OP Skill True Emptiness

Ayekim - Harshlands
Ayekim - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
edited April 2010 in Suggestion Box
As much as I love to QQ about things. I must say, there is ONE OVER POWERED skill in the game.

Of all the skills, a BM and Barb gets it.

End-game, A barb is one truly dominating class. They have intense damage! And their HP bar combined with a charm make them one of the hardest classes to kill.
A BM has the amazing ability to sit there and STUN LOCK you... so that they do damage, and receive little in return. Their base design is Mele. They hit fast and have a variety of weapons/skills to produce lots of results.

Me, as a veno. I have an OP Nix. yes. It's OP. I get it... bleed makes people QQ a lot. There are a VARIETY of ways around it. Sleep/Stun/Kill bird. Kill user before the bird hits!

As I go around, doing my usual "kill everything that moves" daily special event. I come across some level 7X and 6X barb's/BM's as i attack a single... lone.... by himself.... with nobody around BM.... i do my usual "Send nix to stun and bleed while i sit back and LOL" attack.

the BM rushes towards me... passes up my bird. and i see a "you are dead" sign.

I look at my damage log. 4263 damage.... My HP bar is small 3067HP. well over 1k beyond my HP max. My stats are all messed up for some odd reason. too poor to change that. I'm also a light armor build.

wait... back the truck up!
this BM. is atleast 15 levels lower than me.
This BM could have been STUNNED for all that i know.
This BM had used NO skills.
yet... This BM had 1 shot me.

I return to the scene with nix out. and 90% HP. to try and re-kill the guy...

same scene... but his damage this time. was only 2800~ish
then he use one normal hit to finish me off. (no HP charm on me)

i did a mere tick of his charm.

Nurf this damn skill! FOR REAL! They DONT NEED THAT SKILL to accomplish their goal.


or SOMETHING... That skill turns a horrible BM into an offensive powerhouse.

I hate to see what a REALLY GOOD genie can do.

OR REMOVE THAT TRIPLE DAMAGE IN AIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then the skill is believable!

Thank You....
/End Rant
/End QQ
Post edited by Ayekim - Harshlands on


  • CornHilario - Heavens Tear
    CornHilario - Heavens Tear Posts: 647 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    thats what true emptiness does? o.o

    *tries out*

    Edit: the skill says it consumes all ur energy... sounds like a 'dition. that would also explain why the second time it did less damage. now to get my refreshment stone out of the damn bank >.>

    Edit: it does 20x the amount of energy consumed(of ur genie), so yeah its a perdition for genies. every str point increases damage by .8%
    One corn to rule them all and in the darkness cream them

    MS paint ftw. Disclaimer: my suit is actually gray, not black.

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  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ayekim, I saw u in the list of the highest pkrs of the server... so I wonder... why someone that seems to kill easy wants to have it easier?!, all classes have weak and strong features, for example, as a bm, if a cleric sleeps me and use tempest, most of the time, that ends with me dead, besides, yes, true emptiness deals triple damage in the air, but remember, in the air PHYSICAL DAMAGE IS REDUCED, so is harde for bms and barbs to get over the charm of a foe before it recharges. That applied in fight with a veno, yes we may stun, but then we have to deal with the issue of half damage, then the pet annoying and **** our charm, and the veno using magical attacks, which **** us, and also, dealing with the physical deflect u have, and if we add a charm... well... we don't have it easy either. So, true emptiness is a fair skill that comes to complement the a good pvp bm just the way that it is atm. Now, I think that if u like a new skill that blocks genie skills... well... that would be awesome for every class, but I think that a skill like that should PREVENT the effect of any genie skill, not cancel it.

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • Ayekim - Harshlands
    Ayekim - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As much as i like to say "yeah, that skill would help compliment a player"... i cant. it just doesnt seem like a skill that takes any real ability to use.

    you need no "timing".... it can be used from a distance, while ur stunned/slept and it happens in an instant... i just need to be in range. No channeling required. Maybe if they made it part of the Mele attacks. that would be more understandable. but im over 20m away... starting to use one of my skills.... and it still hits me.

    Physical damage isnt reduced in the air. I have no idea where you got that info from.
    the only "damage reduction" that involves air combat is when you're doing an air-to-ground combat. or air-to-surface styled combat. When you hit someone from air, and your target is on the ground... the damage dealt to the target on the ground is reduced by half. When attacking an air-to-air the damage is equal. When attacking from Ground to air, your damage is double. when attacking from ground to ground, damage is equal.

    As a venomancer, my magic damage is ****. Ask any venomancer... any build. their magic attacks are craptastic compared to a similar cleric/wizard/psy. If you worked 3/4 of the game to achieve an awesome weapon, you deserve to have better damage than normal. The GX is pretty damn OP. but i dont complain because it's design is to be such a thing. I'm all for the idea that if you "work hard enough, you can get it" items. true, at best you could grind all day and only get 100 source of force... but after 100 days of doing such a thing... and a little luck... you got yourself a Herc! or a Nix.

    I dont wanna kill easier. In reality im just looking for some fun PVP or some good PVP drops. I dont really have much intention to level up much more. The only reason im on the PVP rankings is because i got so damn bored with leveling!

    These days, only the rich people can afford a damn charm. I dont do the cash shop thing (but i just might due to me re-rolling a sin and the oracles/anni packs are back out)

    I dont want it easier, but i dont think that someone 15 levels lower than me deserves to have a "kill any arcane/LA with one click" ability.

    At this point, if im going up against a barb or BM with such a genie skill, i keep my distance and send nix.... nothing else i can do other than hit the ground for them to just speed up and catch my slow ****.

    To add to it, there is a skill out there that reduces magic damage... err... creates a shield to prevent magic damage. (which ive noticed barbs/BM's with this TE, have this skill)

    If your BM i even half properly built... a veno/nix of the same level should be a fun and even battle without the damn skill.

    it's no fun if i have an instant death. just to wonder if his genie recharged enough energy to do another 1-shot on me.

    i had 3 BM's after me....(2-7X and 1-8X) each had TE... 2 had HP charms... nothing i could do except try and escape. where's the damn fun in that?

    I REQUEST FOR THIS SKILL TO BE REDUCED TO 5 Meters MAX DISTANCE!! And for the skill to have no "Triple air damage"
  • Ayekim - Harshlands
    Ayekim - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    OOH! A Side note to all of you people out there that DONT KNOW YET!

    Bramble Guard (that green glow that circles you and reflects damage back to the mele attacker) DOES NOT WORK IN NORMAL PVP.

    IT does not return damage! YES!!! it does NOT RETURN DAMAGE!

    In normal PVP, that skill (nor does Bramble Hood) Return any damage to the attacker in any shape or form...

    The only time that skill returns damage... is when the people fighting, are involve in a Territory War... or In a DUEL!

    All other times... this skill does NO DAMAGE!
  • AzulAsura - Raging Tide
    AzulAsura - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Chill out, that skill and Balance were put in to help back BMs in the game. Stunlock can be easily beaten with Fortify, pots and almost all classes get an antistun skill. And BMs are easy to kill by robes 89+. That all we have basicly. We dont have WTF-19Kdamage-onPLAYER damage, 30K HP, OP bleed, -80% phys shield and range.
    Temporary signature.
  • Garaver - Harshlands
    Garaver - Harshlands Posts: 882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I understand what u say Ayekim, and well... I should be more specific when I post. First of all, pvp includes any PLAYER VS PLAYER activities (duels, TWs, pk's, arena battle) and when I talk about pvp I mean all those 'cause every 1 of them have different strategies to go along. Damage is REDUCED on air when u drop yourself, as I've seen on many pvp which I do like... A LOT, and even if u say that as a veno your mag attack is not that good, which is true, still BMs low mag def makes us vulnerable to those attacks, the difference is that u can't 1 shot us like wizards if they jump us (lol), but still cut our hp bar quite a bit. Now, with the bramble guard issue, as it may not work in regular pk, I wanted to make a point on how every class( in this case, venos) have their advantages as they have their weakeness on figthing other classes ( on the different pvp modes WHICH includes duels, as they are between players). U may say that the range is not such an issue... but actually it is, also, as a veno, u can't say "bm's have no timing..." 'cause veno timing is also fast, unlike a class like wizards, now, we have to stand very close, VERY, to make serious damage, but I don't wanna generate the confusion I may have created for u with my last post, my point is PVP STRATEGIES( TAKING DUELS, TWS, ETC UNDER CONSIDERATION) FOR EVERY CLASS ARE BALANCED IN EACH SITUATION, GOOD ENOUGH JUST THE WAY THEY ARE NOW, THEY NEED NO DIMINISHING, IMPROVING MAY BE COOL, BUT DIMINISH IS USELESS. Besides, on the issue u got killed by a 7X... in my opinion, 70+ is the level when u can truly start doing some serious pvp, specially regular pk if u throw a charm into the mix, cause even if u fight a 9X u can have a decent chance( not saying a good chance hehe, but at least a chance) of wining, after 70 power gets balanced( as u can get tt gear, refine it, get better weps like calamities 4 example, etc), which seems fair to me, and I say this based on my personal experience on pvp. Also, u may say that someone 15 lvls lower don't deserve a "click kill" skill on arcane or LA... sorry but, lol, that may be your case, 'cause I've never heard before of any class 1 shoting a 15 lvls higher before, idk what could have happened there but definetly is not all about that skill. Also, u talked about the situation of u getting triple teamed... for any class tripled teamed is a complicated situation lol, and where's the fun in that?,is on developin a strategie that works 4 that case, which IS possible.

    Edit. Grammar hehe

    -Semi-quit the game, I'm very busy nowadays
    -Former member of Kylin
    -Kylin: thrashtalk everyone, win TWs, serious faction -Dralighte
  • rikako
    rikako Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i heard te works with zerk and crit b:chuckle
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    lol! A nix veno QQing about something being OP.

    Now you know how the rest of us feel, and by the way there IS away around True Emptiness. It's called not flying, gosh a lot of people have stopped QQing about nixes, don't QQ about TE. It's not the hardest thing in the world to get past.

    Btw bragging about the QQbird killing everything in sight doesn't exactly get you pity, I'm sure I'm not the only one that got a good laugh out of you QQing that you're an easy kill in the air. Maybe if you learned to play your class instead of depending on the bird you'd be decent enough to know you NEVER fight a BM in the air.
  • Astoru - Heavens Tear
    Astoru - Heavens Tear Posts: 822 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    TL;DR QQ

    ●Wizard (Male) - Fasditious and pretentious, carries the arrogance of intellectual superiority. Feels the need to remind everyone of his world-ending power, but grows a little manic and unhinged when he finally is allowed to unleash it. "Ahh-hahahahaha!! NOW YOU ALL BURN!!!!"
  • Vorhs - Lost City
    Vorhs - Lost City Posts: 521 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    true emptiness simply have to be a magic elemental damage, maybe water, so ppl can use oxygen bubble or something, water is easily resistable... and at least arcane ppl can have a chance against those "bm and barb-monsters".

    btw phoneix is far more OP than that skill

    the problem is that devs are worried bout nix, cause i think they realise they did a horrible thing creating the nix, but there are too many veno cash shoppers out there that spent money to get that nix.

    if they reduce the power of the nix, they are worried those venos stop cash shopping or even leave the game cause they can no more use the "Send nix to stun and bleed while i sit back and LOL" attack.

    and im sure many kids out there love the fact that they can own with 1-click when other classes QQ or lose their mind in finding solution to kill them.
    If you happy wanna be, against the wind you won't have to pee.

  • mulanrouge
    mulanrouge Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    nice necro.............
  • Zanryu - Dreamweaver
    Zanryu - Dreamweaver Posts: 7,261 Arc User
    edited April 2010
    mulanrouge wrote: »
    nice necro.............

    Was searching the forums and this thread popped up, thought it was interesting so I read it. I wasn't paying attention to dates, honest mistake. b:surrender

    But still... nice thread :3