End Game VIT/DEX for PvP, Axe Build BM

Ghost_eyes - Lost City
Ghost_eyes - Lost City Posts: 67 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Blademaster
Up until lvl 70 I had capped my VIT at 50 and gone STR and DEX,
My dex is just under 100

I then acquired 2 misty rings, giving me a total Accuracy of bout 2250.

So, I decided to start lvling my VIT once again,

The problem I've been facing is; even with 2250 accuracy, i'm still missing crucial attacks in my stun lock when matched against archers in their late 80's and above - often missing both stuns (though its not consistent)

I've realised that I'm going to have to keep boosting dex if I'm to keep up with the progressing evasion of archers.

What's a good target natural VIT/DEX for endgame (10x) Axe BM's, which is suitable for connecting attacks with Archers of equal lvls?
Post edited by Ghost_eyes - Lost City on


  • Pucker - Dreamweaver
    Pucker - Dreamweaver Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    All Dex , No Vit Baby b:dirty
  • RezzErection - Harshlands
    RezzErection - Harshlands Posts: 335 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    so you sacrifice vit too hit 1 classb:shocked
    now i know why mages are 1hitting us in late lvlsb:surrender
  • PinkSuccubuS - Lost City
    PinkSuccubuS - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    well i am a fist lv58 and my acc is 2k and evesion is 2,4k i like it hehe gues what ill have with Will skill on my evesionb:dirty
  • Filet - Heavens Tear
    Filet - Heavens Tear Posts: 414 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    so you sacrifice vit too hit 1 classb:shocked
    now i know why mages are 1hitting us in late lvlsb:surrender

    With demon/sage alter marrow mages have a really hard time 1hko'ing a good bm
  • prof
    prof Posts: 1,111
    edited October 2009
    mages eat warriors alive. its the same in every game. 50 con isn't going to make them kill you any less, it's just going to get rid of any chance you had to kill them.
  • HatheR - Sanctuary
    HatheR - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    What can i say... forget about DEX if you are an axe BM. Even with 3k accuracy you will miss, so, go for vit, that's what will save your **** at pvp.

    Archers aren't a problem for me at pvp, i just have dex/str to use my set/weapon, and i have like 12k+ hp buffed.
    A bm/barb can't kill me at 1v1 (just can if have like a +9/+10 weapon and it's lvl 99+, it's just a waste of charm/food.
    Wizards it's the problem, they hit way too hard. But i can kill them at 1v1 with my hp now, so, go for vit and forget about dex if you are an Axe BM.
  • Ghost_eyes - Lost City
    Ghost_eyes - Lost City Posts: 67 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    What can i say... forget about DEX if you are an axe BM. Even with 3k accuracy you will miss, so, go for vit, that's what will save your **** at pvp.

    Archers aren't a problem for me at pvp, i just have dex/str to use my set/weapon, and i have like 12k+ hp buffed.
    A bm/barb can't kill me at 1v1 (just can if have like a +9/+10 weapon and it's lvl 99+, it's just a waste of charm/food.
    Wizards it's the problem, they hit way too hard. But i can kill them at 1v1 with my hp now, so, go for vit and forget about dex if you are an Axe BM.

    I'm not sure how high ur accuracy is, but from what iv experienced its hard to compromise on it. Even if u have 20k hp - sure the archer may have a tough time killing you(if at all). But sacraficing accuracy will **** u up.

    If ur accuracy is under 1k and ur fighting a 10x/pure dex(basically all)archer, u will be lucky to hit him 20% of the time.

    Offense is my game, I want to stunlock and floor opponents fast. I know for a fact that Drakes Bash has a terrible hit rate on high evasion targets.
    Low dex = inconsistent stunlocking. sunlocking = BM

    But yeh, this whole vit vs dex argument has been raging since early days.
  • tebo
    tebo Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Theres no point going all Vit , you are not a main tank. Stop being a wanna-be barb and add a decent amount of dex dammit.
  • Kedth - Sanctuary
    Kedth - Sanctuary Posts: 146 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Theres no point going all Vit , you are not a main tank. Stop being a wanna-be barb and add a decent amount of dex dammit.

    Amen to that

    I'm not sure how high ur accuracy is, but from what iv experienced its hard to compromise on it. Even if u have 20k hp - sure the archer may have a tough time killing you(if at all). But sacraficing accuracy will **** u up.

    If ur accuracy is under 1k and ur fighting a 10x/pure dex(basically all)archer, u will be lucky to hit him 20% of the time.

    Offense is my game, I want to stunlock and floor opponents fast. I know for a fact that Drakes Bash has a terrible hit rate on high evasion targets.
    Low dex = inconsistent stunlocking. sunlocking = BM

    But yeh, this whole vit vs dex argument has been raging since early days.

    And to that
  • Cbastor - Lost City
    Cbastor - Lost City Posts: 385 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    End Game BM stats =
    3 vit
    350-400 strength
    all the rest dex
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    Its not the matter of stopping with your Dex for accuracy. It's how many weapon paths do you want available to you end game.

    I capped my vit at 36. My str is enough to use GX. I have 6.9k hp unbuffed from gear/shards/+'d.

    I want to be able to use all weapons by 100. So I won't stop adding dex.

  • HatheR - Sanctuary
    HatheR - Sanctuary Posts: 59 Arc User
    edited October 2009
    My Accuracy it's pretty good, and i don't wanna be a "tank" LOL
    I just need HIGH HP for PK/PVP/TW, that's it.

    Make a test.
  • DeathX - Lost City
    DeathX - Lost City Posts: 14 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    just to let u wanna be barbs bms i am a currently a lvl 63 bm dex wr i just restated to a dex build at 5x and im liking it more than a vit bm especially in pvp i can take out 7x bms and barbs and 1v1 so far and 8x barbs i can take to half life before dying. to tell u the truth vit is stupid to choose for a bm because they are called blademasters and the main requirment for all mele weps needs dex so why vit just to get survivability? wtf they have shards no point in vit just cap it at 50 or 60 i recommend 50 though
  • Danteii - Lost City
    Danteii - Lost City Posts: 282 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well I have 82xx HP, 1820 accuracy, 6% crit rate at lvl 96 I have a decent amount of p.atk and I do fine in PvP. I do have a lot of vit? Just 204 with gear. Why? Because after lvl 90 arcane clases such as wizards and cleric get a HIGHLY insane boost on their m.atk which they can pretty much kill us really easy even with our marrow magical on (I've seen alot of fist and swords bms getting one shot by a Tempest or IceBlackDragon from cleric/wiz and they had around 5-6k hp in their 9x lol).

    Since I can't afford to refine my gear like many people my level or higher I added a big amount of Vit to my character and cap my Dex to 80. Thats how I decided to build my character and if you disagree with me I don't care. :P
    I am Liam Neeson, you may remember me in such films as I will find you and I will kill you. b:pleased
  • ChaoticTears - Harshlands
    ChaoticTears - Harshlands Posts: 323 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    Since I can't afford to refine my gear like many people my level or higher I added a big amount of Vit to my character and cap my Dex to 80.

    That is the biggest point right there..... any guide or advice for any class SHOULDNT take into consideration people having to 4 soc/ +6 all their gears. It should be based on what the average player can do, without having to spend X amount of $.
  • _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary
    _DarkSeph_ - Sanctuary Posts: 2,294 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    just to let u wanna be barbs bms i am a currently a lvl 63 bm dex wr i just restated to a dex build at 5x and im liking it more than a vit bm especially in pvp i can take out 7x bms and barbs and 1v1 so far and 8x barbs i can take to half life before dying. to tell u the truth vit is stupid to choose for a bm because they are called blademasters and the main requirment for all mele weps needs dex so why vit just to get survivability? wtf they have shards no point in vit just cap it at 50 or 60 i recommend 50 though

    I like this. You have a slight adjustment in your build compared to a vit BM and suddenly you're Super-BM, pwning level 70's without fail and slicing up lv80 barbs?
    Wake up, seriously :/
    Skill is one of the most important things in PvP. Refines and gear quality also play a huge part. A slight difference in stat distribution wont suddenly make you automatically awesome and pwn the majority of other BM's.
    If ur accuracy is under 1k and ur fighting a 10x/pure dex(basically all)archer, u will be lucky to hit him 20% of the time.

    Two misties and double socketed high level amber means your accuracy will never be under 1k, even if your dex is at min weapon requirement. Also if you're also a 10x yourself and high hp build, you might not kill the archer easily, but they sure as hell wont kill you easily either. Some might not like sacrificing killing power for survivability, that's up to personal preference. Best to use whatever works for you.

    It's all up to preference really. Experimenting and finding a build for you is the fun of the game. I love how some sword/fist and high dex BM's get so frustrated and flame at us for not having dex though lol. I honestly couldn't care what build you are, if you're good at your class then I respect you.
  • Davechapelle - Sanctuary
    Davechapelle - Sanctuary Posts: 86 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm all for high dex bms. In my mind, a bm is a class to disrupt and immobilize with our stuns. In order to land these stuns, we must have the accuracy to do so.

    For me I caped my base vit at 30, enough str to use my gx and rest all in dex. I have 7.4k hp unbuffed and I rarely miss and do just fine in pvp.
  • AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear
    AdvanceZero - Heavens Tear Posts: 1,413 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I capped vit at 36 getting enough str for tt 99 gold axes. rest into dex. I like my gx. But it hurts so bad.....thinking about taking my vit and putting into dex...but i don't like spending money...xD

    I have 7.8k hp unbuffed.

  • Joshcja - Sanctuary
    Joshcja - Sanctuary Posts: 3,502 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    bm is not a tank

    bm is the jack of all trades mele range debuff class with nasty aoe's

    debuffs need to hit to work

    dex is neccecary and you get tons of hp from endgame gears

    bm's get a LOT more than any other class per point of dex

    misty's are useless without high base accuracy a vit build might get 1.5k acc with them as a 3:2 dex'r i look forward to 4k acc at 77

    more dex = more weapons availiball

    i have 3 vit and 4k hp now with gears (4.1 with calams on 3.9 with warriorblade 4k with fists or spear in case any corectness ****'s are about to pounce)

    b:bye tired of vit vs dex posts weapon x vs weapon y posts and redudndant nub questions lets go Q.Q about how crappy the 9x+ armor looksb:chuckle
    Gifs are hard to make work here
  • ExoKillr - Heavens Tear
    ExoKillr - Heavens Tear Posts: 177 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Up until lvl 70 I had capped my VIT at 50 and gone STR and DEX,
    My dex is just under 100

    I then acquired 2 misty rings, giving me a total Accuracy of bout 2250.

    So, I decided to start lvling my VIT once again,

    The problem I've been facing is; even with 2250 accuracy, i'm still missing crucial attacks in my stun lock when matched against archers in their late 80's and above - often missing both stuns (though its not consistent)

    I've realised that I'm going to have to keep boosting dex if I'm to keep up with the progressing evasion of archers.

    What's a good target natural VIT/DEX for endgame (10x) Axe BM's, which is suitable for connecting attacks with Archers of equal lvls?

    ya dex and str is definetly the build for bms. i like many others capped my vit and all my hp comes from my refines. i currently have 5.8k unbuffed with 50 vit. all the bms iv squaded with around my lvl usually have low 5000s. so just cap the vit and go with str and dex.
  • Crazy_Panda - Dreamweaver
    Crazy_Panda - Dreamweaver Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Bms have 4 paths, use them b:bye