Emberstorm is not so bad

Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Wizard
My story begin. Unfortunately I got sage emberstorm from advanced mystery pages. b:angry So what to do with this unwanted book? Nobody didn't want to buy it from AH. So I decided to level it and try it and learn sage emberstorm. Yesterday I was in FF and emberstorm fully charged lv. 6 was doing ~15k damage to normal mob. I was really surprised. And what is very good on emberstorm is option to decide which way to use. Without charging=almost no life lost but much lower damage, or with charging=life lost but decent damage. I'm really interest what damage will be at lv.11. If is agro taken by BM you can use emberstorm fully charged without worries. Cleric will heal you.
Conclusion. If you use emberstorm in proper situation, it could be very interesting and useful spell.
Post edited by Mumintroll - Heavens Tear on


  • Damaged - Lost City
    Damaged - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So basically you charged up for 5 seconds to do a dreadful aoe that would tick your charm, do less damage than a dragons breath would (in 5 seconds of being cast), and make yourself look like a plonker for using the worst wizard skill in the game.

  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So basically you charged up for 5 seconds to do a dreadful aoe that would tick your charm, do less damage than a dragons breath would (in 5 seconds of being cast), and make yourself look like a plonker for using the worst wizard skill in the game.


    I told you is lv.6. Sage is charging for 3s. Also do you know what you talking about? How it tick your charm if it take 60% of your HP? Also is not true, that is do less damage than dragons breath. Somebody is pretty noob here.
  • Damaged - Lost City
    Damaged - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    How it tick your charm if it take 60% of your HP? Also is not true, that is do less damage than dragons breath. Somebody is pretty noob here.


    Not worthy of my effort, have fun being bad.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Not worthy of my effort, have fun being bad.

    I have to apologize. It tick your charm. Because It take up to 60%. I don't' use charm so I don't have this problem. But you can prevent this, if you will not let it to be fully charged. You can trigger it anytime during charging.
    I still think, that can be useful spell.
  • CeliaZ - Sanctuary
    CeliaZ - Sanctuary Posts: 901 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Not worthy of my effort, have fun being bad.
    I have to apologize. It tick your charm. Because It take up to 60%. I don't' use charm so I don't have this problem. But you can prevent this, if you will not let it to be fully charged. You can trigger it anytime during charging.
    I still think, that can be useful spell.

    Meh, don't listen to him. I mean, of course he is right. But if you like it.. your fun. You should play your wizard how you like regardless of what other people say.

    Damaged however is 100 % right, I would never spend ALL those coins and spirit on a spell that is semi/non usefull..
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Meh, don't listen to him. I mean, of course he is right. But if you like it.. your fun. You should play your wizard how you like regardless of what other people say.

    Damaged however is 100 % right, I would never spend ALL those coins and spirit on a spell that is semi/non usefull..
    Me nether. But What should I do with this sage book? Nobody want it. So should I sell it to NPC?b:laugh No way. I will learn this damn emberstorm for fun.b:chuckle
  • Damaged - Lost City
    Damaged - Lost City Posts: 460 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Learn it just to prove me wrong and be different, it may well be the best skill known to man
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    Oh, I mean, emberstorm is an awful spell and you are a horrible person for discovering how you can use it.

    b:laughb:laugh You right.b:laugh
    And don't forget that is AOE. I thing it will be strongest AOE, what we have. In DPS for sure.
  • Destini - Dreamweaver
    Destini - Dreamweaver Posts: 198 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I call it the wizard's sacrificial assault. So you have a skill that does (arguably) a decent amount a damage. However, that 60% hp loss is not worth it. What if you're uncharmed without a cleric around and you try this?

    I got the demon version (with stun) from those same pages. You should have seen how fast I traded that for another demon book.
    Of course I want to make you giggle, but this is serious. b:chuckle

    Other Characters:

    Ivy_>Psychic>Level 92>Sage>Active
    Serenata>Venomancer>Level 44>Inactive until further notice
    Avocet>Cleric>Level 25>same as above
    Descorian>Blademaster>Level 5> The love child of Destini and Escorian...but I hardly play her...b:surrender

    PS: Caffeine Detox sucks!
  • Satchiko - Dreamweaver
    Satchiko - Dreamweaver Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I got this skillbook for cheap and said to myself "Hey I have extra spirit and I'm feeling whimsical why not?". Well to clear up the question about sage emberstorm's damage for me it does barely more damage than pyrogram, about 3% to be exact. Then I tried using a TT90 weapon instead of a lunar, emberstorm now did about 50% more damage than pyrogram. So if you find emberstorm 11 to be useful in terms of damage or not is going to be based more off how high your hp is compared to how bad your weapon is (if that makes sense). Overall I'd say emberstorm is a lot like hailstorm, it has it's niche uses but it just isn't good enough to be a staple skill. Then again your stats are different than mine so you might find it more useful. I only recommend drinking a potion during the charge time if you plan to use emberstorm while charmed. While it won't tick your charm anymore it'll still take 45% of your max hp which is most likely going to be one hit from a tick anyway.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I say get it and get us some feedback....call it a sacrfice for knowledge :)
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • ShadowDrag - Lost City
    ShadowDrag - Lost City Posts: 291 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I call it the wizard's sacrificial assault. So you have a skill that does (arguably) a decent amount a damage. However, that 60% hp loss is not worth it. What if you're uncharmed without a cleric around and you try this?

    I got the demon version (with stun) from those same pages. You should have seen how fast I traded that for another demon book.

    Yea i hope i can get the demon emberstorm, instant cast then almost instant stun, not bad expecially when target is at close range b:laugh
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yea i hope i can get the demon emberstorm, instant cast then almost instant stun, not bad expecially when target is at close range b:laugh

    Demon emberstorm is even worse than sage. Don't learn it. You know what gonna happen? You will steal aggro of all stunned mobs. You can be sure about it. Stunt is the best aggro stealer. With emberstorm= suicide.
  • Mosabi - Heavens Tear
    Mosabi - Heavens Tear Posts: 378 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Demon emberstorm is even worse than sage. Don't learn it. You know what gonna happen? You will steal aggro of all stunned mobs. You can be sure about it. Stunt is the best aggro stealer. With emberstorm= suicide.

    I think he meant PVP Mumi....
    Is Back once more.

    sorry med school needs some time.
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I think he meant PVP Mumi....

    ok, Then I have to apologize. b:thanks
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think he meant PVP Mumi....

    until u finish the casting u can die XD

    (3rd spark+emberstone could be better)
  • Stubbie - Heavens Tear
    Stubbie - Heavens Tear Posts: 95 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    emberstorm charges , it doesnt channel so demon spark wont make it any faster nor will sultra work on it b:laugh
    but Yeah demon emberstorm can be awsum in pvp
  • BrownflameZ - Lost City
    BrownflameZ - Lost City Posts: 416 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Let's all restat heavy and +12 our gear for OMGROFL Hp, and go use ember storm on a crowd and call it the mage perdition.

    Such terri-bads.
  • Pirodar - Sanctuary
    Pirodar - Sanctuary Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I wonder how long must it take, untill someone else finally realises, that the devs simply made a mistake and forgot about our mana. Just think for a minute. It must be a bug right? It should work similar to bab's armageddon.

    Now go and file a bug report. Don't hesitate :)
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    OK any wizard who doesn't know how to use this skill hang you head in shame. This is wizard armageddon. It isn't for everyday use though. A special skill for special occasions. Its good for bosses and TW but not PK.

    More HP you have the better it gets. 1 thing you must have either:
    A: Undine Strike or
    B: Genie Skill Spark (prefer with 90+ dex points and skill lvl 10)

    You need to debuff prior to use, but OMG you will do damage.

    My record crits in TW so far are 17, 18.9 and 22k all on Barbs. Barbs stood round pounding a crystal make very nice targets, and if others do dragons breath at the same time even better.

    Sorry no photos supplied, I'm kinda busy killing folks in TW to SS stuff.

    As arcane and LA is could easy hit over 70k with this skill on bosses say in FB's and I have supplied a few photos. Again debuff skills essential. Sage version is sweet as it takes only 45% of your HP value (no charm tick at full HP) but still deals 60% HP equiv.

    65k using undine strike - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277035787/

    77k non critical hit but Heavens Flame - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277784146/

    109k using genie spark - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277040969/

    Even a basic emberstorm non critical can do major damage - 31k


    One final word. This skill is NOT for everyday use. If you have less than 4k HP unbuffed don't bother its frankly a waste of HP. Short bursts can be useful in between casts but don't over do it. Most important - ONLY level this skill once EVERY OTHER SKILL IS MAXED OUT!!!!

    BTW if the developers do read this, please change it from 60% of HP to 60% MP, that would be sooo flipping FUNNY, nothing would live, muwwhwhhaaaaaaaa!

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • NonameWiz - Sanctuary
    NonameWiz - Sanctuary Posts: 506 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    They wont read this Sammy lol, I learned this one but never used it, just learn for the heck of it. :D
    Rank 8 Wizard: 1% farm b:shutup
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I think Emberstorm is a pretty cool skill, eh wastes your HP, SP, and coin, and doesn't afraid of anything.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Pirodar - Sanctuary
    Pirodar - Sanctuary Posts: 157 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    We have 2 options. The description might be correct or not.

    Hm wait a minute...
    PWI description is nonsense (Oh, what a surprise b:shocked )

    Lets look at the MY-EN one (taken from ecatomb, sage version)

    Channels up to 3.2 seconds of energy and sacrificing 60% max
    of oneself's life force, to cast a blood immolation explosion to inflict a 5000
    of fire elemental damage to all the enemies around in 12 meter radius, for every immolated HP can be convert to a 4.0 point of extra damage.

    Reduce 25% of HP loss.

    I'm not a native speaker, so I don't know any better, but this english seems odd. Never mind, it makes more sense than PWI (Oh, what a surprise b:shocked ).

    Now let's assume one has 6k HP (I'm generous I think)

    So the raw damage according to the descriprion is 19400

    If one has 6k HP I doubt he has less than 10k base magic attack and I'm less generous now. Assuming 500 mag we get the raw damage for other skills as follows

    sage pyrogram 15286
    sage DP 19903
    sage SS 21560
    sage Hailstorm 13160
    sage DB 14800 per tick
    sage WotP 17061
    sage BT 19533 fire + 19533 physical

    Hm in 4.2 seconds (3.2 s charge + 1 s cast) DB ticks twice

    I don't know about TW. I guess there are times when one doesn't have a spark for DB, but bosses?

    PrettySammy are You saying Your Emberstorm hits harder than Your SS and DP? All lvl 11? And the difference is worth Your HP?

    Well if thats the case, the description is just like PWI descriptions (Hm, that's a surprise too) and we have to start form the beginning - that is form the quetion:

    How the hell does this skill really work?
  • Ishmah - Sanctuary
    Ishmah - Sanctuary Posts: 192 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I read this ages ago on the Malay server forums, but for Demons this spell is one of the best aoe stuns.

    Demon version has a 50% chance to stun enemies for 3 seconds in a 12 meter radius.

    The spell does not have to be fully charged for this effect. Simply casting it with minimum charge still gives a 50% chance for an aoe stun.
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    Your grammar walks busy there?

    Anyways, cancelled emberstorm (if used properly) can save your hp.

    You don't get the meme. Get out of my forums.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    OK any wizard who doesn't know how to use this skill hang you head in shame. This is wizard armageddon. It isn't for everyday use though. A special skill for special occasions. Its good for bosses and TW but not PK.

    More HP you have the better it gets. 1 thing you must have either:
    A: Undine Strike or
    B: Genie Skill Spark (prefer with 90+ dex points and skill lvl 10)

    You need to debuff prior to use, but OMG you will do damage.

    My record crits in TW so far are 17, 18.9 and 22k all on Barbs. Barbs stood round pounding a crystal make very nice targets, and if others do dragons breath at the same time even better.

    Sorry no photos supplied, I'm kinda busy killing folks in TW to SS stuff.

    As arcane and LA is could easy hit over 70k with this skill on bosses say in FB's and I have supplied a few photos. Again debuff skills essential. Sage version is sweet as it takes only 45% of your HP value (no charm tick at full HP) but still deals 60% HP equiv.

    65k using undine strike - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277035787/

    77k non critical hit but Heavens Flame - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277784146/

    109k using genie spark - http://www.flickr.com/photos/46606329@N03/4277040969/

    Even a basic emberstorm non critical can do major damage - 31k


    One final word. This skill is NOT for everyday use. If you have less than 4k HP unbuffed don't bother its frankly a waste of HP. Short bursts can be useful in between casts but don't over do it. Most important - ONLY level this skill once EVERY OTHER SKILL IS MAXED OUT!!!!

    BTW if the developers do read this, please change it from 60% of HP to 60% MP, that would be sooo flipping FUNNY, nothing would live, muwwhwhhaaaaaaaa!

    ok maybe good if u dont steal the agro&die and no spark and fast skills on cooldown but with 3rd spark u deal more dmg,without losed a 1 hp. with mp thing i agree could be nice with 16k mp XD
  • PrettySammy - Sanctuary
    PrettySammy - Sanctuary Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    Assuming 500 mag we get the raw damage for other skills as follows

    sage pyrogram 15286
    sage DP 19903
    sage SS 21560
    sage Hailstorm 13160
    sage DB 14800 per tick
    sage WotP 17061
    sage BT 19533 fire + 19533 physical

    PrettySammy are You saying Your Emberstorm hits harder than Your SS and DP? All lvl 11? And the difference is worth Your HP?

    Well if thats the case, the description is just like PWI descriptions (Hm, that's a surprise too) and we have to start form the beginning - that is form the quetion:

    How the hell does this skill really work?

    Ok first thing first, I'm with you 100% on the description, it was the main reason I didn't get this skill at first, secondly when I was in Regicide we tested this skill to destruction (prior to expansion) with pretty much every class.

    Firstly lets get rid of some assumptions. Due to sheer cost of pretty much EVERYTHING on sanctuary I only have half of my sage skills. Secondly im lvl 100 and 505 mag.

    ok undine strike works with all 3 elements, genie spark only works with FIRE so take all water and earth skill out of the equation.

    Next I still delta and here unless your rich and have +8 armor and gems galore Sage Dragons Breath = DELTA BAN. So thats out, plus Dragons Breath in TW is really flashy and easy to spot, Emberstorm isn't.

    OK so Im going to work off your figures for the skills

    sage DP 19903
    sage WotP 17061
    sage BT 19533 fire + 19533 physical

    However we can also remove will of the phoenix sage because for some reason tha book never comes out, don't ask me for details all i'm told is there is some glitch relating to it.

    D Pyro Sage u could undine strike to debuff at long range but not short range for spark. Also the description says 300% weapon damage not basic magic like blade tempest and I can't say my Sage D Pyro goes above 18k too often unless I debuff

    As for sage Blade Tempest, I'm not arguing there AT ALL, I have, sage Blade Tempest and my god it hits hard.

    Say I have 6k HP Buffed (I actually have more these days) so:
    6000 divide 10 is 600 (10%)
    Times 6 is 3600 (60% - the damage Emberstorm Deals)
    add to it the sage bonus of 5000

    ok compared to the figures you quoted it doesn't look great however I can get both Extreme Poison and Genie Spark off prior to cast to turn off the targets fire resistences.

    The difference in PvP with this skill is most others you need to factor in the PvP ratio and then magic defences of the target. This however (once spark debuffed) in tested with a Barb and a BM (both 100) who had 16k HP and 11k respectively (I don't know their builds exactly) This skill did to both of them 8300 each. Thats raw HP gone. Both case would tick a chrm and say if barb is already under attack say at base HQ this is damn useful to get their HP down in 1 burst.

    Now lets go back to what I said. Did I say it was the ultimate skill - no, did I say its better than other skills - NO. Did I say this is special skill for special occasions YES! I am also saying if you can't debuff a target first or haven't the chance too (cooldown) avoid anything more than a short burst to get the basic fire damage.

    As for 2 spark nukes yeah they hit more, they are suppose to though, however do you always have 2 sparks ready? prolly not so you could cast Sage BT then hit up the Spark (genie) or US then Emberstorm.

    Its just a case of learning its appropriate use.

    OK Back to TW demon stun version OMG yes this work bloody brilliantly a friend has it and its ideal for distance shrinking into a group of charging barbs with cats and stopping them in their tracks.

    Does this skill get you killed, *cough* erhm yeah, however if you have 2-4 BM's on your **** and are going to die anyway, why not try take some with you.

    Also think of this. A wizards max magic once your hit say 100 is pretty much limited depending on say tome and build. The damage done restricted by weapon type, shards and refines. A wizard has plenty of places though where they can get more HP. I know of one wizard here with alost 16k HP with sage barb buff

    their Sage / Demon emberstorm would do 14600 fire damage, with the debuffs in many cases this is either massive damage or a 1 hit kill depending on targets HP.

    Anyhow thats my 2 cents, I still like this skill. I know others don't. I'm not here to convert people onto this skill just share my experiences of using it.

    I don't need no pdef, cos I got ... BOOM HEADSHOT !
  • Mumintroll - Heavens Tear
    Mumintroll - Heavens Tear Posts: 3,393 Arc User
    edited January 2010

    However we can also remove will of the phoenix sage because for some reason tha book never comes out, don't ask me for details all i'm told is there is some glitch relating to it.

    I agree with all but not with this. I have sage phoenix. And I found out, that in awesome in TW. When is lot of people on group is absolutely amazing. This sunday I will try it with my new weapon +7 neon purgatory.
    BTW. I did some tests and this weapon gives me ~2300 more attack that I had before with +3 requiem blade, with pyro, gush and ~3400 more damage with sandstorm, glacial snare. I didn't try ultimates yet. So I cannot wait for sunday's TW.b:laugh
  • Lyzzern - Lost City
    Lyzzern - Lost City Posts: 193 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Well, I've been thinking about something, what kind of damage is "x Points per HP spent"? Physical? Magical? Piercing? Because if it's Piercing, it can be quite ownage in TT bosses, I'd say we do some tests :D
    Asoteric Runewolf just pwned you b:victory

    (Yet another player who has quit this game :>; See you in Forsaken World)
  • Shadowvzs - Lost City
    Shadowvzs - Lost City Posts: 877 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I agree with all but not with this. I have sage phoenix. And I found out, that in awesome in TW. When is lot of people on group is absolutely amazing. This sunday I will try it with my new weapon +7 neon purgatory.
    BTW. I did some tests and this weapon gives me ~2300 more attack that I had before with +3 requiem blade, with pyro, gush and ~3400 more damage with sandstorm, glacial snare. I didn't try ultimates yet. So I cannot wait for sunday's TW.b:laugh

    we already noticed this b:cute
