LGBT Faction on Dreamweaver

___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
edited February 2011 in Guild Banter
Hi everyone, I am Cassandra, a pre-op transgendered woman on the Dreamweaver server. I am currently trying to gather opinions of people, and possibly positive feedback on creating a specifically LGBT faction on our server. If anyone wishes to, contact me here or on my characters ___Cassy___ or $Cassandra$ as they are both my regularly played characters. I'd love to hear from anyone who is interested, before i invest the money in creating one! *smiles*

Post edited by ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver on


  • ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
    ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    also, if there are already factions like this, i would love to join! I just thought of making one because i havent encountered any yet. :)

  • ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
    ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    *bumps the message with her hip and smiles*
  • LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver
    LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hello Cassy! I am the Director of Hunters Faction on Dreamweaver. If you have not yet made your faction, I'd like to extend to you an invitation to join ours. We are a level 3 faction that is extremely friendly and helpful. We have players of all levels so it is very easy to find some quest partners. Also, in case you have already made your faction, we have a large amount of room in case you might be interested in merging. If interested, please contact any of the following officers in game for information or an invite:
    Kirli (Leader)
    Me - LightPhoenix (Director)
    Splaka, rjwashere (Marshals)
    Tiburona, Sinalee, Ulnar, Jonh, Alleanna, TankerNL, King_Hunter, Risin, Dark_Dragna, Wieu (Executors)

    If in the rare occasion that none of the above are available, feel free to leave me a message in game via postbox or apply online on our forums:

    Happy gaming and hope to see you soon! b:victory

    PS. While we are not especially related to your conditions, we are a friendly faction that is always looking for new friends, regardless of who they are! ^-^
  • ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
    ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I have just created TrueColor, for those of us who want a caring, friendly faction to gather in. Anyone in the LGBT community is welcome to join, just mail me, post your reply here, or find me in game and I would love to bring you into a faction just for us. :) 18+ years old is prefered, though particularly mature young adults will be considered. I just want to keep this a friendly, mostly drama free faction for us to feel safe and proud of. See you in game! *smiles and waves*

  • eatwithspoons
    eatwithspoons Posts: 54 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I am ashamed to observe such insensitive conduct from our player base, who is anyone to tell someone else how they should live their lives? If you don't agree with something and it doesn't affect you personally, keep your opinions to yourselves.
  • Ophida - Dreamweaver
    Ophida - Dreamweaver Posts: 971 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    I am ashamed to observe such insensitive conduct from our player base, who is anyone to tell someone else how they should live their lives? If you don't agree with something and it doesn't affect you personally, keep your opinions to yourselves.
    I spent so long trying to come up with something like that to write yesterday and eventually gave up. The remarks left in this thread were truly disgusting.

    Cassy, the best of luck with your guild! If you need help with anything in game, or a friendly ear to listen, please get in touch.
  • Silvatar - Sanctuary
    Silvatar - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hi there Cassy. I have seen more than one sexual-orientation / gender-specific faction on the Sanctuary server, but creating an all inclusive LGBT faction is a great idea! Hope you and your faction the best of success b:victory

    Edit: oh.....and I like the name you have chosen, "TrueColor", sounds catchy and carries a good allusion to social consciousness-raising efforts. Being Canadian though, it should be spelled "TrueColour".... b:laugh ... just teasing.
  • ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
    ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Thank you everyone, for your wonderful well wishes and support. *smiles brightly* I have yet to have anyone PM me or mail me in game requesting to join, so it is still just me in the faction. The character to contact is ___Cassy___, with 3 underscores before and after the name, if you want to join. Also, if there are strong sexual orientation/gender factions out there that would like to come together in my faction, i would be happy to work together to bring in and promote anyone accordingly to respect their experience. ^.^

  • LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver
    LightPhoenix - Dreamweaver Posts: 34 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Hey Cassy, I hope you had a fun time in Hunters. In the future, we're willing to offer our support in anything you need. If something comes up, please do not hesitate to ask! From everyone in Hunters, we you the best of luck with TrueColor! b:victory
  • _LadySophia_ - Dreamweaver
    _LadySophia_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Thanks for letting me join your faction! My name is _LadySophia_ from TrueColor and even tho its just the two of us, we have fun chatting and helping eachother out. b:pleased
    Hopefully we will grow soon, in time we will be known,especially with my

    Much love,
  • ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver
    ___Cassy___ - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    *bumps with her hip*

    btw, we have three now :)
  • fyrsong
    fyrsong Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Hi! I'm like super new, but can i pretty please join your guild-faction-whatever-the-heck-it-is-thingy?
  • Formykka - Heavens Tear
    Formykka - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Cassy! Are you guys still active? I may need to reroll on DW just to join you guys since it sounds like a fun faction, though I'll have to check out how good the connection is since I'm on the left coast. Any specific classes you're looking for?
  • Treegirl - Dreamweaver
    Treegirl - Dreamweaver Posts: 25 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Hey Cassy, I'm not L, G, B or T (lol) but I just wanted to say how proud I am of you for having the balls (pardon the expression) to do this. This is why I prefer PWI over any of the pay-to-play MMOs. Social acceptance on both a personal and spiritual level is a beautiful thing, and this game has both, aside from the random hate-mongerer. I'm not a very high level yet, but feel free to /friend me in-game. I haven't seen any LGBT-exclusive factions yet, but if I come across anyone fitting your criteria, I'll send them your way. ^_^ Best of luck!
  • Shatterfox - Heavens Tear
    Shatterfox - Heavens Tear Posts: 33 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Beautiful! A faction that accepts **** and bi's! I wish you the best of luck in TrueColor I hope you have fun in your guild b:thanks
  • hemoglobin
    hemoglobin Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i wish it was on Lost City b:cry
  • Formykka - Heavens Tear
    Formykka - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sorry, think i may be hijacking a bit, but is there anyone interested in forming a similar faction on heavens tear?

    Thoughts on names? I'm totally in for organizing it.....
  • Viorei - Heavens Tear
    Viorei - Heavens Tear Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sorry, think i may be hijacking a bit, but is there anyone interested in forming a similar faction on heavens tear?

    Thoughts on names? I'm totally in for organizing it.....

    I don't play as much as I use to, hence I'm currently factionless. However, if you're willing to organise something, I would be happy to lend you a hand. b:pleased

    Not sure if you're wanting a GBLT-themed name or not.
  • Formykka - Heavens Tear
    Formykka - Heavens Tear Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hey, really sorry i disappeared, got laid up in the hospital for the week with a crushed lung....woot!
    How cool? eh....

    Anyway, I'd really love to meet/connect with a lot of the ***** um, **** n dykes n bi trans folk on heavens tear....I was thinkin something fae/fairy related named? Anybody? PM me, please....wanna make this all of us.
  • Angel_heart - Raging Tide
    Angel_heart - Raging Tide Posts: 9 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    omg they told us we gotta disband our faction is name is GayRights omg our ppl r cryind sad idk how to cheer them up thjey r offended :( the leader said it was the GM who told her to disband it im the director omg i feel like crying now i know its a game but it still hurts knowing ppl dont like GayRights b:cry that is sad and it hurts a lot :(
  • Jiaozi_boy - Dreamweaver
    Jiaozi_boy - Dreamweaver Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2011
    omg they told us we gotta disband our faction is name is GayRights omg our ppl r cryind sad idk how to cheer them up thjey r offended :( the leader said it was the GM who told her to disband it im the director omg i feel like crying now i know its a game but it still hurts knowing ppl dont like GayRights b:cry that is sad and it hurts a lot :(

    It makes me rather sad to hear that. DW has a faction called The_Truth that openly advertises as a Christian faction and I doubt anyone's told them to disband.
    Like Spiderman, only more delicious.