Kylin.. Zombie Guild

Tannedhotie - Harshlands
Tannedhotie - Harshlands Posts: 13 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Dawnglory (EU)
Heres the lastest, and what i consider, distubing news regarding Kylin. It's seems their leader Xulin threw a complete drama queen hissy fit, cause Kylin is only the second strongest guild on the server. In meeting, members asked him to try to define what he saw the major problems as being and how to fix. His response was maining negative jibberish and that no one cares about the guild. Xulin appeared to be completely cracking up from the pressure. All that negativity, thats really no way for a leader to act.

I like to add, I do understand and feel for Xulin. It must be a pain to be a leader to begin with. And lately with some leaving to be in Zulu guild. He could be feeling, what's the point. **** it.

Ok, back to the meeting. It's seems the solution to the guild problems is to stop paying salary. Anyone who quits will be branded as disloyal turncoat and/or useless scrub. This is kind of like giving a dog a good hard kick everyday and not feeding it for periods of time. Then leave the door open. If the dog one day leaves, then say, well that dog was disloyal and not worth having anyway.

On top of not paying salary they are not even going to tell their members that its going to happen. Members who show up for TW will just not get any payment in ther mailbox come salary time. Guess if they dare question why not get paid, they be accussed of disloyalty. Is this downright crazy or is it just me? Now Xulin is being a sneaky creep, breaking a known verbal agreement with months of prior precedent. If i got the facts bakcwards, please tell me where im wrong.

Like i claimed earlier. i felt for Xulin and the pressure he may be under. But as humans we tend to try to look at all the angles to try to best judge people and situations. Maybe I'm just being parinoid and/or way to sinister but i have come to this possible conclusion.

What if Xulin and the Kylin leadership see the end is coming? They have solidly lost the last several TW with Kingdom. At this rate they will be lossing one or 2 territorries every week. Not to memtion the more they loose territory, the less members are jazzed up to be in the TW. They call it a tipping point or casscading affect. What if Xulin and the leadership have decided to accumulate as much money as they can while they can, by not paying the, what i will call useful idiots, the fight in TW. Claim all who dont fight unloyal while Kylin leaders rake in and keep all the dough. The players who show up will be enough to fend off the noob guilds, so they can keep the money spiggot open as long as possible. Pretty neat trick, huh?

In conclusion, i say at this point, Kylin is a dead guild walking. With the utterly negative leader, Xulin, throwing hissy fits and making bizarre decisions like this, how can it survive. To tell the truth i never could figure out why Xulin was leader. Tekkblade and other marshalls seemed to be the glue holding Kylin together. Tekks not around and i see others who actually cared being shown the door.

It's a shame, in my opinion Kylin was the best guild around. Now i see it crumbling before my eyes. This post may have even be quicken Kylin demise but i feel all have a right to know they might not get paid to TW.

My advise to all Kylin members is to skip this weeks TW. My advise to all other guilds is to get your bid in and try to get a scrap of flesh from this Kylin corpse.
Post edited by Tannedhotie - Harshlands on


  • Pea - Harshlands
    Pea - Harshlands Posts: 15 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bro, i think im the only one to leave kylin to zulu xD

  • PartyAnimal - Harshlands
    PartyAnimal - Harshlands Posts: 693 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Heres the lastest, and what i consider, distubing news regarding Kylin. It's seems their leader Xulin threw a complete drama queen hissy fit, cause Kylin is only the second strongest guild on the server. In meeting, members asked him to try to define what he saw the major problems as being and how to fix. His response was maining negative jibberish and that no one cares about the guild. Xulin appeared to be completely cracking up from the pressure. All that negativity, thats really no way for a leader to act.

    I like to add, I do understand and feel for Xulin. It must be a pain to be a leader to begin with. And lately with some leaving to be in Zulu guild. He could be feeling, what's the point. **** it.

    Ok, back to the meeting. It's seems the solution to the guild problems is to stop paying salary. Anyone who quits will be branded as disloyal turncoat and/or useless scrub. This is kind of like giving a dog a good hard kick everyday and not feeding it for periods of time. Then leave the door open. If the dog one day leaves, then say, well that dog was disloyal and not worth having anyway.

    On top of not paying salary they are not even going to tell their members that its going to happen. Members who show up for TW will just not get any payment in ther mailbox come salary time. Guess if they dare question why not get paid, they be accussed of disloyalty. Is this downright crazy or is it just me? Now Xulin is being a sneaky creep, breaking a known verbal agreement with months of prior precedent. If i got the facts bakcwards, please tell me where im wrong.

    Like i claimed earlier. i felt for Xulin and the pressure he may be under. But as humans we tend to try to look at all the angles to try to best judge people and situations. Maybe I'm just being parinoid and/or way to sinister but i have come to this possible conclusion.

    What if Xulin and the Kylin leadership see the end is coming? They have solidly lost the last several TW with Kingdom. At this rate they will be lossing one or 2 territorries every week. Not to memtion the more they loose territory, the less members are jazzed up to be in the TW. They call it a tipping point or casscading affect. What if Xulin and the leadership have decided to accumulate as much money as they can while they can, by not paying the, what i will call useful idiots, the fight in TW. Claim all who dont fight unloyal while Kylin leaders rake in and keep all the dough. The players who show up will be enough to fend off the noob guilds, so they can keep the money spiggot open as long as possible. Pretty neat trick, huh?

    In conclusion, i say at this point, Kylin is a dead guild walking. With the utterly negative leader, Xulin, throwing hissy fits and making bizarre decisions like this, how can it survive. To tell the truth i never could figure out why Xulin was leader. Tekkblade and other marshalls seemed to be the glue holding Kylin together. Tekks not around and i see others who actually cared being shown the door.

    It's a shame, in my opinion Kylin was the best guild around. Now i see it crumbling before my eyes. This post may have even be quicken Kylin demise but i feel all have a right to know they might not get paid to TW.

    My advise to all Kylin members is to skip this weeks TW. My advise to all other guilds is to get your bid in and try to get a scrap of flesh from this Kylin corpse.
  • Satuki - Harshlands
    Satuki - Harshlands Posts: 159 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    WUT WUT WUTb:shockedb:shockedb:shocked

    NO WAYIES like O-M-G
  • Nyxya - Harshlands
    Nyxya - Harshlands Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xulin really not impressive as leader anyway since i seen him her go endless times 4 vs 10 kd.. just to die over and over.. that's not a leader thing...
    and sure stop pay money for tw would help improve some eq for loyal members with good results in tw... on oracle i never got salary for tw...once cause our guild had no land :D...and second because when we were strong enough to get 10 lands i refused salary.. loyal members and cash user can refuse pay for the greater good ofc..but aside of that most of kylin have no clue about pvp ... i killed so many so easy easy...
  • SneakyStalk - Harshlands
    SneakyStalk - Harshlands Posts: 440 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    xulin really not impressive as leader anyway since i seen him her go endless times 4 vs 10 kd.. just to die over and over.. that's not a leader thing...
    and sure stop pay money for tw would help improve some eq for loyal members with good results in tw... on oracle i never got salary for tw...once cause our guild had no land :D...and second because when we were strong enough to get 10 lands i refused salary.. loyal members and cash user can refuse pay for the greater good ofc..but aside of that most of kylin have no clue about pvp ... i killed so many so easy easy...

    Well... Shouldn't you know TW is not like the movies?
    It's not like XuLin is gonna go CHAAARGE like Acchilles or like MelGibson in Braveheart and go ontouched beating the **** outta every1. It seems thats the "leader way" that you refer to. b:bye
  • HiT_MaN - Harshlands
    HiT_MaN - Harshlands Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Atleast write ur name under ur post Kismet b:bye

    First, don't air your dirty laundry in public (maybe too late for that), if is really Kismet maybe she wants to avoid some drama between officers or idk. I know she is no longer in Kylin but did more for the guild than most of the "OP members". But is a cool story, some is true and as a really cool story is missin a key part.
  • Ligeia - Harshlands
    Ligeia - Harshlands Posts: 1,144 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I agree, it sounds like a key point is missing there.

    Still, really all Kylin needs is to learn how to better manage and split their forces (the ones that show up) and they'd still be running close with Kingdom like they were for the first wars. If Kylin is a sinking ship, it'd be pretty disappointing for them to end in crystal sprints.
    Sig by Bakura~
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The point of bringing anything like that to pwi forums is pointless.

    Dont even try to blame Xulin for all that happened thou. He is a good guy and u know it, i cant really tell anything else since i wasnt on much these days.

    Edit: for the little guilds. PLEASE do it. I know a few guys who would love to solo guilds now and than.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • catougar
    catougar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This person has their facts skewed about this 'meeting'. But of course all of HL will believe everything they read on forums, as usual. So sad.

    So Go ahead and keep letting KD pay off small guilds to gank KY in TW. Let KD take over the entire map and say buh bye to HL the server because it will surely die then. KD are greedy and will never let what happened on LC happen here, even though it would be best for the server.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    catougar wrote: »
    So Go ahead and keep letting KD pay off small guilds to gank KY in TW. Let KD take over the entire map and say buh bye to HL the server because it will surely die then. KD are greedy and will never let what happened on LC happen here, even though it would be best for the server.

    LMFAO.......I see the QQing has begun.

    In KD we like to bribe guilds with 12mil max refunds to attack kylin, cause we know kylin will send 60 members to it like always. Those 7x's are a real pain in Kylin's ****.

    I have a plan that would make Kylin stop losing......ready?

    TRY TO FACKING WIN, your whole plan is set up not to lose. You turtle in attack wars when things arent going well, you have HUGE defenses for small KD attack forces, and you send way to many people to non factor guild TWs. Seriously, what is the point in attempting to make your attack war last 3 hours? you still lose if you dont kill the enemy crystal.
  • Kismet - Harshlands
    Kismet - Harshlands Posts: 70 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Atleast write ur name under ur post Kismet b:bye

    Wow Froan... you seriously think I would post something as ridiculous as this? And here I thought you *knew me*. b:sad

    Kylin is a good faction, regardless of what the haters want to say about it. I would never say anything bad against Kylin, and to think that I would just shows me that you never really knew me at all.
  • Krymsen - Harshlands
    Krymsen - Harshlands Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    tannedhotie, I suggest posting under your main account, which I suspect to be IN Kylin cause you know a lot of info...

    If you're ashamed or afraid of repercussions from something you post and feel you need to hide, then dont do it... but I know you were/are in Kylin cause I remember someone saying they had this as an account
  • Krymsen - Harshlands
    Krymsen - Harshlands Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Atleast write ur name under ur post Kismet b:bye

    Froan, I know ALL of Kismet's account and it's not her...
    IT IS someone in Kylin though... I can't remember who...

    OH and before you point your finger at someone, be sure of what you're talking about.
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I took a screenshot of KY's defense, during their attack TW. Because it looked so ridiculous seeing over 40 of them waiting for our 12 person attack squad. But it didn't turn out that well since there was no way to see who was KY and who was KD. I'll try to get a better one next week, assuming they show up.

    There should be some fun TWs this week with 3 available lands to possibly change owners. Too bad I won't get to be a part of any of them :/

    Oh and I wouldn't be so sure the OP is on KY. Everyone thinks they know everything about everything. Just look at how much LordPangu "Knows" about every single aspect of KD and KY.
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    LMFAO.......I see the QQing has begun.

    In KD we like to bribe guilds with 12mil max refunds to attack kylin, cause we know kylin will send 60 members to it like always. Those 7x's are a real pain in Kylin's ****.

    I have a plan that would make Kylin stop losing......ready?

    TRY TO FACKING WIN, your whole plan is set up not to lose. You turtle in attack wars when things arent going well, you have HUGE defenses for small KD attack forces, and you send way to many people to non factor guild TWs. Seriously, what is the point in attempting to make your attack war last 3 hours? you still lose if you dont kill the enemy crystal.

    U dont even know half of the story and u act like superior to anyone in knowledge.

    Not any of these show a good warrior/ good guy, however u like it.

    In TW both factions had its peaks, and yes KY had more looses than wins by far. We admit that, and i personally expect anyone to be mature enough to ignore QQ and trashtalk, in any way.

    We know the theory, the last person we need to get advices from may be u. Appereantly it isnt working, we have a whole bunch of people not agrreeing with - i dont even know what.

    But that u are nowhere near the solution is sure as hell : ))
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • Taboo - Harshlands
    Taboo - Harshlands Posts: 1,420 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    We know the theory, the last person we need to get advices from may be u.

    And this is why kylin is bound to trying to make TW interesting and you have your thumb up your **** sticking with the same old same old....its been like 2 months of the exact same losing strat from kylin, when are you going to adjust.

    Last person you need advice from? LOL, alright then, go back to the 4x who has been counsiling your TW plans for you, hes doign a crack up job.
  • Limit - Harshlands
    Limit - Harshlands Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i know who you are, ijs. i'll be sure to msg you about this later today.

    anyway, salary =/= loyalty. if you're in Kylin just for the salary, i kindly ask you to gtfo :)
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    And this is why kylin is bound to trying to make TW interesting and you have your thumb up your **** sticking with the same old same old....its been like 2 months of the exact same losing strat from kylin, when are you going to adjust.

    Last person you need advice from? LOL, alright then, go back to the 4x who has been counsiling your TW plans for you, hes doign a crack up job.

    As i sad we know the theory, the problem is soemthing else. U may understand these two sentences from my br english?

    If i were u, i would hire someone to murder my ego.
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • LordPangu - Harshlands
    LordPangu - Harshlands Posts: 413 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oh and I wouldn't be so sure the OP is on KY. Everyone thinks they know everything about everything. Just look at how much LordPangu "Knows" about every single aspect of KD and KY.

    Ok .... i know what I know about KY vs KD cause i got some friends in there and my brother is in there too, so sometimes I watch the wars. Dont really c why u had to bring my name in ur post, maybe ive shown u be4 how less ur knowledge about the TWs uve been in is? b:chuckle Oh and suck my .... and gtfo.b:shutup
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Tryagain - Harshlands
    Tryagain - Harshlands Posts: 716 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'll give you my suggestions too, because the only reason these TWs have been interesting lately is because we have been really low on barbs and clerics, and we have to make last minute adjustments 10 min before TW starts because people start to log on.

    #1 I don't know if it's a lack of planning, a lack of intelligence, or a lack of solid leadership, but KY cannot handle splits, of any kind. If 3 guilds attack at the same time, you can't figure out how to split the guild to defend all 3 successfully. On an individual TW level, if we split our attack onto two lanes...KY only defends one, and when that side is clear, they move onto the other. In this time towers are being knocked down unguarded. This has been happening for the past month, KY has never learned.

    #2 You have way too many people on defense during attack wars. How do you plan on taking out anything if you have 40 people attacking while we have 68 defending?

    #3 Your clerics need to heal and not attack

    #4 Your whole guild needs to have charms

    #5 Focus firing is not a problem at all...except on the tanks. I get gangraped by 10+ at a time, yet with 5 people with +10 lunar weapons attacking the tanks, when all their clerics are dead, they seem to live for 30+ seconds. What is the deal? Use the same focus firing capabilities you use to slaughter the clerics to take down the barbs.

    #6 Figure out who is pulling catapults. Half the time Chronex can just stand there untouched for 2 full minutes, is it hate targeting? I don't know.

    #7 Tell MD and Xulin to play with the team instead of trying to solo the whole guild. I can't tell you how many times I see them at our towers, by themselves.

    #8 Targeting. Why are mages main targets clerics? I get hit by mages more than any other class. Why are BMs the ones that get focus fired first. Here is the order you kill stuff: BMs, clerics, venos, barbs. I imagine the proper order should be clerics -> Barbs, let the towers do the rest.

    Take or leave what you will, but it would be nice to keep up these wars, even if they're preventing me from boosting my gear because I have to spend all my coins on charms. It's the only fun thing there is to do in this game.
  • Pot_Head - Harshlands
    Pot_Head - Harshlands Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This thread is really sad.b:sad
  • Paigrande - Harshlands
    Paigrande - Harshlands Posts: 777 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Heres the lastest, and what i consider, distubing news regarding Kylin. It's seems their leader Xulin threw a complete drama queen hissy fit, cause Kylin is only the second strongest guild on the server. In meeting, members asked him to try to define what he saw the major problems as being and how to fix. His response was maining negative jibberish and that no one cares about the guild. Xulin appeared to be completely cracking up from the pressure. All that negativity, thats really no way for a leader to act.

    I like to add, I do understand and feel for Xulin. It must be a pain to be a leader to begin with. And lately with some leaving to be in Zulu guild. He could be feeling, what's the point. **** it.

    Ok, back to the meeting. It's seems the solution to the guild problems is to stop paying salary. Anyone who quits will be branded as disloyal turncoat and/or useless scrub. This is kind of like giving a dog a good hard kick everyday and not feeding it for periods of time. Then leave the door open. If the dog one day leaves, then say, well that dog was disloyal and not worth having anyway.

    On top of not paying salary they are not even going to tell their members that its going to happen. Members who show up for TW will just not get any payment in ther mailbox come salary time. Guess if they dare question why not get paid, they be accussed of disloyalty. Is this downright crazy or is it just me? Now Xulin is being a sneaky creep, breaking a known verbal agreement with months of prior precedent. If i got the facts bakcwards, please tell me where im wrong.

    Like i claimed earlier. i felt for Xulin and the pressure he may be under. But as humans we tend to try to look at all the angles to try to best judge people and situations. Maybe I'm just being parinoid and/or way to sinister but i have come to this possible conclusion.

    What if Xulin and the Kylin leadership see the end is coming? They have solidly lost the last several TW with Kingdom. At this rate they will be lossing one or 2 territorries every week. Not to memtion the more they loose territory, the less members are jazzed up to be in the TW. They call it a tipping point or casscading affect. What if Xulin and the leadership have decided to accumulate as much money as they can while they can, by not paying the, what i will call useful idiots, the fight in TW. Claim all who dont fight unloyal while Kylin leaders rake in and keep all the dough. The players who show up will be enough to fend off the noob guilds, so they can keep the money spiggot open as long as possible. Pretty neat trick, huh?

    In conclusion, i say at this point, Kylin is a dead guild walking. With the utterly negative leader, Xulin, throwing hissy fits and making bizarre decisions like this, how can it survive. To tell the truth i never could figure out why Xulin was leader. Tekkblade and other marshalls seemed to be the glue holding Kylin together. Tekks not around and i see others who actually cared being shown the door.

    It's a shame, in my opinion Kylin was the best guild around. Now i see it crumbling before my eyes. This post may have even be quicken Kylin demise but i feel all have a right to know they might not get paid to TW.

    My advise to all Kylin members is to skip this weeks TW. My advise to all other guilds is to get your bid in and try to get a scrap of flesh from this Kylin corpse.

    I can understand your frustation, but making threads like this wont do any good to the guild eitherb:bye
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • LordPangu - Harshlands
    LordPangu - Harshlands Posts: 413 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I'll give you my suggestions too, because the only reason these TWs have been interesting lately is because we have been really low on barbs and clerics, and we have to make last minute adjustments 10 min before TW starts because people start to log on.

    #1 I don't know if it's a lack of planning, a lack of intelligence, or a lack of solid leadership, but KY cannot handle splits, of any kind. If 3 guilds attack at the same time, you can't figure out how to split the guild to defend all 3 successfully. On an individual TW level, if we split our attack onto two lanes...KY only defends one, and when that side is clear, they move onto the other. In this time towers are being knocked down unguarded. This has been happening for the past month, KY has never learned.

    #2 You have way too many people on defense during attack wars. How do you plan on taking out anything if you have 40 people attacking while we have 68 defending?

    #3 Your clerics need to heal and not attack

    #4 Your whole guild needs to have charms

    #5 Focus firing is not a problem at all...except on the tanks. I get gangraped by 10+ at a time, yet with 5 people with +10 lunar weapons attacking the tanks, when all their clerics are dead, they seem to live for 30+ seconds. What is the deal? Use the same focus firing capabilities you use to slaughter the clerics to take down the barbs.

    #6 Figure out who is pulling catapults. Half the time Chronex can just stand there untouched for 2 full minutes, is it hate targeting? I don't know.

    #7 Tell MD and Xulin to play with the team instead of trying to solo the whole guild. I can't tell you how many times I see them at our towers, by themselves.

    #8 Targeting. Why are mages main targets clerics? I get hit by mages more than any other class. Why are BMs the ones that get focus fired first. Here is the order you kill stuff: BMs, clerics, venos, barbs. I imagine the proper order should be clerics -> Barbs, let the towers do the rest.

    Take or leave what you will, but it would be nice to keep up these wars, even if they're preventing me from boosting my gear because I have to spend all my coins on charms. It's the only fun thing there is to do in this game.

    1 - fair enough
    2 - agree
    3 - not all clerics but ive seen some clerics worried about surviving than healing. so fair enough
    4 - dont have enough information to reply to that
    5 - dont have enough information about KY defence
    6 - ^
    7 - ^^
    8 - ^^^

    From what ive seen KY has a good atk team but they just dont have enough support to take out KD defence. About KY defence what I can say is if KD with 12 ppl can take KY down, KY with less ppl in defence wouldnt be able to take those 12 KD fast enough (maybe KY lacks good players or maybe KD 12 atk team is OP one of those)
    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (")_(") signature to help him gain world domination.
  • Dark_Fate - Harshlands
    Dark_Fate - Harshlands Posts: 968 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Atleast write ur name under ur post Kismet

    I swear if u were not in the same faction u would be on my personal kos right now.. u are a **** biitch.. seriously.. seriously..
    just to tell u.. u are the worst "friend" ever.
    and the most rettarded officer i saw.. i dont **** care if u are a marshal now
    u guys are making the faction i have been in since lvl11 down.. so gtfo
  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you wish to make a civil thread regarding a guild or issue, please have the confidence to post from a main account. Low level alts should not be used to air dirty laundry, and the last time I checked making accusations toward a specific player is not permitted on the forum.
This discussion has been closed.