Spectral best guild on Lost City



  • ArchEvil - Lost City
    ArchEvil - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    wadzio wrote: »
    Whoever You are - always respect Your enemies, dont underestimate them. 1 win doesnt make any of the sides any better. The only thing I may agree - I dunno what Kamisama would do without Essence and I dunno what Essence would do without Kamisama. Future will show it up. So far lets have fun playing.

    just like Spectral, GuardianZ, RQ and Harvester not long ago before Spectral saved the server and CQ disbanded??
  • ArchEvil - Lost City
    ArchEvil - Lost City Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    update for this week b:pleased
    Losing to Essence .......... 20mil
    Farting in a tin can & FedEX it to your mother ........ 8.82$
    Kamisama getting steam rolled by Spectral ........ priceless

    priceless b/c you hardly ever won over us?? b:shocked
  • Devlinne - Lost City
    Devlinne - Lost City Posts: 253 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is the **** i always QQ about.
    The making up reasons to cover your fail ****!

    WTF is so hard bout giving props where props are DUE?

    Whats with all this, LAG +CONSPIRACY ESSENCE/SPEC ****?

    last time when spec lost all our land/gotbeat WHATEVER....Did we come with this ****?
    Or did we quietly TAKE IT, try our best regardless?

    Lemme tell u STRAIGHT kami.
    Cept for a few SHINING ppl left in your guild, MOST of the TRUE WARRIORS went to essence. This is a fact you have to SWALLOW, like it or not!

    Know WHY u been seeing my text at pvp wars more often? Cos i'm STRAIGHT UP MANG. If i RESPECT the ppl i'm fighting against, i keep quiet, focus, try my best, cos the WORTHY ADVESARY deserves my BEST.

    Farking CLOWN SHOES at anglers village when it was just us vs kami, Athran actually said on vent "U see bro, they will call essence soon"
    I actually DEFENDED ya'll and said "no lah bro, they not liek that, now 1 vs 1, why they would do that?"
    Next thing i know, 20+ essence show up on the scene...and don't try to play that COINCIDENCE ****, cos ppl from essence actually PMED me telling me they were CALLED and for us to get ready.....

    Seriously rage on this forum and TALK all ya want. I say my PEACE even if it doesn't coincide with what my spec bros and sis think.....

    MY TAKE.....

    ESSENCE is no.1 now, no doubt i see the REAL PVPERS in there. Spec will try our best to match essence. Maybe we can, maybe we can't. I give ESSENCE THE RESPECT, not to assume we are greater than them.

    Kami short of DRAFTING players from essence to save you next week, short of calling your BIG BROTHER guild(thats right, YOU the youngens now)...WHATCHA GONNA DO?

    Lets see how many essence we see in kamisama in next tw^^
    My advice kami, DOUBLE the salary of asiris and kyoshi.....these 2 jump ship to essence.......YOURE DONE.

    To the shining ones in kami, no offense. You know who u are. U give respect, u get respect. Just that lately some new kami, or some OLD trash talkers, been talking THAT **** in large amounts.....too large for their reps.
    had to say, what had to be said.

    Hate it or love it.This how it is.
    Flame or what not, ya'll know how often i ACTUALLy read forums^^

    Cya when i cya.

    Edited: cos i re-read and realised no1 could be misinterpreted as noone and not number one like i meant.
    A GOAT always THINKS it's a lion......untill it meets a REAL LION!!!!!
  • MYWolf - Lost City
    MYWolf - Lost City Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    its just a game b:chuckleb:laugh
  • Devoted - Lost City
    Devoted - Lost City Posts: 3,634 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    This is the **** i always QQ about.
    The making up reasons to cover your fail ****!

    WTF is so hard bout giving props where props are DUE?

    Whats with all this, LAG +CONSPIRACY ESSENCE/SPEC ****?

    last time when spec lost all our land/gotbeat WHATEVER....Did we come with this ****?
    Or did we quietly TAKE IT, try our best regardless?

    Lemme tell u STRAIGHT kami.
    Cept for a few SHINING ppl left in your guild, MOST of the TRUE WARRIORS went to essence. This is a fact you have to SWALLOW, like it or not!

    Know WHY u been seeing my text at pvp wars more often? Cos i'm STRAIGHT UP MANG. If i RESPECT the ppl i'm fighting against, i keep quiet, focus, try my best, cos the WORTHY ADVESARY deserves my BEST.

    Farking CLOWN SHOES at anglers village when it was just us vs kami, Athran actually said on vent "U see bro, they will call essence soon"
    I actually DEFENDED ya'll and said "no lah bro, they not liek that, now 1 vs 1, why they would do that?"
    Next thing i know, 20+ essence show up on the scene...and don't try to play that COINCIDENCE ****, cos ppl from essence actually PMED me telling me they were CALLED and for us to get ready.....

    Seriously rage on this forum and TALK all ya want. I say my PEACE even if it doesn't coincide with what my spec bros and sis think.....

    MY TAKE.....

    ESSENCE is no1 now, no doubt i see the REAL PVPERS in there. Spec will try our best to match essence. Maybe we can, maybe we can't. I give ESSENCE THE RESPECT, not to assume we are greater than them.

    Kami short of DRAFTING players from essence to save you next week, short of calling your BIG BROTHER guild(thats right, YOU the youngens now)...WHATCHA GONNA DO?

    Lets see how many essence we see in kamisama in next tw^^
    My advice kami, DOUBLE the salary of asiris and kyoshi.....these 2 jump ship to essence.......YOURE DONE.

    To the shining ones in kami, no offense. You know who u are. U give respect, u get respect. Just that lately some new kami, or some OLD trash talkers, been talking THAT **** in large amounts.....too large for their reps.
    had to say, what had to be said.

    Hate it or love it.This how it is.
    Flame or what not, ya'll know how often i ACTUALLy read forums^^

    Cya when i cya.

    bro CAN i ask you a QUESTION?

    If there are 10,000 lightning bugs why would you only get 1,000 hugs?
  • lvl100ea
    lvl100ea Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited January 2010
  • Ahira - Lost City
    Ahira - Lost City Posts: 791 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    GZ on the TW win spectral. I was ill so wasnt able to come but heard you guys did great! =D

    Hope to have lots more awesome TW's against kami/essence in the future! b:pleased

    Factions: Forbiden, Genesis, Conqueror, BloodLust, Zen, Spectral
    Active October 2008- August 2009; Semi-active- May 2010
  • Damaged - Lost City
    Damaged - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    @ Damaged, until you actually beat Essence in a tw.... I wouldn't go spouting off your guilds superiority.... esp when you aren't even a factor in war =/

    Need I remind you of our recent 1v1?




    You're terrible, stop posting and charge some more.
  • LordCritical - Lost City
    LordCritical - Lost City Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Need I remind you of our recent 1v1?




    You're terrible, stop posting and charge some more.

    I cant see him dead in the pic, jus him with low HP... But at your level mages with TT99 gear have massive dmg reduct.(phy def) and the only way for barbs to kill them in a 1v1 is if the barb has a +8 GX at least or with a lucky zerk crit perdition, good mages vs good barbs is usually lots of charm tick for barb nd the better prepared player will always win. (apot. pots, etc) Anyways, even though I dont play in LC for almost a century I know that DT is one of the best barbs on the server, so he isnt terrible:S
  • Damaged - Lost City
    Damaged - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I cant see him dead in the pic, jus him with low HP... But at your level mages with TT99 gear have massive dmg reduct.(phy def) and the only way for barbs to kill them in a 1v1 is if the barb has a +8 GX at least or with a lucky zerk crit perdition, good mages vs good barbs is usually lots of charm tick for barb nd the better prepared player will always win. (apot. pots, etc) Anyways, even though I dont play in LC for almost a century I know that DT is one of the best barbs on the server, so he isnt terrible:S

    Uhh lol.

    DT has amazingly cash shopped gear and claims to be amazing, yet he can't beat little me? He can tick me ONCE before fleeing to sz after losing ~20k hp? Perdition hero that auto swings for under 500 dmg, gg.

    And no, any barb with hell beastial onslaught = godlike. DT is just one a one-trick-pony though :/
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Need I remind you of our recent 1v1?




    You're terrible, stop posting and charge some more.

    What he fails to show you is the fact I had no hiero and he failed ot kill me when he sutra'd and I treed and he blink away and kept sealing me So yes I kite around to get tree back.

    Lol @ you trying to play like you could actually kill me when I had a hiero.

    I mean seriously if this is what you're going to try to pull we can go to west gate or something and bring the whole server and watch a 1v1 with me having a hiero? Idk.... loluscared?

    Besides Your ss is pointless because I had no hiero ofc I'm going to run around and pot lol.

    Please get out of here you useless one shot. Stop being butthurt about my hardrive being filled with your 5 digit one shots.

    Not killing me hieroless and trying to brag about it =priceless, ijs

    Uhh lol.

    DT has amazingly cash shopped gear and claims to be amazing, yet he can't beat little me? He can tick me ONCE before fleeing to sz after losing ~20k hp? Perdition hero that auto swings for under 500 dmg, gg.

    And no, any barb with hell beastial onslaught = godlike. DT is just one a one-trick-pony though :/

    My one trick pony never fails to one shot you T_T.

    Like I said you found me once without a hiero and you think you're amazing?

    Lets meet up for a 1v1 Hell, I'd even 2v1 you and uncanny T_T

    But as it's been stated before you both refused to even 2v1 me because we all know the outcome =/
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thanks for the troll thread OP, but this is going to be locked nowb:bye
This discussion has been closed.