"New" Suggestion Compilation thread!



  • Bulldowzah - Dreamweaver
    Bulldowzah - Dreamweaver Posts: 96 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    **** marriage ftw!!!!! jk b:shutup b:avoid
    9x Barb
    6x Seeker
    6x BM
  • bubbles911
    bubbles911 Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    When you say "sprint at the cost of chi" this is already possible for BMs (except instead of chi it's mana). This skill is one of the things that makes BMs unique and fun to play, giving it to all players will basically take away one of the BMs skills.
  • Derako - Dreamweaver
    Derako - Dreamweaver Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I saw two i wanted to comment on..

    Allowing a self healing spell for all classes.
    - Would make the blademaster even more unimportant, also the use of clerics would decrease slightly.

    Clerics can self ressurect
    -that would make them technically invinceable and would be stupid in TW, one would just run away until the opposing party gave up to which the cleric would run back to her/his squad and ressurect.

    My own suggestion?

    Remove Anniversary Packs!
    Its been over 3 months since the anniversary, its time to make these things go away and maybe the gold market will decrease to semi-reasonable levels.

  • revnent
    revnent Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    i have a few small suggestions

    how about ur fairy with the ability to send an item or 2 to ur bank

    thats all i got now but i might come up with more ideas
  • chibibatdollz
    chibibatdollz Posts: 202 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I REALLY would like personal own houses in this game! (just like the PW one,but even betterb:pleased)
  • tomrhar
    tomrhar Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Not sure how good of an idea this is. But here it is, I think there should be a daily coin quest, not saying alot of coins but something to help if ur havin trouble with getttin and keeping coins.
  • Tygerleon - Heavens Tear
    Tygerleon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    1. Ability to trade sideways(exchange equal or lesser value) for purchased mounts.
    2. More maps to travel to such as a northern Ice territory, western lands, eastern outlands, and south extended swams
    3. For Untamed i agree to have both Male and Female Characters like all the other races do. Male and female veno's and barb's.
    4. Mount able to swim across water. We purchase them they should swim also!
    5. Ablity to redesign your mounts that you purchase. Such as color, small modifiers, and intensity! Flying mount and land mounts should have this function at point of sale or after purchase at pet merchant/aero merchant. the cost to change could be 100k - 150k coins or 75 silver. This way diversity could be found in the game. Instead of just snow white polaris or black panthers, you would have the ability to have black, brown, or red animals to ride!
    6. Finally - Just wishing - That you could make the clothes pigmentation req. to change your color lower than current aspects? the caps should be four max....8 pigments to change color on already purchased items is a bit much!

    Just would like to see some diversities that the user made verses purchased! Charge for modifiers but make it easy for the user to change with mind instead of pocket. This would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  • P_IceSub_q - Sanctuary
    P_IceSub_q - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    More interactions between others b:chuckle
    Such as Hold hands(Also active while walking/running), kiss while standing, high-five, etc. That would make the game more fun! :D
  • Dragonscare - Sanctuary
    Dragonscare - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    this is a suggestion could we get a new form for the barbs and venos like a dragon kinda thing becouse i just love them they are really cool but without the wings or your choice
    also some dragon fans have also wondered about this ty for listening ^^ have a fish too <>< .
  • Tyger_Myst - Sanctuary
    Tyger_Myst - Sanctuary Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    "Same Sex Marrige" and "Embrace same sex"... errr not a good idea b:surrender
    Life is but a game played the shadows of ones
    own destiny.....
  • Dragonscare - Sanctuary
    Dragonscare - Sanctuary Posts: 26 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    sorry but my suggestion again for the veno's and barb's is the dragon idea
    again b:surrender but in the inventry space their could be a special spot
    for a crystal the crystal could be a rare item for venos and barbs to
    to transform into two types of Dragons b:victory i think its a pretty good ideab:laugh

    ty again. b:pleased
  • abeast1966
    abeast1966 Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    As there is a clear bias with particular mats these should be increased either via harvesting or drops. Although u maybe trying to create a shortage to raise real time monetary profit it is at the detriment of all players within the game. I spend a lot on here as this is my choice however ppl shouldn't be forced to do so. Drops on PWI are the worst that I have seen with in any other game I have played so far. Hopefully this will be looked at to continue the growth of this fun to play game.
  • Fox_Phire - Sanctuary
    Fox_Phire - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    An item that lets you forget a learned and updated skill and also gives back the used spirit points and coins used on the skill.

    This would really be nice even if it was at say 75% return, i know many ppl that have screwed up purchasing skills that are of no use, then remaking characters to redo the skill tree. This would be a HUGE help to those that are trying out a new class, or even those new to the game itself. (fyi: PW you can make ALOT of cash with an item like this, guaranteed)b:victory
  • Grapediesel - Lost City
    Grapediesel - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    a better way of adding items to the bank/vendor (i.e. right clicking the item in the bag will mvoe it to the vendor/bank window) instead of having to drag the item...

    I have seen many people drop items on the floor due to lag and or slow computers (or stupidity) and making this process easier would prevent that.
  • Grapediesel - Lost City
    Grapediesel - Lost City Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    A setting in the preferences to save screenshots as JPG (or TIFF) instead of BMP images... this would cut down on the extra steps needed by players when submitting screen shots along with tickets to GM's.
  • ATHAXIS - Sanctuary
    ATHAXIS - Sanctuary Posts: 156 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I DONT LIKE THAT ZOOM I WANT IT OUT!! i liked the old kind of viewing!! i h8 that zoom''i cant scrool!b:cryb:surrenderb:angry
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]b:cutemy xmas list!
    1.some powerfull weap. 4 my assasin and armors
    2.some verry extra mega giga rare wings 4 my assasin
    3.assasin clothes 4 my assasin
    4.1 tome +45 vit
    5.a nightfall mount
    6.1kkkk atk charms
    7.a all class pet that will look like a grim ripper!
    8.a bigger x mas list
    9.some rare chat emoticons
    10.a lvl 50 assasin
  • Link_ - Dreamweaver
    Link_ - Dreamweaver Posts: 65 Arc User
    edited December 2009

    view this thread b:victory

  • Sylera - Harshlands
    Sylera - Harshlands Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I find that there are not enough individual armours especially for the lower lvls. The game would be much better if there was a greater variety of armour sets offered by stores and more armours dropped by creatures. If stores could offer multiple sets of armours such as robes for one range of lvls instead of one armour set like at the moment almost all players between lvl 30-40 are wearing susprite robes which I think is quite boring. Please add more variety.
  • Silvychar - Sanctuary
    Silvychar - Sanctuary Posts: 3,576 Arc User
    edited December 2009
  • Pegasi - Lost City
    Pegasi - Lost City Posts: 237 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Oh cool, a passenger saddle! I would love that, if what that means is an item in the CS to increase riding slots on a mount I want! X3
    If not then...
    -Item to Increase riding spaces on a mount to carry 2 or more people? (depending on the mount of course, because a horse carrying more than three players would just... not... work, in my opinion. Most mounts are big enough for at least three people though. One in back, one in front, driver in the middle.)
    When Saukey decides she can swim, I know I didn't get the DC pop-up again. Wish she swam when it matters.
  • AngelPhoenix - Heavens Tear
    AngelPhoenix - Heavens Tear Posts: 32 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ~The ability to remove gemstones (eg, Flawless gems) off ANY armor/equipments
    ~The ability to UNBOUND a BOUNDED item with a stone (by quest).
    ~MysticAve is Recruiting ^^ b:victory~
  • Cosmo - Dreamweaver
    Cosmo - Dreamweaver Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Please add "target marking". See http://pwi-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?t=546221 for details.
  • LadyVixenX - Heavens Tear
    LadyVixenX - Heavens Tear Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I really like the dragonmaid outfits I would like to see those available in the boutique, some kind of mini-games like capture the flag but u don't lose xp during this its more for fun and u get little prizes for winning maybe even reputation, more skills for all classes past lv100 (not sure if someone else suggested), I would also like to see guild halls, maybe u can buy stuff for them in the boutique (i bet u'd make a lot of profit) also if u make houses, you could make furniture in the boutique, or a house pass or w/e i'm sure u'll make something creative..(btw for all you QQers i know that houses have been suggested before just putting my own spin on it).
  • ebmonkey
    ebmonkey Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    Please add--- the ability for female avatars to carry male avatars. As you know, presently only males can carry females. This is unfair.
  • PkmonMaster - Sanctuary
    PkmonMaster - Sanctuary Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    so maybe a boutique item for pet exp?

    or maybe a SP/EXP feeding system like the genies have?
  • Serina_Kirin - Heavens Tear
    Serina_Kirin - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    I dont know if this was brought up yet. I only found >> Different untamed Were forms << in your list.

    Anyway my sugestion is that the ware forms of the untamed could change they're appearance. Like for instance at >> lvl1 ware form << the venomancer or barbarian would have the present appearance the smallest form. Whit >> lvl2 ware form << the appearance and form would change. The ware form would be biger (the veno or barb would grow up >.<) and in a diferent colour. Naturaly >> lvl3 ware form<< would also change the appearance and would have the bigest final form (something like a 9 tailed fox for veno - and yea i know that we have a mount and mob 9 tails but hey who does't like 9 tailed foxes >.< the barb could look more vicious).

    Oh and ofcours the sage and demon ware forms. It would be grate if it would be visible that the player is sage or demon. Like for instance the sage form could be a white fox, for the barb some other colour then his curent white. Demon could be blood red for fox and black for tiger.

    Also if they're fur would glow(not to much) in sage and demon form would make both ware forms look grate. If the ware forms would evolve, it would get players more excited apon reaching the next lvl ware forms. And im sure veteran players would be happy to have a change, then always seeing the same old ware forms.
  • JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver
    JadeFarmer - Dreamweaver Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    A selection of cursors as im finding it hard to keep track of new cursor in the heat of battle with spells flying around.
    It is better to remain silent and be thought the fool then to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
  • Gigaer - Sanctuary
    Gigaer - Sanctuary Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    hmm regarding the new patch, i realise that dragonfang village is very laggy and prob comes from the gate that takes you to the city of raging tides because when i look away from it the game smooths out, maybe lower the details on the gate itself
    Mei capilli sunt flagrantes
  • Milesluminis - Heavens Tear
    Milesluminis - Heavens Tear Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    -i know ull never allow third-party-programs and im ok with, but i rly would like to see some "add-ons" talkin in first line bout something like an "aggrometer" what shows how much aggro each party member does...
    (since bounty hunter quests are implemented, it happens that i have to tank, im ok with since aggro stealer die, clerik keeps healin me and in the end wiz, archers and venos are down {when it was a strange run, most of time only 1 dies :P }, and only me and clerik gets the kill... so it is somehow needed/would be very usefull for DDs to controll the attk power)
    -another great thing would be something that shows the dmg every1 in squad is doin/did, also heal..
    (not rly important but would be rly rly nice...)

    thats all ^^

    edit: nvm bout "reskin interface" in the title..
  • bluesey
    bluesey Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited December 2009
    ebmonkey wrote: »
    Please add--- the ability for female avatars to carry male avatars. As you know, presently only males can carry females. This is unfair.

    It's great I'm not the only one who feels this way.

    Although I'd like to take it a step further and say anyone should be able to carry anyone. As much as I'd like to see a Veno able to haul around a hulking Barb (come on, you can't say it's not a hilarious image), that really raises the question why guys can't give each other piggy-back rides or something, and the same for the gals. I know I horse around with my male friends, and I'm sure others do, too. Even if not, I don't think anyone could say they wouldn't help a same-sex friend get around if they sprained an ankle. From a utility standpoint, it would especially be useful considering the movement bonuses you get from the different races. There's really no reason a Human male shouldn't be able to use the tiger form as a convenient pseudo-mount if they're going to be playing together, or an Untamed can't get a little lift from a Winged Elf, or anything else just because both of them are the same sex.

    Edit: Now, I know with the current system, this is liable to cause a few issues. You'll need new animations, but once you make one walking piggy-back, you're pretty much done with that. The fox form's size would have to be increased if people would be able to ride it like the tiger form, or at least a new animation would have to be made. Honestly, I think it would be easier to just scale it up and re-use the tiger animations. Or if you must keep it small normally, scale it up just for riding purposes and use the next-higher resolution DDS. Otherwise, you need to make a new animation for the rider to be scrunched on top of it, which would look silly and really hide the Veno.

    For Tideborn and Winged Elf, it's just a matter of grabbing a person under the arms and dragging them along while swimming/flying. Really not all that much to it. You don't even really need to worry about animating anything for stopping/starting, since if the water/air drag is enough to keep the carrier's lower body horizontal, the same should go for the person they're carrying. Heck, you could probably just re-use the normal swimming/flying animations on the passenger and be golden.

    I mean, yeah, it's a little extra work, but it's just that: a little. I think it's long overdue and really opens things up for platonic friendships, where the current system really is kind of sexist and unnecessarily restrictive.
This discussion has been closed.