what do you put yur attribute points into???

Jessminder - Sanctuary
Jessminder - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Dungeons & Tactics
ok. plz tell me in specifics what you put the attribute points into???
if you bother to add other class's things. go ahead. go crazy wit it.
Post edited by Jessminder - Sanctuary on


  • Szhira - Sanctuary
    Szhira - Sanctuary Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2008
    There is no set way for how you should distribute your stat points.

    You should decide for yourself, based on:

    - What kind of armor you want to wear
    - What kind of weapon you want to wield
    - How your character attacks i.e. melee = str, ranged = dex, magic = mag

    You will find that armor and weapons require a certain amount of stat points in order to be equipped. You would do well to decide what kind of armor you would like to wear and know what kind of weapon your skills require.

    Generally, Blademasters and Barbarians wear heavy armor, Wizards and Venomancers wear Arcane armor, and Clerics and Archers wear light armor.

    Build yourself so that your character will meet the requirements for your next set of armor and weapon. Good luck.
  • Jessminder - Sanctuary
    Jessminder - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thx..but sometimes....i just use the best weaapons i see wether it comes to anything... so should i just make all of my stats equal?????????//
  • Revenants - Sanctuary
    Revenants - Sanctuary Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    thx..but sometimes....i just use the best weaapons i see wether it comes to anything... so should i just make all of my stats equal?????????//

    it depends so far i got high mage and equal dex and str so i can wear full lion heart armor for better physical defence and if icome across mage users as an enemy i switch to my element armor since im a cleric i need som good def armors so i keep my mage high for more mana and harder hits with my weapon magic damage.my vitality is roughly the same as my dex and str cause as a cleric its best to destroy your enemy before they can hit you so high damage is essential lol.

    as my blademaster i put high str and dex and reasonable hp for tanking purposes.

    my venomancer im working on it similar to cleric but i wont need as much hp as i'll have my pet to tank for me lol so good armor for those lil mobs that attack you while your pet is tanking somthing else.high mage if you want to be a spell casting venomancer but in fox form i think high str is needed? for physical damage?.
  • Metraze - Sanctuary
    Metraze - Sanctuary Posts: 139 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    Only Bladesmaster and Barbarian really need to pick a weapon and stick with it, because different types of melee weapons require very different stats.

    For Archers, all range weapons are basically the same as far as stat requirements. Same goes with Cleric/Veno/Wizard and magic weapons. So you're free to switch weapon type as often as you like.

    For Archers, you need 1 STR/level for equipment, and DEX is your primary stat.
    For Cleric/Veno/Wizard, you need 0.5 STR/level for equipment, and MAG is your primary stat
    (That's assuming Light armour for Archers, and Arcane for Cleric/Veno/Wizard - and I don't enough about Veno's to say what they'd need if they want to fight in Fox form)
    If you want a Cleric/Veno/Wizard with light armour, you'll need 1 STR and 1 DEX /level

    From there, basically put as much into VIT as you feel you need, everything else into your primary stat. (Keep in mind that the more you put into VIT, the less damage you'll do - and you can add HP soulgems to your armour to achieve the same result without sacrificing damage) Personally, I don't put anything into VIT, but others feel they can't do without, so really up to you.
  • Jessminder - Sanctuary
    Jessminder - Sanctuary Posts: 40 Arc User
    edited December 2008
    also because this is MY thread, i wanna ask you.... WHAT DO I DO IF I CAN'T GO ON PERFECT WORLD?????????????/I TRIED ALL THE PATCHES AND EVEN REINSTALLED THE WHOLE FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MY AUCTION PRIZES ARE GONNA GET DELETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
  • WantedSlayer - Harshlands
    WantedSlayer - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hi , can i know what status points are the best for assasin? give me more variants please
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oh fine. This is NOT the only possible build, nor even the best build:
    Venomancer, Cleric, Wizard, Psychic: 9 magic, 1 strength
    Archer, Assassin: 8 dex, 2 strength
    Barbarian: 5 strength, 2 dex, 2 vit (actually slightly less dex and strength and slightly more vit)
    Blademaster: 5 strength, 4 dex.

    So very fed up of people asking these. The actual answer is "It's your choice and depends upon what you want to do, if there was an answer the the game would just do it for you"
  • XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary
    XxRaynaHeart - Sanctuary Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    also because this is MY thread, i wanna ask you.... WHAT DO I DO IF I CAN'T GO ON PERFECT WORLD?????????????/I TRIED ALL THE PATCHES AND EVEN REINSTALLED THE WHOLE FREAKING GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND MY AUCTION PRIZES ARE GONNA GET DELETED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

    Your Auction Prizes can't get deleted.

    If you receive them they don't get timed out in your mailbox until you actually open them.

    Go to Technical Support Zone to find out why you can't log in.
    MizukiMinoru ll Charisma Executor ll Active
  • WiIdElegance - Sanctuary
    WiIdElegance - Sanctuary Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    thx..but sometimes....i just use the best weaapons i see wether it comes to anything... so should i just make all of my stats equal?????????//

    You should never just make all of your stats equal. That would be a total fail.

    For veno's (since you are not that experianced) this should be your build 9 mag 1 str every 2 levels. This is NOT by any means the only build, but the easiest for newcomers.
  • Sherekahn - Lost City
    Sherekahn - Lost City Posts: 114 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i highly reccomend pure builds, at least if you want to be able to dd effectively you need to raise your primary stat (the stat that increases damage for weapons of your class)

    the only exceptions to these should be if you are creating a hybrid build (meaning you want to use gear that is not typically intended for your class, or perhaps you are just pouring a bunch of extra points into vitality for extra hp or dexterity for higher critical rate, etc) or if you are a barb or other class that is going to focus on tanking instead of damage per second

    if you ARE going for max dps from normal attacks here's the only way to go

    cleric - all magic, just enough str to wear arcane & weapon
    wizard - all magic, just enough str to wear arcane & weapon
    venomancer - all magic, just enough str to wear arcane & weapon
    psychic - all magic, just enough str to wear arcane & weapon
    blademaster - all strength, just enough dex to wear HA & weapon
    barbarian - all strength, just enough dex to wear HA & weapon
    archer - all dexterity, just enough str to wear LA & weapon
    assassin - all dexterity, just enough str to wear LA & weapon

    common hybrid/other builds:

    vitality barb - this is the most common exception by far, since barbarians tend to not really care how much damage they're giving out as long as they survive and are able to keep their party alive as well. also barbarians have a lv59 ultimate skill that does damage based on your hp, so vitality somewhat contributes to for this class. as a matter of fact, i should probably say right now if you don't choose vitality build as a barb you will probably be called fail towards endgame, who knows.

    other vitality hybrids - simple, just send a bunch of your leftovers to vitality, but be wary this is not as good of an idea as it may seem for most classes due to the low vitality to hp modifier (i.e. barbarians get more hp for each point of vitality than most other classes, maybe all classes idk)

    LA casters - don't do this... when your fellow casters are one-shotting you and your damage is severely gimped you'll regret it

    dex-hybrid casters - something i never tried and never plan to but i heard it works quite well. basically put some points into dex in groups of 20 just to get the nice critical rate boost without having to shell out as many stat points as you would need to make the character LA

    HA veno - probably for the more foxform-oriented venos. since you apparently use foxform a lot you might really benefit from being HA in a mobs face rather than arcane. also the str+dex you'll need to wear the HA will give you a substantial dps boost for foxform melee skills. the downside is you will still need some magic stat regardless because must have a magic weapon or no weapon equipped in order to transform into a fox, and you can't change your gear while in foxform

    fist archer - i don't know exactly how to build this but i think it's very close to a pure dex archer. the main thing for this hybrid is you must carry around a nice bow/crossbow/slingshot at all times but also carry a decent pair of fists/claws to switch to when mobs get very close (this is an amazing way to deal with the damage reduction you'd suffer wielding bows/crossbows/slingshots when enemies are within the minimum certain range, plus you can still use your close-range wing skills while you have fists/claws equipped)

    tideborn hybrids - b:infuriated
  • gundamg
    gundamg Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    do you guys know how to reallocate attribute points
    i kinda messed up on mine
  • ravenlis
    ravenlis Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    b:surrender FYI this was a year old necro.

    gundamg - buy a reset note (or get a gold buying friend to do it and pay them back) or buy gold then buy the note.

    b:sweat If you want really good information on builds that stand a chance at truly working, I would suggest going to the "Class Discussion" board and then to the appropriate class board. Mix and match from there to your heart's content and pay up later if you don't like it.
  • gundamg
    gundamg Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    where do i buy the note, on the website or in the game mall?
  • ravenlis
    ravenlis Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    The game mall.
  • andracil
    andracil Posts: 2,949 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Quit posting in dead threads please.
This discussion has been closed.