


  • Waterboy - Lost City
    Waterboy - Lost City Posts: 405 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i Actally Agree With Tannedhotie About Getting Paied For Doing Tw, If Im Going To Take Hours Out Of My Weekend To Tw (which Can Be Over 3 Hours) And Put Money In To Buy A Charm And Take The Time To Make Apot Pills Then Why Shouldn't I Get Paied For My Time? This Money I Use For More Charms Or To Better My Gear. If I Woudln't Get Paied For Tw I Feel No Need To Use Charms, Pills, Or Pots During The Tw. And If Most People Didn't Have The Money To Buy Charms For Tw And Only The People The Leader Liked Got Tw Money For Charms, That Makes Your Guild A Lot Weaker. The Only Reason For Paying Your Members Who Tw Each Week Is Not Just To Make Them Happy, It Is To Fund Them To Make Their Character Stronger, And This Rewards The Guild As A Whole.

    with Only The Leader Giving Out Money To Certin People Only The Leaders Friends Will Ever See This Money, So While Everyone Else In The Guild Gets Screwed While The People In The Circle Get Anything They Want For Tw.

    Instead Of Taking Everyones Pay Away To Better Only The People The Leader Wants To, Why Not Reduce The Pay And Use The Extra Money For Charms And Gear For Tanks And Clerics That Heal The Tanks? This Way People Get Some Money To Help Pay For Tw Costs While The Tanks And Clerics Get Their Gear Upgraded Every Week. I See No Problem In This Since I Know How Much Funding 4 Barbs For Tw Costs.

    Omg this so doesnt happen in kylin fo realz
  • Worship - Harshlands
    Worship - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I kind of enjoy reading about this kind of drama...whether it is true or not b:surrender
  • Crzybtch - Harshlands
    Crzybtch - Harshlands Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm not sure why an unbiased moderater should care if i post under an alias or not.

    I do believe he was politely calling you a ****.
  • Kismet - Harshlands
    Kismet - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you're not happy with Kylin then leave or help make it better. If your really a friend of Kizzy's then stop. I mean, come on, your stunt had every one pointing the "blame finger" at an amazing woman and that really hurt her. GG. How you do you feel?

    Marche, thank you for being so dear, and saying all the kind things that you have these past few days. I truly appreciate your friendship and support, just as I do that of my other friends in Kylin.

    I agree that these threads should stop being posted on the PWI forum, and the discussion taken back to the guild, however, I don't believe that TannedHotie set out to impersonate or suggest in any way that s/he was me.

    Others in our faction, quite sadly, did jump to that immediate and false conclusion in a knee-jerk reaction to lay blame. Froan apologized to me for this accusation, which I appreciate, but it won't easily be forgotten.

    The individual behind these threads (whom I still have no idea of their true identity, not that it matters) brought this information to the public forum with the intentions of 'shaking the tree'.

    In that regard, they succeeded, but I think the real motive behind all of this was to strike a controversial match for personal entertainment and watch people burn up about it.

    I can't imagine any of my friends exploiting the faction they supposedly care about in such a cowardice manner. Then again, I couldn't have imagined half of what's actually occurred these past few days. I hope it can end here, and some positive things result from it.
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Okay, so I'm bored and tired as ****, so I'm going to post this as normally as I can. :) Here goes:

    Okay. As a Kylin officer let me just clear that up right now we aren't going to pick favorites. So this whole BS about certain people getting paid and not others, it WAS an idea about stopping pay and putting the money towards subs for HH. In doing so, we could help the guild Farm their HH more often (again, I say this it was an IDEA, it wasn't 100%). So please stop going, "OMFG WURR NOT GUNNA GET PAYED O NOES" and through a hissy fit. Seriously, its rather sad.

    Let's just end this silly game. If you have an issue, here's a tissue. Please just post on the Kylin Forums, even if you use an alt, PM me in game and tell me, "here's my alt I'm taking it here". It's not like I don't know who you are. I mean, you told me about your alt in vent. Wasn't hard to figure out. Personally, I don't give two ***** in a hole one way or the other, but seriously this "QQ"-in' on the PWI forums is sad. No one cares about the inner workings and drama so you posting these past couple days has actually been a bit funny.

    If you're not happy with Kylin then leave or help make it better. If your really a friend of Kizzy's then stop. I mean, come on, your stunt had every one pointing the "blame finger" at an amazing woman and that really hurt her. GG. How you do you feel?

    Cut the **** and stop being a ****. It's getting old and its only the second day.

    This dude is a totally **** cuz he cursed shame on you >.>
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited December 2009


    +1 b:sweat
  • Starrrrrr - Harshlands
    Starrrrrr - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    some stuff

    i like to post from alts too. i am confident that no one will figure out who i am b:cute
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i like to post from alts too. i am confident that no one will figure out who i am b:cute

    wazzzzzzzzzzzzup taboo^^
  • BelleFemme - Harshlands
    BelleFemme - Harshlands Posts: 799 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xD Taboo's Assassin (or Psychic I can't remember) is named TabuGoKungFu. It made me laugh irl.
  • PartyAnimal - Harshlands
    PartyAnimal - Harshlands Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xD Taboo's Assassin (or Psychic I can't remember) is named TabuGoKungFu. It made me laugh irl.
  • prnflake
    prnflake Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so i heard that something kicked someone in a certain somewhere sometime ago while that certain someone was mooing

  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well guys its marche my best friend decided she wanted to post so she made this alt and wanted me to post this enjoy the work of my BEST friend Justiceb:laughb:pleasedb:victory

    [Okay. So as a best friend of an avid and loyal member of Kylin, I feel the utter and irrevocable need to say something about all of this. I might not be a member and I might not be a friend to many of you, but as this is important to my best friend, it's important to me. And I'm going to play the best ******n red pen any of you has ever seen. Not to mention I'm going to play the ***** (as I'm ever so wondrous at playing) and pick apart EVERYTHING this person has said. More for my own amusement than anything else, but still! At least I'm helping.

    Also, slight disclaimer, should the person shoot back at me: I know this is pathetic, but it's damn ****in' fun and amusing when you have nothing better to do than watch TV. Honestly, at least I'm putting my brain to better use than watching Finding Nemo over... and over... and over again.

    Also, I am one of those people who pokes fun at people's spelling and grammar. Why? Because it pisses me off that we live in the greatest generation of knowledge and we choose to write like this: "o hai hao r u today?". **** that. You made plenty of mistakes that I'm going to have fun with AND in the process? I'm going to ruin your logic. Aren't external onlookers fun?!

    Oh! And no, I'm not a member of PW. Personally, I think it's the biggest waste of time since that... stupid belt that shocks your abs and is supposed to give you a six pack while you're sitting on your fat **** and watching TV. I hate the entire idea of it, but my best friend loves it and I obviously need to support that. So... this is pretty much me supporting it. With conviction, dammit!

    Hmm. I think that just about covers everything. Oh well, I'll know if they make a retort.

    Oh! P.s. TO EVERYONE ELSE: I'll be writing in these little brackets **points to them** and everything the person wrote is in bold. Just in case you need to know who wrote what. Also... my writing will probably be a bit more coherent than this bundle of gibberish. Enjoy!]

    It seemed my first post was locked. The wise eatwithspoons decided to pass judgement on me. [Decided to pass judgment on you, you mean? Oh, please. After the last post you made, I'm sure plenty of people are judging you for "eatwithspoons". You made the post public. That alone is asking to be judged. And you were. Thoroughly.] I'm not sure why an unbiased moderater should care if i post under an alias or not. And to some others, i like to know why is it, who i am, matters to you more than what i wrote and a validity of thread discussion. [Okay, so let me get this straight. You're obviously more irritated by the fact that your post was locked because you posted the badgering of your own guild under an alias?

    And think about it this way: if you had posted under your real name/character, stated your concerns instead of badgering almost everyone in your guild in your first post and focusing more on how your words and actions effect others, then maybe you'd get a hell of a lot better of a response than this big, huge cluster**** that you put everyone into. You're the cause of the mayhem, not them. You attracted all this bad **** to yourself, so point that finger of blame at the mirror, honey, because it doesn't belong anywhere else.

    You know what you're causing, here? Mutiny. Against one another and also against a great woman who never did or said anything in the first place and is leaving PW anyway. So, basically, everyone else thinks, "what's the point in this ******* being anonymous? If this is focusing on him/herself, then why hide?".

    Here's the rub: if I have a problem with somebody, I get in their ****in' face and TELL them I've got a problem. I let them know that it's ME saying it, I don't say it was my friend. What you're doing right now is causing a chain of reactions. Kismet was blamed first, then Krymsen and now it's moving down the chain and eventually, everybody will be blaming everybody because YOU were too chicken-**** to step forward and say your name proudly.

    Let me tell you something. When a fellow student (I'm assuming you're still in high school?) has a problem with you and they come up to your face and tell you, what do you do? Wait... no, don't answer that question. I'm sure you're one of those people that would lie and say, "pfft! I never said anything about you, that was my friend". ****... I hate people like you. But with me, if I were to ever be in a situation like that, I would reply with, "yes. I said something. Do you want to talk about it or fight with me about it? I could go either way". It opens a person up and most of the time, they don't want to fight, they're more interested in what you have to say. So really... you being a big fat coward and hiding under your alias is only creating more problems in the guild than you might think.]

    That's just a red hearing for those who dont like what i said but can't make a solid case that im just completely wrong no matter what name the thread is posted under. [Okay. I'm going to attack the spelling and grammar first, because I could barely get through this one. FIRST OFF: it's "I'm", not "im". Jesus H. Christ, you've got HALF the spelling right. How hard is it to hit shift and put an apostrophe in there? ****. Imagine what you people would be like if you actually had to think. Heaven forbid. SECOND OFF: "that's just a red"? Now, unless this is PW-speak, I got no effin' clue what you just said, my dear. What's red? Are you seeing red? Because... I think that might mean you popped a blood vessel in your eye. Not cool and not healthy. I'd see a doctor about whatever it is that's red. THIRD OFF: this is how the sentence should have gone, "it's just frustrating, hearing about those who don't like what I said, but can't make a solid case to prove that I'm completely wrong, no matter what name the thread is posted under." See? Now, isn't that much prettier? Whew! English lesson over! Now onto the good stuff: OKAY! We get it. Your name shouldn't matter. You honestly think that just because the moderator is unbiased, that EVERYONE in your guild is automatically going to be unbiased? No. Because there are some biased people who are undenyably loyal to Kylin and their friends. To them, this guild is a family, whether slightly dysfunctional and... sad to those outside looking in **me**. It's something they can lean on. So, when an anonymous person comes in and says something against their faith, they're bound to react negatively. See? You're a bit effed up in your logic there. Like I said before: had you stated your name, concerns and beliefs, you'd probably have a MUCH greater outcome]. It's the equevalent to making fun of a persons spelling or typos instead of defeating his logic, when you feel a person is a downright moron. [**Raises hand** Guilty! As far as I'm concerned, "I'm too lazy to spell properly or check my grammar" doesn't fly with me. I'm sorry if, as I stated before, I'm pissed off with people like that because we live in such an age of knowledge and THAT is how we choose to use it? ****ing pathetic. And trust me, love: though you've made very few mistakes in your posting, I still think you're a downright moron.]
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I know one could say im just parsing words but i never really accussed anyone of anything, i mearly asked a question. ["Parsing"? Okay. Let's check dictionary.com for this because I'm almost positive that that's not the proper use of that word.

    v. parsed, pars
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    v. tr.

    To break (a sentence) down into its component parts of speech with an explanation of the form, function, and syntactical relationship of each part.

    To describe (a word) by stating its part of speech, form, and syntactical relationships in a sentence.

    Wow. You learn somethin' new every day, huh? So really... I'm parsing. You're just being a big fat ****. Huh.]

    I started writing and once i start all in my head ended up on the thread. [I... you... huh? No. No, no, no. See, the thing about typing is that you go through what you said about a hundred times before you post it. You know why? Because everything you say is important to you. You MEANT to say whatever it was you said and you meant to say it poorly and without thought to the outcome of your actions. When we type, we think slower. You know why? Because we know what's coming out of us. So when we're writing big posts like the one you have, we run through it, we fix what we want to fix and then we post it. You had EVERY opportunity not to post what you posted or to fix what you wrote or to adjust how the situation was brought along, but you didn't. You chose this specific course of action and yes, it IS your own fault that everyone's ganging up on you. All I see is someone who can't take responsibility for their actions.]

    I noticed one thing though. I asked, am i parainoid [**angrily crosses it out and replaces with "PARANOID".**], or sinister, could this be the case? Not one person stated, ["]that is a silly theory you came up with there ms. Hotie.["]...[Gazuntite... OH! Ms. Hottie. I get it now! Haha... -_-.

    Anyway, I think people affirmed that you were sinister... but in their own special way. I could think up several ways to call you sinister and crazy myself. The majority of them are only four or five letters, too! I'd kick **** in Scrabble!

    In any event, why would they say that you weren't? You're basically giving them full reasons to think otherwise. So... yes. You ARE sinister and crazy. And at this point... I'm fairly sure that nobody would be remorseful in the slightest if you got hit by a bus.]

    Is asking a question and giving people an opportunity to refute your possibly crazy ramblings true accussations? [**Points to above statement, then crosses out the last word and writes "ACCUSATIONS".**]
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I wanted someone to say im nuts but unfortunately that didn't happen. [Well, I wouldn't say you're nuts. I'd say you're ignorant with the IQ of a rabbit, but definitely not crazy.]

    I know im jousting with mostly verbal nitwits here but come on, surely someone could come up with a better agruement than, "UH, why dont you post under your main." [I hate to lay comedy over logic, but this last one made me laugh. You know why? Because you're now jousting with a woman who's actually more logic and intelligent than you. I'm pretty sure that with your previous misuseage of words, you won't understand what I'm talking about, but I'm going to explain it as best I can for your tiny little brain to sponge up.

    A verb is an action. Are you saying these people are stupid in action? If you're claiming that they're merely idiots, then just say "nitwits". There's no such thing as a "verbal nitwit". It doesn't make sense and it just makes you sound like... well, a nitwit. Haha!

    Plus, if you're so smart, then why joust with said "verbal nitwits"? If you know they're not going to understand, then what's the point if they know who you are and who you're not? If they're SO stupid that they're a verb, then why bother? It's like trying to talk philosophy to kindergarteners. Doesn't really work.]

    That leads inextricably to my next question. [Wow, you actually used this word properly. Gold star for the fourth-grader! **Soon realizes she went to thesaurus.com, then takes the gold star away and stamps a big, fat "FAIL" on the IQ test**.]

    Why post under a noob character many asked? [I think you mean, "'why post under a noob character?', many asked", that sounds MUCH better.] Well, i ask you, why should I open myself up to the will of one man for voicing my feelings at the time? [You want to know why you should? Because it's the RIGHT THING TO DO. Honestly? Posting under a false title and saying that you're being mature about all of this while you're making your problems with one man public is bull****. If you have a problem with that one person, you go to them and you say it to their face because the only people that this problem should be between is YOU and HIM. Nobody else should be involved, it should just be you and him. Why? Because HE is the only person you're really talking about. I'm sure he would've appreciated it a lot more if you just went to him and told him your issues instead of making them public for all to see. I know I would appreciate it if someone came to discuss a problem with ME personally before bashing me in public. I'm sure you'd feel the same way.]

    Why should i spread my legs like that? [Spread your legs? Nobody's talking about one-night-stands here, honey, so where the hell is this coming from? Spread your legs to what? To get ****ed? That's pretty much what you're getting right now. What you don't realize is that you've just spread your legs to everyone in your guild and now you're getting ****ed for it. What you put out will come back to you.]

    Why should i not be able to express myself without fear of retribution. [Uh... okay. So making your thoughts about one person public, under a fake name so people won't know who you are as opposed to just being yourself and going to the ONE PERSON you have a problem with and telling them your thoughts and concerns is your version of expressing yourself without fear of retribution? Logic, honey. Logic. Your fear of retribution is so painfully obvious that it hurts my brain to even explain it to you. You're wrong. You can express yourself, but the trick is to express yourself the RIGHT WAY. Had you expressed yourself the way I told you, you'd have a lot less problems on your hands.]

    There is a expression out there in case none of you ever heard it and they are words of wisdom, so youngsters perk up your ears and pay attention. "You spread yor legs enough, eventually one day you will get _ _ _ _ _ _." [THAT is your "word of wisdom"? I've heard better "words of wisdom" from the hobo downtown who always tries to sell me his toothbrush. I'm pretty sure it was a "youngster" that thought up those "words of wisdom" anyway. And you did get "_ _ _ _ _ _". You're still getting "_ _ _ _ _ _". By me and by everyone else. Get used to it. Here's another expression, "you made your bed, you gotta lay in it". Now point your heels to Jesus and think of handbags, sweetheart. I'm nowhere NEAR through with you yet.]
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm sure there are people chomping at the bit out there in Harshalnds thinking, "I WISH I NEW WHO THAT PERSON WAS SO I COULD KOS HIM. THAT WOULD SHOW HIM WHAT'S WHAT." [No, you know what they're really thinking? They're thinking, "if this ***** has a problem, she should've taken it to Xulin and not posted it up here. What an STD-ridden ****"... well, that's what I was thinking, anyway.] "And if i kill him that proves he is wrong and im right." [Okay, so this proves either one of two things: either you're a boy on a girl's account, which is... ****ing creepy as hell and definitely gives everybody in the guild more of a reason to be positively disgusted by your actions. Or, you're trying to make people think you're a guy, which only makes me think you're even more demented and disgusting. All you're doing is digging your grave deeper, sweetheart. I suggest you stop while you're behind.]

    Well i see no reason to post more if its just going to be locked or deleted. [So... why are you posting this, then?] eatwithspoons is pretty sensitive about what's posted but i thought server syposium was given more latitude due the lastest server happening are going to envolve rumors and a lot of trash talking. ["Lastest"? I think you mean "latest". And it's "INVOLVE", not "ENVOLVE". Jesus. And FYI, Ms. Hypocrite, you've just posted a lot of rumors and trash-talking with your bull****. God, are you really that ignorant?]

    I'm not sure if i pushed it past the line or not. [You pushed it past the line when you were under an assumed name, honey. It was already past the line when you first posted these masterpieces of ****.]

    i attempted to talk mainly aobut me and why i did what i did. [There's a difference between explaining yourself and making up excuses. You've been making up excuses and trash-talking everyone else around you. I'm not afraid to get right in your face (as close as the internet will allow) and say that this is all your own doing. You attracted all of this "hate mail" and you even attracted what I'm saying and doing to you, so don't play the innocent card, here. It doesn't fit you well. Then again, I'm sure not much does.]

    If the worry is possible flames than not to worry cause there be flaming me and that matters not to me. ["If the worry is possible flames"? What the **** does that mean? God, it hurt my head to even go through that sentence. I got the gist of it, I think. You're saying that you don't care if people burn you? Well, ****. Hope you can stand through me. I'm the master of Hell's fire, ****er.]

    If eatwithspoons leaves post be, during my world quest tomorrow, i will post more about my PWI history and why and how i was in Kylin and why that post came into existence. [Take a second look, honey. It might be best to take your problems where they REALLY belong, as opposed to trying to get an army on your side. Everybody in the guild is going to side with Xulin whether you like it or not. Get used to it and stop wasting your breath. Nobody wants to smell fish around here.]

    Some say i should keep it to guild forums and keep it internal. I say mold can't grow where the sun shines in. [So... wait, I don't get it. Are you the mold or the sun? Or... I think you mean moss. In which case, moss actually CAN grow where the sun shines, so... you're a big, fat liar. And you know what? They're right. If you have a problem with your guild, the last thing everybody else wants to hear about is your issues with your guild. It's only going to dig your grave deeper and all you're doing is making yourself look like a ****ing idiot.]

    Some say i should talk to leadership and gtfo off the PWI forums. I recall someone else question leadership and looking for a better way and they heard this quote. "Bye Bye" [Okay, so either post in the guild or leave it. Nobody else gives a **** if you have a problem, obviously, so why take it into public forums? You honestly think people are going to care more for your pain there? No. It's a tough world. **** happens. Either you deal with it the proper way or you don't deal with it at all. Either you go to leadership and you say, "look buddy, you're attitude better change ****in' quick or you're going to lose EVERYONE in your guild" or you don't do or say anything at all. If you do it the wrong way (AKA. What you're doing now), then you're going to get ****ed.]

    Some say im a nonsensical babbling lunatic fringe. We never know ourselves as well as we might think, so i can't argue against that point. [I wouldn't say babbling and nonsensical. I would say, "a **** on a trip". I babble and sometimes I'm nonsensical, but I deal with my problems the way they're supposed to be dealt with. Either you confront them, or you keep them in. If your problem is with a certain person, you either tell them or you keep your mouth ****ing shut. It's black and white, there are no gray areas.]

    Some have compared me to Martin Luthor King. To this i say thank you. I have a dream of a better Kylin [Uh... no. Martin Luthor King Jr. had a purpose. He actually held his belief in something world-changing. It was just like John Lennon. MLKJr. and Lennon had ideas for a better WORLD, not a better gamesite, you dumb****s. Don't EVER compare yourself to legends. You're nothing like MLKJr. in fact, you're more likely to be compared to the ground he spits on. Or maybe to a face attached to a head that's about to be roundhouse kicked by Chuck Norris.]

    Some say eatsithspoons should get out his utensil and devour me. Good chance this could happen. [What, when everyone else is devouring you? Maybe eatwithspoons is actually getting a kick out of this. I know I am.]

    Some insinuate i may have eaten to much tainted microwave pizza and become parinoid. Guilty as charge miss. [Some say? Or just one person says?]

    Some say i am just spread internal guild drama and trying cause trouble and don't care about Kylin. I say go to first paragrah. [I read the first paragraph of your first post and all I could see was constant ******** about Xulin.]

    I believe tranparency i hardly ever a bad thing, unless of course it mean hiding behind my noob alt here, hehe. [Fragment. Consider revising.

    This isn't transparency. If you were being transparent, you'd be posting AS YOURSELF IN THE GUILD, saying, "these are my concerns, how can we deal with it?".]
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Wow...qu...quadruple post...

    ...I don't know who you are...and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Neither does the rest of the PWI Forums.

    Just let Kylin die in peace, thanks, along with the rest of your fail server. PWI made a big mistake opening up a second PvP server...at least Lost City is entertaining from time to time.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I post on Kylin forums even a tame version of prior post, it would be deleted i would be kicked, no one would even know it existed and nothing would be accomplished. Now i let the word out and other can come to ther own coclusion. [Pretty sure that there are other ways to bring about a problem that you have, other than posts on a ****ing forum. You know the other guild members, you talk to the other guild members, so talk to them about your concerns if you can't talk to the leader. Get someone you know who can talk to him and let him know what you're thinking if you're too chicken-**** to confront him yourself. There were plenty of other ways that you could've handled this situation, but you just refused to take them. You're a coward. Don't try to convince yourself otherwise.]

    Maybe i screwed up posting on the forums here. Maybe it will accomplish a greater good you can't see at this time. [How is this mayhem a greater good, you moron?] I will say this, it went to a place i didnt intend to go when i first hit new thread button. Is it possible, i was channeling many other members doubts out there at that time, is the reason thread went so dark? [Please. Everyone intends to go somewhere. You were waiting to see if your words were hitting everyone where it hurt. You hurt a lot more than you saved, so don't act like the ****ing hero.]

    What if? Now bare with my here. What if? Let's just say for arguements sake. What if? Keep in mind this does not matter what you may think but only a hypothedical what if. [Okay. That just got me really annoyed. You can say, "what if (now bare with me here) my post is completely accurate?" But ****! Don't repeat yourself. Get to the ****ing point. Nobody cares about the filler, they care about the end result.] What if everything i post is accurate to 100% certainty. Should i still not have posted it? [No. You shouldn't have. You know why? Because it's between you and Xulin. If Xulin isn't willing to discuss it, then talk to someone who can talk to Xulin. No matter what, your problem lies with him and nobody else. You don't go to public forums to ***** about someone when you obviously haven't tried to reason with that person on your own two feet.]

    What if every claim i make comes to pass over the next 2 months. Should i still not have posted it? [**Points to above statement.**]

    What if by shinning a light on the situation i change its position. What if by changing its position, i created a alternate future and things i said never come to pass. [**Points to top paragraph in annoyance... again.**]

    Anyway lets try to move beyond specefic guilds and peole for a moment. Anyone can help me understand how a none salary system would work? I go to TW every weekend sometimes 2 or 3 a weekend. I burn charms and use pots, not to memtion the time invested i could be earning money in game but no salary comes to help me recoup. [Awwwwh, **sad face**. Just goes to show you're wasting your time and money on a video game, huh?]

    Meanwhile the leader rakes in over 100 million coin. That's fair why? [Okay. See, I'd be more pissed if he was actually raking in MONEY. Like... real money. Not fake money.] Do i have to then go grovel for shards and charms and sockets and HH mats or whatever [? not .]

    Does then the most liked or maybe most vocal person get most of the spoils of TW? Do they potentially gear up other peoele who then leave while you contributed fighting in many TW's and pay for your own ****? i dont get it. Sounds like to much micromanaging and possible favoratism or who ever bugs the leaders most gets the most. [Okay, I speak for everyone when I say this: IT IS JUST A GAME. Honestly, you people could be chaneling this passion to so many more useful things.]

    I just want to get my salary for helping in TW and spend it best i can to get stronger so i can contribute even more in the future. What could be more fair? Plz explain how other system is better. [Okay, wait. So your ******** about Xulin really had nothing to do with the real point you were making? You were bashing someone's name all because you wanted more "coin"? And here I thought you were just a conniving *****. Apparently you're greedy AND conceited, too.]

    I didnt spell check at all of correct typos just for Kismet. Enjoy young lady. [Oh, honey... Kismet can't have gotten HALF the pleasure in ripping you apart as I have.]
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    TL;DR -- b:shedtear from this fail-alt. Post on your main, sissy.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • _justice_ - Harshlands
    _justice_ - Harshlands Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    TL;DR -- b:shedtear from this fail-alt. Post on your main, sissy.

    would you be talking about this alt or tanned's this is Marche :) i will post under this one that big long thing up their was a friend who wanted to talk so realllllllllllllllly this isnt an alt
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    would you be talking about this alt or tanned's this is Marche :) i will post under this one that big long thing up their was a friend who wanted to talk so realllllllllllllllly this isnt an alt

    *looks at join date* b:scorn

    *looks at post count* b:angry

    *looks at character level* b:infuriated


    ...you're an alt. b:cute

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Marche - Harshlands
    Marche - Harshlands Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    btw Konariraiden why are you here really your not on this server and if you are let me guess lvl like 20 alt char? and why private message justices char i made it so i wouldnt take credit for her post that is all bye now

    so yes its an alt on my account used for the soul reason of posting here :)
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    btw Konariraiden why are you here really your not on this server and if you are let me guess lvl like 20 alt char? and why private message justices char i made it so i wouldnt take credit for her post that is all bye now

    I'm here 'cause I'm bored.

    ...and 'cause Harshlands is fail.

    ...and us trolls seem to gravitate towards copious amounts of fail.

    ...and it's a Level ONE alt, thank you very much. b:scorn

    ...and I PM'd her for teh lulz.


    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Marche - Harshlands
    Marche - Harshlands Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm here 'cause I'm bored.

    ...and 'cause Harshlands is fail.

    ...and us trolls seem to gravitate towards copious amounts of fail.

    ...and it's a Level ONE alt, thank you very much. b:scorn

    ...and I PM'd her for teh lulz.


    well if bye fail u mean we kill each other all day isntead of running and killing mobs then yes we fail HARD CORE

    yea i wont touch that one

    yes its lvl one i made it about oh say 30min ago

    and u PMed me i made it with her name again so she can have credit for her work
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well if bye fail u mean we kill each other all day isntead of running and killing mobs then yes we fail HARD CORE

    yea i wont touch that one

    yes its lvl one i made it about oh say 30min ago

    and u PMed me i made it with her name again so she can have credit for her work

    Glad you finally accept it, PvP RAEGbear.

    That's what SHE said!

    ...again, it was six months ago. Tequila was involved, get off me. (That's what SHE said!)

    Couldn't she have just made her own account, if she really know so much of Kylin's goin's-on?

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • prnflake
    prnflake Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    well if bye fail u mean we kill each other all day isntead of running and killing mobs then yes we fail HARD CORE

    yea i wont touch that one

    yes its lvl one i made it about oh say 30min ago

    and u PMed me i made it with her name again so she can have credit for her work

    did this server change so much? i dont think so.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    we kill each other all day
    Don't lie.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ...I love how I get the support.


    ...well, maybe not directly...but I know that this PvP server is anything but.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...
  • Marche - Harshlands
    Marche - Harshlands Posts: 295 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Don't lie.

    hey man just cuz i dont want to waste my charm on your ****
  • Konariraiden - Heavens Tear
    Konariraiden - Heavens Tear Posts: 6,505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hey man just cuz i dont want to waste my charm on your ****

    You're just mad 'cause he be stylin' on you.

    Yeah, it's me. Don't read to much into it, though; I'm only here for myself now, killin' time and chillin' when need-be. So sue me. Tch...