Life Cycle of a Blademaster

KeMeK - Heavens Tear
KeMeK - Heavens Tear Posts: 82 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Blademaster
Ahh i so stole this from the Archer forum but it was amazing so read one.
Note.. Barb is just the Avi, I am a retired BM.

Life Cycle of A Blademaster

Lvl 1-19: Hmm I can kill stuff and my skills look spiffy pff, this is easy who needs new gear anyways I can't die.

Lvl 20-29 This is pretty sweet with the buff I dont get hit for hardly any damage. Man i sure like these hammers they glow

Lvl 30-39 This sucks so bad.. If another one of these spiders poison me to death I swear I'm going to quit... NOT AGAIN!!!

Lvl 40-49 Sweet so I get 50% exp a days from just killing this stupid boss. And I AOE just about everything at once and still live. NIOCE!!

Lvl 50-59 You need a barb for BH39? Yeah I can tank it. Thats what BM's are made for. I totally have the greatest axes for my TT60 wait till I can Equip them and we'll duel

Lvl 60-69 OMG I have to do TT runs all day to get my 70 gear this sucks, the swamp sucks, I hate accidently aoeing too many mobs.... RESS

Lvl 70-79 Woots smooth sailing from here. I dont even gotta waste money on mp pots anymore no skills as a DD is awesome. Wait let me AMP okay no skills again.

Lvl 80-89 Wanna pk? Lol noob I just stunned you to death. OMG Paying for wine sucks I hate BH69

Lvl 90-99 I just refined everything +7 I ROCK. Wait... why does no one need a BM for their squad.. Oh well I'll go tank stuff for noobs.
Post edited by KeMeK - Heavens Tear on


  • Delmarte - Lost City
    Delmarte - Lost City Posts: 216 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lol sounds about right.
    If I'm here I'm bored or procrastinating. b:cute
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lvl 1-19: Rawr imma be a dual swordmaster :D Build...? Hmmm fast attacks, really high damage, lots of HP! Woot 100k, I'm rich!

    Lvl 20-29 Wait...axes have maor damage =/ And dex doesn't make me hit faster? D: dammit, axes it is, better stop adding dex. Shiny hammers o.o damn, need to meditate again -.-

    Lvl 30-39 Why do veno's do double my damage and never need to heal? no fair! BM's suck! Time to QQ the forums b:angry

    Lvl 40-49 Want a quest reward axe... Q_Q

    Lvl 50-54 General summer axes are teh pwnage b:victory Hmm, mebbe I should level an aoe skill or 2?

    Lvl 54-58 Terrestrial Foxwings x3 Imma grind here forever.

    Lvl 58-63 Foxwing Supreme x3 Imma grind here forever. Freaking pyrogoliths! >.< hmm, mebbe I should get those alter marrow skills...? +1 Skeleton Axes, now I'm really splashing out =o

    Lvl 70-75 Full TT70+1-3, Cala+3, all 3* ornaments, fully sharded with citrine. Skills maxed, maxed Zuriels, Finally hard work pays off ^_^ ooo Bh's! Please not Pyro today <.<

    Lvl 75-80 I'm....still a nub D: Freaking dragonmaids! Freaking axes stop burning! I'll never save for TT80 :(

    Lv80-83 Woot got TT80! Shoulda gone gold :/ I don't die anymore :D Why does no one need a BM for their squad?

    Lv83-85 Too lazy to level :/ Endgame gear costs HOW much? O_o
  • Rdevils - Dreamweaver
    Rdevils - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    LOL the second life cycle of a bm is more accurate than the first b:chuckle and yes dam that pyro b:cry
  • CapnK - Sanctuary
    CapnK - Sanctuary Posts: 1,166 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think it's level 26 when you fight the first mobs that have magic attacks (Skeleranc Artisans?). That's a lesson in pain for any BM.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    The idea of this thread is for "you" to post the life cycle of "your" bm. So go do it..!!

  • Elenacostel - Heavens Tear
    Elenacostel - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,822 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ahh i so stole this from the Archer forum but it was amazing so read one.

    At least you admit it =)

    The Wizard one totally plagiarized my writing style.

    The original Life Cycle of an Archer post is not a recounting of my experience. It is a parody of the typical questions asked on the archer forums, plus some of my own jokes injected.

    But don't let me stop you from posting your experiences.
  • XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver
    XxArchmagexX - Dreamweaver Posts: 165 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol if u think thats funny u better read the wizzie oneb:victory
  • King_Solomon - Heavens Tear
    King_Solomon - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,341 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    lvl 1-19: Yay claws look bad ****! fists are great to punch mobs to death. Oh wait... I'm out of HP pots again grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    lvl 20-29: Damn artisans killed me again! I need more vit!!! Oh wait... Didn't know BMs had self heal. LOVE DIAMOND SUTRA. Now I have all HP I need but I'm always out of MP -_-

    Lvl 30-39: grrrrrrrrrr BMs are so expensive to lvl and my dmg is so low. think I'll go make a veno to make coins and then buy better items for BM. +1.00 flying sword is soooooo slow... (stays away from BM for 4 months)

    Lvl 40-49: damn it's so boring to lvl up solo as BM. not like I can't kill things on my own but it's just plain boring! cyclone heel rocks! who cares about axes anyway?

    Lvl 50-58 yay bought a +3 sword for 100k!!! it does nice dmg but I'm too broke to buy sword skills... damn I need more mana! I'm tired of grinding and questing. so boring! lol even 2x noobs refuse squad invitation... worse for them I was just going to buff anyway. now they'll die to wolves! (away from BM for 2 months)

    Lvl 59-61 wow fists ultimate is cool! too bad the fire add is crappy. ok swords do more damage anyway... omg got +4 legendary sword for 700k! a steal! hmmmmm maybe I should also try polearms.(stays away from BM for 2 months)

    Lvl 62-69 why do clerics quit when I say I can tank fushma and wyvern? damn gotta buy better equips and more mana. I should have bought fists with provoke before anniv packs QQ. I have no guild and only 4 friends who are mostly off... I've never had an invitation to TT...

    If you're willing to join another online game do NOT join any hosted by K2 NETWORK. Want to know why? Check BBB complaints.
  • LordChronis - Dreamweaver
    LordChronis - Dreamweaver Posts: 105 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1-19- That only too 4 hours O.o lvling seems pretty easy

    20-29- on noes all my gear sucks but my wep , meh marrow for the win b:victory

    30-39 -Alright i have 3 aoes and a self heal but nothing to AoE WTF.

    40-49- yay i can finally AoE grind and WOAH look at the exp

    50-59- Heavens flame here i come , all you bishes better run >:(

    60-69- Kill me .... please kill me ....these levels are sucking out my life force -.-

    70-79- Awesome i can AoE again , and woooot look at all the drops :O

    80-85- Uh? are there nails in my feet cause im lvling to damn slow D: 20 mobs = .1% >.>b:cry
    Everything is based on mind, is led by mind, is fashioned by mind. If you speak and act with a pure mind, happiness will follow you, as a shadow clings to a form.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1-19 these fists are spiffy...and my LA is shiny

    20-29 Q.Q nuuuuuu curse uuu KS bluff >.< dam venos wait mobs are using magic nao....feel bettah bout tha la

    30-39 omg LOVE cs and my garneted gear is quite shiny glad i finnaly leveled my manufacturing skills <3 dimond sutra NEED MOAR OILS

    40-49 hmmm i should get other weapons to.... wait HOW MUCH SPIRIT FOR CYCLONE HEEL? curse you timed quests

    59-59 omg annialator of souls WANT 2x spark does WHAT? hmm i finnaly have str to use HA but i do love my light...(mixes the 2 into a delecious armor smoothie)

    60-69 =2 leg fists ftw foxwings (aka pwi pidgons) FTW OMG FIST ULTI SUX *starts leveling other weapon paths

    70 woot finnaly got my 7x tt gear made must start mining tt for 80... finnaly got axes and swords for spears. <3 seaweed theives...and they say LA cant aoeb:chuckle

    anni packs hit month 3... *stabs the gm's
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Dosinn - Dreamweaver
    Dosinn - Dreamweaver Posts: 205 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1-19 killing mobs is easy xD poor wizzies, always dying XD
    20-29 You Sunnavab***h!!!!!! Quit KSing me, damnit!!!
    30-39 God, i hate magic mobs!!! >_<
    40-49 WOOHOO!!!! i can finnally aoe grind!!! now if only i had something to aoe grind on..........
    50-59 Bloody fricking magic mobs!!!!! Damn you all to hell!!!!! WAIT!!! I get my ulti!! WOOHOO!!
    60-69 Here we go, just 10 lvls, just get those 10 lvls before the game sucks out your soul..........
    70-79 BH/CS/WQ Rocks!!!! i get XXXk exp every day! xD And my TT70 gear rocks!!!
    80+ ohmigawd, ,it takes HOW MUCH exp to lvl?!?!
  • Kyit - Harshlands
    Kyit - Harshlands Posts: 20 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Note:this is my first char on PWI

    1-19 Yeah im gona be a swordmaster! I'm lvling fast and soon ima solo all the bosses b:laugh, Darn why do these mobs in the fb always kill me guess ill do it later when im stronger.
    20-29 oh noes i still cant beat that dungeon from lvl 19! im like 7 lvls higher and they still kill me! Why do all these people keep inviting me to their faction i dont need them I can solo everything! Ha ha!
    30-39 Ok maybe i need a faction, hey these lvl 60 guys can just breeze through this 19 dungeon? and the 29 dungeon? dang.
    40-49 I. PWN. ALL. Cept those darn pkers! leave a poor bm alone im just killing mobs why u hve to atk me? Bh is easy for exp! i lvl practically twice a day! b:victory
    50-59 Still riding the gravy train, easy grinding and bosses and i hve enough defense to give me time to run away from most pkers now! still about once a day lvling.
    60-68 Gah i need a squad for everything, I do crappy dmg but i can keep myself alive for all but the toughest fights. just found out I need to remake my build for dual axes if i wanna tank b:cry and i hve 1072 spirit and 62k coins. its gona be a long 2 lvls till i hit 70...
  • XShadowx - Harshlands
    XShadowx - Harshlands Posts: 259 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1-19: Lol i look cool :D what build should i be, gtg read blademaster guides.
    19-29: I should have all the skills for my stun lock now o.o wtf's a stunlock anyway :s oh well this lion roar looks cool and there is lots of quests :D
    29-39: Wow im white name! Highland cleave rocks. quests seem to be dieing off :(
    39-49: No more quests? Oh well AoE grinding is pro!
    49-59: Still need to do 49 culti oh well cant be to hard only 4 bosses to do... wait people are asking money to help!?!?! can't wait for 2 sparks.
    59-69: Ima quit this failass game with it's mag mobs. Dragon does look cool though
    69-79: Woooow i am so high lvl :D maybe i should do some pee vee pee now? wonder what that stun lock thing was they said it was good for pvp :s MOAR AOE GRIND.
    79-89: Aoe grind boring now. Fak these grind mmo's. I am to lazyass to get 80 gears gotta hit 90!
    89-95: Nao i haz 8k unbuffed hp, time to go pvp. Finally got this stun locking thing mastered O.o damn i need to hit 100...
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    100: Hell Yeah Pee Vee Pee! Hell No Weezards
    Far Beyond Driven
  • RezzErection - Harshlands
    RezzErection - Harshlands Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1-9: i love tiger mawb:dirty
    10-19: man i should start aoe grinding now * whacks a mob, then a second, then a third* MUAHAH NOW DIE *kills them 1 at a time*
    20-30 this sux my damage sux my magic sword doesnt even shine like the other ppls axesb:sad
    30-40: ...

    to be continued >.<
  • Boozin - Sanctuary
    Boozin - Sanctuary Posts: 183 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I think it's level 26 when you fight the first mobs that have magic attacks (Skeleranc Artisans?). That's a lesson in pain for any BM.

    You couldn't be more right! b:cry

    but thats ok, I am determined to make this character work b:victory
  • Michael_Dark - Lost City
    Michael_Dark - Lost City Posts: 9,091 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    7x air mobs ****. I almost stopped playing.

    8x+ has been smooth sailing and lots of fun.
    I post in forums. This one and others. That's why I post.
  • Lupercalia - Heavens Tear
    Lupercalia - Heavens Tear Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    (First character to play on PWI)

    1-9: BM, that's like a warrior on everything else? Good damage, good hp, run up and kill stuff, sounds easy enough. Holy **** I can jump high!!!

    10-19: How can I jump so high, yet still not reach this damn chest? Get away you stupid white tiger, what are you even doing here? I seem to kill things the same speed no matter what weapon I have... Where did all my health go?

    20-29: Hey, my girlfriend made a veno. Hey, babe, I'll help you quest! I can take soooo much damage, here, let me keep mobs off of you while you grind. We'll level up together, how cute!

    30-39: Yes, I'm killing stuff, I just can't kill them as quick as you! I need to go get some more pots... what do you mean you haven't used any yet? I'm trying to kill it... yes, I know you could have killed it by now... no, I do not need your beetle to take all the damage for me, I'm a blade MASTER, dammit!

    40: What do you mean you're already 45? You've been playing while I'm at work? No, I can't kill these things by myself, they keep shooting me! Okay look, just let me do perfect stone for a few days and I'll get caught up... you're quitting so you can watch Grey's Anatomy? This is why I don't play with girls! I'm trying to save the universe here!
  • Ryukezen - Sanctuary
    Ryukezen - Sanctuary Posts: 42 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lvl 1-19: Im soooo strong, look at me I hav shiney armor and kickass axes :D

    Lvl 20-29 Yay! A new area to kickass in ^^ Wait.....I hav to go all the way to lost for a quest? WHy can't it be in this new place!?!?!? :'(

    Lvl 30-39 Im on my way to nice stuff! I glow nao! :D

    Lvl 40-49 My leg sledgehammah kicks so much ****!. b:victory

    Lvl 50-59 Why are my quests getting so fewer? Just 10 lvls Til I get my shiney new axes and can ditch this annoying hammah! It's becoming a bother to drag around. b:cry

    Lvl 60-69 Ok, so i have my +2 skele axes and am large and in charge! Wait whats this? I'll just end up loosing them when i get my lvl 70 ones? THEN WTF DID I MAKE THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE? TT has me on a big drag atm, I really need someone to quest with :( b:cryb:sad
  • Hippie - Harshlands
    Hippie - Harshlands Posts: 515 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ahh i so stole this from the Archer forum but it was amazing so read one.
    Note.. Barb is just the Avi, I am a retired BM.

    Life Cycle of A Blademaster

    Lvl 1-19: Hmm I can kill stuff and my skills look spiffy pff, this is easy who needs new gear anyways I can't die.

    Lvl 20-29 This is pretty sweet with the buff I dont get hit for hardly any damage. Man i sure like these hammers they glow

    Lvl 30-39 This sucks so bad.. If another one of these spiders poison me to death I swear I'm going to quit... NOT AGAIN!!!

    Lvl 40-49 Sweet so I get 50% exp a days from just killing this stupid boss. And I AOE just about everything at once and still live. NIOCE!!

    Lvl 50-59 You need a barb for BH39? Yeah I can tank it. Thats what BM's are made for. I totally have the greatest axes for my TT60 wait till I can Equip them and we'll duel

    Lvl 60-69 OMG I have to do TT runs all day to get my 70 gear this sucks, the swamp sucks, I hate accidently aoeing too many mobs.... RESS

    Lvl 70-79 Woots smooth sailing from here. I dont even gotta waste money on mp pots anymore no skills as a DD is awesome. Wait let me AMP okay no skills again.

    Lvl 80-89 Wanna pk? Lol noob I just stunned you to death. OMG Paying for wine sucks I hate BH69

    Lvl 90-99 I just refined everything +7 I ROCK. Wait... why does no one need a BM for their squad.. Oh well I'll go tank stuff for noobs.

    noone need bms? thats only the flaw of THAT bm :))
    Nullum crimen sine lege.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    noone need bms? thats only the flaw of THAT bm :))

    It's sadly true. 90% of squads looking for members need either a cleric or a barb. Clerics and barbs and veno's in a lot of cases will have instant invite to most dungeon squads and fb's, first choices in TT drops and desperate squads will offer them free BH wines regardless of skill. The few times that a BM is required, there are so many BM's looking for something to do that there's a huge competition for the spot and it gets filled in seconds.

    Not saying we never get asked to squad, just that we tend to be seen as fillers by most people rather than an integral part.
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    It's sadly true. 90% of squads looking for members need either a cleric or a barb. Clerics and barbs and veno's in a lot of cases will have instant invite to most dungeon squads and fb's, first choices in TT drops and desperate squads will offer them free BH wines regardless of skill. The few times that a BM is required, there are so many BM's looking for something to do that there's a huge competition for the spot and it gets filled in seconds.

    Not saying we never get asked to squad, just that we tend to be seen as fillers by most people rather than an integral part.

    Outside of TT squads, it gets easier after 90 for a BM to find BH/FB squads since barbs/veno's are not needed. (I know Bm's can tank 69 but that FB seems to have the most stigma attached to it from other classes).

    79/89 have no classes that are 100% needed ( I have new respect for Wiz heals after countless Bh runs when clerics couldnt be found)

    FF: Bm's can pretty much walk into any squad (If they know how to play their class ofc), and BM's pretty much 2nd in importance in FF after a cleric.

    So yeah pretty much only TT squads I have found it hard to get unless you sub yourself
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    BMs are among my favorites in a squad. If they are built well and know how to really play their class, they do a really good job at keeping everyone alive.
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:cute chu get us *hugz tha veno*
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Sevas - Heavens Tear
    Sevas - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,132 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:cute chu get us *hugz tha veno*

    b:victory Just had my **** saved enough times by BMs (especially in TT). They're worth their weight in a squad.
  • Melack - Harshlands
    Melack - Harshlands Posts: 41 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i dont have problems gettins squads <.< maybe its just you DarkSeph lol, as long as u know what u need to do a lot of ppl will invite u to fbs, squads, etc etc etc...

    ppl that think that bms r not needed r failed players rolf! is like saying we dont need venos! get some zeals n start pulling plop! barbs n clerics have more demand, y??? cuz they r a lot of noob that think that they r going to die w/o a barb n noob DDs that dont know how to hold on for a bit ^^
  • ToxicHero - Dreamweaver
    ToxicHero - Dreamweaver Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:laugh lvl 1-19: explore the world of perfect world xP, die alot a random times, see mounts, oooooo and ah... I want one!
    b:chuckle lvl 20-30: woot finally got that mount i wanted time to gain some lvls.. shat look at that mount now i want that one..
    b:pleased lvl 30-39: dang my friend is trying to beat my lvl, forget him ima find a way to keep riseing in lvl...
    b:thanks lvl 40-49: OOOO Oracles work pretty good, dang cant let my friend find out about this fast way to lvl....
    lvl 50-53: dang so many oracles and i got so many quests left to do lol
  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    your an oracle baby...stop NOW

    i will make a bm on dream

    i will lvl the hard way

    i will find and kill you repeatedly till you go back and play from lvl 1

    bm takes skill timing and experiane to use these are things you cannot buy from cash shop. level right learn your classb:angry
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • Wilcore - Lost City
    Wilcore - Lost City Posts: 7 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    your an oracle baby...stop NOW

    i will make a bm on dream

    i will lvl the hard way

    i will find and kill you repeatedly till you go back and play from lvl 1

    bm takes skill timing and experiane to use these are things you cannot buy from cash shop. level right learn your classb:angry

    i agree bms have to have skill b:cool
  • ALTALTALTR - Heavens Tear
    ALTALTALTR - Heavens Tear Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    b:laugh lvl 1-19: explore the world of perfect world xP, die alot a random times, see mounts, oooooo and ah... I want one!
    b:chuckle lvl 20-30: woot finally got that mount i wanted time to gain some lvls.. shat look at that mount now i want that one..
    b:pleased lvl 30-39: dang my friend is trying to beat my lvl, forget him ima find a way to keep riseing in lvl...
    b:thanks lvl 40-49: OOOO Oracles work pretty good, dang cant let my friend find out about this fast way to lvl....
    lvl 50-53: dang so many oracles and i got so many quests left to do lol

    OMFG!!! this is why a lot of ppl think that bms suck! that bms can do this...that bms cant do that! damn noob