@ cash shop whiners

WaffleChan - Sanctuary
WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
edited December 2009 in General Discussion
have you thought for one minute that this is a business we're talking about? this game costs REAL money to run, and youre not paying a DIME to play it.

now about these oracles...

theres some people who have little to no time at all to level, and will fall behind their friends. there are people wholl want quick levels and buy them, then theres probably others who feel they wanna contribute to keep the game running.

the company is not greedy. you dont pay thier bills, their employees, or run these servers.

so what if theres oracle noobs running around? are you really that shallow as to bellitle and berate them out of sheer jealousy? really, be the bigger man, just suck it up.

this is a wonderful game, free of expense, yet constantly morons come on here, besmirching the name of the company just because the 'investors' get an edge over them. get off your soap boxes, get over yourselves, and just try to enjoy the damn game.

advice to fledgling archers:
Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
Post edited by WaffleChan - Sanctuary on


  • Pancake - Harshlands
    Pancake - Harshlands Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Waffles b:spitb:chuckle
  • Xeian - Dreamweaver
    Xeian - Dreamweaver Posts: 720 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    the main problem, is they released this right with tideborn, it's like going "here, have a lvl 90 character on the new server, just $2000 and about 24 hours time" they might as well start selling accounts premade..
  • Kannone - Heavens Tear
    Kannone - Heavens Tear Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    have you thought for one minute that this is a business we're talking about? this game costs REAL money to run, and youre not paying a DIME to play it.

    now about these oracles...

    theres some people who have little to no time at all to level, and will fall behind their friends. there are people wholl want quick levels and buy them, then theres probably others who feel they wanna contribute to keep the game running.

    the company is not greedy. you dont pay thier bills, their employees, or run these servers.

    so what if theres oracle noobs running around? are you really that shallow as to bellitle and berate them out of sheer jealousy? really, be the bigger man, just suck it up.

    this is a wonderful game, free of expense, yet constantly morons come on here, besmirching the name of the company just because the 'investors' get an edge over them. get off your soap boxes, get over yourselves, and just try to enjoy the damn game.


    When I acquired "hax" end-game gear last month, I stopped posting gameplay advice in the wizard forums because... well because I have nothing to offer, my gameplay =/= most others because I have gear they won't be able to get.

    When rep. candy comes out & I get kannon to rank8, I'll altogether stop posting in this game because my input is not that of the average person here. My point of view will simply be inaccessible to 99.9& of the community. You, mr./ms. waffle chan should probably consider this before posting more "stop your crying" threads...
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    When I acquired "hax" end-game gear last month, I stopped posting gameplay advice in the wizard forums because... well because I have nothing to offer, my gameplay =/= most others because I have gear they won't be able to get.

    When rep. candy comes out & I get kannon to rank8, I'll altogether stop posting in this game because my input is not that of the average person here. My point of view will simply be inaccessible to 99.9& of the community. You, mr./ms. waffle chan should probably consider this before posting more "stop your crying" threads...
    this is totally irrelevant and completely off topic, whats your point?

    i, myself have things my guildies can only dream of aswell, but i can still relay information to my fellow venos/archers.

    if you dont have relevant input, step off, mr strawman.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • luvsexxy
    luvsexxy Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    selling account premade, nice idea.


    I think PWI should cap the lvl of this game. maybe capped at 105.

    The concept of lvling up to me is like ancient gamestyle. PS : 2010 is coming.

    Capped the level of all character and everyone can enjoyed the game from crafting better equip, TW and more, bettter than I WANNA/NEED to get to the highest lvl then I can equip more powerful items or more powerful skills.

    It so stress to keep on thinking of wanna lvling up.
  • littlemandolin
    littlemandolin Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I was just popping onto the forum for the first time to say something to "cash shop whiners", and lo and behold, a convenient thread on just that subject!

    Well, what have I got to say? Mainly... I'm playing this game for my own amusement. That's it. I'm not playing it for anyone else. I'm not playing it to get into a badass faction and be the queen of Territory Wars. I'm not playing it for PVP. I'm not playing it to have nicer armor or better skills or more EXP or a higher level than your character.

    I solo most of the time, because I like watching my own, individual progress. I squad up sometimes because it helps me help others with their quests when they help me with mine. I play this game because I like to dress up my cute little character in nice, matching armor, beat up some beasties, and run through quests. It's fun, and I feel like I've accomplished something, even if it's something silly in a silly game.

    Do I want nice things? Yes! I've got my eye on some lovely cash shop fashion and aerogear, I'd love to have some inventory/safe/cabinet/cage stones. It would be fantastic to have a tome so I don't have to feed my wolfkin every five seconds, since let's face it, how many of you really keep an eye on that every second you're off killing beasties? It would be wonderful to have some nice HP/MP charms.

    But do I really, honestly, desperately care whether or not I have those, or whether or not YOU have those? I really, honestly do not. Because it's a game, and I'm having fun. And someday, I'll be able to waste my silly in-game money on silly in-game items, or maybe pay forward five dollars for a silly cash shop toy. But I'm not wasting all my money or time on this game, and I'm not obsessed and angry and desperate to claw my way to the top of the pack.

    Why? Because it's a game.

    In short, STFU.
  • Lotus - Lost City
    Lotus - Lost City Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I dont see the big deal with the oracles. It keeps the game going and ppl who still want to start a char in the new classes, but don't want to be stuck in lowbie land while all their friends who didn't start new characters are running around as 90s can have a quick way to catch up with them. People who use them with no other reason than being lazy arent going to get the enjoyment from the game that those who do it the hard way will, but keep it free for the ones who actually play the game. And the ppl spending their time worrying about who spent what in the cs are missing out just as much.
  • Voxstellarum - Heavens Tear
    Voxstellarum - Heavens Tear Posts: 36 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    luvsexxy, the game is already currently capped at like 105. or 103. i forget.

    re OP: sounds like someones swimming in frostcovered gear haha

    the only problem with the economy is that people are trading in an EXTRA DIGIT rofl. people were never WCing anything over 10m before, and that was for rare horses... which have since been CSed. Now fools spam all day, paying 50m for this.... wtb 90m worth of citrin gems... none of this wealth obtained by playing, anyone who says it wasnt cash is lying, and it just sets a lame unattainable standard for people who just wanted to kick it and make some friends.

    also at OP, theres dozens of games that use the same model to get by. pay-2-flourish. even the most wretched, childish, flyffish mmos on the block have proven that they will still make plenty money by making sales TEMPORARY. the permanent injunction of a lot of the recent stuff is, in a word, bobo. anyone else miss a lot of their friends that have since quit?:/

    ps- u dont gotta reply, im only killing time til the expansion update is finished. im such a shill.
  • WaffleChan - Sanctuary
    WaffleChan - Sanctuary Posts: 2,897 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    bump, because all Q_Q should see.
    advice to fledgling archers:
    Going sage is like drunken sex, at first she may look good, but when you wake up the next morning; you'll look at her and go WHAT HAVE I DONE.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i love you waffle but idk, i only half agree on this. yes there needs to be **** in the cash shop, but i dont think putting raw exp in is a good idea.

    i get the rationale tho, let the tideborn catch up to everybody else, cept everybody else has taken a year to get to where they are, and probably spent more money in the process on dragon orbs, charms, angels, all that AND had to work for the levels.
  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I would say to those who aren't buying zen you have no comment to make.There are those who a paying to subsidize you so that you can play this free to play game.
  • Vinat - Sanctuary
    Vinat - Sanctuary Posts: 1,200 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ewingoil wrote: »
    I would say to those who aren't buying zen you have no comment to make.There are those who a paying to subsidize you so that you can play this free to play game.

    that better not be refering to me. i've spent several thousand dollars on this game. and none of it was spent on exp.
  • oxytorch
    oxytorch Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Isnt WaffleChan the one who OP a thread not long ago about someone hitting lvl103??.. It went something like 'too bad it's an oracle noob' . Please correct me if im wrong b:victory b:victory
    b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry We love this game STOP RUINING IT !! b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry b:angry

    "Sometimes the strongest are the ones that walk away . Enough is Enough ".
  • ewingoil
    ewingoil Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    that better not be refering to me. i've spent several thousand dollars on this game. and none of it was spent on exp.

    No I am saying those who bought zen period.
  • Karst - Dreamweaver
    Karst - Dreamweaver Posts: 178 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    oxytorch wrote: »
    Isnt WaffleChan the one who OP a thread not long ago about someone hitting lvl103??.. It went something like 'too bad it's an oracle noob' . Please correct me if im wrong b:victory b:victory

    My thoughts exactly.