DestroyTokyo - Lost City
DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
edited November 2009 in Twilight Temple (West)
I just logged in game to view the tw times and it has been decided....

You have just

That is all.
9x WB
Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
Post edited by DestroyTokyo - Lost City on


  • BambooHugger - Lost City
    BambooHugger - Lost City Posts: 182 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I just logged in game to view the tw times and it has been decided....

    You have just

    That is all.

    Suteki has no more land?
    and finally the map can reset.
    BambooHugger-7x Arcane Barbarian- ImSoFail-Tarded
  • Amour - Lost City
    Amour - Lost City Posts: 1,825 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    "Amour is better suited to rainbow text, because he is a classy lady." - Nakhimov
  • MiniFace - Lost City
    MiniFace - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    inb4ruukhmath,korren,tika,minitank,devinne,raven,Xtacy,and any other Whiners

    I'm happy :)!
    PM me on Lost City if you need some help b:laugh
  • Asperitas - Lost City
    Asperitas - Lost City Posts: 907 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Suteki has no more land?
    and finally the map can reset.

    what map reset.
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That one over there. -points-
  • Kerrigan_ - Lost City
    Kerrigan_ - Lost City Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That one over there. -points-

    WHERE! I cant see it b:surrender
  • MiniFace - Lost City
    MiniFace - Lost City Posts: 77 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    I lol'd but still uncalled for b:surrender
    PM me on Lost City if you need some help b:laugh
  • Zerhee - Lost City
    Zerhee - Lost City Posts: 234 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Far Beyond Driven
  • RedsRose - Lost City
    RedsRose - Lost City Posts: 12,354 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    Epic lmao too funny of a name not to laugh
    RoidAbuse is awesome, only he would sell his sperm for gear!!

    "Toughest monster? ..... RedsRose b:surrender" - Kantorek
    Where is my 1 v 1 Kan? b:mischievous
  • Dinark - Lost City
    Dinark - Lost City Posts: 74 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Cant log into game atm as im in college.. but just wanted to clarify.. does the map actually reset when 1 faction owns it all ?
    Comin from originally playin Heavens Tear server ive never seen 1 faction own all..
    Signiture Designed By meh ! b:cool b:victory
    Learn Chinese :
    Great! - Fa Kin Su Pah : Your Body Odor is Offensive - Yu Stin Ki Pu
    Thats Not Right - Sum Ting Wong : Stayin Out of Sight - Lei Ying Lo
    Are you Harbouring a Fugitive - Hu yu Hai Ding : Our Meeting Is Next Week - Wei Yu Kum Nao ?
    This is a Tow Away Zone - No Pah King : Did You Goto the Beach - Wei Yu So Tan
  • KedgeSniper - Lost City
    KedgeSniper - Lost City Posts: 733 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Whats the point of making a guild to control the map n once u own it all.. It resets.
    Face the fear. Face a war. Face the world.
    Leeching CQ salary since 09'
    Many names, Common Faces.
  • Ddsadasda - Lost City
    Ddsadasda - Lost City Posts: 4 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    wow this server got owned....b:surrenderb:bye better luck next time
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What is this alliance you speak of?? b:shutup

    I have seen nothing of the sort...Perhaps it was a secret organization on the server that noone knew about.
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Amy_Nailo - Lost City
    Amy_Nailo - Lost City Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    What is this alliance you speak of?? b:shutup

    I have seen nothing of the sort...Perhaps it was a secret organization on the server that noone knew about.

    Were you living under a rock for the last months ?
    Also, Spectrolls might have a chance at CQ this week-end.b:chuckle

    - Amy
  • Tatuaje - Lost City
    Tatuaje - Lost City Posts: 2,780 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Were you living under a rock for the last months ?
    Also, Spectrolls might have a chance at CQ this week-end.b:chuckle

    - Amy

    Let me rephrase my sarcasm for you. b:chuckle

    An alliance works together and I have not seen of such a thing for a long time.

    /end sarcasm
    tatuaje: grinding mobs and zhenning ???
    frankieraye:All right, I admit it, it's a bit retro. lol.
  • Vulpix - Lost City
    Vulpix - Lost City Posts: 533 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Were you living under a rock for the last months ?
    Also, Spectrolls might have a chance at CQ this week-end.b:chuckle

    - Amy

    My money is on TeamRckt.
    TY _Bloody_Fox_ for the sig ^_^
    I think venomancers are a pretty cool guy, eh mances the venom and doesn't afraid of anything.
  • Zerosen - Lost City
    Zerosen - Lost City Posts: 58 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    idk spectroll got banned for fake bidding =D

    You should be banned too, for spamming forum with useless posts, did u get all the 7X posts today? I see your name on every thread and u didn't say anything productive, "lololololololololol" is the best u can come up with? gawd

    No matter where I am I'll always be a part of Conqueror, thank you all for the memories and for this awesome adventureb:thanks
  • Shinta - Lost City
    Shinta - Lost City Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Epic Toky, I just lol'd.

  • Coraline - Lost City
    Coraline - Lost City Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol, tokyo you made me giggle. I hope in RageBunny tw, it will be all venos and they only use Snow Hares and Huggy Hares against us...

    eatswithspoons "*roll eyes* real money for virtual property? That's definitely not allowed"

    Lol what?
  • Aadi - Lost City
    Aadi - Lost City Posts: 4,449 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Cant log into game atm as im in college.. but just wanted to clarify.. does the map actually reset when 1 faction owns it all ?
    Comin from originally playin Heavens Tear server ive never seen 1 faction own all..
    Whats the point of making a guild to control the map n once u own it all.. It resets.

    But who knows...
    "aadi is a forum ninja, always there, skirting thru the shadows... striking with quick posts while you are distracted by your own" -Alexeno(kin)
    "We talk about you because you're fab. b:cute" -Chillum
    "You live for forums. Like seriously."
  • Oneshotu - Lost City
    Oneshotu - Lost City Posts: 267 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    That really made me LOL
    So the Dead guy says "LOL you fail, you didnt even one shot me"
    Nuf said.
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    No way L.C nooblets.

    After CQ takes whole map, you have only 2 choices.

    1.) Play your own game and accept the fact, that u will never participate in one major aspect of this game, wich is tw.

    2.) Finally grow a pair, get up, get out, and take something for yourself.

    Choice is yours sheep.
    Choice is yours.b:surrender
    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
  • rukhmath
    rukhmath Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited November 2009

    No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I set spies on fire, air blast them into a corner then axtinguish crit their face all while they're invisible, everyday. Then log on weekends to pull some catas in foxform. Im content.

    Dont forget digging through Spectral member's photobucket accounts for screenies that i can use to ban them because i cant beat them in TW, then send 3-5 tickets everyday, doing everything i can to get them banned. Then deny RL friend of guild members to join our guild because i 100% believe that is a spy sent out by uncle Athran! but then again, read above to see what i do to spies.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I set spies on fire, air blast them into a corner then axtinguish crit their face all while they're invisible, everyday.

    Ahh the joys of TF2.
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Xtacy - Lost City
    Xtacy - Lost City Posts: 1,281 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Lol, I like how depressed these losers are getting over a game. It brings joy to me when I can still hurt people emotionally through a game. Who would have thought...

    I guess I don't choose different paths b:shutup
  • Devil - Lost City
    Devil - Lost City Posts: 337 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ahh the joys of TF2.

    stfu, your shietty console TF2 doesnt have weapon upgrades. PC ftw.
  • DestroyTokyo - Lost City
    DestroyTokyo - Lost City Posts: 501 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    stfu, your shietty console TF2 doesnt have weapon upgrades. PC ftw.

    **** you I bought it on Steam 2 days ago.
    I've been practicing.

    Blame it on my irl friends who don't use pcs for gaming.
    They are all console **** with their stupid halo bull**** and Madden/Tiger Woods (which are good). Hence if I want to play with them I too join in on the console fa.ggotry
    9x WB
    Voted "Best WB on Lost City Server" b:victory
  • Uncanny - Lost City
    Uncanny - Lost City Posts: 134 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I have 1000 gamerscore on lost