Full Arcane Psychic Guide

Avaricious - Dreamweaver
Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
edited June 2012 in Psychic
Basic Psychic Guide, By Avaricious

Here, I will make my attempt at guiding beginner Psychics on the path of the Full Arcane Psychic build. The leveling of skills are completely my opinion, and can be changed as you see fit. It will be edited as time goes by, and credit will be given to those who contribute, so speak your mind. That goes without saying, flaming will be ignored. This is my first guide, so be gentle. Well then, let's begin.

Note: There is a color key.
Blue : 1st Priority.
Dark Red : 2nd Priority.
Lime : Do Not Level.
Dark Gray : Level how you see fit, currently not many opinions on the skill.
Purple : Currently looking for input on the skill.

Second Note: I'm assuming everyone knew, but if you didn't, the Full Arcane build is the same as Wizards, 9 Magic and 1 Strength every two levels.


Aqua Impact : This will be one of your most used skills. I highly suggest leveling it to level 10, as you don't have many single target attacks. The damage continues to be worth it as time goes by, as well.

Spirit Blast : Another of your single target spells, this will work well in succession to Aqua Impact, because of the cooldown/casting times. Leveling it to 10 is suggested.

Black Voodoo : A vital spell in dealing damage and everyday grinding, as it can make your kill come that much quicker. And we all love quick kills, no? Leveling it to 10 is my suggestion, as it will increase your attack by 22, and reduce your defense by 11, so a 22% increase in attack power.

White Voodoo : This is questionable. While it increases your defense astonishingly at level 10, your attack capabilities are stolen from you. I see this skill as something you would cast if you were under attack from several angles, and need a moment to cast a buff or heal. While I have maxed it, I'm not sure I'd suggest it unless you have leftover spirit.

Torrent : A purely DoT spell, this will deal no damage upon the initial cast. However, our DoTs seem a bit stronger than other classes' in my opinion, and so they may serve useful against Elite Mobs, or drawn out fights. I personally haven't moved it from level 1, but I'll be testing out the effects soon.

Sand Trap : Another purely DoT spell, it will deal no damage upon casting, and has a slightly longer channeling time than Torrent. Another skill that I'll be looking into, but for now have no recommendations on whether or not to level it.

Soul of Vengeance : Do not level this. The only things that will increase are the amount of mana it costs to cast, and the range you can cast it on others from.

Soul of Stunning : Another skill you should not be leveling. Nothing good will change.

Soul of Silence : This is getting tiresome. Don't level it. At this point, it's useless. The percentage of silence actually taking effect is similar to that of a weapon proc.

Soul of Retaliation : Again, don't level it. In fact, don't level the 'Soul of' spells until the Demon/Sage information is released. At that time we'll know what's worth leveling and vice-versa.

Soulburn : Ah, Soulburn. Lots of conversation on this one. Not on whether to level it, but it's PvP effects. In PVE, the damage per attack against you is really only useful against something with physical attacks, even though it works on all. In PvP, the damage is outstanding against the right enemies. At level 1, it is 5.3 second duration, and level 10 will is 8 seconds. I'd really only recommend leveling this if you do PvP. It works well in PvE as well, but this is just my opinion.

Disturb Soul : Grants a stupify effect, increasing the amount of time the enemy channels spells. In PvE, it won't make a stunning difference, but if placed appropriately on a Wiz... Well, you understand.

Landslide : Our knockback. Before I say anything, I'll say this. Max it. It's a single target knockback, and the range INCREASES. 18 Meters being the Level 10 knockback distance, and having to cast it from 10 meters, it knocks the enemy back to the maximum reach of your spells.

Aqua Cannon : Close range AoE spell, which honestly reminded me of a nuke going off. Anyway, it's quite strong if you're surrounded, or simply if the enemy gets too close. I wouldn't advise using it in everyday grinding, though, because it could easily be substituted for a Landslide.

Sandburst Blast : An AoE casting spell, with not bad channeling/casting time. I've found good use in it during instances, while a barb is tanking a few enemies at once. Currently, I don't have any opinions on it, but I'd say level it depending on how frequently you actually use it.

Glacial Shards : Another AoE spell, you get early on alongside Sandburst Blast. While I appreciate the freezing effect, should it fail, you're stuck shooting a beam of ice at the enemy while the enemy closes in on you. At level 10 it becomes more often to freeze than not, but before that, it can decide whether or not you take damage in a fight.

Empowered Vigor : Very useful skill. Increasing the healing effect of potions, skills, and reducing the cooldown of Guardian charms. The description of this spell is tricky, and can be easily misinterpreted (I misinterpreted it at first). This will increase the target's ability to be healed, in a sense. That means Clerics' Spells will be more effective, and potions will yield better results. I haven't much opinion on how to level this skill just yet.

Diminished Vigor : I'd assume this is a useful skill in PvP, although I personally don't do PvP. PvE, it's virtually useless, boss or otherwise. I'll wait for input before I mention anything about leveling or leaving this skill.

Earth Vector : An amazing spell, your One-Spark level 59 skill. Level 1 has a 76% Chance to stun for 3.3 seconds. Easily enough time to get close and use a Landslide to bring the fight back into your hands. PvP wise, it's another stun to add on to Soul of Stunning, in case you're feeling like stun-locking or simply getting time to cast another spell.

Red Tide : Another outstanding spell, your Two-Spark level 59 skill. Level 1 has a 53% Chance to cause bleeding. But not your average bleed. Soulforce-related bleed. Over 9 seconds, so each tick is stronger than your average bleed. While it may take a while, it seems to be a skill you should max when possible.

Psychic Will : A self purify, the translation is mistaken. Costing a spark, it will remove any negative status effects, excluding stun ( Can't cast while you're stunned, heh. ), and give you resistance to Physical damage for a time, level 1 being 5.3 seconds.

Tide Spirit : This could probably compare to a Wizard's Essential Sutra, I think. Basically, it's a combination of a weakened spark and a delayed Sutra. Increases your magic attack by 55% for 12 seconds, and 6 seconds in, your channeling time is drastically reduced.

Tide Form : At this point, absolutely useless for Psychics. If you're traveling by water, I suppose it's better than nothing, but it's honestly a waste of spirit.

Bubble of Life : Your AoE Ironheart, basically. Healing all allies within a 5 meter radius, it's a decently strong heal, similar to Morning Dew. The range for healing is very small however, so using it in a party can be difficult. With the 30 Second cooldown, don't expect too much. Level at your own pace, as there will never be a time where it can't fully heal you, you squishy Psychic, you.

Aqua Spirit : Your basic 'mastery' skill. At level 10, it will give a 20% increase in damage to all water spells.

Earth Spirit : Your other 'mastery' skill. At level 10, it will give a 20% increase in damage to all earth spells.

PVE Questing/Grinding

In other words, everyday combat. We're given quite a bit of skills, and while they all have their uses, they won't all have a part in grinding. The skills you'll be using for most of your time as a Psychic, are Aqua Impact and Spirit Blast. They're single target, so you don't have to worry about drawing the attention of nearby enemies, and the damage is good enough to keep you from getting hit, if you start from a good distance. There ARE other skills you can use, however those two will be the most active. Another skill I highly suggest you keep activated is Black Voodoo, as it may make the difference between 4 spells to kill the enemy, and 5.

Melee Enemies

You're given many options to fight these, because they take a good bit of time to reach you. Aqua Impact will slow them down, giving you more time to attack. Spirit Blast works well alongside Aqua Impact as I said before, so for Physical Melee enemies, you really only need to use these two. You do have options though, for if they have increased movement speed.

Regular Enemy: Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast > Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast

Increased Movement Speed: Aqua Impact > Landslide > Spirit Blast > Aqua Impact

Ranged Enemies

Ranged enemies are a bit more difficult. Most of the time, unless you've unlocked the level 59 Skills, you will suffer at least one hit from Rangers. If you're capable of casting Earth Vector, you'll be able to stun the enemy, and follow up with any other skill, either pushback with Landslide, or finish the enemy with a quickly casted spell.

Regular Enemy:(If you're 59+) Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast > Earth Vector > However you choose to finish the enemy.
Regular Enemy:(If you're -59) Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast > Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast

Increased Movement Speed:(If you're 59+, I suggest sneaking up behind the enemy first.) Landslide > Aqua Impact > Earth Vector > Spirit Blast
Increased Movement Speed:(If you're -59, with 5000+ Soulforce) *Soul of Stunning > Aqua Impact > Landslide > Spirit Blast > Aqua Impact

Anytime below 59, there aren't many ways to avoid getting hit by rangers. However, if you succeed in slowing the enemy with Aqua Impact, you can make an attempt at kiting the enemy. Otherwise, there isn't much you can do but take the hit. Once you hit 59 however, being touched will be a thing of the past, with the right combinations.

Magical Enemies

If you're grinding, these are the types of enemies you should try to fight. They have slightly lower HP than other enemies your level, and even though they don't have to get right next to you, they have to channel. Because of that, even simple combos with Aqua Impact/Spirit Blast will take them down before they can begin channeling. The other option you're given, is to move in close on the enemy, after using a slowing spell, and hit them with Landslide. Landslide has a channel-cancel effect, so the enemy will be knocked back, and have to reattempt getting close to you to channel their spell.

Regular Enemy: Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast > Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast
Regular Enemy: Aqua Impact > Landslide > Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast

Increased Movement Speed: Aqua Impact > Landslide > Aqua Impact > Spirit Blast

Being updated as I learn what people want to see within the guide. That's all for now.
"Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
Post edited by Avaricious - Dreamweaver on


  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    first of all nice guide! one question though, with the skill that increases charm cooldown in squads wouldnt you make sure you didnt cast it on the barb if they were depending on their charm more then the cleric?

  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well by that I meant if the clerics' healing capabilities weren't up to par. Such as the few PvP build clerics. In which case I'd cast it on him, as he wouldn't have to worry about getting wiped out. I understand what you mean though, I guess it's an iffy situation.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well by that I meant if the clerics' healing capabilities weren't up to par. Such as the few PvP build clerics. In which case I'd cast it on him, as he wouldn't have to worry about getting wiped out. I understand what you mean though, I guess it's an iffy situation.

    ah k i get what you mean lol

  • RockSkin - Sanctuary
    RockSkin - Sanctuary Posts: 66 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Nice work Avaricious. Good build :)
    Life's too short to be wrong.

  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Liking this so far, and I agree with everything you said. Do you plan on adding more than just skills? If you do, I could consider stickying this ^_^
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    andracil wrote: »
    Liking this so far, and I agree with everything you said. Do you plan on adding more than just skills? If you do, I could consider stickying this ^_^

    sticky ~.^

  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'll add more as I learn more about the class, so far I feel like I haven't learned enough to make a perfect guide, but I am working on it.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • AionHime - Raging Tide
    AionHime - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Second Note: I'm assuming everyone knew, but if you didn't, the Full Arcane build is the same as Wizards, 9 Magic and 1 Strength per level.

    just wondering if this was a wording error,but do you by any chance mean that every 2 levels you rise you should set your stats out like this for ful arcane? wondering as im trying to start a psychic but got confused by what you meant here. i would be thankful if you were able to help me here.
  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Ah, yes. Thanks for pointing that out, I did mean every two levels. I'll correct that right now. Basically, use your points at every odd level, when you have 10 saved up, and distribute them 9 Magic and 1 Strength. Or you can go ahead and use 5 into magic one level, 4 into magic and 1 into strength the next. It's simply easier to prevent mistakes with 9 and 1.


    I'm wondering how a section on how to combat the different types of enemies (Magical, Ranged, Physical) sounds, and if it would fit into this thread. I want to expand upon the guide, but I'm curious. This being my first guide and all.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • AionHime - Raging Tide
    AionHime - Raging Tide Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    go for it, one thing i noticed in many different games is that when people make guides they tend to just put in all the directly related information, often leaving only general uses of skill chains, when the outcome may differnt on the type of enemy your facing. heck i sure died enough times to figured out how to deal seperately with different types, just to move on and have to learn them also all over again, so having something in a guide about it should be a huge help to beginners and all.
  • Inarius - Dreamweaver
    Inarius - Dreamweaver Posts: 12 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Great guide. Now see, I want to make a pvp/pve hybrid to really bring out the 'jack of all trades' concept in my psychic.

    Should I still use full arcane attribute set or use light armor?

    By the way, I'm not totally experienced in this game but I'm a fast learner so I don't want any noob-filtered advice please...

    Also, after answering the above question, do you think I'm spreading myself too thin if I prioritize both PVP and PVE, or will I be fine as long as I use my common sense?
  • Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear
    Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    excelent guide i believe that everybody will find answers on Psy class here..:)b:victory

    one thing that i would like to see here is, a genie skill combination suitable
    for psy which compensates some of his weaker spots..
    i am new here too but found some of the genie skills pretty compatible with psychic gameplay...

    and as an example, 2 stuns are available through these skills if a genie is properly leveled...
    also a couple of supporting ones that remove status effects (bleed, stun, etc.)..

    so if u have something to share on that side please do. i'd appreciate the infob:laugh

    as soon as i try a few ideas, and get my psy to high lvls, i'll write down my opinion on this!
  • _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear
    _Surreal_ - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,458 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    some genie skills that are very useful are second wind, extreme poison and there are some others but i cant get ingame...Avaricious opinion would be interesting though...

  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My genie plan

    Extreme poison -obvious reasons
    Frenzy - obvious reasons
    Holy Path -obvious reasons
    Relentless Courage - obvious reasons

    If you dont know the obvious reasons....noooo comment, unless you havent played another magic class, then you are excused.
  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I know why extreme poison and holy path but why the other's? I only have a veno but since i have a pet, im not really solo. Anywho...your input would be nice.

    Also, I only have a lvl 38 psychic, but for melee mobs, i do Torrent, then the two starter skills and then landslide if it gets too close which it usually does. Mostly right before it hits me, torrent takes care of it.

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear
    Nyrlathotep - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    is that etreme poison that helpful?

    im using explosion and it helps quite well, at least for now..
    maxed i think it can instantly deal out around 5000 dmg,
    pretty helpful when under attack or when mana runs out in a tough battle..
  • Amouriv - Dreamweaver
    Amouriv - Dreamweaver Posts: 222 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Frenzy increases attack level by 20 and stacks with black voodoo for a total attack level increase of 40.

    Relentless courage for its -chan, to make our already fast channeling, even faster.
  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As far as Genie Skills go, I've really only stuck to what I was used to, which is Earthflame for luring, Holy Path for keeping up with my squad/Running, should I attract more attention than I want, Frenzy, since it gives a good bit of added power, and Second Wind, in case I need that instant heal to save my life. I haven't tried out any other Genie Skills really, so I don't think I can be of much help Genie Skill wise.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • Devilblooded - Heavens Tear
    Devilblooded - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Good guide but u need an update on empowered vigor, it increase the healing spell ONLY on the target so target the cleric seems completly unusefull if u see what i mean. in other word buffing cleric with it will not increase they're heal on tank but on themself !
  • Rillien - Heavens Tear
    Rillien - Heavens Tear Posts: 569 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Tiny tiny suggestion on formatting:

    Maybe instead of just making that red/blue skill colours random, colour the primary [must max asap] skills blue and the secondary [max as sp comes] red? Might help people prioritize a bit more.

    Thanks for the start of a guide. b:thanks
  • Yllarius - Heavens Tear
    Yllarius - Heavens Tear Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Few things.

    I'm still unsure about what you were trying to say about Empowered Vigor.

    The way you say it in the guide, it sounds like you cast it on the person casting the healing. But what I gather from the skill description is that you cast it on the person recieving the healing?

    Also, for Genie skills, I picked up Thunderstorm. It makes a great skill to hit a mob with instead of resorting to landslide, and it can hit for over 20k on PvE mobs non-crit.

    I use it in PvP to teach squishy assassins a lesson in personal space. >;.;<
  • Devilblooded - Heavens Tear
    Devilblooded - Heavens Tear Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    thats what i said yllarius about empowered vigor, but resorting on landslide is better then thunder since it does a lot of damage itself, personaly i use it more as a finishing move then push back, it also trow ur drop away wich is funny xd
  • Chilo - Heavens Tear
    Chilo - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Nice work on skills and tactics :-)

    What could be useful for a beginner is a list of quest armor and weapons (short info on quest lvl + link to pwdatabase if it's already updated) - they change so often in lower levels that is hard to decide if it is worth to invest in anything b:chuckle
  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Tiny tiny suggestion on formatting:

    Maybe instead of just making that red/blue skill colours random, colour the primary [must max asap] skills blue and the secondary [max as sp comes] red? Might help people prioritize a bit more.

    Thanks for the start of a guide. b:thanks

    Thank You Rillien, I was looking for a way to make the guide easier to use, that will definitely help out.
    Few things.

    I'm still unsure about what you were trying to say about Empowered Vigor.

    The way you say it in the guide, it sounds like you cast it on the person casting the healing. But what I gather from the skill description is that you cast it on the person recieving the healing?

    Also, for Genie skills, I picked up Thunderstorm. It makes a great skill to hit a mob with instead of resorting to landslide, and it can hit for over 20k on PvE mobs non-crit.

    I use it in PvP to teach squishy assassins a lesson in personal space. >;.;<
    thats what i said yllarius about empowered vigor, but resorting on landslide is better then thunder since it does a lot of damage itself, personaly i use it more as a finishing move then push back, it also trow ur drop away wich is funny xd

    And Thank you Devilblooded and Yllarius. I suppose I misinterpreted the definition of Empowered Vigor. I've adjusted my post accordingly.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • Haelwen - Lost City
    Haelwen - Lost City Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Is my character messed up if I put a point in soul of vengeance? Because I did...
  • Avaricious - Dreamweaver
    Avaricious - Dreamweaver Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you mean you leveled it once, it won't ruin your character, just I wouldn't suggest leveling it any further. Leveling it has no positive effects other than increased range to cast on your target, if it isn't you.
    "Avaricious often implies a pathological, driven greediness for money or other valuables and usually suggests a concomitant miserliness."
  • jebacx
    jebacx Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    is this good i am 48 lvl my str is 40 and my mag is 220 and whe i can find pvp guide for psy cuz evry1 can kill him in pvp.
  • Nakendra - Dreamweaver
    Nakendra - Dreamweaver Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    Thanks for the guide!!

  • Kawailele - Sanctuary
    Kawailele - Sanctuary Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited January 2010
    I THINK U DID GOOD,but i think we need the 2 aoe moves more then u think Glacial Shards to stop the mobs that like to hit and run hit and run lol bm,barbs,sins hate it when the mobs do that and to stop the mobs that get pass the barbs in tt,fb,bh etc after some 1 pulls the mob or when alot of mobs come at u or your squad at 1 time^_^
    what comes up must come down what goes in must come out! b:chuckle b:surprisedb:mischievous
  • Sakuba - Harshlands
    Sakuba - Harshlands Posts: 137 Arc User
    edited May 2010
    Quick Question..for frenzy...
    Doesn't it only increase physical damage?
    At least that is what the genie skill says...
    And everything you gave me...vanished without a trace.

    Royal Duelists.

    Sakuba...merged together in the shadows with SilentPain, a dark rose was born.