Resetting Attributes for light armor

MystiBlue - Harshlands
MystiBlue - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Psychic
I know alot of people say we should be squishy but I really would like to use light armor and arcane but just realized it. So, at a lvl 40 psychic, having 90 unallocated points and magic being at 111; what would be best build for using light armor without magic being too weak?
Post edited by MystiBlue - Harshlands on


  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'd vote LA, since your a dmg class crit rate from dex will help make up for lost magic. and LA will give best survivability up till 80-90+ and LA equipment is alot cheaper then AA.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I'd vote LA, since your a dmg class crit rate from dex will help make up for lost magic. and LA will give best survivability up till 80-90+ and LA equipment is alot cheaper then AA.

    Having played a LA Mage... and pure Mag Psychic, I would advise against going LA.

    First, you need to know that Mag attack doesn't increase in Linear form. It means the more MAG you have, the greater the damage and it is not improved in a constant form.

    So, by going LA, it means your Mag will be lowered and you deal less damage than your Pure counter-parts, which you will rely on Crits to get the kill, which also occurs at a low rate.

    No doubt it is cheaper to go LA for more survivability, but why do you need survivability if you do not:

    a. Pull aggro from tanks
    b. allow the mob to reach you (you have killed it before it reaches you)
    c. stand there and get hit by the mob

    Even though Psychics do not have Shrink distance, but they are still able to kite the mobs (run and cast) with suitable skills.

    Let's be frank, the chances of being LA and not being able to kill the mob before it reaches you, is always higher unless you have a better weapon that makes up for the damage lost.

    While Pure Psys may face the same problem, but it is negated by kiting the mob and able to rely on their constant damage to judge the timing of the kill.

    Casters are not meant to be hit and the slow skills are there for you to utilize.

    If these arguments doesn't helps, feel free to restat....
  • MissAnthrope - Sanctuary
    MissAnthrope - Sanctuary Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LA gear hasnt risen in price at all since there a new class that uses it finally?
    i dint usually pay attention to it.. but arcane gear is getting scarce in the ah.
  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Giodia I assume you have never tried out true pvp. The op is on a pvp server there for more survivability is needed for when people gank you (main reason I play on pve). and because of this op needs more survivability and LA does actually give slightly higher dps (not dph) then there vit AA counter parts. undoubtably pure mag will be highest dps. And I don't know the prices of armor on Harshlands, but on HT LA is still very cheap compared to AA. Which was already expensive enough to begin with.
  • Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear
    Aneurysmal - Heavens Tear Posts: 798 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    technically the way the psychics weapons are specced, you'll either have to wait 1 level past the minimum to wear either your armor or your weapon if you stat for light. so either 2 levels before each weapon go pure mag and wait 1 extra level to put points back into dex and str to wear your armor, or stick to the 1 str 1 dex/level to wear your armor and wait 1 level to wear your weap.
    Lypiphera 101 Cleric
    Incompetance 100 Blademaster
    MetalPenguin 101 Seeker

  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    technically the way the psychics weapons are specced, you'll either have to wait 1 level past the minimum to wear either your armor or your weapon if you stat for light. so either 2 levels before each weapon go pure mag and wait 1 extra level to put points back into dex and str to wear your armor, or stick to the 1 str 1 dex/level to wear your armor and wait 1 level to wear your weap.

    didn't know that, and nice to know. can also just try and buy ornaments with +mag on them, if it's only a 1 lvl delay it should be plenty easy to get enough attribute points from them.
  • Iris - Raging Tide
    Iris - Raging Tide Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Having played a LA Mage... and pure Mag Psychic, I would advise against going LA.

    First, you need to know that Mag attack doesn't increase in Linear form. It means the more MAG you have, the greater the damage and it is not improved in a constant form.

    So, by going LA, it means your Mag will be lowered and you deal less damage than your Pure counter-parts, which you will rely on Crits to get the kill, which also occurs at a low rate.

    No doubt it is cheaper to go LA for more survivability, but why do you need survivability if you do not:

    a. Pull aggro from tanks
    b. allow the mob to reach you (you have killed it before it reaches you)
    c. stand there and get hit by the mob

    Even though Psychics do not have Shrink distance, but they are still able to kite the mobs (run and cast) with suitable skills.

    Let's be frank, the chances of being LA and not being able to kill the mob before it reaches you, is always higher unless you have a better weapon that makes up for the damage lost.

    While Pure Psys may face the same problem, but it is negated by kiting the mob and able to rely on their constant damage to judge the timing of the kill.

    Casters are not meant to be hit and the slow skills are there for you to utilize.

    If these arguments doesn't helps, feel free to restat....

    This always happens to me. Q_Q
  • Arthios - Raging Tide
    Arthios - Raging Tide Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LA = Lower chance at defeating a cleric/psy/wizard, yes higher crit rate, lower magic resistance...and the points u put in dex could be points u invested in more magic or vit (HP> Def)

    If u really feel that squishy invest in vit, so far my psy is 49 pure magic (other then str for gear) and he does fine...white voodoo does wonders...ive had 50-60 psys tank chin/FB29 (mobs+boss) tideborn traitor along with other bosses fine with a cleric [Khewy btw will 1 shot u dont try lol], so really we can choose to sacrifice dmg to be not as squishy (i will say i am curious to see how well a LA psy could tank with white voodoo)

    I still find Throwing up ur stun buff/SoulBurning/Bubble, then throwing some nukes at em does the trick O.o

    but if u have to do LA u need i believe its either 4 or 5 points higher then ur lvl so if ur 40 u need 44 str/44dex (or its 45) rest in magic so 3 mag/1str/1dex per lvl... u lose about 5 matk every 2 magic points? if im not mistaken, not sure the bonus for every 10/20th lvl
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Giodia I assume you have never tried out true pvp. The op is on a pvp server there for more survivability is needed for when people gank you (main reason I play on pve). and because of this op needs more survivability and LA does actually give slightly higher dps (not dph) then there vit AA counter parts. undoubtably pure mag will be highest dps. And I don't know the prices of armor on Harshlands, but on HT LA is still very cheap compared to AA. Which was already expensive enough to begin with.

    I couldn't care less for PVP aspect of the game, being pacifist by nature.

    Say, Op really respeced to LA. Yes, what she gains:

    1. added pdef + hp (try stopping a sin from chain stunning you or other classes with stuns)

    2. Slightly better survival rate in PVE environment (yes mobs do hit you at times, hence need to kite them)

    So, with HP and Pdef gained, is not actually useful at all when it comes to ganking. Classes that can chain-stun or stun you, you are not likely to live, trust me and I really do not wish to repeat what classes can do to make sure you are dead.

    So when ganked, please select "go to town" button and move on.

    LA is cheap, but if we take factors that you die 99.9 % of the time on ganks.. simply wear rank armor at 30 and advance up to cheap molds at 40 and later at 60 plus to save some money.

    Refining and socketing can wait till tt-90 gear, which allows you to transfer existing refines to the higher grade stuff.

    Really, buy what you Need, if it doesn't allows you to do more damage, or allows a slight margin of damage, forget about it.

    At least, this is how I feel....
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LA = Lower chance at defeating a cleric/psy/wizard, yes higher crit rate, lower magic resistance...and the points u put in dex could be points u invested in more magic or vit (HP> Def)

    If u really feel that squishy invest in vit, so far my psy is 49 pure magic (other then str for gear) and he does fine...white voodoo does wonders...ive had 50-60 psys tank chin/FB29 (mobs+boss) tideborn traitor along with other bosses fine with a cleric [Khewy btw will 1 shot u dont try lol], so really we can choose to sacrifice dmg to be not as squishy (i will say i am curious to see how well a LA psy could tank with white voodoo)

    I still find Throwing up ur stun buff/SoulBurning/Bubble, then throwing some nukes at em does the trick O.o

    but if u have to do LA u need i believe its either 4 or 5 points higher then ur lvl so if ur 40 u need 44 str/44dex (or its 45) rest in magic so 3 mag/1str/1dex per lvl... u lose about 5 matk every 2 magic points? if im not mistaken, not sure the bonus for every 10/20th lvl

    mattack is eq based thing,so depend from ur eq.
    and u can try the fb29 boss at lv34 too(only need a good healer or 2 if low lv), i already maked with pure wizz/veno/cleric dont need lv50.

    the difference from light armor in dmg only later really visible, its balanced def but i like too the highest dmg so i am pure build too with my all class (exclude with barb and bm XD)
  • Reico_matrix - Dreamweaver
    Reico_matrix - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I would strongly advise against an LA build for an arcane caster. I have a 78 Wizard spec'd to be LA, and his DPS is so low that it is actually a flaming joke. His crits hit at most 20K, and I've seen wizards and clerics of the same level, pure magic build hitting that hard normally.

    As a psychic your two main spells Aqua Impact (AI) and Spirit Blast (SB) channel so fast that with Black Voodoo you can kill things at range before they get close enough to even touch you once. If you nerf your magic to make room for armor you will lose the ability to boast about that.

    Sure, you can argue that the psychic has arcane aoe's centered on itself, and you need some extra defense. But the fact remains when I am solo'ing I only alternate between AI and SB. I only ever use the aoe attacks when I am standing side by side with a barb who can hold aggro. Hit a barb with Soul of Vengeance, and fight along side him while he roars using your aoe's and your heal, makes for a serious **** party. Same can be said for an axe-bm.

    I won't tell you to not stat for LA, but I am just going to advise against it.
  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I couldn't care less for PVP aspect of the game, being pacifist by nature.

    Say, Op really respeced to LA. Yes, what she gains:

    1. added pdef + hp (try stopping a sin from chain stunning you or other classes with stuns)

    2. Slightly better survival rate in PVE environment (yes mobs do hit you at times, hence need to kite them)

    So, with HP and Pdef gained, is not actually useful at all when it comes to ganking. Classes that can chain-stun or stun you, you are not likely to live, trust me and I really do not wish to repeat what classes can do to make sure you are dead.

    So when ganked, please select "go to town" button and move on.

    LA is cheap, but if we take factors that you die 99.9 % of the time on ganks.. simply wear rank armor at 30 and advance up to cheap molds at 40 and later at 60 plus to save some money.

    Refining and socketing can wait till tt-90 gear, which allows you to transfer existing refines to the higher grade stuff.

    Really, buy what you Need, if it doesn't allows you to do more damage, or allows a slight margin of damage, forget about it.

    At least, this is how I feel....

    Giodia though you may not care about pvp, the OP is on pvp server. You didn't mention the better survivability in pvp, yes when more then one person or a person of much higher lvl then you tries to kill you your screwed wether you wear LA or AA. but in cases of both you attacking someone or just one person attacking you out of the blue your chances of winning is greatly increased. even if you are jumped by a player with stuns, players that can stun can't stunlock you till later lvls, around 70-80 (don't know much about sin stuns though).

    And your gear suggestions, no offense but they aren't the best. you always want to have decent gear. If you are white named it will not drop, I'm not saying get all godly gear but decent is nice to have. then if you do decide to go out pking, get some GS's. Just a few last a long time, and if you by some chance do get pink/red name and don't have GS tp right away and go afk for it to go away. If by some chance you still do drop gear, it's not the end of the world (unless your near endgame which we're not talking about but buy then it might be) replace it and move on.

    and one thing on pvp, crit makes the difference (thats why archers are gods at pvp). LA increases your crit, not alot but some. there are many times where the lucky crit decides who wins the fight.
    I would strongly advise against an LA build for an arcane caster. I have a 78 Wizard spec'd to be LA, and his DPS is so low that it is actually a flaming joke. His crits hit at most 20K, and I've seen wizards and clerics of the same level, pure magic build hitting that hard normally.

    Funny you say this actually, I'm a full mag build cleric with all of my skills maxed and lvl 83, and i don't hit 20k normally I've only hit above 20k on crit, and not even then always. I usually don't hit above 10k unless debuffed and/or sparked. Granted by your lvl you are getting to the point were you should restat, since the dmg difference makes it's larger appearance and then also at 78 you don't have sutra yetb:cry.

    and another note, psy and wizzy have different dmg modifiers, so at near end lvl a LA psy won't be as gimped as a LA wizz.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Giodia though you may not care about pvp, the OP is on pvp server. You didn't mention the better survivability in pvp, yes when more then one person or a person of much higher lvl then you tries to kill you your screwed wether you wear LA or AA. but in cases of both you attacking someone or just one person attacking you out of the blue your chances of winning is greatly increased. even if you are jumped by a player with stuns, players that can stun can't stunlock you till later lvls, around 70-80 (don't know much about sin stuns though).

    And your gear suggestions, no offense but they aren't the best. you always want to have decent gear. If you are white named it will not drop, I'm not saying get all godly gear but decent is nice to have. then if you do decide to go out pking, get some GS's. Just a few last a long time, and if you by some chance do get pink/red name and don't have GS tp right away and go afk for it to go away. If by some chance you still do drop gear, it's not the end of the world (unless your near endgame which we're not talking about but buy then it might be) replace it and move on.

    and one thing on pvp, crit makes the difference (thats why archers are gods at pvp). LA increases your crit, not alot but some. there are many times where the lucky crit decides who wins the fight.

    I'm not gonna teach anyone how to play their class and neither am I in that position to do so. I'm weighing all pros and cons for everyone thinking of restating to LA and hope you do not go down that gimped path as LA Mages did.

    LA build has been tested and proven to do less damage and their critical is unreliable. nuff' said.

    ....and another note, psy and wizzy have different dmg modifiers, so at near end lvl a LA psy won't be as gimped as a LA wizz.

    You may be wrong here. For mag classes, the modifier is the same. What's affecting the out put are the Skills modifiers + weapon damage + accessories.

    Unless Devs from China says that you are correct, or I will assume that it would be tedious for the server to generate through different damage formulas for each mag classes.

    While 2 weapons may be similar in terms of 'white' damage (weapon damage), but taking the additional dmg modifiers into consideration, the one with more stats will emerge as a better weapon.

    A 2 star weapon psy will never match a legendary-weapon mage. But if both are using legendary, they may be on par, depending who has the better accessories and refines.

    There has been conflicting reports on some psys out-damaging everyone else, or psys claiming they do pathetic damage.

    I tried the stash orb, and tried a lvl 43 orb, stash orb is Npced. Without a refine, bluemoon out damages stash orb.

    so this leads me to think, that the weapon's modifiers and refines plays an important role and again, cash rules all. Whoever can refine higher and shard with nice gems winz.... b:chuckle
  • Mrvate - Heavens Tear
    Mrvate - Heavens Tear Posts: 406 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LA build has been tested and proven to do less damage and their critical is unreliable. nuff' said.

    You may be wrong here. For mag classes, the modifier is the same. What's affecting the out put are the Skills modifiers + weapon damage + accessories.

    Unless Devs from China says that you are correct, or I will assume that it would be tedious for the server to generate through different damage formulas for each mag classes.

    While 2 weapons may be similar in terms of 'white' damage (weapon damage), but taking the additional dmg modifiers into consideration, the one with more stats will emerge as a better weapon.

    A 2 star weapon psy will never match a legendary-weapon mage. But if both are using legendary, they may be on par, depending who has the better accessories and refines.

    There has been conflicting reports on some psys out-damaging everyone else, or psys claiming they do pathetic damage.

    I tried the stash orb, and tried a lvl 43 orb, stash orb is Npced. Without a refine, bluemoon out damages stash orb.

    so this leads me to think, that the weapon's modifiers and refines plays an important role and again, cash rules all. Whoever can refine higher and shard with nice gems winz.... b:chuckle

    Your right LA has been tested and proven to do less dmg then pure mag. it's also been tested and proven to do more dmg then vit. AA because of crit.

    I was talking about the dmg modifiers on the skills, which are different.

    And to your talk about weapon making the biggest difference. of course it does. weapon makes the difference in every class. If it didn't PWI wouldn't make all that money selling d. orbs.

    Now you may be trying to give facts about LA but biased opinion is biased. I also thought that pure mag was the way to go and that LA is just stupid, and anyone who goes LA is making a big mistake and they are going to regret it. And I had many arguments using alot of your exact same point. Someone told me to try out a pvp server, and I did. Since then my views have changed on LA. I do still think that LA is kinda stupid on pve, but LA on pvp makes alot of sense.
  • Sangodoc - Dreamweaver
    Sangodoc - Dreamweaver Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    LA = Lower chance at defeating a cleric/psy/wizard, yes higher crit rate, lower magic resistance...and the points u put in dex could be points u invested in more magic or vit (HP> Def)
    Just to note, but just because you make a LA psychic, doesn't mean you can only wear LA. You can switch to AA when necessary/useful as well, which makes it a bit more versatile. (Yes, I know less mag = less inherent magic resistance, but most of magic resistance is in the armor.)

    I don't know if "more versatile", more crits, more evasion, and better physical resistance makes up for less damage and slightly less magic resistance and recovery, but I think this is more a matter of opinion than fact, when speaking in general terms. (Yeah, you can come up with specific situations where either build is better, but I'm speaking more about a person's general preferences overall.)
  • beastboyisbeast
    beastboyisbeast Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I know alot of people say we should be squishy but I really would like to use light armor and arcane but just realized it. So, at a lvl 40 psychic, having 90 unallocated points and magic being at 111; what would be best build for using light armor without magic being too weak?

    I suggest stay Arcane and at 90+ go LA for more survivability in TW and TT. also extra crits.
    He's charging his lazer.

  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Your right LA has been tested and proven to do less dmg then pure mag. it's also been tested and proven to do more dmg then vit. AA because of crit.

    I was talking about the dmg modifiers on the skills, which are different.

    And to your talk about weapon making the biggest difference. of course it does. weapon makes the difference in every class. If it didn't PWI wouldn't make all that money selling d. orbs.

    Now you may be trying to give facts about LA but biased opinion is biased. I also thought that pure mag was the way to go and that LA is just stupid, and anyone who goes LA is making a big mistake and they are going to regret it. And I had many arguments using alot of your exact same point. Someone told me to try out a pvp server, and I did. Since then my views have changed on LA. I do still think that LA is kinda stupid on pve, but LA on pvp makes alot of sense.

    By pure, I figured you would be talking about 9 mag, 1 str distribution.

    I play a LA Mage, I know it's strengths and weaknesses.

    • Survive longer when being hit by mobs
    • Slightly better crit rate
    • Slightly higher Pdef.

    • Lower Mag damage
    • Lower Mana Pool
    • Takes more shots to kill if doesn't crit (98% of the time)

    I am not going to elaborate on each individual point, but they they do link to a bigger picture.

    PVP wise from lvl 30 - 60 (at least), chances of you being one shotted by higher level players are well..high.

    I do admit that with higher crit rate from gear may boost your chances. But it isn't happening that often. Even on Archer with that much crit%, it doesn't crits 50% of the time, let alone on a mage.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Just to note, but just because you make a LA psychic, doesn't mean you can only wear LA. You can switch to AA when necessary/useful as well, which makes it a bit more versatile. (Yes, I know less mag = less inherent magic resistance, but most of magic resistance is in the armor.)

    I don't know if "more versatile", more crits, more evasion, and better physical resistance makes up for less damage and slightly less magic resistance and recovery, but I think this is more a matter of opinion than fact, when speaking in general terms. (Yeah, you can come up with specific situations where either build is better, but I'm speaking more about a person's general preferences overall.)

    We all know Evasion doesn't work. Crits will not happen often unless you stack more crit gears than archers.

    At 90, the tt-90 armors will offer better pdef and so you can shard pdef and citrine.

    In PW, someone is always gonna kill you, no classes will be dominant. By going LA, your chances of killing anything will be lowered since more often than not, others will try to maximize their chances of killing instead.
  • Sangodoc - Dreamweaver
    Sangodoc - Dreamweaver Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    We all know Evasion doesn't work.
    It doesn't work against magic, sure, but it does help a bit against physical attacks.
    Crits will not happen often unless you stack more crit gears than archers.
    I play a LA cleric and I can assure you that I get a ton more crits with him than with my AA veno and psychic. Even a 2% crit is twice as many crits as 1%. I agree that you won't get them reliably at such a low rate, but they still happen reasonably frequently. (Two FBs back I must have gotten over a dozen crits there, it was happening so frequently, and I'm only at a 3% crit rate.)
    By going LA, your chances of killing anything will be lowered since more often than not, others will try to maximize their chances of killing instead.
    For magic classes, going LA may mean dying less against physical attacks. That usually doesn't lower your chance of killing things unless you're in an area with a bunch of killstealers. Killing may take longer (when you don't crit early), sure, but you don't really kill less.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    It doesn't work against magic, sure, but it does help a bit against physical attacks.

    Yeah sure, I am playing the 3 DD classes and Evasion doesn't help much. Evasion is broken as it is, try reading the Archers forum for the Evasion thingy.

    I play a LA cleric and I can assure you that I get a ton more crits with him than with my AA veno and psychic. Even a 2% crit is twice as many crits as 1%. I agree that you won't get them reliably at such a low rate, but they still happen reasonably frequently. (Two FBs back I must have gotten over a dozen crits there, it was happening so frequently, and I'm only at a 3% crit rate.)

    I can assure you that with that much dex on my archer, I do not crit as often as I like it to. A reasonable reliable rate would be to crit at least 3 times within 10 shots.

    I can crit more than 30 times in an FB, but that doesn't mean I can count on it.

    Try playing an archer before making claims on criting at a reasonable rate.
    For magic classes, going LA may mean dying less against physical attacks. That usually doesn't lower your chance of killing things unless you're in an area with a bunch of killstealers. Killing may take longer (when you don't crit early), sure, but you don't really kill less.

    Technically, when you do not crit often, you take one or 2 spell longer to kill that left over HP. so talking in terms of how many mobs you can kill per hour comparing a pure 9:1 build to a LA build, LA build will kill LESS, not just one or 2 mob less because it all adds up.

    There are reasons why LA wiz restat to Pure after 90.

    If LA is so feasible, would everyone have gone LA instead?

    Perhaps, you should play an archer to know how pathetic the critical rate is for a mage/ robe class. It will make you acutely aware how often can an archer crit compared to a LA DD.

    I won't deny that your crit can reach sky high when it DOES crit, but it doesn't happen often to be that HIGH.

    So please stop asking people to roll LA and end up buying gold to restat later on.
  • Sangodoc - Dreamweaver
    Sangodoc - Dreamweaver Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think what you consider a reasonable rate is far higher than what I expect, especially considering the stats I'm talking about.

    That aside, I think you are making far more of my comments than I intended.

    Not everyone plays with the exact same goals and finds fun in the same things you do, so don't expect everyone to like things exactly the way you do or have the same expectations. I find fun in things a bit different than many people, and I'm aware of that. I'm not asking that people do things my way, I'm just pointing out that a few people might enjoy doing some of the things that I've enjoyed, even if they aren't for you in particular.
  • Giodia - Heavens Tear
    Giodia - Heavens Tear Posts: 475 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think what you consider a reasonable rate is far higher than what I expect, especially considering the stats I'm talking about.

    That aside, I think you are making far more of my comments than I intended.

    Not everyone plays with the exact same goals and finds fun in the same things you do, so don't expect everyone to like things exactly the way you do or have the same expectations. I find fun in things a bit different than many people, and I'm aware of that. I'm not asking that people do things my way, I'm just pointing out that a few people might enjoy doing some of the things that I've enjoyed, even if they aren't for you in particular.

    I believe you may not have leveled an LA robe class anywhere to their 70s and beyond.

    As I have said before, mag stacks in a non-linear way and in higher levels, the HP of the mob is gonna get even higher, killing it would take alot more for an LA robe class especially if they do not crit, which will happen all the time.

    By pointing that out to a Psychic, have you considered that it may gimped their damage even further? Remember, they do not have tt weapons from 60-90 and how will leveling be for them?

    I will not hesitate to presume that the path they took will be fraught with hardships. Unless they + their weapon to maxed. That is money.

    For those not prepared to dole out cash, they will regret this path which you have suggested so carelessly, without thinking ahead, or playing the class to know it's style.

    I'm not a purist and I do not expect everyone to play their characters as I have suggested. At the end of the line, the ball is in your court.