i JUST SCROLLED THROUGH PAGE 5 and apparently You guys are some Longwinded **** people [compliment][SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
I'm the only Harpy, Who's Psychic and knows all!b:chuckleb:pleased
Live Life How You wish To Live It.
I love PWI, Teh Forums, and Konari b:thanks
Is currently working on Wizzy (imo better than my Psy)b:surrender name: SaphiraGione0 -
I'm taking a guess here but im thinking a no salary guild would work something like this. There would be a guild bank where all the money from TW and donations and misc. go into. Maybe 3 to 5 people would have access to the loot to dish out as they see fit. Am i close? Anyone want to explain it better or go into more detail that would be appreciated.
You may snicker at this at first read but i can assure you this would happen in over 90% of guild who ran a money distribution system like this. Out of a full 200 member guild I envision 5 to 7 maybe even up to 10 that would end up getting considerable more of the dividends than other members. The audience must be thinking, Well these are the over 100 level guild memebers and they deserve more. Nope.
Picture this, there are 5 to 10 flirty, sweet, giggly girls who say "plz, plz, plz" and say "oh you so sweet" and say "your the coolest" and the like. These girls would discover who the main players in the guild are that hold the keys to the vault. They would then get very nice and chummy with those leaders and end up with 10 times the amount of gear and money as the average guild member will get.
I'm not saying it would happen with the particular guild i have been refering to but in the vast majority of guilds in MMORPG's this occurs. I have seen it before. There are usually a few girls who actually make to a somewhat high level and those girls get first pick of the goodies and are geared to the hilt. Meanwhile all other have to work for what they get.
I bet if you could find some players who talk honestly, this type of behavior already occurs on a small scale, but with that system of all the money just sitting there in a bank and little bookeeping or accountabiliy, wow, the corruption would run rampant. Whose to say where the money went for sure but i bet there be a few cute girls with some nice fancy gear.
Think about it. "Just trust us" No, No, not when there is a jiggly lovable babe around stroking your ego.0 -
i just wanted to say that being in a guild with only myself to complain about is pure bliss. there is no one to complain about anything cept me b:victory yeah it does suck a lil because i am still using my pro 8x gear and weapon but rather have that than deal with 5 paragraph posts arguing about in game money.the good Starr0
starr - Harshlands wrote: »i Just Wanted To Say That Being In A Guild With Only Myself To Complain About Is Pure Bliss. There Is No One To Complain About Anything Cept Me B:victory Yeah It Does Suck A Lil Because I Am Still Using My Pro 8x Gear And Weapon But Rather Have That Than Deal With 5 Paragraph Posts Arguing About In Game Money.
you troll so much0 -
Taboo - Harshlands wrote: »since you wont take my TW advice on how to win, maybe you will use my forum advice.....stfu in a thread like this.
Funny how you weren't giving TW advice when KD was losing. Uh Duh.b:chuckle0 -
Omen - Harshlands wrote: »Don't troll forums and point fingers at pve'ers when you yourself hid in instances to lvl up....just saying
Since when is it wrong to level up in instances. More admirable than oracling IMO.0 -
MR_Hankie - Lost City wrote: »Kylin has a forum you know!
For the rest of the people **** you, **** kylin and kingdom!
From:pot head
Ps: marche is a hoe and a failed Bm
PSS: everyone in harshlands fails GG
PSSS: Pve more numb nuts
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahaahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha0 -
MD - Harshlands wrote: »admit myself pve to lvl90, so you got any problem?
Unlike some veno with nix act like they are good because "their nix" pvp since lvl30. Good Job.
The reason I say fatboo is PVE Barbarian because I havent seen him pvp alone....get my point here, pvp with "1 party" does not call you have pvp skills.
I guess you've never seen me pvp with my herc....or a plumpfish lmao....b:chuckle0 -
how did me ever miss this thread.....darn...hibernation be affecting more of me mental capacities then me thought. b:surrender
carry on.
this be interesting thread.....filled with pointless nonsense but still it be an interesting read.
also could someone mayhaps direct me to teh before mentioned locked thread of the OP?
and me take it this be a rare occurrence in the harshland server?
(O.o)'hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
Nastassiya - Sanctuary
A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.
Me are hibernating. *poof*0 -
Example #1
Player has been in guild for several months. Player signs up and shows up for 2 or 3 TW's a weekend. Even sets his alarm and makes a point to be sure and do his part to take and hold land. Trys to earn some money grinding collecting mats and the like. And trys to improve his character strenght a little every weak, to contribute more to TW effort.
Example #2
Player shows up for up for TW maybe once every other week and often over slepts and jumps in war 30 minutes late. When he does show up he make a big commotion so all know he's there. During the week he logs on and talk a bunch of **** spamming chat while he waits for a BH party. If he can't get the party together he spams chat that he needs cleric several times in a row.
And if he is going to level on that BH you might as well not even attempt to read chat box.
Who is contributing more? What's to insure that the guy who makes a point to show up to TW gets his due. With no salary, some ration as we fit from day to day, both examples could get the same amount. Example 2 will more than likely get more cause he is more vocal.
There is more than just showing up at TW to be a good guildie but without high level player actually showing up and taking and holding territory than theres no money coming in for anyone. With out high level player showing up and burning charms and swallowing charms and other maintnace cost you in trouble.
Hell, many poeple like ther jobs and feel a certain loyalty to ther boss, but they still have to get paid. A "trust us" we'll be geeting you some food in the future aint going to nurish the body. What's the incentive to show up just to see your leaders get fat and rich while you hear silence.
Most guilds would be so happy to hold over 10 lands, they would be busrting at the seems with glee. But i know a guild that has many lands and declared the end of things as we know it. And salary we know longer be paid. Do we have anyone yet who would take a guess as to why that would be?0 -
cuz ur all dbags b:bye0
1) is MD example #2 you use? kinda sounds like it would be.
2) what land have you gained/held for the past 3 months? If pay was achievement based, no one in kylin would get paid however we live in a world that thinks participation > success, so...
3) I believe Xulin got a large loan from someone so he could get rank 8, and now that he sees kylin is failing, he needs to stash as much money as he can to repay his debt at the rest of the guilds expense.
Also, the main kylin members are all massive cash shoppers anyway, so they have no issue denying the whole guild salary. (Flame bait, lets see who bites)[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Taboo - Harshlands wrote: »1) is MD example #2 you use? kinda sounds like it would be.
2) what land have you gained/held for the past 3 months? If pay was achievement based, no one in kylin would get paid however we live in a world that thinks participation > success, so...
3) I believe Xulin got a large loan from someone so he could get rank 8, and now that he sees kylin is failing, he needs to stash as much money as he can to repay his debt at the rest of the guilds expense.
Also, the main kylin members are all massive cash shoppers anyway, so they have no issue denying the whole guild salary. (Flame bait, lets see who bites)
1} MD rarely helps with anything, but he really rarely ask for help. also he doesnt play that much, the fact that he is a bad troll doesnt make him an esshole yet
2} Our goal was never taking over the map, but having fun and getting better at things. However we failed at getting better for now, doest mean we faild our goals totally.
3} Change religion, ur beliefs are wrong. He only took smaller loans he payed back the week after from his own money. Noone is stealing guild money.
Our main members are all massive CSers? U mean like Bain, Dark_Fate, Redbetty, me etcetc are massive cash shoppers? U are smart sir. We have cash shoppers just like KD does.
Also about salary... lets just be honest. In a full TW i burn 1.2-1.5 mill charm, about 300 npc potions, 60-80 apo potion, and last time i got salary it was 1 mill. I guess thats like 20% of my TW expenses for 1 war. Noone ever sad its for repaying ur whole tw expenses.
U always act like u know a lot about us. I'd give up on that, and get an other basic idea for flame baits.Nullum crimen sine lege.0 -
Hippie - Harshlands wrote: »In a full TW i burn 60-80 apo potion
To be honest, Kingdom has very few active cashshoppers. People like kirbie, HeadTrauma and Siva barely log in anymore. I really wish we had more so maybe people wouldn't always be scrambling for charms an hour before TW or just showing up uncharmed.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig by Bakura~0 -
Ligeia - Harshlands wrote: »Unless you're spamming them almost immediately upon cooldown, no, you aren't.
To be honest, Kingdom has very few active cashshoppers. People like kirbie, HeadTrauma and Siva barely log in anymore. I really wish we had more so maybe people wouldn't always be scrambling for charms an hour before TW or just showing up uncharmed.
http://images.starcraftmazter.net/4chan/for_forums/failed_troll.jpg0 -
Ligeia - Harshlands wrote: »Unless you're spamming them almost immediately upon cooldown, no, you aren't.
To be honest, Kingdom has very few active cashshoppers. People like kirbie, HeadTrauma and Siva barely log in anymore. I really wish we had more so maybe people wouldn't always be scrambling for charms an hour before TW or just showing up uncharmed.
When i am in combat i use them upon cooldown, otherwise i wouldnt have enough chi. Thats why i rarely use ironguards. But even if that number is less with 20, same story.Nullum crimen sine lege.0 -
Hippie - Harshlands wrote: »When i am in combat i use them upon cooldown, otherwise i wouldnt have enough chi. Thats why i rarely use ironguards. But even if that number is less with 20, same story.
Why the fack would you even think about using ironguards? what a waste of herbs for a BM....About your charm burn....tell Xulin to put more people on attack so that doesnt happen, id like to see one week of a 12 man defense against our 12 man attack and see how fast it ends.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Taboo - Harshlands wrote: »Why the fack would you even think about using ironguards? what a waste of herbs for a BM....About your charm burn....tell Xulin to put more people on attack so that doesnt happen, id like to see one week of a 12 man defense against our 12 man attack and see how fast it ends.
I use it becouse it was funny when i used it with 50 hp left and like 2 squads shooting at me. I forgot to screenshot, i was laughing to hard.
Ask people on ur defense - maybe i am just on crack in every tw - but i feel like i am a favourite when its about who to call as target. Bloop also told me fewtimes how sorry he feels for me : ((
And if ironguard keeps me alive, with all my buffs, chi at frontline(they usually change target awhile), than it worth a LOT.
I would like to ask u one last time, to stop being smartass about our strategy. Yes it isnt working, but u arent anywhere near the solution. I wont tell u the reasons, it would be pointless.Nullum crimen sine lege.0 -
There it is again, that famous kylin stubborness. it has gotten you far hasnt it?.....[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
b:shocked every thread seems to start off fine then the final few pages is just Kingdom and kylins trolling at each other. funny stuff.[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0
Fealty - Harshlands wrote: »b:shocked every thread seems to start off fine then the final few pages is just Kingdom and kylins trolling at each other. funny stuff.
welcome to harshlands b:cry0 -
Fealty - Harshlands wrote: »b:shocked every thread seems to start off fine then the final few pages is just Kingdom and kylins trolling at each other. funny stuff.
it should be funny but tabootroll isnt coming up with anything new, where are these nudes?Nullum crimen sine lege.0 -
Today i was thinking about those guys who sell stuff in catshop that looks like somehting else and mislabels items to rip player off. Some people act like those catshop type players deserve a special place in hell to bar-b-q til the end of time. I seen some GM say it could be a bannable offense if you screneshot and ticket it. I bet some people supporting guild now would cheer if these scamming catshoppers were banned for life.
Makes me recall a saying, "Kill one man and you are a ruthless murderer. Kill thousands of men, and you are a great king."
I'll change it up for PWI. "Scam players out of 50k and you are a worthless scamming slimball. Stop paying everyone for TW and keep over 100 millions for yourself and you are a great guild leader."
Everyone going into TW that weekend, went in with the agreement that they would be paid for their services. That agreement was written in months of precedent. We traded our serveices expecting to get money but none came. How can this be less of an offense then some looser trying to trick players out of 10k-75k in a cat shop. Catshop scammer is two bit, other example is Bernie Madoff in callibur.0 -
Hippie - Harshlands wrote: »it should be funny but tabootroll isnt coming up with anything new, where are these nudes?
haha, i only troll threads that i feel will get kylin members to flame at, and most of the time it works.....also, if you missed my nudes thread, i fee sorry for you, ya missed an oportunity of a lifetime.....naked tigy is HOT[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Disclaimer: I am really bored.
To Justice:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Also, I am one of those people who pokes fun at people's spelling and grammar. Why? Because it pisses me off that we live in the greatest generation of knowledge and we choose to write like this: "o hai hao r u today?". **** that. You made plenty of mistakes that I'm going to have fun with AND in the process? I'm going to ruin your logic.
Exhibit #1:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Because there are some biased people who are undenyably loyal to Kylin and their friends.
Exhibit #2:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Gazuntite... OH! Ms. Hottie.
Exhibit #3:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Because you're now jousting with a woman who's actually more logic and intelligent than you.
Exhibit #4:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Either you go to leadership and you say, "look buddy, you're attitude better change ****in' quick or you're going to lose EVERYONE in your guild"
Exhibit #5:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Uh... no. Martin Luthor King Jr. had a purpose.
Exhibit #6:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »Honestly, you people could be chaneling this passion to so many more useful things.
Maybe they could take up your hobby, Justice. I'm certainly enjoying it.
I didn't change any of these. Feel free to check.
Also, I present the ironic quote of the decade:_justice_ - Harshlands wrote: »You don't go to public forums to ***** about someone when you obviously haven't tried to reason with that person on your own two feet.
I guess you should only do that when your pseudo-intellectual insults feed your sky-scraping ego, am I right?[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]0 -
Apollo - Harshlands wrote: »Disclaimer: I am really bored.
To Justice:
Exhibit #1:
Exhibit #2:
Exhibit #3:
Exhibit #4:
Exhibit #5:
Exhibit #6:
Maybe they could take up your hobby, Justice. I'm certainly enjoying it.
I didn't change any of these. Feel free to check.
Also, I present the ironic quote of the decade:
I guess you should only do that when your pseudo-intellectual insults feed your sky-scraping ego, am I right?0 -
Let's play a little game today. It's called rate the scam. If you don't classify it as a scam just rate it on the sleaziness of the act. We will use a 1 to 10 rating system.
I usuallly use the term example, but Apollo really impress me by using the term exhibit. Sorry but i am going to minic you, cause you sir, are cool.
Exhibit #1
A player mislabels a item and tries to trick somene into buy it for an inflated price by 75k.
Exhibit #2
PlayerXX takes Twilight Temple mats from playerYY with the agreement that playerXX wil forge weapon and give to playerYY. PlayerXX then decide just to keep the weapon and leaves PlayerYY empty handed.
Exhibit #3
Some YaaHoo gets on PWI forums everyday and just bytch, bytch ,bytch, bytch, bytch about guilds and all the rest.
Exhibit #4
PlayerABC agrees to give squadXYZ 500k for killing Jewelscalen, Gargantakong, Eyes of Krimson. SquadXYZ completes the task and kills all bosses without one death. PlayerABC than says, "Stick it in your eye loosers, HAHAHAHA."
Exhibit #5
PlayerDEF is charmless before TW. PlayerGHI loans playerDEF a gold hp charm with the understanding that charm will be repaid in the near future. Months go by and charm is never repaid cause playerDEF always give playerGHI a hard luck story and cries he is broke.
Exhibit #6
Guild leader XYZ decides to stop paying all the people who show up for TW and keep 100's of millions for himself and his inner circle.
Again plz rate each offense with a 1 to 10 scale, 1 being the least sleazy and 10 being, OMG it doesnt get any sleazier. Or if want to list your own exhibit and rate it that be awesome too.0 -
Hippie - Harshlands wrote: »Ask people on ur defense - maybe i am just on crack in every tw - but i feel like i am a favourite when its about who to call as target. Bloop also told me fewtimes how sorry he feels for me : ((
This is true. Hippie is our favorite BM to nuke.
Can someone give me a short description as to why this thread is full of essays and 13 pages? >__>60 / 250.0 -
Bloop - Harshlands wrote: »Can someone give me a short description as to why this thread is full of essays and 13 pages? >__>[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]
Sig by Bakura~0
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