Dealing with the not so vocal guildies

Maiya - Lost City
Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
edited November 2009 in General Discussion
So being a guild leader is a pretty crappy job. I've been talking to a guild member who has very odd outlook on my guild. And while many have just said to boot her for "QQing all the time", I tend to try to fix problems before doing anything. @ At the person, if you read this, don't PM me about it later, I'm not revealing your name.

I am told that there seems to be some "cool group" / "in crowd" present, and that if you are not in that group, you do not receive help. I've gotten names and placed them into categories below.

1. Those in a different time zone.
-A huge majority that were mentioned that I was told names of that seem to believe this "in crowd" belief are in a very different timezone. In that time, the majority of our helping players are offline and unable to help.

2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help.
-I help with a lot of TTs. If I'm done with my personal dailies and stuff, I'm pretty much TTing my night away (if I'm not studying). I usually help whoever asks first.

3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped?
-This one is odd. Some names that I were given, I have seen being helped, and I have personally helped them myself. And usually if they did not receive any, it's because people are busy with their own stuff or already helping someone.

So I come to you, people of PWI to ask how you deal with these types of people.
Post edited by Maiya - Lost City on


  • Devilmaycare - Harshlands
    Devilmaycare - Harshlands Posts: 43 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    You're never going to please everyone, the best you can do is just try your best, atleast you want to help your members and are trying to promote that idea within the guild, with alot of guilds it's just every man/woman/child for themselves
  • HeavenIy - Heavens Tear
    HeavenIy - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Well just a musing of a sort about the Timezones...

    Different countries = different timezones; sometimes people don't have perfect English (hell alot of people myself included don't) and when they ask for a favor or for help it can come off as....not exactly rude; but demanding; when in fact the person asking for help isn't a native english speaker and means no offense. Personally, I'm glad to help if someone needs it; however if someones asking in a demanding/spoiled tone (haha, as much as you can tell tone through letters alone ;D) im much less inclined to help them

    How to fix this? If you discover some of your veteran players are fluent in the "problem" player's language, have them contact each other; they'll probably start a relationship other than just a "you help me and I thank you" basis.

    Those who leave for not getting immediate help; you have to think pretty highly of yourself to believe that everyone online in your faction is at your beck and call; they're out for one person - themself. If its a chronoic thing though; like someone's FB not being done for like a week straight; then it's probably just frustration lol

    As for the last one? INGRATES

    BURN THEM!!!!!!!!!11111one!!11
  • Mirabeth - Sanctuary
    Mirabeth - Sanctuary Posts: 246 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1) For those who are in a different time zone, I've tried to counter this by recruiting in as many time zones as possible. I know this isn't always a viable option. I also sometimes ask people what time zone they are in, and let them know the amount of people we have that are close to that time zone so they can make a decision based on that before joining.

    2) I've found that those who require instant gratification in the help department are not the same ones who offer help. It's give and take. I will explain to them that people are busy, and often times I hope for people to at least say they are currently busy doing something so they can't help, that way the request doesn't go ignored. I believe the biggest thing people have a problem with is they ask for help, and then nobody answers. But after that, they feel everyone is busy whenever -they- need help. This is the luck of the draw. If someone is not patient enough to wait, there is the possibility of utilizing faction forums to ask for help and set a time for it.

    3)This one I usually find means the person has some sort of personal issue. You can talk to them and try and find out what's wrong, why they feel nobody is helping. But sometimes nothing can be done. A lot of times they seem to feel that people are doing their own thing too much and not giving them enough attention.

    I'm very much no means an expert at running a faction. I mess up all the time. But this is how I perceive things such as you've mentioned and how I try to deal with them.
    Thank you Skybelle for the wonderful sig

    Where did you go, where did you go? How did you know to get out of a world gone mad? Help me let go of the chaos around me, the devil that hounds me. I need you to tell me "Child be still". If the darkest hour comes before the light, where is the light?
  • Lyritha - Heavens Tear
    Lyritha - Heavens Tear Posts: 447 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Ex-faction leader here. I gave it up because it was too costly and more profitable to just fly solo or let someone else be leader.... which is what I did. I find that most people want you to play the game for them and complete the quest entirely for them.

    Heck even had one guy that a kicked that had a question about everything and I'm like "Did this guy even get this game from the site or look at the guides?!"

    Yeah annoying : suggestion pass the lead to a buddy for awhile to get out of stress land.
  • Daft_ - Lost City
    Daft_ - Lost City Posts: 24 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I bet ... if its someone who was in the guild when I was there... I know who you are talking about. If if it is that person .. kick them .. they ALWAYS complain.

    I tried being a leader and it didn't work out for me. Mostly because of my dad becoming very sick and having a new job. But I sympathize with you. People are very demanding and really don't try very hard to get the help they need. It's really not that hard to find people for TT or BH nowadays. I mean come on guys .. there are 100's of people out there that are your level doing the same quests as you are at the same exact time. Your co-guildies have their own quests as well. Everyones out there to level and have fun.

    I believe a guild is there for you to have a support system... not a crutch. Friends who help make it fun so that the stressful quests don't seem so stressful. You can lean on them but don't downright lay on them... you'll crush them. Negativity breeds more negativity and if you are the negative person in the guild ... well I see you standing alone cause noone wants to help you.

    In every guild you will find certain people help cause they want to and those that don't help at all. Unfortunately, the people that do help and want to help can only play so much per day. MOST people in a guild, join a guild to be helped.. not be the helper. So those that do are few and far between.

    I guess that was my rant for the night. Not that it really helped you Maiya, cause I honestly don't know how to remedy your situation. Good Luck. <3

    I LOVE AND MISS NAGARE! Best guild I've ever been in by far!
    Seriously? OMFG you
    why would you do that? Are you nuts!

    No.. I'm daft.
  • tweakz
    tweakz Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    People who complain about not getting help are leeches that use guilds. They need to learn how to get help: Watch WC, grind in area of culti boss needed watching for forming squads, building friends at same level, asking for advice rather than saying idiotic things like: "Need high level barb and cleric for Jaden Qingfu" etc. Advice IS the BEST help you can give, yet it goes unappreciated most often.

    One problem is that guilds advertise: "helpful". They aren't really helpful if they baby people and don't help them learn how to get help the proper ways. A guild that wastes it's time helping it's leeches makes itself weak.

    Further Advice for Leeches:

    Instead of saying things like: "I need help with MY", try: "Anyone else need?". I won't help you self centered idiots.
    NEVER say: "Need high level Barb / Cleric". You may be amazed at what venos, wiz's, and BM's can do.
    If you actually think begging faction members to fly across the map to help you is better than finding local help: at least offer a reward!
    Don't hop factions: the problem is you, not them.

    The last thing I expect from my faction is direct help. I do expect:

    Responsibility in FB runs.
    A majority of worthwile members to squad with
    The leader / staff to not be leeches on their members
    Consistency in rule enforcement (not letting members off the hook because of their value)
    Be kind: Help the GMs to depopulate the servers.
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So being a guild leader is a pretty crappy job. I've been talking to a guild member who has very odd outlook on my guild. And while many have just said to boot her for "QQing all the time", I tend to try to fix problems before doing anything. @ At the person, if you read this, don't PM me about it later, I'm not revealing your name.

    I am told that there seems to be some "cool group" / "in crowd" present, and that if you are not in that group, you do not receive help. I've gotten names and placed them into categories below.

    1. Those in a different time zone.
    -A huge majority that were mentioned that I was told names of that seem to believe this "in crowd" belief are in a very different timezone. In that time, the majority of our helping players are offline and unable to help. Me assuming you fill your guild to it's maximum capacity. your choices can either be to just stick to a few very close timezones which has teh benefit of having much more people online at once or you can try to get roughly 15-20 people from every time zone +-3 hours or so which will mean you should have people on all the time but would be a near guaranteed split into subfactions.

    2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help.
    -I help with a lot of TTs. If I'm done with my personal dailies and stuff, I'm pretty much TTing my night away (if I'm not studying). I usually help whoever asks first. let them leave. you be better off without leeches.

    3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped?
    -This one is odd. Some names that I were given, I have seen being helped, and I have personally helped them myself. And usually if they did not receive any, it's because people are busy with their own stuff or already helping someone. me highly suggest you personally kick them. you know they not going to contribute anything back with that kind of thinking. it's because they just want, want, want. and want sooo much they don't even realize that you've given.

    So I come to you, people of PWI to ask how you deal with these types of people.

    rawr~ rawr squeak? 10 characters. (^.^)
    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • HeavenIy - Heavens Tear
    HeavenIy - Heavens Tear Posts: 29 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    tweakz wrote: »
    People who complain about not getting help are leeches that use guilds. They need to learn how to get help: Watch WC, grind in area of culti boss needed watching for forming squads, building friends at same level, asking for advice rather than saying idiotic things like: "Need high level barb and cleric for Jaden Qinfu" etc. Advice IS the BEST help you can give, yet it goes unappreciated most often.

    One problem is that guilds advertise: "helpful". They aren't really helpful if they baby people and don't help them learn how to get help the proper ways. A guild that wastes it's time helping it's leeches makes itself weak.

    If those are the mobs I'm thinking of > .> then that is an Epic quote
  • Nastassiya - Sanctuary
    Nastassiya - Sanctuary Posts: 483 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I will admit that I am blessed to be in the faction that I am in. 95% of the members are helpful and we feel we are a family. I have minor Guild Leader time. I honestly have more senior officership experience of a "top 5" ranked guild on another game.

    One word describes the title...

    1. Those in a different time zone. My solution is if its a casual/non-hardcore faction then allow members to join from across the ocean. Just warn them that only a few are active during the different hours. If you feel you can trust them then you should give them the ability to recruit during such hours. Have another few trusted members report to you with screenshot's if someone is a bad apple so you can resolve the issue as you deem fit.

    2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help. Honestly, what do you loose? Someone who leaves because they can't get help then and there are not trying to better the faction. They need to help others and make friends if they want the same shown to them.

    3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped? QQ Drama... I don't know a good way to answer this one. I will call it the "Focus on me Factor" if I may. It's just a social problem and I would guess they have it in real life as well.

    Again, people will be weeded out as a natural selection process and hop to another faction if yours doesn't suit them. You can't please everyone nor can your members. Just keep your dedicated faction mates happy and seek advice of your Director and Marshals as what to do about specific members. Utilize them well because you will burn out quickly if you hold the entire faction up yourself. You are one woman (or man) with many counting on you.
  • Quilue - Sanctuary
    Quilue - Sanctuary Posts: 5,787 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i don't understand why people expect guilds to just do everything for them. i just use guilds to type awkward innuendos and obnoxious comments, i don't go to them and baww everytime i need help. (well...sometimes i go to my guild lead and baww to tag along on her BH hehehe)

    well no one can do anything about time zone differences. if that is the case, the players might just be better off in another guild. however, if your guild is large enough, you can have a sizeable number of players from different timezones on at all times. that gets fun and interesting...but if you have such a guild, you should appoint at least an officer from each deal with stuff when you're not awake
    i left my first guild because it became filled with people from another time zone and no one was very active in mine, so when i'm playing there's literally no one in faction chat to talk to. i moved to another faction...but i'm still in touch with some members, and they're on my friends list for when i'm awake at an odd time :P

    in my days in my first fac, higher levels ran TT1-1's for members when they reach 60, and that's it. nobody has the freaking energy to get everyone's TT70s, TT80s, especially with all the armor. We often had waves of people at similar levels and they ended up running TTs for themselves, i'm just there to insert cyan colored obnoxious comments while i run my own TT's/grind. sometimes i showed up to DD if i'm in game...but the higher levels are never responsible for lowbies' equipment. Have similar levels form squads amongst themselves for their TT. If they just happen to be caught in between waves of similar-levels, then there's the rest of the server to form TT squads with. >.>

    and for bosses? my first fac had me as the highest level from lvl 68 and up...a bloody archer too, i can't hold a candle to anything that hits over 700 on me. who the hell did my 202020? the rest of the server who also had the quest. get this through their heads that quests should be done with similar level'd people around them instead of wasting faction members' time. if some faction members also have the quest, that is awesome and they should drag each other together to take out that boss and be friends and all that. if not, then theres the rest of the server.

    ok these people obviously have problems. they never get better, nothing will help. try to talk to them and ingrain the fact that other players are people and want to play the game too, and if that doesn't work kick them out.
    Elena Costel: I wash my hands of this affair.
    Legerity: *drags you back* *stains your hands with said affair*
    Elena Costel: Noooo... I don't want to have a dirty affair with Lady Legerity...
    Qui: b:dirty
  • MagicHamsta - Lost City
    MagicHamsta - Lost City Posts: 10,466 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    "i just use guilds to type awkward innuendos and obnoxious comments"

    darthpanda16: Firefox crashed on me. Aryannamage: I don't think I am a GM that would be new.
    Hawk:Do this. closing thread
    frankieraye: I'll see if we can replace the woman with a stick figure and the tiger fangs with marshmallows.//Issues like these need to get escalated quickly to minimize the damage.
    Kantorek: Yeah.. you should try it. It's awesome.
    Sihndra: Nope- not currently possible under any circumstances. Sorry.
    LokisDottir: I mean...not haunting the forums, nope nope..
    Konariraiden: You don't know what you are up against. You will lose.
    Waiting for...Hamster Packs!
    58% chance to get tokens
    41% chance to get an all class pet hamster....but they has already been freed by the magic hamster.
    1% chance to get ban hamstered with the message "Hamsters United!"
  • Yaxana - Sanctuary
    Yaxana - Sanctuary Posts: 232 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    People should be nice and understand that you can't help them all the time. Luckly I am not the leader in my faction. Usually I help when I can if I am asked, and if someone complains about not getting help, then they should learn to have some god damn patience. I've rarely received any help in this game from higher lvls, mostly because me and the leader are the highest lvls so we help the others. When one of us needs help... we have to look a bit for help outisde the faction. My good friends help me sometimes even though it is very risky for them since they are lower lvl than me. Like... I still haven't done my fb89. >.>
    Oh, and regarding the 'cool group', that's bull****, I help less the people I know most. And in most factions I'm in with my alts, everyone helps anyone who needs help, doesn't matter if that person just joined or doesn't talk much.
    So bottom line, if they are not happy with the faction, why not leave? Losing QQers should be something good not bad. Quality>quantity.
  • Jungleboy - Lost City
    Jungleboy - Lost City Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    daffy <3..
  • DeathBanana - Heavens Tear
    DeathBanana - Heavens Tear Posts: 2,674 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    If those are the mobs I'm thinking of > .> then that is an Epic quote

    They are those mobs. Yes, those mobs.
    +1 for exaggeration b:victory

    9x Demon Cleric
  • XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver
    XanZerstorer - Dreamweaver Posts: 505 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Guild leader here - I've known that, since I've been playing MMOs, people come and go. I've only accepted that fact a short time ago. If they wanna leave, so be it. Maybe they'll be better off somewhere else, or maybe they'll come back running and swearing never to leave ever again.

    1. Time zone issues.
    PWI - International. You barely can't expect a guild to be only made of people in ONE time zone, and even then, there's no guarantee people will play at the very same time. I have Australian / New-Zealand folks who are up when the North-Americans are, and I have the European bunch who tend to be on early morning / late afternoon for us in GMT-5. Most folks log on around 4-5pm EST, log off at 11pm, midnight, 1am... some folks stay way past the 4am mark. The only downtime we have is probably between 4-5am to 7-8am, and the ones on don't seem to mind (few AUS/NZ, late-night-shift folks, and me).

    I've never had major complains about that really. What I'm getting complains about...

    2. Helping / Getting Help.

    First off, people have to realize that not everyone is available when you need them RIGHT NOW OMFG. Please, be patient. Since we have a very wide level range, the chances that someone around YOUR level is free right now are pretty damn low, and not every high-level wants to go kill lv20 mobs for the fun of it. People also go AFK, eat, have other needs, and have lives, work, and other hobbies.

    And guess what? Until recently ('bout 2-3 weeks back) I was the only active guy over 80. I can't get my help within faction. Where do I get it? I HAVE to look for outside squads. See me leave over it? No. See me whining about it? No. GET. OVER. IT. (We're now a few 80+, and yeah, we team up on a nearly daily basis. And we don't mind running lower BHs every now and then either).

    Because we stay at high levels for a long time (not everyone has access to Gamma on demand) doesn't mean we're not doing anything. I farm, grind, quest, help people, shop, recruit and tend to faction matters. I'm NOT available 24/7 because I've been 86 for 4 days.

    Solved another problems: I wait till people in the same level range have gotten their boss quests, and I run 'em all on Sundays. And it's worked pretty well so far; every week I have a bunch to run for 2, 3 folks, I fill with outside folks who need. Because I'm done running Jewelscalen at 10am, another time at 11am, a 3rd at noon...

    Oh, and we can't read minds yet. I've had people saying they can't get help, but won't ask and then blame everyone else. I tell them: if you don't ask, I can't help. If you ask, I may be busy and may ask you to wait 5 minutes, an hour, or until tomorrow depending on what.

    Think that covers it. May post again later on.
    Due to constant PMs: I'm not German, sorry folks D:
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    So being a guild leader is a pretty crappy job. I've been talking to a guild member who has very odd outlook on my guild. And while many have just said to boot her for "QQing all the time", I tend to try to fix problems before doing anything. @ At the person, if you read this, don't PM me about it later, I'm not revealing your name.

    I am told that there seems to be some "cool group" / "in crowd" present, and that if you are not in that group, you do not receive help. I've gotten names and placed them into categories below.

    1. Those in a different time zone.
    -A huge majority that were mentioned that I was told names of that seem to believe this "in crowd" belief are in a very different timezone. In that time, the majority of our helping players are offline and unable to help.
    Tell them to stop QQing
    2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help.
    -I help with a lot of TTs. If I'm done with my personal dailies and stuff, I'm pretty much TTing my night away (if I'm not studying). I usually help whoever asks first.
    Tell them to stop QQing and help themselves
    3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped?
    -This one is odd. Some names that I were given, I have seen being helped, and I have personally helped them myself. And usually if they did not receive any, it's because people are busy with their own stuff or already helping someone.
    Tell them that they're useless and that you don't need them. Then, when they leave, track them down and KoS them
    So I come to you, people of PWI to ask how you deal with these types of people.

    As you can guess, I've never been a guild leader. Wonder why.

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Aerilya - Sanctuary
    Aerilya - Sanctuary Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    My fac doesn't have a huge issue with the time zones. Now, I am always on, and I mean always... except when working. I can't say for sure, but it seems that most of our members are from the U.S. but then there are some who are only on at what is about 5am for me. But there is usually 4 or 5 of them on, so they don't mind a whole lot that the rest is all off already.
    We also don't have an issue with the whole helping thing. Occasionally we get a new person who only joined to get help, and while we are glad to do your fbs and do BH together, occasionally res a dead member(two of our clerics have no issue at all flying from 1k to Dreamweaver if necessary to res a dead fac member), we don't help with money and our high levels don't often help with normal easy quests. We lose some members that way, but we've come to realize, we don't want people like that anyways, always QQing for help with easy quests. So I don't worry about them. I always make a point though if someone leaves to inquire as to their exact reason. Sometimes it is legit, but often it is that, or they wanted to sell something that nobody in the fac wanted to buy. Those are annoying...
  • Hazardus - Heavens Tear
    Hazardus - Heavens Tear Posts: 937 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    1. Those in a different time zone.
    Well, this is a bit of a problem really.
    The most you can do as an officer/leader is try and recruit more in those lean timezones. An officer in each timezone really helps.
    Also note the lean period may change as people join or leave or even in different seasons (holidays/exams etc).
    Forewarning the people you recruit does help. People tend to receive things better when they are accurately and truthfully told what to expect.

    2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help.
    I would PM them and thank them for saving you the trouble of having to kick them later. Really these are the me, my and mine mentality folks and you are better of without them. Serious folks will happily go a week (heck, I've known folks who have gone months) waiting on others to help them on a particular task or quest.

    3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped?
    Make them help out others. Nothing shuts off the ranting as fast as a taste of the real medicine.
    When the going gets tough; Get a tank!
    Nocturne mature HT guild - we invite people, not levels.
  • Slake - Lost City
    Slake - Lost City Posts: 348 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Guild leader here - I've known that, since I've been playing MMOs, people come and go. I've only accepted that fact a short time ago. If they wanna leave, so be it. Maybe they'll be better off somewhere else, or maybe they'll come back running and swearing never to leave ever again.

    1. Time zone issues.
    PWI - International. You barely can't expect a guild to be only made of people in ONE time zone, and even then, there's no guarantee people will play at the very same time. I have Australian / New-Zealand folks who are up when the North-Americans are, and I have the European bunch who tend to be on early morning / late afternoon for us in GMT-5. Most folks log on around 4-5pm EST, log off at 11pm, midnight, 1am... some folks stay way past the 4am mark. The only downtime we have is probably between 4-5am to 7-8am, and the ones on don't seem to mind (few AUS/NZ, late-night-shift folks, and me).

    I've never had major complains about that really. What I'm getting complains about...

    2. Helping / Getting Help.

    First off, people have to realize that not everyone is available when you need them RIGHT NOW OMFG. Please, be patient. Since we have a very wide level range, the chances that someone around YOUR level is free right now are pretty damn low, and not every high-level wants to go kill lv20 mobs for the fun of it. People also go AFK, eat, have other needs, and have lives, work, and other hobbies.

    And guess what? Until recently ('bout 2-3 weeks back) I was the only active guy over 80. I can't get my help within faction. Where do I get it? I HAVE to look for outside squads. See me leave over it? No. See me whining about it? No. GET. OVER. IT. (We're now a few 80+, and yeah, we team up on a nearly daily basis. And we don't mind running lower BHs every now and then either).

    Because we stay at high levels for a long time (not everyone has access to Gamma on demand) doesn't mean we're not doing anything. I farm, grind, quest, help people, shop, recruit and tend to faction matters. I'm NOT available 24/7 because I've been 86 for 4 days.

    Solved another problems: I wait till people in the same level range have gotten their boss quests, and I run 'em all on Sundays. And it's worked pretty well so far; every week I have a bunch to run for 2, 3 folks, I fill with outside folks who need. Because I'm done running Jewelscalen at 10am, another time at 11am, a 3rd at noon...

    Oh, and we can't read minds yet. I've had people saying they can't get help, but won't ask and then blame everyone else. I tell them: if you don't ask, I can't help. If you ask, I may be busy and may ask you to wait 5 minutes, an hour, or until tomorrow depending on what.

    Think that covers it. May post again later on.

    This is pretty much exactly what I think. The faction I was in, I was amongst a small number of high lvl active players in the guild and for a decent period of time... the leader ( don't play much any more, well at the moment at least :P).

    Living in Australia and sometimes being on at odd times meant that I got to see the full spectrum of the guildies in different timezones and being one of the only higher level clerics (lol the only one above 8x for sometime), lets just say people can be demanding.

    I don't know how many times I would form a squad to kill some boss or do 202020 or watever and as soon as we had finished someone would come online and start going crazy because they needed it too. lolz.

    To really sort of de-stress the leader situation, I think its less about not letting leeches in, but more about having a good set of officers and a director that aren't afraid of dealing with these leech type guild jumpers.

  • Airyll - Dreamweaver
    Airyll - Dreamweaver Posts: 2,882 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    2. Helping / Getting Help.

    First off, people have to realize that not everyone is available when you need them RIGHT NOW OMFG. Please, be patient. Since we have a very wide level range, the chances that someone around YOUR level is free right now are pretty damn low, and not every high-level wants to go kill lv20 mobs for the fun of it. People also go AFK, eat, have other needs, and have lives, work, and other hobbies.

    And guess what? Until recently ('bout 2-3 weeks back) I was the only active guy over 80. I can't get my help within faction. Where do I get it? I HAVE to look for outside squads. See me leave over it? No. See me whining about it? No. GET. OVER. IT. (We're now a few 80+, and yeah, we team up on a nearly daily basis. And we don't mind running lower BHs every now and then either).

    Because we stay at high levels for a long time (not everyone has access to Gamma on demand) doesn't mean we're not doing anything. I farm, grind, quest, help people, shop, recruit and tend to faction matters. I'm NOT available 24/7 because I've been 86 for 4 days.

    Oh, and we can't read minds yet. I've had people saying they can't get help, but won't ask and then blame everyone else. I tell them: if you don't ask, I can't help. If you ask, I may be busy and may ask you to wait 5 minutes, an hour, or until tomorrow depending on what.

    Xaaaaan~ =D

    Anyway, Xan's post pretty much covers what I think. Also a guild leader here (albeit, my guild is rather quite small - especially after some of the member's decided to pull the "I want to do everything in faction and if you don't do it with me I will LEAVE QQQQQ~!" card.)

    As I have said to several people over my life as a guild leader, I cannot read minds, nor can I be at the computer 24/7/365 the very instant you want me to. I have a life outside the computer (OH NOES) and as if that wasn't bad enough, there's not just you that makes up the faction.

    Which is quite an issue with some people. They demand help from three or four officers, because clearly anybody else their level in or out the faction is quite simply completely incapable of helping them and if they don't get it they storm around threatening to leave like some little kid threatening to run away from home because they did not get that one specific candy they wanted.
    News flash: a guild does not consist of the staff, and then you. And no, the staff are not staff simply so you can demand they do this and that and then call them incompetent if they fail to do what you demand of them.

    If you want help and feel you do not get it, you need to tell somebody. Not demand, or shout and scream and yell and be obnoxious (because only I am allowed to be completely obnoxious in my guild!!! ... J/k) nor sit around waiting for somebody to realise you need help.

    Generic you, by the way. =3
  • IDaun - Dreamweaver
    IDaun - Dreamweaver Posts: 261 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm usually not very 'vocal' in my faction, and I kinda believe in the 'cool group' thing-- guess it differs by faction.

    For your issues, though...

    1) Can't do anything at all about Timezones... If the person can deal with being on when almost no one else is, they'll stay. If they can't, they'll leave, and you really didn't lose a real asset to your faction. Maybe recruit only at certain times (ie, once in the morning, once at noon, once in the afternoon?) so that you get only people that will be on at least overlapping with the main group.

    2) I hate those people. >>' I've seen people SPAM faction chat (like it was West Archo) to get help. "Need Barb/Cleric for xxxx" "Need Barb/Cleric for xxxx!" Or one of the best, all caps... "NEED BARB/CLERIC FOR XXXXX!!!!" over and over again. When they leave 5 minutes after asking, don't even bother to PM them wondering why. They don't deserve the PMs-- and they'll probably just use it as an opportunity to insult your faction.

    3) b:sad Ehh, maybe they've said something (and it was ignored in faction chat) or something of the other. Not always people that feel that way are self centered brats. The ones that are, though? Don't miss them when they leave.

    4) I gotta compliment my old faction (might be joining again, if I get more free time...) on this. They help. A lot. My main needed Jewelscalen and Krimson for a LONG time-- I mentioned it one day (just joking around about the bosses I needed) and the next boss day a squad was organized to do them for me without really being asked.

    I have a certain issue with factions, though. I'm one of the 'not vocal' ones, I suppose. I hate asking for help, and I don't really help a lot. And I don't really get along with most of the others in the faction (it's not that I fight with them, I just don't talk.) I <3 my faction, I truly do, but just the way I am can come off as me being #3, or some other annoying thing.

    Never kick someone until you actually talk to them first.
  • Vitenka - Dreamweaver
    Vitenka - Dreamweaver Posts: 4,125 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Aw, I get the opposite.

    Not a leader, but log in, ask "Ok, who needs help?" or something and...
    crickets chirping

    Very very annoying. Especially if someone who was on when I asked had just been too afraid to speak up, for some reason, and quits because they say they never get help.

    Guys! I love running instances! If you're in a guild, and someone asks if anyone needs help - ask for help! Don't feel like you're begging or pestering, they want you to ask! That's why they asked!

    Edit: And yeah, timezones suck. There's faction members i'll probably never even know exist, due to timezones.
  • DrunkWizard - Lost City
    DrunkWizard - Lost City Posts: 523 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i just ask help for difficult quests like fb culti and some bosses like jewelscalen or dragon of the depths o.o

    i kinda need the lv 56 boss cant remember name atm but im not in a hurry il wait til some1 on guild able to help b:cute
  • MadamVixen - Heavens Tear
    MadamVixen - Heavens Tear Posts: 285 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    Being a leader myself I've experienced the same issues, but have recently learned to let it go and not get upset with it...

    1. Those in a different time zone.

    - My guild is very small to begin with, a family if you will, but we do have 3 main time zone members that we have to deal with - East, West and UK/GMT. Luckily with the UK its only a 5 hour difference so we leave a lot of the helping for the weekends when it's plausible. I do tell people that we have different time zone players and that sometimes there isn't anyone on at all - just the way it is and leave it up to them to decide

    2. Those who leave because they do not get immediate help.

    - We all try to help out as much as we can, but I do ask if its ok if I finish my Dailies/Quests first before doing so. I've had MANY people come and go asking us to help with regular quests and I absolutely will not help with those. I encourage them to find others around them to squad up with for help which promotes learning to ask others and not be so dependent on guildies if we're all busy. Funny thing is, I tell people who want to join (I've stopped adverting because of too many turn-stile folks coming and going) that we'll help with Bosses/FBs/TTs, but I do expect them to hold their own weight and be able to get through their regular quests, yet they don't seem to get that concept and complain anyway when it happens.

    3. Those who have been helped yet don't feel like they are being helped?

    - These are people I don't get either and if they choose to feel this way, what can I do about it? We try to help everyone as best as we can and if they still feel that they aren't being helped then I'm sorry and good luck to you. I won't be made to feel we're an inadequate guild due to someone else's constant need for help.
    <3 Married to MasterLucian <3


    =ಢಿ.ಢಿ= <--- Foxy-Sauce-Face (Thx to **KonariRaiden** :D)
  • Maiya - Lost City
    Maiya - Lost City Posts: 2,686 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm gonna talk to the specific people today and clear up anything that seems to be going on.

    Thanks for all the input. :3
  • Bowlinbob - Lost City
    Bowlinbob - Lost City Posts: 3,446 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    daffy <3..

    omgz.. ur on the forumz :o whalecum
  • AlbireoTwo - Lost City
    AlbireoTwo - Lost City Posts: 2,056 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    I'm gonna talk to the specific people today and clear up anything that seems to be going on.

    Thanks for all the input. :3

    Your gonna tell them to sthu and get on with life? b:chuckle

    Thank you Forsakenx for the picture. b:thanks
  • Foxgrit - Lost City
    Foxgrit - Lost City Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited November 2009
    i'd say boot anyone who annoys you at all. you should not have to spend your entire gaming life helping everyone else. if others in your guild that you have taken the time to help cant take the effort to help some of these other people themselves then i'd boot all them as well.

    i actually logged in for once to help my girl since she got annoyed with her guild. a level 83 was whining all day for HH90 mats and telling her she had to help him when she is 93 and has had to farm all hers herself without any help from guild. so i tortured myself by logging in and doing a run for her.