Best opener?

Atrieus - Raging Tide
Atrieus - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Assassin
So, as the title suggests, what do you think is the Assassins best opener?
Opener meaning, start-up skill/ attack you use on a target?
Post edited by Atrieus - Raging Tide on


  • Morty - Raging Tide
    Morty - Raging Tide Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Rib Strike.
    Is Now On Lost City Under The Name; Mortyy
  • ___oops___ - Dreamweaver
    ___oops___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    On my 20+ sin i open with bleed
  • PartyAnimal - Harshlands
    PartyAnimal - Harshlands Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Open with a dirty kick right to the sweet spot.
  • Limeball - Heavens Tear
    Limeball - Heavens Tear Posts: 305 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Depends on what i'm fighting. I'll use knife throw/shadow jump if the mob is in a bunch of aggros, bleed usually then split stream, spark and attack.

    Split stream is awesome o.0
    Reikara - 94 HA/AA Veno - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Limeball -84 Assassin - Heaven's Tear - Retired
    Reikarah - 99 Seeker - Sanctuary - Retired

    Why do I stick around? I draw pwi fanart.
  • Ballistixz - Heavens Tear
    Ballistixz - Heavens Tear Posts: 690 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    depends on the mob ur fighting. usually when im fighting a magic mob ill silent them then bleed and rib + slip or rib + melee. if its a kitting mob like a archer i will always open with tackling slash then puncture then rib. if its a melee mob then i always open with rib strike then puncture then slip.
  • Xaluca - Dreamweaver
    Xaluca - Dreamweaver Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I always open with Puncture wound, then i crit the mob like hell, And finish it with Slipstream ! :D
    Stop sending fanmails to my sig !

  • EviIDee - Heavens Tear
    EviIDee - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I personally use tackling slash to open mainly, you can't beat the chi gain. An additional benefit is when it's a melee mob, you get to slip in about 3 skills before they you get within the mob's attack range. If it's a caster and I catch it casting for the first attack, I'll use deep sting to sleep or knife throw and try to cancel.
  • Terraa - Lost City
    Terraa - Lost City Posts: 172 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Depends on the situation:

    Most often, I like to lead with puncture/slipstream, but I find that the combo is pretty inefficient in practice, because I end up needing to move the extra 2 points of range to get in melee. Slipstream/puncture does the same thing, but sometimes I lose a tick of bleed damage; really not all that big of a deal, but I get in melee without having to pause to walk.

    Against casters, either I shadow jump and tackling slash, or I just run up with deep sting to stop cast; both of these put me immediately within melee range, and I follow up with slipstream.

    Archers... well, they usually don't hurt once I get within melee range, I usually use my shadow jump/tackling combo, then hopefully slipstream and consequential melee will drop them before root fades. Usually, if root does fade before the mob dies, it's about one hit away and I can knife throw for the kill without having to chase it and eating one or two more arrows.

    Rib Strike I use for openings in every pk fight, and sometimes on melee mobs that hit just a bit too hard. I find since that I play without a charm I'm chugging more mana potions than necessary with it (100 mana cost when I first got it was drastically more than anything else I used), but I've since come to understand that mana potions are all of 270 coins each, and that I cover a stack of 100 with whatever set of DQ items I throw at the merchant. I still avoid using Rib Strike whenever necessary however, as it also has the added detriment of turning auto-attack off; which sucks whenever I alt-tab because I'm a set-it-and-forget-it kinda player when it comes to PvE.

    Although, with increased life/defense I tend to throw a knife, spark, rib strike/tackling/puncture/slipstream, re-spark, rib-strike, slipstream, and auto-attack. This class is so much fun.
  • Toneshifter - Harshlands
    Toneshifter - Harshlands Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Rib strike/Rising dragon+double spark against mobs.

    Shadow jump+headhunt(after stun is gone)+tackling slash+doublespark+windshield = against ppl
  • HollowMartyr - Raging Tide
    HollowMartyr - Raging Tide Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Our skills let us be extremely versatile with our openers and combos...Hard to pick just one. I have few common ways and sometimes special mobs need a little something else...Throw in an extra status (Life, Extra Defense, Ect) and it changes it even further...I love all the options this class has...Really makes you think to be the most efficient you can be on every different mob.
    Most common for non runner melee is to Spark, Wind Shield, Puncture, Rib Strike, Tackling Slash to regen the Spark cost...I love Rib Strike but if I can kill them fast enough I avoid it so I don't use up a 6th of my mana just on that XD It's hard to not use Shadow Jump but it can be a waste of chi sometimes with rank 1's range XD

    Sparking every mob ftw!
  • PolarisX - Dreamweaver
    PolarisX - Dreamweaver Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Try (Tackling Slash===>Puncture Wound===>Rib Strike====>Deep Sting====>Slipstream strike) against melee's. you'll notice that the mobs that are melee will bot be able to hit u the most of the battle and sometimes never even touch you at all. LoL its a little trick thats useful.
  • Phoenix - Dreamweaver
    Phoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Rib Strike + Spark = dead mob.

    Mixed in with Rib Strike + Insert Chi skill here + Spark = dead mob. Sparking on every mob is easy (pre-Adv. Spark, anyway). I stopped using bleed because things died much too easily and quickly even without it. I never use Chill of the Deep in PVE because beating **** to death with a spark is faster. I can see how incredibly useful it'll be in PVP, though.

    I don't understand why any Sin wouldn't open with Rib Strike. It saves me from a lot of damage. (The exception being opening with Deep Sting on magic casters.)

    I regret every point I put into Slip Stream. There are too many other excellent choices to use in its place that I have little reason to cast it, ever. Maybe Demon/Sage skills will fix that.
  • Ussichu - Sanctuary
    Ussichu - Sanctuary Posts: 429 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    rib strike seriously. Reducing attack speed is VITAL
    Navarre was your everyday veno, until she learned her true form. Now she's fox walloping and purging over and over again.. all for a deep stinging, head hunting, wind pushing Assassin. Will there be inner harmony and myriad rainbows? But of course! Yuri&Lemon Find it on Fanfiction XD "Discovering Sanctuary" Chapter 2 is up ^_^