are the jerks out in droves?

Psytrac - Raging Tide
Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
edited January 2010 in Chronicles
I ask to make sure I'm not going to KS someone or waste mana and time with buffing (yea, I'm one of the few who will buff any blademaster, barb, or assassin nearby) the this is what I get.. I say them flying together, but wasn't sure what exactly was doing on, so I asked, staying informed is a responsibility if you don't want to mistakenly do something you didn't intend, right?

heres how the conversation went, and yes I AM sending in a ticket, just wanted your guys' thoughts on this:

and Mr. Offender if you read this, yes, you're getting reported, deal with it.
Post edited by Psytrac - Raging Tide on


  • homiegdoggfool
    homiegdoggfool Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i dont get it, using 2 comps is allowed.

    having multiple clients on 1 comp isnt though

    ಥ_ಥ : the face of the many posters on most General Discussion posts.

    ಢ_ಢೂ : the face of many posters that admire you SS.

    ಠ_ಠೊ : the face of many posters that are confused.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Seems the dude your talking to doesn't know the difference between multi-clienting (running two clients on one machine) from multi-boxing (running multiple machines, with one client each).

    He had no call to swear at you so yeah, ticket him.

  • Psytrac - Raging Tide
    Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I had to edit some things said due to forum rules. as well as the ToS.

    THAT is what I sent ina report about. but I keep myself informed on who's around me if I was planning to do anything nearby. or in this case I was looking for someone with a similar name. this wasn't the person I found out by the conversation. but being that much of a jerk was completely uncalled for.

    @dorkfish: yea, I explained that too, and he went off even more *shrugs* on top of that, I said I knew it was allowed. so I don't know what this guy's problem was..
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i don't even think "****" is censored...
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • Psytrac - Raging Tide
    Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i don't even think "****" is censored...
    yes, that isn't but the later line is, I greyed it out for forum rules.
    "2 computers isn't multiboxing so f*** off" (yea, i missed the F in my greying out, oh well..)
  • Moola - Harshlands
    Moola - Harshlands Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    why report?
    what's the point?
    he swore at you, so what?
    i dun get it.
  • Psytrac - Raging Tide
    Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    why report?
    what's the point?
    he swore at you, so what?
    i dun get it.
    I have so many screen shots similar to this on other people too. just seems all the jerks have come out since TB are around now. I can't post the others cause I don't think I can even clean them enough..
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I doubt they give bans for cussing unless it's world chat.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    why report?
    what's the point?
    he swore at you, so what?
    i dun get it.

    First, using foul language in the game is against the rules.
    Second, bypassing the word censor in the game is against the rules.

    Just from that one screen shot, the person has violated two rules of the game.

    These are rules that you agree to abide by when you sign up to play this game. While most people just shrug cussing off (I do usually) I suspect that there is more here than the OP has chosen to post. Likely this tirade of the person that is the subject of the screen shot had to deal with other things and this was just the tip of the iceberg of the actual issue at hand.

    If someone goes on a major tirade with me, cussing and screaming and making whatever statements, depending on the situation, I will either ignore them, or report them.

  • DollParts - Sanctuary
    DollParts - Sanctuary Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ticket it, dont post it. Dont see why everyone must post every little thing*

    *see signature
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Dont see why everyone must post every little thing

    Because we can.

  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well let's say my language on average has alot of F words and what not,and I'm not even insulting anyone just normal talk.Would be really stupid if I got censored because of speaking like that in pms, faction chat or squad chat.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well let's say my language on average has alot of F words and what not,and I'm not even insulting anyone just normal talk.Would be really stupid if I got censored because of speaking like that in pms, faction chat or squad chat.

    It is still against the rules, so if someone took offense, you could potentially receive a temp/perm ban for it. The best thing you can do is try to censor yourself.

    I am generally a foul mouthed person in RL. I cuss like a sailor and don't particularly care what anyone around me thinks or says. But I try to clean my language up in the game to abide by the rules. Not always easy.. sometimes people just REALLY deserve to be reamed. But.....

  • DollParts - Sanctuary
    DollParts - Sanctuary Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Because we can.


    just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Everyone curses.. its as if we never heard of another person cursing before. Breaking news eh.

    theres a name for people like you. But i think anything i would say to you would result in you being alittle tattletale. No one likes snitches anyways.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    to answer the name of the thread, yes they are, and most of em hang out on the forums.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Psytrac - Raging Tide
    Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well let's say my language on average has alot of F words and what not,and I'm not even insulting anyone just normal talk.Would be really stupid if I got censored because of speaking like that in pms, faction chat or squad chat.
    oh sometimes we swear in faction chat, usually we get words we didn't know SHOULD be filtered, I get alot of that myself. that's not something I typically mind. and yes, the entire conversation was subject to me getting flamed more and more. I screened it and sent in a report. point of this therad was more about how many of the rest of you have seen things similar to this reciently?

    like I said, I have screens of other people saying MUCH worse, funny they're cs players, so I doubt I'll see them being suspsended. there's people who do this kind of thing in world chat, and I see them everyday.
  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    just because you can, doesn't mean you should. Everyone curses.. its as if we never heard of another person cursing before. Breaking news eh.

    theres a name for people like you. But i think anything i would say to you would result in you being alittle tattletale. No one likes snitches anyways.

    Nobody likes idiots like you either. You lack the intellectual capacity to understand much of anything posted here. The issue at hand is something your unable to grasp. Likely because your in your teens and don't have the life experience to be able to understand it. Either that or you have spent way to much time licking the Windex off windows.


    Interesting word. Perhaps you might think a person is a snitch, for reporting a murder? Or a robbery? Or any other crime? Perhaps you would consider them a snitch if.. perchance they reported someone making threats to molest or kill someone?

    When you grow up (because it is obvious you are not an adult) you will begin to understand civic responsibility. This includes watching out for others, even if you dislike them (someone breaks into my neighbors condo I'm calling the police, and I REALLY despise my neighbor).

    Some day you 'might' understand. I doubt it. I don't think your intelligent enough to be able to figure it out myself. But I will hold the 'hope' you grow a brain.

  • Foltern - Sanctuary
    Foltern - Sanctuary Posts: 517 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I ask to make sure I'm not going to KS someone or waste mana and time with buffing (yea, I'm one of the few who will buff any blademaster, barb, or assassin nearby) the this is what I get.. I say them flying together, but wasn't sure what exactly was doing on, so I asked, staying informed is a responsibility if you don't want to mistakenly do something you didn't intend, right?

    heres how the conversation went, and yes I AM sending in a ticket, just wanted your guys' thoughts on this: and Mr. Offender if you read this, yes, you're getting reported, deal with it.

    Hi ^

    I recently had a hostile encounter. I used one tele and I announced I had published my guide for the public quest. This is what was said to me by a complete stranger:

    I didn't report the incident of course and after the last part about me being PWI scum, I said nothing back either.I did not do so because there are a lot of bitter hateful and jealous children in the game thinking they're clever and cool abusing and criticizing other people while safely hiding under the blanket of anonymity.

    At the end of the day, I know that in life and wisdom I am so far above them, I CAN'T EVEN HEAR THEM FROM UP HERE because they are so far below me, they have a lot to learn.

    Someday they will have to grow up or dont, their personal development is no not my legal problem, it's their parents problem.

    I am an adult, I can identify random little kid hate and I can endure it without retaliation, there is no need for it. I don't believe any sort of virtual "Slap on the wrist" from PWI will change that in any way and it may perhaps be augmented.

    As a result I feel, for myself only, there is no need to clog support with these negligible types of complaints. There are many reasons. One reason is that you just never know if the person you are reporting is a heavy cash shopper. If so, well I think we all know the rules are more malleable and it is fruitless.

    I do however agree it was senseless animosity as a reply to an altruistic and genuine deed.

    to answer the name of the thread, yes they are, and most of em hang out on the forums.


    i dont get it, using 2 comps is allowed.

    having multiple clients on 1 comp isnt though

    I believe it is for security reasons. For certain exploits, 2 Clients must be running on the same machine to take advantage of certain programming vulnerabilities.

  • DorkFish - Sanctuary
    DorkFish - Sanctuary Posts: 176 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hi ^

    I recently had a hostile encounter. I used one tele and I announced I had published my guide for the public quest. This is what was said to me by a complete stranger:

    I didn't report the incident of course and after the last part about me being PWI scum, I said nothing back either.I did not do so because there are a lot of bitter hateful and jealous children in the game thinking they're clever and cool abusing and criticizing other people while safely hiding under the blanket of anonymity.

    Sounds like that kid has a huge chip on his shoulders or like you said, just thinks he is cool because he can act big and bad assed on teh intarwebz and get away with it w/o any real potential consequences.

  • Fizzban - Dreamweaver
    Fizzban - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    By all means ticket them but tbh GM's have better things to do. If some one is verbally harassing you on a regular basis then they will act on your behalf. But if someone just swore at you a couple times in one conversation then they will do nothing.
  • Psytrac - Raging Tide
    Psytrac - Raging Tide Posts: 303 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    yea, perhaps, but an inital report creates a record of it happening
  • TigerLily - Lost City
    TigerLily - Lost City Posts: 1,209 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My thoughts on this.

    If every player would send a ticket as soon as someone swore at them, the harddrive handling tickets would get so over loaded that all the GMs computers would explode.

    There are people sending tickets b/c they're having real problems, and **** like this is making them having to wait for help longer.

    Reporting someone for saying **** of i don't even wanna know...
  • FranzKafka - Dreamweaver
    FranzKafka - Dreamweaver Posts: 345 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yes we all had the angry kid he thinks we did something to him.Ignore and blacklist fast as 1 2 3.
  • Panthalassa - Dreamweaver
    Panthalassa - Dreamweaver Posts: 319 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My thoughts on this.

    If every player would send a ticket as soon as someone swore at them, the harddrive handling tickets would get so over loaded that all the GMs computers would explode.

    I've never been cussed out, in-game or in real life. Maybe everyone just loves me.
    There are people sending tickets b/c they're having real problems, and **** like this is making them having to wait for help longer.

    Don't worry. I'm sure they have spoons hard at work shoveling all the worthless ones into a landfill. b:chuckle
    Also Known As: Sora_Kaiyou

    I got tired of my avatar not showing up. b:sad
  • anwynd
    anwynd Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    there is alot of people ingame tht like to be jerks you just have to get on wit wut your doing & about the people blaming kids for this **** alot & i meen alot of adults act childish to so plse stop blaming kids for this **** not all of the **** is from kids
    Collector of pet eggs, armor, weapons, fashion, and mountsb:chuckle
  • Outlaw_Sin - Heavens Tear
    Outlaw_Sin - Heavens Tear Posts: 16 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    personally i wouldn't freak out over someone cussin' at me once or twice, however if the person does it repeatedly then they are setting themselves up for a report. i've had ppl fire F bombs at me for ksing them by mistake even tho i apologized and even offered to party with them to kill the mobs off quicker (note that i hate being in parties for normal quests). a threat to report them is normally enuf to get them to back off but there are people out there where that won't be enuf i would imagine. if all else fails i always have the blacklist button:P
  • XRampuX - Lost City
    XRampuX - Lost City Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    just testing my sig, xDdb:surrender