Oh Family Fun

Posts: 114 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Off-Topic Discussion
Well, considering I just wrote an essay for a certain thread that just got closed, I thought I might recreate a thread with a different topic but where I can express my thoughts on a similar subject...

Okay, so I know there are tons of families out there who play MMORPGs like Perfect World as a family. My question is, to what extent does playing as a family serve?

Think here for a second, imagine coming home from school with a horrible report card... bummer. Give it to mom and she scolds you and sends you off to your room. Later that night you log into Perfect World to see your mom hovering over you RPKing you over and over. Okay, perhaps that's a little extreme but you get the gist.

If I was a parent I'd be scared crapless by the conduct of all the kids here over at Perfect World. As we all know, most of the people Online here arn't the most well behaved people on Earth. What things could your children be learning based off the things they hear others say?

I'm a 17 year old male yet I really don't want to be included in this jargon some adults of this game spit at me and my peers. I AM NOT a sex starved 17 year old looking for a life Online. I DO NOT constantly flame anyone who comes my way just because I can. I DO contribute to discussion by giving an opinion that's educated and unoffensive. And finally I DO respect those who respect me. For all those who are 30+ years old, don't go thinking there's not some teenagers in the world who have a brain they can think with.

To be honest, this thread is a little off the wall, I think I covered way too many subjects here haha. Anyways, any thoughts on our youth and the parents/adults that govern them?
Post edited by Noob - Heavens Tear on


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  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    As we all know, most of the people Online here arn't the most well behaved people on Earth. What things could your children be learning based off the things they hear others say?

    you don't have a right to say that!b:bye
  • Posts: 52 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this looks like it belongs in off topic b:victory
  • Posts: 347 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    .....................whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?????????? b:puzzled
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well, considering I just wrote an essay for a certain thread that just got closed, I thought I might recreate a thread with a different topic but where I can express my thoughts on a similar subject...

    Okay, so I know there are tons of families out there who play MMORPGs like Perfect World as a family. My question is, to what extent does playing as a family serve?

    Think here for a second, imagine coming home from school with a horrible report card... bummer. Give it to mom and she scolds you and sends you off to your room. Later that night you log into Perfect World to see your mom hovering over you RPKing you over and over. Okay, perhaps that's a little extreme but you get the gist.

    If I was a parent I'd be scared crapless by the conduct of all the kids here over at Perfect World. As we all know, most of the people Online here arn't the most well behaved people on Earth. What things could your children be learning based off the things they hear others say?

    I'm a 17 year old male yet I really don't want to be included in this jargon some adults of this game spit at me and my peers. I AM NOT a sex starved 17 year old looking for a life Online. I DO NOT constantly flame anyone who comes my way just because I can. I DO contribute to discussion by giving an opinion that's educated and unoffensive. And finally I DO respect those who respect me. For all those who are 30+ years old, don't go thinking there's not some teenagers in the world who have a brain they can think with.

    To be honest, this thread is a little off the wall, I think I covered way too many subjects here haha. Anyways, any thoughts on our youth and the parents/adults that govern them?

    It's nice to see a Teen with a brain and who uses it. Your a rare commodity my friend. That makes you a valuable commodity in life. Keep using your brain and you will go far in life.

    As to that other thread that hawk closed... I had a massive diatribe in the works. It probably would have gotten me banned lol.

    I post with these characters only: Saitada, Lucifruge, Shoshoni, Saishoni and DorkFish. All others are acolytes of the Holy Order of Saitada and the worship of the truth that is me.

  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    My little brother is playing Shaiya every day at the age of eight. He swears like his father does - because he learns and watches from his father. His behaviour is disgusting as that of his father's, and at eight years old he does know better.

    And yet despite this, and despite how I despise the fact he even plays that game so often at such an age, he has an incredible amount of fun playing that game with his dad. I have suggested to him time and again to perhaps do something else with his dad, but alas it is to no avail.

    Playing a MMORPG with your family is like playing it with your friends. Despite the fact there are many up-tight people who would like us to believe the internet is nothing but **** and vulgarity, it has a huge social aspect there - and playing MMORPGs with family and friends is making use of that particular social aspect.

    Also, why don't you consider the people - like me - who's family is split up? I'm in England, and my own father all the way over in Texas. Playing a MMORPG with him, if he ever signed on anymore, was the only way I could spend time with him and do something fun.

    Also, children are growing up in a world that is becoming more and more technological as we speak. The current generation learns the values of technology, not necessarily the values of face-to-face socialisation. This in itself is a shame, but we must always remember that there is a face behind the monitor, and it's still some form of socialisation. Yeah, it may suck depending on how you view it, but times change.
  • Posts: 2,048 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    she has every right. it is a problem that faces all parents who really care about their children. parents have to monitor whatever is potentially harmful to their children until they are adults.

    you don't have a right to say that!b:bye
    (and hugs to Flauschkatze for the sig!)
    "Thanks for writing me-- it's always great to hear from a vet.

    Playing here since '08b:heart
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    she has every right. it is a problem that faces all parents who really care about their children. parents have to monitor whatever is potentially harmful to their children until they are adults.
    Not really, those kinda parent are the ones who's kids end up eating someone
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This is probably gonna be flamed/closed any minute by countless people anyways, but I'm always open to any mature discussions and the like, so why not?

    My parents are pretty protective of me as much as any other parents do, and are pretty concerned with the way people present themselves in the real world. In my opinion, I think that parents may be a little bit 'too' protective sometimes, although I do understand why they are the way they are. I'm 17 years old too, and my parents are still babying me over the offensive things that happen over games like this.

    Now, I respect my parents opinion on what they think is right and wrong, and I find a good compromise on what to do. I think that it's up to the parents here to really find some kind of middle ground between them and their kids, and it's up to the kids to let their parents know that they understand how society works and that they don't have to be constantly protected from whatever it is that makes their parents so concerned.

    That's just my two cents. b:victory
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    she has every right. it is a problem that faces all parents who really care about their children. parents have to monitor whatever is potentially harmful to their children until they are adults.

    Then I suggest you lock your doors. Turn off your TV and throw it out the window. Destroy all your books. Toss out your radios. Unplug and destroy your computer(s). Board up your windows and doors, and don't let your children go to any school if you want to protect them from the world 'until they are adults'.

    You'll succeed in creating fearful adults that are unable to adjust to society just like their fearful parents.

    Personally, I hope you DO quit playing PWI. Your archaic morality isn't wanted or needed here, and I for one sure as hell don't like some prude trying to push their terrified view of sexuality on me.

    I post with these characters only: Saitada, Lucifruge, Shoshoni, Saishoni and DorkFish. All others are acolytes of the Holy Order of Saitada and the worship of the truth that is me.

  • Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Not really, those kinda parent are the ones who's kids end up eating someone

    Look, before you contribute into the discussion please be serious. I really don't want this to become a flame fest for anyone who take your comments too far...

    I think you're thinking about Jeffrey Dahmer, in which case his parents were rather irresponsible with him.
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Look, before you contribute into the discussion please be serious. I really don't want this to become a flame fest for anyone who take your comments too far...

    I think you're thinking about Jeffrey Dahmer, in which case his parents were rather irresponsible with him.
    Speaking from someone who's name is noob lol BTW I'm 16 aight I don't take shet serious becaz I don't gotta!
    This thread is stupid
  • Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Speaking from someone who's name is noob lol BTW I'm 16 aight I don't take shet serious becaz I don't gotta!
    This thread is stupid

    According to you, names represent who you are. I am now Perfect-- in every way. Know what that means? I can judge your opinions as wrong and idiotic. Get flipped.
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    According to you, names represent who you are. I am now Perfect-- in every way. Know what that means? I can judge your opinions as wrong and idiotic. Get flipped.

    You wanna go by names thats aight I'll be happy to play this game with you.
    A perfect fail!
    A perfect loser!
    A perfect moron

    I got more son you wanna keep goin?
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Sorry, granted, I still have my up-ins going from the other moronothon thread, but seriously? Its christmas time and there are people sleeping on the streets tonight and you're pontificating about the "immorality" of an online game???
    Get a clue, go outside once and awhile and get some friggin perspective.
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    my first mmo, some other game, i brought a few friends, a 40+ year old mother and her then 14 year old son. after a few months of playing that game, his personality went completely down the tubes. he was verbally abusive, arrogant, stubborn. he was basically acting as if he were his character IRL (his mom cash shopped about 5k to get him uber gears).

    i dont think little kids should play these kinda games. they should go out and play in the mud lol.

    and i dont think anybody under 18 should play, bcuz of all the ppl under 18 i have met on here.. they're worthless to the pw community. theyre the kind of weirdos who.. pm you randomly with nonsensical randomness and they just **** me off.

    what do people learn? nothing good. there is absolutely nothing you can learn on an MMO that can benefit you irl.

    what ive noticed: unless the person actively tries to maintain proper spelling, grammar, etc, they lose the capability to write comprehensively. enough kids in america are in 9th grade with a 5th grade reading and writing level. games like this certainly dont help in that department.

    also communication with other people. anybody old enough to remember when cell phones came out and were popular can attest to the toll it's taken on general converstaional skills. people dont talk anymore, they text. and me.. i get nervous when i need to speak to an actual person over the phone. thats cuz i spend too much time on games like this b:surrender
  • Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    My husband's entire family plays PWI, and I've been in a guild before where two or more members of the same family have played, including my little brother and myself. Where you won't find maturity everywhere, there are some people in PWI that respect family values and understand that there are teens and children that play this game. Thus, the guild acted according to such.

    The teens and kids that played this game contributed many things that showed that they were indeed not "flaming noobs". When we TWed, they lead squads, contributed ideas on plans of action. When we PvE in dungeons, they gave their own points on how to defeat this and that boss. Heck, we even had conversations about our daily lives. The children in that guild were bright young adults and aspiring youth that had proved that not every child/teen on the internet is a ******.

    It is true that parents should have to watch out for the things that their children participate in. Yet, I don't see what is wrong for parents to play PWI with their children. It gives them something to bond in, a family activity to do on the weekend or so. You can't shelter your children from the ways of the world forever, so if you give them your attention on the activities that they like, I feel like that's better than trying to shun it.

    It doesn't mean go out and party with your daughter~! Or shoot **** with your son. You people are smart =O!
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    she has every right. it is a problem that faces all parents who really care about their children. parents have to monitor whatever is potentially harmful to their children until they are adults.

    You have every right to learn to read the first post.

    "She" is actually a "he".

    That said, no matter how caring a parent you are, eventually your child is going to do something bad that disappoints you. Sadly, this is how we typically learn. I agree with parents looking out for children, but wrapping them up in cotton wool and bubble wrap does not protect them from the world. It just makes **** harder for them when they grow up.

    I appreciate you're a caring mother, but from the sounds of it, you're just that bit too caring. Everybody needs to grow up one day, and based on what you have posted and what you say, all it sounds like is that you want to hinder this. Of course I may be completely wrong, but I am speaking from my own experiences of my mother, and my step-mother, who both have completely different parenting. I know which parenting style worked better for me, and it wasn't the "OMG a potential sexual theme! CLOSE YOUR EYES YOUNG LADY." kind.
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    you're just that bit too caring.

    She is to far up her kids asses is my way of saying it.
  • Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This thread just be inviting flames.....

    dang...human teachings be so....so.....bad....
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    She is to far up her kids asses is my way of saying it.

    You're more than 16, right?

    Even when I was 16, I wasn't like this. Christ, no wonder parents are "so far up their kids' asses" like you claim her to be. =|

    There will always be trouble for your children to fall into. There will always be that typical mistake that everyone learns to make or break them as a person in human society. Things like that are unavoidable. But, I believe not every child is bound to be immature about things. Especially when it comes to things like PWI.

    As for the topic, I believe that all it really takes is balance. No parent has ever gotten it 100% right when it comes to raising children, and media exposure is just something that comes into play. Be it TV, books, games like PWI, the internet in general, etc.

    Get more involved into your child's life, but don't shelter them from the ways of the world. How you do it, I pray you can find a good enough balance that keeps your family stable. I agree with MagicHamsta, this thread is begging for trolls and flames :c
  • Posts: 701 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You're more than 16, right?
    I'm 16 and your point is?
  • Posts: 700 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    According to you, names represent who you are. I am now Perfect-- in every way. Know what that means? I can judge your opinions as wrong and idiotic. Get flipped.

    image removed - Hawk
    working it Q_Q
  • Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the difference between a child who grows up to be bad and one who grows up to be happy and successful is LOVE and FREEDOM to make choices and mistakes.

    take a look at the childhoods of some of the most famous sereal killers.. they all had overbearing, ultra-christey mothers who forbade them from living a normal life and going through the necessary (sometimes painful and embarassing) stages of childhood (things like not letting them go to the prom). so they grow up, having never gotten laid, then when mom dies, they mutilate her body, make her bedroom a shrine, and kidnap, ****, torture and mutilate women (sometimes men).

    EDIT: removed. i dont wanna get in trouble. funny tho.
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the difference between a child who grows up to be bad and one who grows up to be happy and successful is LOVE and FREEDOM to make choices and mistakes.

    take a look at the childhoods of some of the most famous sereal killers.. they all had overbearing, ultra-christey mothers who forbade them from living a normal life and going through the necessary (sometimes painful and embarassing) stages of childhood (things like not letting them go to the prom). so they grow up, having never gotten laid, then when mom dies, they mutilate her body, make her bedroom a shrine, and kidnap, ****, torture and mutilate women (sometimes men).

    or they just go postal and shoot up their highschools and colleges, places of work, shopping malls etc.
    I post with these characters only: Saitada, Lucifruge, Shoshoni, Saishoni and DorkFish. All others are acolytes of the Holy Order of Saitada and the worship of the truth that is me.

  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Its a different day in age. The youth has changed a lot in the past couple years. Hell I'm 23 and looking back at the teen years most people were not that bad. But I guess around the time I grew up there were less video games and cell phones where somewhat new.

    Just the age diff of 5-8yrs has shown a sad sight on the youth. Teenagers need to learn to grow up. i know it's the rebellious age but damn. . .

    And Pot_head. . . So you know how to be an **** and talk big on the internet, Big Freakin Deal. . . Go out and do something decent with your time then trolling a forum and trying to flame people
  • Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Just the age diff of 5-8yrs has shown a sad sight on the youth. Teenagers need to learn to grow up. i know it's the rebellious age but damn. . .

    This is the stereotype that we need to quash. Yes, many teenagers these days are rebellious and cause trouble.

    I am glad to break that stereotype. Thank you very much, please learn not to generalise everybody into the same category. It's like saying every male teacher is a kiddy-feeler. It's not true, and there's evidence to say it's not true.

    Get real. Some teenagers become rebellious because they hate you stereotyping them with all the other pieces of **** who pretend they're the best thing since sliced bread. I'm perfectly "grown up" - I would like to see several of you adults do the same.
  • Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Society's been in the crapper ever since the invention of the telegraph and horseless carriage.

    Oh, and don't get me started on the heliocentric model of the solar system, aristotelian logic and arabic numerals.....
    And these kids today with their......MUSIC.......
  • Posts: 419 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Well, my parents are pretty strict with what I wear, who I hang out with, and what I do...basically, from what I said, they have me locked up in a cage with no life. However, I have grown up to understand why they do it and we talk about compromise and finding the middle ground that makes them happy and makes me happy. I think it's more on how open minded parents are to new ideas that influence how the child is raised, really. There are those who still believe in the 'old ways', where children were deemed to be so innocent and anything remotely suggestive is wrong (my parents before), and there are those who are open to new ideas and trusting and listening to their child (my parents now).

    Personally, I think flaming and degrading someone's opinion is what parents do not want to see in their child because it just shows how badly influential the internet is and is exactly the reason why they're so overprotective over them. If there were more mature discussions like this thread, it would definitely open the minds of those who see things differently, and would make others have a different perspective on things rather than just 'lol this is stupid becuz its lame'. I just feel sad that this will never happen.
  • Posts: 281 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Honestly, parents never get it completely right. Who is to say what is "over-bearing" and what is "not enough affection and attention"? Everyone is different in their own way.

    And I personally believe that evil is just evil. You can have the most kindest parents in the world, they can give you the world, you will never beg for anything, and yet if you just had the sudden idea to "hey!" shoot up everyone in a shopping mall, you will do it if you wanted it bad enough.

    Yes, somethings in the serial killer's background can be accounted to the parents being overbearing.

    But then again, those kids that do things and then people blame the media, what they were exposed to, etc and claim that the parent wasn't in their child's life enough to prevent such things from happening?

    There is no such thing as a "perfect parent". And if your child suddenly starts walking around with a magical sword trying to "Parasitic Nova" the entire room, I seriously would doubt the child's sense, not the parent...<_<'
  • Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    This is the stereotype that we need to quash. Yes, many teenagers these days are rebellious and cause trouble.

    I am glad to break that stereotype. Thank you very much, please learn not to generalise everybody into the same category. It's like saying every male teacher is a kiddy-feeler. It's not true, and there's evidence to say it's not true.

    Get real. Some teenagers become rebellious because they hate you stereotyping them with all the other pieces of **** who pretend they're the best thing since sliced bread. I'm perfectly "grown up" - I would like to see several of you adults do the same.

    When I was your age I hated being treated like I wasn't able to make my own decisions or that I didn't have the reasoning power to understand what the 'adults' had decided for me. Needless to say, I was somewhat more than just rebellious about it.

    I post with these characters only: Saitada, Lucifruge, Shoshoni, Saishoni and DorkFish. All others are acolytes of the Holy Order of Saitada and the worship of the truth that is me.



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