Why is the fodder option for pet bag quest available?

SuperFireFly - Harshlands
SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Dungeons & Tactics
I searched for a while and could not find a post discussing when the pet bag expansion quest quit providing the option for fodder. I currently have 5 slots and have enough hay to expand again, but I only get the cage option. Is this because I am in Archsaur? I am lvl 42 if that matters.

Any help or explanation would be great.
Post edited by SuperFireFly - Harshlands on


  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    The fodder quest only allows expansion of the pet bag up to 5 slots if I recall correctly. After this, you will need a cage to expand the bag further. I learnt this the hard way too b:surrender
  • SuperFireFly - Harshlands
    SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It would be nice if they documented these kind of details. I upgraded all my other slots by purchasing cages from the cash shop. Now, finally I get enough hay and can't use them to upgrade?? That is not right!!!b:angry

    Thank you for your reply. Can someone verify this rediculous detail?
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Yeah, I did the fodder quests and then used a cage and my fungus quest dissappeared (which annoyed me as I had around 92 fungus at the time). Emailed in and that was basically the reasoning I was given. I'll see if I can dig up the reply...

    Nup. Checked 6 email accounts and nothing there. Must have deleted it xD!
  • SuperFireFly - Harshlands
    SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thank you. Did you get resolution or just a "sorry" response?
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thank you. Did you get resolution or just a "sorry" response?

    Other than give a free cage, what other resolution could they offer? And no, they didn't give me a free cage as it was technically my fault. I do agree that better information should be included with regards to this quest line however. I would have waited/bought the last few fungus and finished that quest! had I known. In the end though, I sold off the fungus I would have used, which more than paid for the cage I used in its place anyway.
  • SuperFireFly - Harshlands
    SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I emailed customer support and this is the response.

    "Unfortunately once you use the pet cage expansion stone the free Pet Slot quest will no longer be available. *We understand your frustration and we will do our best to communicate them to the developers to avoid the confusion in the future."

    So it appears that if you use a single cage, you can no longer use the "free" quest........
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Same deal with the bankers quest I believe...
  • Darksylph - Heavens Tear
    Darksylph - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,816 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    So it appears that if you use a single cage, you can no longer use the "free" quest........

    Not 100% true. Only the 1st additional slot (1 to 2 for most classes, 2 to 3 for veno) can be done with Hay, using a cage bypasses this. However there's a 2nd free pet bag increase (2 to 3 most classes, 3 to 4 for veno), this time for 50 fruit, but can only be done for the 2nd pet bag upgrade, again if you cage the 2nd increase then this option is tossed. Finally the 3rd petbag upgrade (3 to 4 most classes, 4 to 5 for veno) can be done with a quest for 100 fungus, again the fungus quest is only for the 3rd increase & a pet cage will bypass or cancel this possibility out. Past 5 and you're out of free possible pet bag increases.
  • SuperFireFly - Harshlands
    SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Same deal with the bankers quest I believe...

    What is the banker quest? The quest I'm familiar with is the one for a stone. Is there another quest to find something "in-game"?

    Thank you in advance
  • El_Tigre - Raging Tide
    El_Tigre - Raging Tide Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    U can also gather 6 kinds of material 5 part each to get 8 slots for free at the banker.
  • SuperFireFly - Harshlands
    SuperFireFly - Harshlands Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Sweet!!! I just did those quest for all my characters. It is really nice to not be running out of space all the time.

    Thank you for noting the bank quest.
  • Mayfly - Dreamweaver
    Mayfly - Dreamweaver Posts: 6,094 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    For the bankers quests, for first expansion, it's 5 each of all 6 different DQ20 items (or a bank expansion stone); for the second, it's 10 each of all 6 different DQ31 items (or a bank expansion stone.) After that, it's bank stone only.
    Weekly Japanese/English bilingual webcomic
  • ThauVXeron - Raging Tide
    ThauVXeron - Raging Tide Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ok got the idea about documenting info...

    i read that only 5 pet bag slots are open with materials..

    1. get 20 hay
    2. get 50 fruit
    then i am lost ... lvl 39 acquiring fruit to my other char veno...

    b:shocked do not know what follows .!!!!!b:sad
  • Teumessia - Heavens Tear
    Teumessia - Heavens Tear Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    ok got the idea about documenting info...

    i read that only 5 pet bag slots are open with materials..

    1. get 20 hay
    2. get 50 fruit
    then i am lost ... lvl 39 acquiring fruit to my other char veno...

    b:shocked do not know what follows .!!!!!b:sad

  • Yindra - Sanctuary
    Yindra - Sanctuary Posts: 784 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    Well, two slots are open anyway.

    3rd slot is with hay or cage
    4th slot is with fruit or cage
    5th slot is with fungus (100 pieces --- I'm collecting these atm) or cage
    6th slot... probably cage only

    And yes, it's a ripoff to have the cash items take away the free slots. However, I've yet to see a F2P company that cares about longterm business --- they sold you a cage, they ripped you off, they got your money. Whether you are happy or not is none of their concern.

    And no, it's not "technically your fault". Nowhere in the world do you invalidate your free drink coupon by buying a drink first. I was in fact very surprised when I heard that the cages and bank extensions are designed like this. Your bread-and-butter F2P ripoff schemes are usually a little less obvious.
    Slow progress, game is getting way too grindy :-( Quests I still hope to be able to do some day: FB39, General Feng