I wanna cry.............

Posts: 6 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Venomancer
So I just recently turned level 30 in Harshland on my venomancer, doing my quest and grinding at the same time. Then out of nowhere an assassin attacked and killed me in 3 shot.I want this game to be fun for me, but I think people killing you when your just doing a quest peacefully is unfair So WTF? Why did I die like a flimsy wet paper?
Can other player attack me when i leave safety zone in a pvp server? If they can is there some way to turn off the attacking mode?

And btw, my venomancer is wearing arcane robe with a stat of:
Please tell me what to with the stat and armor to make me stronger instead of dying with 2 shot. I really dont want this to happen again, it's really no fun with people bullying you. Like I said I want this game fun that's all
Post edited by Sanin - Harshlands on


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  • Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Str/Dex are too high for a 30 AA Veno.
    On a PvP server you cant turn PK mode off after 30.
    "Chobsi the only thing your good at is making your character look good, otherwise your fail"
    "Did that 95 BM just kill himself to your Herc? Mmm..Yep"
    "Oh that thing I thought was a statue, it 1 shot me, switch to your cleric please"
    "So that Hercules guy from the disney movie really aged well.."
    ~Chobsi b:cute
  • Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    -sigh- it's a Pvp server... don't complain when you die suddenly.....

    Also, treat it more as a free return to town to sell/buy stuff.

    As for hints to help you, i'll leave that to more experienced Venos =P Goodluck
    Your stats are for Light Armor btw.... dex and str your level + 4
    4x sin - Sacronox
    3x psy- Aegento
    5x wiz- Kimbley
    3x ea - Mavado

    Raging Tides-
    3x cleric- Ishmael
  • Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Um yeah - you've got the str/dex for light-armour there. (And too much vit, which means that you can't use your best magic weapon. Though only just, so you're probably actually fine)
    Light armour will make you slightly harder to kill. Since a level 100 player can come up to you and squish you on a whim, it won't help that much, though.

    And yes - PVP is Player versus Player. On the positive side - you can go out and PK other people.

    To turn PK mode off, go join a PVE server instead.
  • Posts: 37 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Not sure about harshland but me never really experienced a pking problem....
    and when me do randomly get killed 90% of the time is because me planned it that way for a free tele.

    sounds like teh OP would fit better with a PvE server.
    hemoglobin: idk how the hell you can turn the word burrito into something sexual. perversion at its finest
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    A clone of MagicHamsta... wow. He's original but you're not.

    Me are hibernating. *poof*
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    How do I attack other ppl then?
  • Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You hold down control and then press your skills =P Or just turn off your safety's..... what's your in game name? I'll let you 'try' to kill me XD
    4x sin - Sacronox
    3x psy- Aegento
    5x wiz- Kimbley
    3x ea - Mavado

    Raging Tides-
    3x cleric- Ishmael
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Name is Ferrecies
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Regarding you stats; Since your're not using fox form that much (just an asumption since your going arcane), you don't need the dex at all. At end-game, your strength should be around 54-56ish. The rest you can pump into mag for some pretty nice dmg. Either that, or if you want to withstand some more dmg, you can put some into vit. But that is something you have to figure out for yourself. Alot of ppl will tell you to go full mag, and just shard you wep/armor. This also works, but it can get expensive early on, since you might change you armor and wep quite often. But as I said, this is up to you. Either full mag/dmg, or less mag/dmg and a little more hp.

    Keep in mind what you're gonna do in later lvls also. If you're planning on running alot of instances, and maybe tanking with your pet, you should consider mag for better pet heal. There are no right or wrong on this, you have to find something that suits your playstyle.

    But again, if you're not planning on using fox form much, and only arcane, no dex, and cap str at 54-56. That's the END-GAME req, so you don't need it yet.

    I hope that helped you some :0)
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    One more question, so I just manufactured two weapon from blacksmith:
    1st one had one socket available
    2nd did not
    Do you get socket randomly when you manufacture it?
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    One more question, so I just manufactured two weapon from blacksmith:
    1st one had one socket available
    2nd did not
    Do you get socket randomly when you manufacture it?

    I'm no expert in manufacturing, but yeah, I think it's random. I'm not sure, but I think the max you can get is 2 sockets. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this! You have to use socket stones to get additional sockets.
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    One more question, so I just manufactured two weapon from blacksmith:
    1st one had one socket available
    2nd did not
    Do you get socket randomly when you manufacture it?

    Yup, sockets and blue bonuses are random.
  • Posts: 1,321 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Venomancers become more formidable later on as opponents in pvp depending on how well geared, built and experienced the player is. With a phoenix you have little to fear, however the new classes to bring a new element to pvp.

    Based on looking a my assasin's skill tree, I think we're going to be quite a threat to venomancers.
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Venomancers become more formidable later on as opponents in pvp depending on how well geared, built and experienced the player is. With a phoenix you have little to fear, however the new classes to bring a new element to pvp.

    Based on looking a my assasin's skill tree, I think we're going to be quite a threat to venomancers.

    I think so too, especially because of, like you said, the assasin's tree. They can cancel the bleed from nix, lock down the nix, and go straight for the veno. They can even twist that around with the teleport skill, that makes them teleport straight to their target. If played right, they can be VERY dangerous to all classes I think. But, there will always be weak sides of every class. It just takes some time to figure it out, but eventually there will be some strategies to work around the problems.
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So how do you finish quest without other player (higher level than you) killing you everytime you leave the safety zone?
  • Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I think so too, especially because of, like you said, the assasin's tree. They can cancel the bleed from nix, lock down the nix, and go straight for the veno. They can even twist that around with the teleport skill, that makes them teleport straight to their target. If played right, they can be VERY dangerous to all classes I think. But, there will always be weak sides of every class. It just takes some time to figure it out, but eventually there will be some strategies to work around the problems.

    cant they just use some status effects to dash to the veno n sleap him while silencing nix with a bleed on the nix,... or wont the bleed kill the nix while he s silenced??? (i thought there was silencing for 11seconds on some skill when maxed for asassins),... so silence the nix-put bleed on it-ninjamove towards the veno n sleap the veno (in case he tries to heal the nix, pwn him by sleaping him n pwning his ****,...)
    (nix locked in place while veno sleaping,... dunno but that seems like the worst case possible???)
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    So how do you finish quest without other player (higher level than you) killing you everytime you leave the safety zone?

    Well, you get a bodyguard! Hehe, sorry, that was the first thing running thru my mind.

    I really don't have an answer to that. I'm on PVE server, so I don't have that problem. If it is one person killing you over and over again, and that's preventing you from finishing your quest, then you can take screenshots and submit a ticket. That's a bannable action. If it's just some random ppl running past you and killing you as they run, there's not much you can do. Only thing to really make sure that no one kills you during quests, is to join a PVE server. Sorry, but can't think of any other solutions.
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Is there any way at all to switch some ofo your character to a different server?
    Do you really have to make a new one?
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    rinuruc wrote: »
    cant they just use some status effects to dash to the veno n sleap him while silencing nix with a bleed on the nix,... or wont the bleed kill the nix while he s silenced??? (i thought there was silencing for 11seconds on some skill when maxed for asassins),... so silence the nix-put bleed on it-ninjamove towards the veno n sleap the veno (in case he tries to heal the nix, pwn him by sleaping him n pwning his ****,...)
    (nix locked in place while veno sleaping,... dunno but that seems like the worst case possible???)

    Well, i doubt we(sin's) will do enough dmg thru bleed to kill the nix. Yes, sin's can silence him for upto 11 secs, and then move on to the veno. But they better finish off the veno before the silence wear off. The problem here, is to have time to do it all. If the sin doesn't have enough hp, he will be in trouble. The nix opens with ream, sin bleeds, sin must force stealth to cancel bleed, nix still picking on him, sin must silence the nix and thereby canceling the stealth, and by that time, the veno can probably one-shot the sin.

    This is just pure speculation, as I have never tried any of this. I could've missed out on something here, but this is how I imagine it go down. The sin could of course start with silencing the nix, but the bleed would then probably go to far... So this has to be tested properly. It's hard to determine an outcome before someone actually do it.

    Is there any way at all to switch some ofo your character to a different server?
    Do you really have to make a new one?

    As far as I know, you have to make a new one.
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    storehammy wrote: »
    Not sure about harshland but me never really experienced a pking problem....
    and when me do randomly get killed 90% of the time is because me planned it that way for a free tele.

    sounds like teh OP would fit better with a PvE server.

    Welcome back.

    To the OP: dont worry it gets better pretty fast, once you get to 4x. However with the expansion, like everyone rerolled so there is more low level pking goin on right now.
  • Posts: 1,430 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'm no expert in manufacturing, but yeah, I think it's random. I'm not sure, but I think the max you can get is 2 sockets. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong on this! You have to use socket stones to get additional sockets.

    Sockets are random, it's possible to get 4 (2 on weapons) when you're lucky.
  • Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Sockets are random, it's possible to get 4 (2 on weapons) when you're lucky.

    Ok, thanks. Now I know :0)
    *-*-*When I wears my flashing sword and my hand takes hold on judgment. I will take vengeance upon mine enemies and I will repay those who hate me. Oh lord, raise me to thy right hand and count me among thy saints.*-*-*
  • Posts: 106 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    One more question, so I just manufactured two weapon from blacksmith:
    1st one had one socket available
    2nd did not
    Do you get socket randomly when you manufacture it?



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