to part with my moneez quickly. Is it worth it?

    Use bow cuz its healthier!!b:chuckle
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Read other treaths. I have already try to prevent ppl from using bow on PvP enough times. Some tards just won't listen. It fails.

    Bow for us is only for a few cases in PvE like killing harpies/hands/heads on FC.
    Bow is even fail to lure with. 20m meter vs 35 meter throw dagger. And if you are pulling bosses w/o agroing anything besides them, you need genie skill to pull. Grinding with bow will get you to lvl100 in 2 years as well.
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Kay, so. My sin just hit level 70 and im wondering, because ive seen some sin's use the unicorn hh70 bow in pvp very effectivley, Ive saw that its cheap, but I also do not like to part with my moneez quickly. Is it worth it?

    no its not worth it because ppl that do use bows at 7x of ALL the freakin lvls they can use it at are just pure idiots. it goes beyond being a oracle noob even. do not be that same idiot. u should have stoped using bows at lvl 2x when u got dagger devotion. if sins are still using bows at 7x then they are just beyond stupid and thus beyond being helped. and using it in PvP just adds to the retardation even more.
  • Super_Trout - Dreamweaver
    Super_Trout - Dreamweaver Posts: 225 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I have general summer's bow from the supply stash. Only because the gold 43 daggers are better than general summer's, and I only intend to really use it during BH39 on the exploding mobs to save my charm from ticking at every mob. >.<
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    there are alot of practical PVE uses for a bow, despite what ballisticz/the oracle noob say.

    -air mob quests
    -FB/TT luring (try this in FB59 for example like on the spider at the entrace)
    -staying out of range of explosion mobs
    -staying out of aoe range of certain bosses
    -FCC air mob killing
    -effectively tank bosses that use only magic at a range (IE pyro, or all FB59 bosses)

    among many other uses out there. even BMs use them with spark to kill other archers/kiting classes.
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    there are alot of practical PVE uses for a bow, despite what ballisticz/the oracle noob say.

    -air mob quests Yeah, if you too lazy to use throw dagger which is 35m vs 20m of bow to lure away/pull a mob, or too nub to use teleport skill. Bow = Wasting time
    -FB/TT luring (try this in FB59 for example like on the spider at the entrace) FBs = Squad = Usually got a veno pulling. Then again if you have to lure, would you rather lure with 20 meter bow or 35 meter throw dagger
    -staying out of range of explosion mobs Dont be a ****** and kill 100 explosion mob at once. Common sense. And if you happen to have someone getting 5+ mobs at once they are high enough level to just sit back and watch
    -staying out of aoe range of certain bosses 20 meter is so far Oh Ma gaaawd. AoE won't hit me herez lol Usually bosses that AoE have range enough to hit 20M. The bosses that don't you can most of the time tank the dmg.
    -FCC air mob killing I mostly use use bow here for hands/heads. Harpies can be lure with throw dagger to the floor where you have melee range and kill faster. Bow on harpies only when some tard makes it get out of melee range
    -effectively tank bosses that use only magic at a range. (IE pyro, or all FB59 bosses) LOL @ tanking bosses at range when you have more P. Def than M. Def buffed, Have a skill that makes bosses attack 50% slower, Evasion is somehow a chance of no dmg taken combined with focused mind by around ~42% at bosses same level. BTW weren't you stating we too squishy to even get second hand DMG now talking about tanking?

    among many other uses out there. even BMs use them with spark to kill other archers/kiting classes.
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    -air mob quests Yeah, if you too lazy to use throw dagger which is 35m vs 20m of bow to lure away/pull a mob, or too nub to use teleport skill. Bow = Wasting time
    thats why when ive tried using daggers on mobs, it brought all the ones next to it with it, super good luring there. dragged 2 of farens little minions instead of one last i tried it in FB39.
    -FB/TT luring (try this in FB59 for example like on the spider at the entrace) FBs = Squad = Usually got a veno pulling. Then again if you have to lure, would you rather lure with 20 meter bow or 35 meter throw dagger
    yes, because you're always guarenteed a veno in squads, right? wrong. refer to point above.
    -staying out of aoe range of certain bosses 20 meter is so far Oh Ma gaaawd. AoE won't hit me herez lol Usually bosses that AoE have range enough to hit 20M. The bosses that don't you can most of the time tank the dmg.
    wrong again; dimentora's = 15m radius off the target, it hits hard as hell and an assassin wouldnt want to be attacking especially when he spams it. guarnob is another good example, has a physical close range besides his 30m ice one.
    -staying out of range of explosion mobs Dont be a ****** and kill 100 explosion mob at once. Common sense. And if you happen to have someone getting 5+ mobs at once they are high enough level to just sit back and watch
    thats not even a rebuttal, come on... dudes doing their weapon token quest cant attack explosion mobs, theyll die in one blast. (left me with 2 digit hp..)
    -effectively tank bosses that use only magic at a range. (IE pyro, or all FB59 bosses) LOL @ tanking bosses at range when you have more P. Def than M. Def buffed, Have a skill that makes bosses attack 50% slower, Evasion is somehow a chance of no dmg taken combined with focused mind by around ~42% at bosses same level. BTW weren't you stating we too squishy to even get second hand DMG now talking about tanking?
    you do not get more def than mdef buffed; unless youre in HA. you are smoking something. evasion is useless its a common fact. your damage mitigation move doesnt last very long either.

    the whole point of range tanking is to stay alive, and not get ***** by melee.

    go back to your oracles, please.
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    thats why when ive tried using daggers on mobs, it brought all the ones next to it with it, super good luring there. dragged 2 of farens little minions instead of one last i tried it in FB39.

    yes, because you're always guarenteed a veno in squads, right? wrong. refer to point above.

    wrong again; dimentora's = 15m radius off the target, it hits hard as hell and an assassin wouldnt want to be attacking especially when he spams it. guarnob is another good example, has a physical close range besides his 30m ice one.

    thats not even a rebuttal, come on... dudes doing their weapon token quest cant attack explosion mobs, theyll die in one blast. (left me with 2 digit hp..)

    you do not get more def than mdef buffed; unless youre in HA. you are smoking something. evasion is useless its a common fact. your damage mitigation move doesnt last very long either.

    the whole point of range tanking is to stay alive, and not get ***** by melee.

    go back to your oracles, please.

  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fallacy at its best, try to defame your opponent with insults and strawman arguments, kthx. have a good day.
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    fallacy at its best, try to defame your opponent with insults and strawman arguments, kthx. have a good day.

    That is me not bothering to trying to enlighten a mere donkey. But thanks, you are done spamming non-sense that would eventually close this threat for not even being in OP.
  • AndyNagato - Lost City
    AndyNagato - Lost City Posts: 185 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    That is me not bothering to trying to enlighten a mere donkey. But thanks, you are done spamming non-sense that would eventually close this threat for not even being in OP.
    i dont think you can accomplish your goal, intelligence/wisdom are two things you lack, nor are they something you can acquire so easily. maybe you should stop before you injure whats left of your grey matter.
  • Killermate - Harshlands
    Killermate - Harshlands Posts: 437 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    i dont think you can accomplish your goal, intelligence/wisdom are two things you lack, nor are they something you can acquire so easily. maybe you should stop before you injure whats left of your grey matter.
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    hahahahha either way, there's very few real applications for swapping a bow in during pvp, not to mention that using it with chill of the deep on is out of the question.

    However I have a unicorn bow that I take out on occasion for when the situation calls for it.

    Ex: Cynair Specters, floaty wraith candles over sanct for OHT culti. Up close I was getting whacked for 4-600 a hit. At range with bow barely 200 not to mention that you can be double sparked practically the whole time taking them down in about 3-5 shots.

    BH running: perhaps you have a group that likes to get a tad ahead of itself and forgets to get behind a running mob where it has now effectively run off with 1/3rd of its hp and is hiding up the wall where mele cannot reach and for some reason your ranged players are not targeting it... Pull out bow, pew pew, mob down, move on

    PvP: Bad, you have no skills to use with bow in pvp, it's like becoming a gimped archer. Unless the situation arises where there is a player 20 below you who does a hit and run and you can't be assed to chase him down so you stick on the bow, fire off a shot or two, and watch him drop so you can move on with your day.
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Some AoEs though are stronger closer up than farther away hence making using a bow better in those situations..........

    now for world bosses....
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^
  • Sthenith - Dreamweaver
    Sthenith - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Funny read.

    Seriously, sins don't need bows at all. But if you get a free stash box bow or quest bow (like the 45 one) you can use it for different reasons.

    Personally, i use a bow on lower mobs when i need to farm things they drop. I don't have to heal, i don't need skills, by the time they get close they're dead and i don't have to run to them to pickup their drops.

    I think it's only good to get mats like leather, oils etc etc, when you're a few lvls higher then the mobs themselves.
    Oh, and to avoid exploding mobs in an instance. with the extra crit you get from genie skill it still is a viable option, but you indeed might be called a noob. But at least i survive.
  • Veronica_ - Heavens Tear
    Veronica_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Extreamly ironic treath b:cute I am not gonna repeat myself again b:surrender

    Don't use bow, maybe in realy rare casess b:angry
  • BIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear
    BIackTyphoon - Heavens Tear Posts: 249 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    why the hell is everyone so worked up bout bows? sins have daggers and thats it. if they'd need bows they'd have skills for bows as well(ofc same goes for every other class as well) so obviously we won't need them. those who wanna get a bow, no matter what reason, can get it but stop arguing bout such stupid topics.
  • Nolasa - Dreamweaver
    Nolasa - Dreamweaver Posts: 45 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    why the hell is everyone so worked up bout bows? sins have daggers and thats it. if they'd need bows they'd have skills for bows as well(ofc same goes for every other class as well) so obviously we won't need them. those who wanna get a bow, no matter what reason, can get it but stop arguing bout such stupid topics.

    Agreed. Theres very few cases when a bow would truly be useful to a Sin. And most of those that i know of are in instances, where you have others who can handle those mobs better. As for luring, get a Zeal genie, and your good. I was in a BH39 with 2 fail venos, and ended up doing the lions share of luring (NOT saying all venos are, just those 2). Good idea using a bow with Cyannir Spectres, and for farming.
  • Gleerock - Heavens Tear
    Gleerock - Heavens Tear Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Agreed. Theres very few cases when a bow would truly be useful to a Sin. And most of those that i know of are in instances, where you have others who can handle those mobs better. As for luring, get a Zeal genie, and your good. I was in a BH39 with 2 fail venos, and ended up doing the lions share of luring (NOT saying all venos are, just those 2). Good idea using a bow with Cyannir Spectres, and for farming.

    Omfg why is everyone fighthing over bows nor not? you're all noobs!!

    U know why? get some "extra arm" from the hard quests and put it in ur mystical inventory!! Then you can use both IMAO!! you dunno how to get the quest? well how the hell should I know I'm just a lvl 30 assassin... that's one of the PWI-urban legend quests...

    Or just change quickly weapons:
    Lure with bow -> change to dagger -> the invisible skill, then sneak up -> bleed -> sleep -> headhunt!!! how easy right?
  • Sneakret - Heavens Tear
    Sneakret - Heavens Tear Posts: 618 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    just an fyi if you come back, you can't stealth without resetting the mob
    I can see what you see not,
    Vision milky, then eyes rot.
    When you turn, they will be gone,
    Whispering their hidden song.
    Then you see what cannot be,
    Shadows move where light should be.
    Out of darkness, out of mind,
    Cast down into the Halls of the Blind.
  • Phoenix - Dreamweaver
    Phoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Omfg why is everyone fighthing over bows nor not? you're all noobs!!

    U know why? get some "extra arm" from the hard quests and put it in ur mystical inventory!! Then you can use both IMAO!! you dunno how to get the quest? well how the hell should I know I'm just a lvl 30 assassin... that's one of the PWI-urban legend quests...

    Or just change quickly weapons:
    Lure with bow -> change to dagger -> the invisible skill, then sneak up -> bleed -> sleep -> headhunt!!! how easy right?

    Teleport -> Rib Strike -> Beat to death.

    Faster. Better.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    thats why when ive tried using daggers on mobs, it brought all the ones next to it with it, super good luring there. dragged 2 of farens little minions instead of one last i tried it in FB39.

    A bow's going to do the same thing. To be sure of getting just one, you need earthflame or a competent veno (not like the 7x one along on an FB39 my barb was tanking, and try to lure Farren away from the harpies. She wanted to do the same thing at Calcid, apparently not having learned anything from the first squad wipe. Fortunately, she waited long enough to pay attention to my NO!!!)
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • Sthenith - Dreamweaver
    Sthenith - Dreamweaver Posts: 207 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    No matter how you look at it, bows aren't meant for sins.period.


    If you encounter those pesky little critters that are ranged and run away from you, only THEN is it viable to use a bow.

    I kept a quest till i was a few lvls higher (not that hard with bh's), and did that whole annoying quest with a bow equipped. Saved me the trouble running round like a headless chicken and it went way smoother.

    Not to mention that i noticed that my hits on them interrupted their casting so i got hit less in fact. A bonus not having to pot all the time.
  • Assazou - Sanctuary
    Assazou - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Teleport -> Rib Strike -> Beat to death.

    Faster. Better.

    You, Sir, are full of win.
    +1 to you.
    Thanks to XRiptidex for the amazing sig. you're such a beast you make Barbs look like kittens b:laugh

    "Life Powder: The other white powder." -VerenKaunis b:chuckle