Team play

raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
edited December 2009 in Suggestion Box
Pw is a good game but it forgets what a mmo is about..Team play !!Let's face it the team window is incomplete..what the heck do i need a slogan for?or look up players in my zone?People dont team up that much.Just for bh,fb,tt,and fc..either that or to help you with a boss.But that's play is more than that.What i wold like is for peopel to be encouraged to team and level together..when you get a team depending on how many are your xp is that's a real bug right just discourages why not give bonuses? depending on how much a team sticks together the team level increases and so do xp after 30 mins your team lvl will go to 2 and you will recieve the ammount of xp you usually get if you solo,after 1 hour your team lvl increases and you get 1.5 times more xp in a team..and after one more hour well either 1.8 times or 2 times wold really be awesome.The loot sys gets distributed the same way.The catch is that there must be at least 3 members in a team and the leader must stay the same till the end.Also about the's pretty much useless now.And I've mangled all the buttons(cause i never used or knowned for that matter) to find a LFT window(looking for team)...and no luck :|.wich again rly again make a lft optin there you can put your slogan,see palyers not just local but from everywere on lft.
Post edited by raizen on


  • Elviron - Dreamweaver
    Elviron - Dreamweaver Posts: 812 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Umm most MMOs are like this. Even with the xp bonuses some people just like to hunt alone at times. You cant blame them for that

    Again, there are some others (like me) who would team up even if all of us are not hunting in the same area. Makes it easy to talk to multiple friends at the same time.

    We would also help out each other with tough quests.

    Well although the exp in a team gets divided by the number of people in it, understand that you guys are also killing at double the speed (unless some are just slacking off <.<)
  • Soltarr - Sanctuary
    Soltarr - Sanctuary Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Your XP isn't exactly reduced in a team, it's just split between the team members. (So in a team of two, you get half the XP, because the other player gets the other half ... but presumably you can kill twice as fast, so should end up with about the same anyway).

    And actually (I've heard) there already is an XP bonus to being in a squad when you're all about the same level - I've no idea how much it is though (or how close you need to be).

    There's also a big advantage when looking for quest items, since when a quest item 'drops' everyone in the squad gets it. Actually lets you finish any kill quest quicker assuming everyone in the squad is killing what you need. (i.e: Need to kill 40 of mob X ... team up with 3 others ... you each kill 10 ... done the quest. Yes you got 1/4 the experience compared to doing it solo, but you also did it in 1/4 the time).

    As for the Slogan, check it off (AFAIK you can't change the text), probably want to check off show class/level as well, then click on 'Change' - it'll display the 'slogan' in yellow above your head, so everyone around can at least see that you're looking to team up.
  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yah well the point is to get more Xp in team for a mob,it dose not warm me to know i do it faster and that i get teh xp of 1 mob if i solo from 2-3 mobs in team.This is the point of this thread to make party xp more encouraging.Plus make life a bit more easyer to level.It's getting harder and harder every level.You don't always have enough quest to level.Even with bh,CS,WQ and some others you still wont level.So you option is either wait the next day for repeatable quests or grind.But why wait?..maybe you cant paly tomorrow or the next days ,or you got today a day off and paln on leveling your you wanna talk more ..ok yah you got chats but why not party up more often with firends?And plus boss's ridiculous..sure quest xp is nice bu WTF...anyboss in any mmo gives decent xp..hre in a team ou barely get as much as a regular mob in a team.
  • Meeplk - Harshlands
    Meeplk - Harshlands Posts: 461 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this thread has just made my day b:pleased

    magic mmmb:dirty
  • ElderSig - Dreamweaver
    ElderSig - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,247 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    And plus boss's ridiculous..sure quest xp is nice bu WTF...anyboss in any mmo gives decent xp..hre in a team ou barely get as much as a regular mob in a team.

    Well, the way pw is set up, you're not getting the majority of your exp on bosses from the boss itself, you're getting it from the quest affiliated with it, which is not affected by squad in any way (that I know of).

    If that wasn't done that way, you'd probably see high-lvls just hogging bosses for the extra exp.
  • _Matrix_ - Dreamweaver
    _Matrix_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    when you get a team depending on how many are your xp is that's a real bug right just discourages you

    You also don't get as much rep when your in a squad. That's discouraging to team play as well.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    You also get much more rep when your in a squad. That's discouraging to team play as well.

    Reputation comes from doing quests.
    Quests usually = killing monsters.
    killing monsters=faster....way faster in squad then alone. = quests done faster = more exp +rep

    me has personally killed 80 monsters in 5 minutes. it was a squad of 3 bms and me.
    lol took turns just casting their dragon while me used aoe skills to kill the quest mobs.
    we all got more exp, spirit, rep, less repair costs, and saved a boatload of time.
    the only thing you might miss out on in squads would be...drops? but who the heck cares about normal quest drops. xD

    right now me can kill 200+ monsters in 10 minutes. (but thats when me zhen not quest)
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  • raizen
    raizen Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Listen try to much dose 1 mob gives you if you kill it in single mode and try in a only lose xp.And you still did not deny the fact that there are not many quests and you still gotta i proved my point.And yah more rep in team kinda won't work but if we are sill here why don't you get rep from BH?Even the hunter sais someting about rep..that's just silly.Ah yah about bosses ..I know you get from quests but that's it..even so a boss can't be compared to a normal mob..stronger boss should mean more experience..not equal exp to a bh quest but a boss should have 10 times the xp and sp a regular mob of his level .Maybe even differenciate xp between weak and hard bosses.
    P.S:Not to many people team up like you prob cause they don't see the point.Idk what you see cause I've tried it and it only gains in loss so either PW promotes this idea of team play or encourages like i said.This game and the people need to remeber they are not playing a single player rpg that they can join in muly sometimes..they gotta feel the urge to team up and feeel part of a larger group.
  • SaberArturia - Dreamweaver
    SaberArturia - Dreamweaver Posts: 64 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    Listen try to much dose 1 mob gives you if you kill it in single mode and try in a only lose xp.

    If you're in a squad for grinding, why would you need upwards of 6 people attacking the same mob? Unless you're grinding bosses (which is a stupid idea in itself), there's absolutely no reason why your group should be killing one mob at a time.
  • Ikurei - Dreamweaver
    Ikurei - Dreamweaver Posts: 1,006 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    If you're in a squad for grinding, why would you need upwards of 6 people attacking the same mob? Unless you're grinding bosses (which is a stupid idea in itself), there's absolutely no reason why your group should be killing one mob at a time.


    Also, there is a bonus for killing mobs in a squad. Let's say there are 2 people in your squad (you and 1 other person) and a mob you kill normally give 10 exp. Kill it and you both get maybe 6 exp each. You do have to be around the same level though but unless they changed it since I've been gone then there is a bonus from working in a squad.

    Can you imagine what it would be like if everyone in a squad got the same exp for each mob that anyone else in the squad kills? We'd have even more high level noobs playing than we do now.
    Meh, saw a couple other people doing this so...
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  • Renamon - Lost City
    Renamon - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    There are to lil bonusess to make teaming up worth it for grinding even if you take multiple mobs in a team you don't feel any reward whatsoever and yah this wold also help level a bit faster. And so what if noobs will lvl up to?There are many more good players than jerks..this game is already to hard and gets even more hard and booring that many people quit or never reach end game level.How many end game chars are there on PWI..barely wonder the PWI staff did not put all the end game items in the game..cause the lack of end game players.All i can tell is that you guys are afraid of changing and moast of here b4 BH was integrated you were all probably reluctant but 99% of you welcomed a way to level faster...So stop fearing this idea.
    Ican tell you form my experience that this game take much more time to level than any other and i should know.I played Anarchy online(the maost repetitive and long lvling got 200 froob levels,20 shadow levels 30 ailien levels and 75 research elvels and damn hard to get em at the end).But the good thing about AO is that it encourages lots of teamwork even if it is repetitive.The only good thing right now about grinding in PWI is that maybe that i can change the spot but this still dose not change the fact that it consumes waay more time than it should.
    P.s WTF I'm not proposing a way for ppl to reach 1-100 in a few days(not like WOW) just something that will inc things a lil bit and get ppl together more often.
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Sounds like my old MMO...

    We used to "buy" leveled up parties by giving the leader money, then getting lead and inviting your friends and kicking the leader with the maxed out party. Good times, good times.

    From your avatar (unless it's a forum char?), it seems you haven't gotten high enough to find the majority of party play, and you're also playing a class that CAN party, but is also used for soloing a lot. At my level, other than the 2-3 quests I get at the beginning of the level, all I do is dailies and things I have to team up for (HHs, FBs, etc).

    And there are more high levels than you'd think. b:chuckle

    Last note -- would you mind spacing out your text just a bit? It's hard to read when it's one big block of text b:surrender
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  • Renamon - Lost City
    Renamon - Lost City Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Yah but even after you do all those other daily quest you still don't levle and for you it gets harder and harder..right now my avatar is broken..I'm 65 atm and even if i am a solo class that dose not mean it is less booring or easyer...and i thing that old game you palyed..was it Fly For fun?
    And b4 you ask why not wait for tomorrow to do daily..I already explained...maybe tomorrow you wont or a few weeks,and if you have the day off and lots of time with nothign to do,you might wanna level now cause you want to get that new itm on today or do teh next fb with firneds or etc so this change is not for the worst.
  • _MorphlinG_ - Lost City
    _MorphlinG_ - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    raizen wrote: »
    ...And plus boss's ridiculous..sure quest xp is nice bu WTF...anyboss in any mmo gives decent xp..hre in a team ou barely get as much as a regular mob in a team.


    Well said, I think bosses and mini-bosses should get you more exp. Or at least some nice drops. Like 2* ones.

    Interestingly, 2* can only be made with crafting while regular mobs drop only 1*, bosses 3*/HHmats/molds.

    I think 2* should be included in drops, in my opinion, when killing a mini-boss (by mini-boss I mean bosses like Dodonix, that frog (Gooma?) etc.).